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Montreal Escorts

Montreal vs other Canadian cities


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Oct 12, 2003
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I was talking to Doc Holliday, Alex K and their gang at the party the other night and was astonished by how much money some of these guys are dropping in Montreal. We are talking about a new Beamer every year!

I hobby only on business trips and in Montreal, I almost exclusively use Satindreamz and Asservissante. So my expenses are nowhere near these guys’.

We started discussing the values of SP in Montreal compared to other Canadian cities. Montreal is unique that it has a few great LDL agencies that provide exceptional values. The only other city comparable is Victoria, BC.

I have met a 6’ goddess Kali http://www.victoriaislandbeauties.com/girl1.html
and a 4’11” cuttie pie Melody http://www.bcdarlings.com/su_melody.htm
and a somewhere in between sweetie Jasmine http://www.bcdarlings.com/su_jasmine.htm in recent months

All of them are over 8 in my book and cost less than $200/hr

With the influx of Eastern Europeans, Toronto is also providing some excellent choices these days.

The service of Bobbi is legendary. I guess half of the TERBites have seen her.
Sherry is one of the most gorgeous ladies whom I met, we are talking Emma equals
Lola is the blonde Russian beauty that we all daydreamed about.
All of them are charging $200 to $250/hr and their service is a 10.

SP in Vancouver sucks…low quality, few choice and high price, which is a shame as it is my favorite city. Calgary and Winnipeg suck as well. Edmonton has some nice ladies providing FS in MP but MP is not my thing.

Alex K, I promised to send you these links but I figure might as well share with fellow MERBites. Hope you get this as well.

Dave :)


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Oct 12, 2003
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In fact the now defunct agency Classy Ladies in Victoria was among the first that had a web site with mutiple shots of their ladies. Better than those of Heartbreaker and Private Lies of that vintage.
Now there are 4 agencies and a number of inde.
Check out http://www.bcdarlings.com/
Some of them have very explicit video and shots of their girls that you do not see in Montreal or Toronto.
Stay at the Delta on the inner harbour and order take out and you will enjoy a superb view in and out.
Having said that the French Canadian ladies do have an air of sophistication that the west coast ladies lack!
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