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Montréal prostitution crime stats 2015


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
English below

Plusieurs partis nous étaient curieux de voir l'effet de la Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation (projet de loi C-36) adoptée en décembre 2014 sur l'évolutions des statistiques de criminalité en matière de prostitution. Nous en avons un premier aperçu aujourd'hui dans le rapport annuel 2015 du SPVM. Beaucoup d'autres données seront nécessaires pour une analyse complète.

Il y a eu une légère hausse des accusations en matière de prostitution adulte:

2011: 249
2012: 213
2013: 150
2014: 078
2015: 085

Les accusations sont matière de prostitution juvéniles sont restées stables: 8 adultes accusés, 1 mineur accusé et 1 règlement à l'amiable.

Il est trop tôt pour savoir comment se répartissent les accusations selon les articles du Code criminel et le sexe des accusés.

Deux compilations seront bientôt disponibles: celles du fichier M-IRIS et celles du Programme de déclaration uniforme de la criminalité de Statistique Canada


Many of us were curious to see the impact of the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (bill C-36) adopted in December 2014 on prostitution related crime statistics. We got a first glimpse today in the annuel report of the SPVM. Of course, we'll need many more numbers to get a clear picture.

There was a slight increase in adult prostitution related crimes:

2011: 249
2012: 213
2013: 150
2014: 078
2015: 085

Juvenile prostitution crimes were stable compared to 2014: 8 adults, on minor were accused and 1 case was settlement with an off court agreament

We don't know yet the distribution by the sex of the accused and by the specific offenses.

Two important stat series will be available soon: the R-RIS (provincial) and the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey (federal) compiled by Statcan.


Oct 2, 2009
Cop are like janitors, they only do what they have to do and no more. Next year will not be a spike in stats. I hear the morality squad is a combo permit check ( for massage ), and bar check for liquor permit these days. The days of SW sweeps on St. Catherine are over.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
85 acusations of "normal prostitution" ? So no minor or stuff like that in this?

It seem a lot, but then the 240s or so in the other years much more... damn. I tough they barely arrested anybody for "normal stuff". That they where only going after underage.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
HM, minor prostitution stats are stated below : 8 adults, 1 minor, 1 settled otherwise. Also, 240 is a very low number compared to the around 1000/y before 2002. Most were street solicitation offenses. They have dropped with the street activity that has become insignificant today. We don't have the distribution by the types of offense, but I believe most were for pimping and a few for street sollicitation. I also believe the low arrests level s here to stay in the future years, LE concentrating essentially on pimping or trafficking, which is good thing. Anyway, I'll try to provide more details when other stats come out.

Skhanyaguy, you may logically think that there should be a spike because prostitution is illegal today. However, they can't make accusation against the sex worker anymore. That presses arrest stats they other way around.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
For the simple fact of buying sex off street from an adult consenting sex worker, not to my knowledge in Québec nor in the rest of Canada. That does not mean there were no charges under 286.1 (1), the new offense of buying sex. LE can add this accusation to other accusations or even press charges only under 286.1 (1). When they do so, however, it is because there is something else (minors involved, dope, organized crime, pimping, etc.). It can also be a substitute to an accusation under 213.1 (soliciting).

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
HM, minor prostitution stats are stated below : 8 adults, 1 minor, 1 settled otherwise. Also, 240 is a very low number compared to the around 1000/y before 2002. Most were street solicitation offenses. They have dropped with the street activity that has become insignificant today. We don't have the distribution by the types of offense, but I believe most were for pimping and a few for street sollicitation. I also believe the low arrests level s here to stay in the future years, LE concentrating essentially on pimping or trafficking, which is good thing. Anyway, I'll try to provide more details when other stats come out.

Skhanyaguy, you may logically think that there should be a spike because prostitution is illegal today. However, they can't make accusation against the sex worker anymore. That presses arrest stats they other way around.

Well thanksfully not too much minor stuff, but even that much is too much. Should be 0 !!!

And yeah i didn't tough about that, i tough those where stats of "john" arrested. But yeah it may be cases of street gang pimps etc... And i guess there is still some street walking even if very few left. As long as we don't hear of any john arrested in his hotel room for having call a reputed agency... im good lol.
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