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Montreal just banned pit bulls.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Saying "owners should have more responsibility" is an utterly meaningless platitude. As I mentioned previously I represented many dog owners in dogbite cases and every one of them that I can remember was as responsible as any dog owner I know. There was nothing they could have done to prevent what happened in my mind. I have represented many dog owners who acquired their pets as rescued animals at shelters. It is possible the dog was abused by a prior owner but how is that my client's fault? They gave the dog a home and did the best they could and got rewarded with a lawsuit after their dog bit the guy delivering a package they were not expecting. That client put the animal down. With the rescues they get put down as the owners can no longer trust them. I would say a large % of my dogbite defenses were on rescue dogs who may or may not have been abused prior to my clients' ownership. If someone thinks owners should be doing more in this situation what more should they do?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Saying "owners should have more responsibility" is an utterly meaningless platitude. As I mentioned previously I represented many dog owners in dogbite cases and every one of them that I can remember was as responsible as any dog owner I know. There was nothing they could have done to prevent what happened in my mind. I have represented many dog owners who acquired their pets as rescued animals at shelters. It is possible the dog was abused by a prior owner but how is that my client's fault? They gave the dog a home and did the best they could and got rewarded with a lawsuit after their dog bit the guy delivering a package they were not expecting. That client put the animal down. With the rescues they get put down as the owners can no longer trust them. I would say a large % of my dogbite defenses were on rescue dogs who may or may not have been abused prior to my clients' ownership. If someone thinks owners should be doing more in this situation what more should they do?

My question exactly.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My question exactly.

And it is not going to be answered, because there is no answer. It is just finger pointing, but with no substance. It's easy to finger point and not have any plan of action. The stats are what they are, either there is a plan of action to reduce the stats or not.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My question exactly.

And it is not going to be answered, because there is no answer. It is just finger pointing, but with no substance. It's easy to finger point and not have any plan of action. The stats are what they are, either there is a plan of action to reduce the stats or not.


Oct 30, 2010

I tried to read as much as possible but it was getting quite long so I apologize if I repeat some things that may have been mentioned.

1.) Mme Vadnais unfortunate death was not done by a pitbull but by a boxer
2.) The dog was abused, tortured amd starved for over 7 days
3.) The owner has priors and nothing was done
4.) The dog had attacked twice before and was on record, however nothing was done (cities at fault)

With those points being said banning a breed is not the answer and instead of me writing about it for the next hour I highly suggest to google why bans do not work (proven) and because they do not work MANY cities, states and countries are lifting the ban.
Also have a look at the Calgary plan amd how they implement their laws for all dog breeds and why they have had much success at lowering dog bites.

A few years back a Husky ate a baby.... Did we ban huskies? NOPE!

You cannot ban a breed, it doesnt work.

I work for rescues, I volunteer driving animals to
Different provinces. I have seen a lot, amd I can tell you I love working with Pitts.

Doc... Tell me, can you identify a Pitbull? 99% chance you cannot. Im
Sorry that you witnessed such a horrendous thing, I cannot imagine what that can do to someone. However there are millions of lovable pitbull type dogs, many who have saved lives. Google it. There are more positives than negatives when ot comes to that specific breed, however like everything you only hear of the bad.


Sep 14, 2011
Pit Bulls were bred in England to be fighting dogs and to hold other large animals by the neck, including bears - and we're surprised when they are aggressive towards people and other dogs. Why don't we solve the problem by cross breeding them with a docile dog suchas labradors. That would surely take some of the stank out of their bite. Instead of a 200+ pound per square inch lethal bite it could be reduced to a survivable level.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Pit Bulls were bred in England to be fighting dogs and to hold other large animals by the neck, including bears - and we're surprised when they are aggressive towards people and other dogs. Why don't we solve the problem by cross breeding them with a docile dog suchas labradors. That would surely take some of the stank out of their bite. Instead of a 200+ pound per square inch lethal bite it could be reduced to a survivable level.

