Montreal Escorts

My date with "Galadriel"


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
General Gonad said:
"be careful he will review you."

Agency owners and dispatchers can be a bane!

I was recently sent a "new" escort. I'm pretty sure she was told I was a MERB regular (they know my handle just from whom I saw, and reviewed).

I don't know if that's what it was, but the date was disastrous, the lady appeared a nervous wreck...

I didn't write a review. Like shijak mentionned, I don't write reviews of every SP I meet. GG does the same thing, I'm sure many of you here do this as well..

When to write a review:

- a good experience with an SP that is not well known to the board
- a good experience with a well-reviewed SP, including some aspects not gone over by previous reviewers
- a "sure" bad thing you want your MERB buddies to avoid. And then only if you haven't been able to resolve the issue privately

When NOT to write a review:

- the girl doesn't want you to
- bad mileage due to intangibles that can happen to everybody
- a good experience, but the SP is already well reviewed and her thread has a somewhat recent positive update
- a bad experience that has been resolved in private, in such a way that you know other MERB members won't suffer the same fate

My .02

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
very good points

sapman99 said:
When to write a review:

- a good experience with an SP that is not well known to the board
- a good experience with a well-reviewed SP, including some aspects not gone over by previous reviewers
- a "sure" bad thing you want your MERB buddies to avoid. And then only if you haven't been able to resolve the issue privately

When NOT to write a review:

- the girl doesn't want you to
- bad mileage due to intangibles that can happen to everybody
- a good experience, but the SP is already well reviewed and her thread has a somewhat recent positive update
- a bad experience that has been resolved in private, in such a way that you know other MERB members won't suffer the same fate


I agree with all your points above.


I started the thread "Falling in Love with Emely" because my experience with her was fantastic and not because of the sex. I enjoyed being with this beauty but I was too tired and my sexual performance was just not there. Despite all this, I clicked with her and highly recommend her because she is sexy, beautiful and smart. Was my title overkill? Maybe but so what? People need to relax and stop reading so much into all my posts.

As for word of mouth, I personally refer several hobbyists to some SPs that I have met. But I have reviewed them all. I don't keep anything just for myself. I enjoy sharing with people that can appreciate these gems.;)



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Oh, I forgot

Here is another reason why I used the name "Galadriel": this lady speaks very little. When she did speak, she had that slow husky voice, very economical with words, but each one felt like a book. We communicated, well, more like Elves... What can I say?

And meeting with her was a bit like looking in Galadriel's mirror: she showed me exactly what it was I'd been seeking all this time.
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mr clean

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Apr 24, 2004
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I enjoy your thoughtful and intelligent posts.
I also agree with your criteria for reviewing or not reviewing.

I also had a very very good experience with someone recently and decided to keep it to myself (and a friend). She was already well reviewed and my experience was unique because this lady seemed to intuitavely tailor the experience to me. Ahhhh.. I can still remember her kisses ....

As shijak suggested, a review mentioning her name my cause people to try to reproduce your experience. Hell, if I knew her name I'd be tempted to do that.

Keep her name to yourself and keep posting as you see fit.

Mr Clean


New Member
Jan 11, 2005
Thanks Karma

Karma said:
If you think agencie owners and/or drivers dont put pressure on their girls when they know who you are....

Open your eyes : MERB and other boards are pretty close to a knife on our neck sometimes. We never know when it's going to cut. Like artists, we can be near of a godesse one day, tomorrow good for trash.

I would never mention a MERB connection. Moreover, I will never write a review. As you say Karma, it is two people, one night. If I experienced a rip-off or a bait and switch, yes, that I would report, but that is a different thing. Obviously others will disagree with that approach. My only bad experience was with someone who was well reviewed and lionized here. What would be the point of saying negative things about her when others were quite happy with their experience? Anyone can have a bad night or simply fail to connect.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Karma said:
Open your eyes : MERB and other boards are pretty close to a knife on our neck sometimes. We never know when it's going to cut. Like artists, we can be near of a godesse one day, tomorrow good for trash.

Its hard. Even doing our best is not enough sometimes. Even when it's a good day. If the connection is not there, what can we do ? Of course we can try to do our best. But still, it takes two to have sex, it takes two to make a connection.

Dear Karma,

I guess I am very naive.;) I am also sick of the whole game, sick of the bullshit on Merb, sick of the hype, sick of the agency owners who pressure their ladies to perform, sick of clients who take these reviews so seriously and sick of SPs who take them so seriously too.

