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Miss universe 2015

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I can kind of understand someone making a mistake reading from a cue card but what still baffles me is how a man won the woman of the year award. Halarious, man with tits wins, and please.. he has a dick so calling him a woman is wrong.

Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
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She may gain more for losing the crown the way she did than from winning it depending on how she handles things. For golfers out there, if you remember Jean Van De Velde losing the British open in 1999 I believe it was. He lost in a boneheaded fashion but handled the aftermath with class and dignity and became much more of a "star" for that reason than if he actually would have won. Actually it surprise me if anyone could actually remember who the actual winner was...sans google of course:D


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Believe it or not they invited Steve Harvey back, he is hosting Miss Universe tonight and getting a lot of mileage with jokes at his own expense.............someone told me that Harvey's blunder was actually career gold for a comedian and he hit the jackpot with all the jokes. He had a very funny exchange with this year's Miss Colombia who spoke to him in Spanish and he asked her if it was a death threat.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was very impressed by Miss France. She claims to make a very good Beef Bourginon and invited Steve Harvey for dinner to try some but he said he was married and would have to pass LOL.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I thought Miss France was elegant and didn't hurt herself with her answers to the final question. I really like Miss Colombia's look but she did a horrible job in the Q&A session. She screwed herself with some PC answer that had nothing to do with the question. I thought Haiti did very well on her question. She knocked it out of the park so I knew it was between Haiti and France.

Also, Miss USA was very beautiful and eloquent and elegant. I also was really impressed with Miss Mexico. At first, I thought Miss Mexico shouldn't of made the final 13 but I had her at #1 or #2 in bathing suit and evening gown. She should of made the final 6.

I thought Miss Canada and Kenya should not have made the final 13. I sessioned with 4 or 5 girls that are more attractive than Miss Canada last visit. This thing about body shaming with miss Canada and having some Plus size model as a host? Is this not a beauty pageant? I did not want to hear how fat is beautiful at the Miss Universe pageant.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
My favorite was Miss Kenya,,,,very beautiful et beaucoup de charisme avec un super body BUT she had a big problem with her question in regard of Trump.....Miss Haiti was my second choice....very tall, beautiful and so so élégante , Miss Colombia was pretty hot too.....BUT bravo to Miss France....not a bad choice at all.......and bravo also to Monsieur Harvey.....did very well this time and was funny.......en résumé a beautiful evening.
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