Montreal Escorts

Montreal just banned pit bulls.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You almost convince me :) After all, I am sure you're better than a psy. But still, and again no offence, but I would see Ollie a zillion time before you!

No offense taken. You're free to go on a date with whomever you chose. But i'm the cheapest date in the city and for a small fee, a good meal at a popular steakhouse and drinks, you can pick my brain about anything in regards to the business, the entertainment industry, sports and politics. I'll even tell my guests anything they want to hear if it makes them feel better and at the end of the night, they'll go to bed firmly believing that their life is great and they're the greatest thing to happen to mankind!

p.s. My fees are for my companionship only and definitely not for any extracurricular activities. I also expect to be refunded for cab fare, if incurred.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Are you sure you are not a republican Trump supporter after all? Or were you posting under influence? ;)

I'm definitely not one of those Trump deplorables, nor am i a rethuglican supporter. I also never post while under the influence, and i don't remember the last time i've ever been under the influence ever since Bud Light has strictly become my alcoholic beverage of choice. Maybe at my first Pat barbecue party, who knows. But that's because my buddies introduced me at the EB/CCF bbq party earlier to Mr. Fireball for the very first time. I now stay away from Mr. Fireball. Oh well, at least i got to entertained the folks with my crooning skills. Damn!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Could be both but based on Doc's description of Trump supporters he is definately one, don't let that masters degree fool ya, was told it is really a "Masters" degree in "baiting", does that really count :noidea:

Possibility. However, i have a similar degree to Trump's and the main difference is that i never made a fortune by screwing small businesses, not paying my debts and i never filed for bankruptcy compared to you-know-who and his 6 bankruptcies.

Other than that, everything's possible. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Last time I saw Doc at VIP 7 he told me if he was American there is no question he would vote for Trump because he respects a leader who is decisive even if the decisions are not always the best decisions. He said decisiveness is better than stagnancy, inaction, inertia, and the status quo. He sounded dead serious to me, even though he had had a few drinks at the time. When I questioned him about it, he said there are no breathalyzer or blood alcohol tests administered to American voters immediately prior to voting. Which is true. You can blow a .33 and still be allowed to vote as long as you have photo ID and your name and address appears on the voter rolls. They may ask you if you drove to the voting precinct, of course.

I believe that was on the day of my birthday and i was in fantastic company prior to going to the party, so it's possible we talked politics, but i don't remember. I do remember talking politics with a couple of members who used to post in this thread and we were all in agreement that Donald Trump was a racist, bigot, misogynist, delusional, mean-spirited lying scumbag!

And by the way, i hold dual citizenship so if i happened to live in the States, i very likely would go vote and you can bet it wouldn't be for crazy Trump or that idiot Gary Johnson. Neither would it be for Jill Stein, whoever she is.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc confided to me in a PM. He was once a finalist to be on the cast of The Apprentice and at the last minute he was rejected.

Actually, i'm the one who chose to quit. I had applied to go on 'Survivor' and the next thing you know i got a letter from Mark Burnett telling me he was offering me 'The Apprentice' instead. But since it couldn't be 'Celebrity Apprentice', i declined. I wasn't interested in kissing Trump's ass for several weeks and i likely would have got kicked out before the first episode even ended, so i said 'no thanks' unless they give me 'Survivor'. I may apply to go on 'The Voice', though. But it would have to be the Quebec version (La Voix). A few sps have tried to coax me into auditioning for that show. But i think i'm too old to audition, so i guess i'll have to do with my drive-thru job at McDonald's.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Drivers are awful, I agree.

"Should be"? Who are you to decide upon another man's life? Who is anyone to decide? You can't be serious, you're not serious.

Why? Because i'm paying for it with the taxes i pay. And the way the economy is going today, we can't afford to feed those life-long hardcore criminals anymore. They already took lives, so i wouldn't feel guilty if we allowed our justice system to put an end to their misery. Since they'll be in prison for most of their lives and there's almost zero chance of reforming them, why bother keeping them alive? I have no pity for them and wouldn't lose a second of sleep if we brought back capital punishment. We could even do it in a more humane way, like lethal injection. And if that's too costly, i could donate one of my old cars to them and they could just gas them to death (carbon monoxide poisoning) without them noticing anything. I read a great book once called "Final Exit" and there are dozens of ways it could be done.

Look, i know that capital punishment is not a crime deterrent. I'm only for it for financial & logical considerations. Maybe a compromise could be reached and maybe we could let those hardcore criminals with no chance of parole decide on their fate: stay alive in prison for the rest of their lives, or end it now via execution. Various ways of execution could be offered to them: lethal injection, carbon monoxide, hanging, firing squad or the Saudi way. The electric chair would not be an option, it's too inhumane.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I feel compassion for the criminal because it could be me. Circumstances can lead anyone down that path. Enough blood would be shed with one murder, why add another homicide? This economical perspective really shows you have never been in contact with real violence of any sorts, I'm glad for you, but you get an abstract idea of what a crime implies and what ending a life means. You read novels about death and fantasize about it. If you ever get to see somebody blown to pieces or a machete slicing somebody's throat right in front of you, you will understand what it means to take a life. It cannot be quantified vulgarly with money.