But I do not blame the SPs - it's ferocious competition for attention. Any attention is better than no attention. Unfortunately, there is way too much attention paid to reviews. Often, one bad review and the antennas are suddenly up and the vultures move in to feed on the carcass. There is no room for error because we expect "Miss All-Weather GFE" to perform every single time.:rolleyes: No matter how she feels, she'd better perform like her career depended on it. It's fucking brutal bullshit and we all know it.

As for my board handle, I say BIG FUCKING DEAL! I seriously doubt that Emely or any other agency lady treated me any better or worse than other decent clients. They might have been more careful if they knew who I was but in the end I am nice and sweet with every single lady I meet. Moreover, I have had equal and even better services with ladies who didn't know my board handle or couldn't care less.

Finally, I want you all to read this very carefully: I AM A FUCKING NOBODY - A MERE SPECK OF DUST PASSING BY HOBBYLAND WHICH WILL SOON BE FORGOTTEN. If you enjoy reading my reviews, great. If you don't, I really do not care.

I am realizing how irrelevant I am in the grand scheme of things. I guess I am becoming disillusioned with the "hobby." Maybe I am not cut out for it. Maybe I should do this board and myself a favor and vanish without a trace.

Unfortunately, bullshit will keep on going and rotten clients will keep pouncing on SPs because that is how they take out their frustrations of their pathetic lives.



Dec 14, 2004
sapman99 said:

When to write a review:

- a good experience with an SP that is not well known to the board
- a good experience with a well-reviewed SP, including some aspects not gone over by previous reviewers
- a "sure" bad thing you want your MERB buddies to avoid. And then only if you haven't been able to resolve the issue privately

When NOT to write a review:

- the girl doesn't want you to
- bad mileage due to intangibles that can happen to everybody
- a good experience, but the SP is already well reviewed and her thread has a somewhat recent positive update
- a bad experience that has been resolved in private, in such a way that you know other MERB members won't suffer the same fate

My .02

Just read the whole thread here. I think what should be remembered from this discussion is sapmans 'when to write a review' criteria. It should be a rule followed by every board member.


Nov 8, 2005
Hey we can be civil with each other

Ok, I've been absent for a little while. I haven't been able to drag my sorry ass to Montreal in a while. In fact I'm stuck in F-ing Zurich (three weeks now) in a shitty hotel that SPs wont touch. Bloody budget cuts!

Frankly, I think Sapman has made his point rather eloquently as has Mein General. Let’s not forget that the General here has helped many of us out in the past, so I think his intentions are without reproach. In addition, we should all be very happy for Sapman.

I must say that this has been one of the most interesting threads I have read in a while. This was achieved with very little bravado and chest pounding, so well done everyone, we can still be civil to each other. Just when I thought all was lost…

I think we should give Sapman the benefit of the doubt that the lady is VERY well reviewed. We probably all have some idea of who she may be, because she is probably many different ladies. She is someone different for all of us. She could be Miss Samantha (god I hope I get to see her soon), my all time favorite (I’m sure many of you know who I mean), any of your all time favorite, OR (big OR) one of the SPs you thought was a total waste of your time. If we have been extremely fortunate or perhaps simply checked our natural male tendency to be an ass when it come to sex we have come close to such an encounter. My read of this subject is that it has far more to do with you the client than it does the SP. Sure an SP can be good, bad, indifferent, etc but for the really special encounters… Boys, it is all about BFE, yes BFE.

This is, however, a very dangerous game for everyone. I love the feeling of making a lady happy to be with me. It’s not about having a huge dick or being able to pound away like a jack-hammer. I am just a poor sap with an average dick, a busted back (ie I’m not pounding anyone’s fillings out) and a broken heart. If you want a great experience then care about the lady you ask over to spend time with you. Touch her with love and do your best to make her feel like a real person, not just the subject of your next review. Caress her face, brush the hair from her eyes, be kind, make sure she is comfortable and then let things progress naturally. Sure you might get taken advantage of from time to time, but the payoff is worth the occasional let down.