I agree that cross breeding might reduce the aggression, but you don't want a totally docile dog either, you just want a dog that will not be biting first and asking questions later.

I see in the below news story that Montreal has appealed the suspension of the ban and in their appeal they note that 48% of other Quebec cities have pit bull bans in place, so what is the big deal:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why would anyone decent and of sane mind support Donald Trump?

Haha Doc you never miss one ;) I agree with you tho. Why would you want a pitt bull when you can have a Lab!

I will write a joke in french because it cannot be translate: Un labrador c'est pareil comme un homme, tu le nourris, tu le carresse et il branle la queue!



Sep 14, 2011
Pit Bulls are the breed of choice for inner city gangs and badass wanabes. I went to the local SPCA where I live in northern Delaware to adopt a dog last year. 70-80% of the dogs up for adoption were pit bulls, staffordshire terriers, or mixes thereof. When I asked the attendant why so many of the dogs up for adoption were pit bulls and mixes, she said the local gangs abandon the dogs after they suffer much abuse.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Pit Bulls are the breed of choice for inner city gangs and badass wanabes. I went to the local SPCA where I live in northern Delaware to adopt a dog last year. 70-80% of the dogs up for adoption were pit bulls, staffordshire terriers, or mixes thereof. When I asked the attendant why so many of the dogs up for adoption were pit bulls and mixes, she said the local gangs abandon the dogs after they suffer much abuse.

They are used for illegal dogfights down in Virginia, and abandoned in Delaware and Maryland so as to not arouse the suspicions of local authorities. I presume the name Michael Vick rings a bell. One of his defenses was that pit bull fighting was culturally accepted in Virginia and he was unaware that there was anything wrong with training these dogs to fight in the ring. It's a form of gambling down there, albeit highly illegal as Vick discovered. But the dogs are wagered on like horses at a horse race, it's really no different, just different forms of gambling and different levels of cruelty to the subjugated animals who are used for human entertainment. Horse racing of course is legal and more socially accepted.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2011
I've just returned from a trip to my birth place The Black Country , STAFFORDSHIRE England . One of the most popular dogs ?? Staffordshire Bull terriers !!I could find no cases of attacks by Staffordshire Bull terriers in the local paper .
Friends in the pub made the obvious point that any dog can be viscious if it is illtreated ,or abused . The fault lies with the owner , not the dog . This is something beyond the comprehension of our blowviating , too short for his weight , selfie abusing Mayor .


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I've just returned from a trip to my birth place The Black Country , STAFFORDSHIRE England . One of the most popular dogs ?? Staffordshire Bull terriers !!I could find no cases of attacks by Staffordshire Bull terriers in the local paper .
Friends in the pub made the obvious point that any dog can be viscious if it is illtreated ,or abused . The fault lies with the owner , not the dog . This is something beyond the comprehension of our blowviating , too short for his weight , selfie abusing Mayor .

Steed, the major and his team know all that. Solving the pitt bull problem is politically good. Much more on their side then against. But they cannot eliminate the owners! So the way to sovle it is to ban the breed.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Steed, the major and his team know all that. Solving the pitt bull problem is politically good. Much more on their side then against. But they cannot eliminate the owners! So the way to sovle it is to ban the breed.


You can not get rid of the owners but you can raise the fines to extreme levels and it would make some headway into the issues. In general our judicial system is a joke.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You can not get rid of the owners but you can raise the fines to extreme levels and it would make some headway into the issues. In general our judicial system is a joke.

Absolutely. But EB explained it in this thread. It's difficult, and costly, to prove the owner is really guilty.



Sep 24, 2009
Too bad they cannot ban the idiots that own them.

Terriers of any type are not city dogs.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
If we're allowed to lock up Donald Trump with a batch of angry & hungry pitbulls, i'll reverse my stance in regards to the current pitbull ban.
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