I think that the real problem is people lacking compassion, it is the lack of compassion at some point that created those "hardcore criminals" who you see as a nuisance to eradicate. Only people who suffer behave badly towards others.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think that the real problem is people lacking compassion, it is the lack of compassion at some point that created those "hardcore criminals" who you see as a nuisance to eradicate. Only people who suffer behave badly towards others.

It's also quite often genetic.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You like Harper and Trump. So what? This has no relevance to Doc's stance on Pitbulls.

I was referring to the showboat reply, not the reply itself, did not expect you to get that one either.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I will go one step further for all you bleeding hearts out there that are against capital punishment. This way you can show the world your benevolence and just how fashionable and progressive you really are. Oh yes, and you will have to learn how to sleep with one eye open.

Hello H101

That is a excellent idea ,which I am proud to say I have already done .I have received a ex inmate in one of my montreal dwellings for a One years and a half stay free of rent .

Never had any complaints from any other tenant also .




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I feel compassion for the criminal because it could be me. Circumstances can lead anyone down that path. Enough blood would be shed with one murder, why add another homicide? This economical perspective really shows you have never been in contact with real violence of any sorts, I'm glad for you, but you get an abstract idea of what a crime implies and what ending a life means. You read novels about death and fantasize about it. If you ever get to see somebody blown to pieces or a machete slicing somebody's throat right in front of you, you will understand what it means to take a life. It cannot be quantified vulgarly with money.

I think that the real problem is people lacking compassion, it is the lack of compassion at some point that created those "hardcore criminals" who you see as a nuisance to eradicate. Only people who suffer behave badly towards others.

It could be you????? I have to say that I would never intentionally harm another human being unless it was done in self defense.

I have compassion but you can't be serious. Why complicate things with an execution? It may not be a deterrent but one thing for sure the recidivism rate is very low for those that are punished by capital punishment. Again, I think it should be used in only rare circumstances with the most heinous offenders. Just maybe the problem is the bleeding hearts that are more worried about the perpetrators of these heinous crimes than they are for the their victims and the victims families and communities. There is true evil out there and they need to be routed out....or allowed to live in Booker's basement.

Hello H101

That is a excellent idea ,which I am proud to say I have already done .I have received a ex inmate in one of my montreal dwellings for a One years and a half stay free of rent .

Never had any complaints from any other tenant also .



Are you for real? I'm starting to believe that you are a fraud. Are you and Clark writing this from adjoining cells in prison?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hello H101

That is a excellent idea ,which I am proud to say I have already done .I have received a ex inmate in one of my montreal dwellings for a One years and a half stay free of rent .

Never had any complaints from any other tenant also .



Are you doing this out of the goodness of your heart or like the " genius " are getting a huge tax deduction.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I feel compassion for the criminal because it could be me. Circumstances can lead anyone down that path.

Compassion for the kind cornered into a no choice position, not for the willful type who thinks it's just another legitimate lifestyle choice or one who cares little about doing anything but satisfying themselves.

As for murder and the consequences it depends on what episode is called murder. I don't what to use examples that would be too narrow. There are many circumstances, reasons, and even emotions to consider.

Are you for real? I'm starting to believe that you are a fraud.

WHY??????????????????????????????? Did I miss the part where Booker said the inmate was a totally ethically and morally corrupt unrepentant sociopath or simply a habitual criminal? Why presume the "inmate" is the completely nonredeemable kind who did something heinous. Or maybe you are saying there can't be a former inmate of any kind who deserves some help coming back into the world? You did make make a qualifier even between murderers and heinous murderers. Why can't an inmate of some kind deserve the kind of help Booker said he gave, especially since you showed recognition of the risk of recidivism?

With the numbers of people who go to prison one time or another we have probably been very close to some without knowing it and yet we, the vast majority were probably unaffected by their presence. These people do get help. Who do you think is doing that? Can't someone on this board be one of the helpful? Many of us are very decent people in our lives, aren't we???

Maybe you just don't think Booker can be helpful. Cynicism I can understand. Dismissal without legit information, no.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
How did we go from a ban on Pit Bulls to Murderers ?

I assume they are equating euthanasia of pit bulls to murder. I hadn't really thought of it that way because euthanasia is legal and from the news reports I read, many pit bulls are being euthanized. However whoever is doing the euthanizing is not going to be criminally charged with murder since its legal.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Now this is just my opinion but no matter what the topic is and I mean every topic Booker has been there and done that to a higher level.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Now this is just my opinion but no matter what the topic is and I mean every topic Booker has been there and done that to a higher level.

In all fairness to BookerL I was very impressed by his posts in the "Quebec Cocaine Cowgirls" thread on those two poor drug mule girls who are now rotting in an Australian prison, from which they won't be released any time soon. I think BookerL should be hired as lead drug mule on the do-over, as I think he can take it to a higher level than the guy they used. I also think he could be enticed with high end watches and two top notch Sugar Babies who will spend 2 months sexually servicing him with duos, that is, until he and the drugs hit the port and he has to do some actual thinking and planning on how to get those drugs off the cruise ship.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

To stay within the subject of the thread (sort of) some times peoples "bark" ofton doesn't measure up to the"bite" ;)

Tougher regulations for owning PitBulls might be a better option than a outright ban because like many have said it all starts with the owners.
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