Now I want to be VERY clear here. I am in no way referring to anyone here in this post, especially the General. As I said earlier I thought everyone was being really cool. I am simply stating my own very personal feelings. In fact in some way, you’re acting like my support group… Hi, my name is Diablo and I miss my dead wife…

Special K

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Diablo35 said:
This is, however, a very dangerous game for everyone. I love the feeling of making a lady happy to be with me. It’s not about having a huge dick or being able to pound away like a jack-hammer. I am just a poor sap with an average dick, a busted back (ie I’m not pounding anyone’s fillings out) and a broken heart. If you want a great experience then care about the lady you ask over to spend time with you. Touch her with love and do your best to make her feel like a real person, not just the subject of your next review. Caress her face, brush the hair from her eyes, be kind, make sure she is comfortable and then let things progress naturally. Sure you might get taken advantage of from time to time, but the payoff is worth the occasional let down.

I think you summed up alot in this one paragraph Diablo, and I commend you on your words! Very well said! :)


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Mar 12, 2003
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1) Writing a review is a choice & posting an experience with an SP is another choice. This thread is seemingly meant to share an experiece of an SP with the board at large. I ask myself the question, is this a real story or is it complete fiction. I don't mean to suggest in ANY way that it is fiction, just that I always ask myself if such a review/experience is fiction & if I have no way of ascertaining if it is by personal experience(s) of myself and/or others then as far as I'm concerned, I leave it out there in quasi land until it can be verified by someone on these boards of credibility, whether that be publicly or privately.

Had this review/experience been one where the SP's name would have been revealed, I can tell you all that I would have slammed the proverbial crap out of this poster as he did at small intervals in his post share what the lady said, thought &/or felt & that is always off line as she cannot reply, had she been an agency SP. No sharing of any SP's feelings when she cannot reply is fair or ethical to fellow board memnbers & mostly to the SP herself.

2) This post is rampant with YMMV where sapman seemingly thinks that he has received a unique experience. I doubt that, unless a high percentage of the other clients that this SP has seen have had horrid hygene, bad breath &/or just downright bad social skills to turn her off.

3) The revelation of board handles to agencies. There is NEVER a need to reveal your handle to an agency, as I have NEVER done but there is a small hitch in this philosophy & that is the following;

Conversation with an agency who knows my voice & knows who I am from public meetings/parties;

Agency Answers: Hello
My Real Name (NOT SL): Hi & How are you ?
Agency Answers: Not bad & you
My Real Name (NOT SL): Is .... available tonight ?
Agency Answers: Yes she'll be over in 30 mins

In the above scenario, yes I never revealed who I was but they already knew so if I posted that I nor anyone should reveal a handle it is technically correct but deceptively so as well.

Conversation with my regular's agency who knows my voice & doesn't have a clue that I'm SL;

Agency Answers: Hello
My Real Name (NOT SL): Hi .... How are you ?
Agency Answers: Fine & you ? I'll get right back to you as to when she's available
My Real Name (NOT SL): Ok TY

In this scenario, which happens every week, they have no clue who I am on the board, as I've never told either the agency or my regular & I never will. I want nothing from them other than the exact same unbiased service that I've always received. I do however suspect that one day this arrangement will come to an end & at the last rendez vous I might tell her who I am on the board. They have tried to find out asking me for my email addy (see it below) but I won't budge.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
banger said:
I find that the "true" and "special" experiences are the ones that you don't want to share with the rest of the world. Doing so may taint the experience....

I disagree - it might also enhance the experience. If you feel it was special to you, then you've got nothing to lose by posting it.

banger said:
If you take every glowing review of an SP encounter here and gave her the opportunity to write a review of the same encounter, from her point of view, I would imagaine that there would be a pretty big discrepency!! I take every review with a grain of salt...YMMV

Maybe, maybe not. We do not know what SPs are thinking. They might have liked it better than you.

banger said:
I also don't understand why some of you frequent posters feel that you need to make critical comments on people who post their thoughts and experiences. No wonder you rarely get new input from new members, it can be intimidating for some to know they may have to "defend" their post. That's why we get the same feedback, from the same dozen or so members....Just a thought.

All new posters, don't be pussies. Write what you feel and fuck what other people think. Have a spine and fight for your ideas.

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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
It felt so special before

StripperLover said:
I leave it out there in quasi land until it can be verified by someone on these boards of credibility, whether that be publicly or privately.
I'll await your verdit, monsieur le juge. Man, from my side, this is my story. What is the problem here? What do I gain by telling it if it ain't true?

All I wanted to do is say that thanks to this hobby, this wonderful two hours in my life happened. C'mon!
StripperLover said:
Had this review/experience been one where the SP's name would have been revealed, I can tell you all that I would have slammed the proverbial crap out of this poster as he did at small intervals in his post share what the lady said, thought &/or felt & that is always off line as she cannot reply, had she been an agency SP. No sharing of any SP's feelings when she cannot reply is fair or ethical to fellow board memnbers & mostly to the SP herself.
- I said she talked very little.
- As far as what she felt, I will concede that what I related is what I felt she felt. What else can it be?
- I witheld a whole lot more than I told. Have I got a book to write! To me, there is no doubt that it was mutual. Is that so completely unusual?
StripperLover said:
2) This post is rampant with YMMV where sapman seemingly thinks that he has received a unique experience. I doubt that, unless a high percentage of the other clients that this SP has seen have had horrid hygene, bad breath &/or just downright bad social skills to turn her off.
I do make a point in my second post to surmise that this lady tries to "get close" to many of her clients (for the duration of the date of course), that she is a really "good escort" that way. And I say that her thread is full of glowing reviews. I never implied there were more services than what is on a standard "menu". I only implied it flowed together. Aw man, this is taking all the "specialness" out of it, but I must reply. Thanks...

MERB is not the centre of the universe as we know it. So, it's entirely possible this lady has strong experiences of this kind on a regular basis, and we will never know. Even if many agency clients read MERB, many of them are poachers who remain anonymous and don't contribute a thing.

She's a great escort, her style clicked with mine, we went for a great ride, end of story. But, I preferred "My date with Galadriel". It sounded a lot better told that way. Thanks again.
StripperLover said:
3) The revelation of board handles to agencies. There is NEVER a need to reveal your handle to an agency, as I have NEVER done but there is a small hitch in this philosophy & that is the following;
There is one agency who could know my MERB handle, because I reviewed one of their new girls. Some other know I'm on MERB, but not my handle.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Myids said:
When I review the Merb guidelines, I also hope to find out if board moderators give everyone the right to "slam the proverbial crap out of posters" or just certain senior members? It doesn't seem like courteous posting to me. It feels more like intimidation. I hope I'm not out of order for raising these questions.

And for the record, I did love sapman99's original post in this thread!


I will agree with you, I also found sapman99's original thread very well written and fairly innocent. I went back to read it...hardly worthy of any slamming. He stated that it felt amazing, not how she felt.

SL is cautioning people not to think that they're any more special than other clients. We do not know if this was a case of YMMV or just simply the way she makes all clients feel after an encounter. Regardless, it was "MAGIC" for sapman99 and in the end, that is all that counts - how HE felt.

Again, we all take these posts way too seriously. I also feel that people should feel free to express themselves without having to follow strict guidelines. As long as it is written in a respectful way, they shouldn't feel intimidated by senior posters who sometimes feel like they need to impose the 'rule of law' on the board.

Don't be easily intimidated. Be relentless and argue your points in a clear and concise manner. Don't worry so much about what others is how YOU felt that counts.

But I do agree with SL, you cannot interpret how an SP felt. She might tell you things that you want to hear but it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean that you're "special". You might think you're special but in the end, you're only deluding yourself.

"Special" can only happen when two people commit to each other and communicate their thoughts and feelings to one another. It's a meeting of the minds and hearts. In very rare cases, an SP can fall in love with a client but we all know this is rare.

There is a balance between idealizing an encounter, effectively acting like an adolescent struck by puppy love, and sterilizing an encounter, effectively removing all feelings that you experienced during the encounter.

Again, we should all feel free to express how we felt but be cognizant of the fact that these encounters are by and large fantasies, nothing more, nothing less.

You can take the most incredible SP out there and idealize whatever you want but no matter how many times you've seen her as a client, you don't really know her. To idealize things from encounters is to act like an adolescent; adults know that you can only really know someone by living with them and going through ups and downs together. These are the only truly special relationships in our lives.



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Credibility. Makes me want to say MERB=SHMERB

StripperLover said:
until it can be verified by someone on these boards of credibility, whether that be publicly or privately.
What, exactly is there to verify? That I called for an escort, had a good time, I "think" she had a good time? What? No one can verify this but me and the SP herself.

And this allusion to "someone on these boards of credibility" sounds, well I'd rather not elaborate...

Maybe my post isn't credible because I describe an encounter that was incredible...
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Nov 8, 2005

Guys, guys...
Take it easy here. I think it's great that sapman shared a special moment with us, let's leave it at that. This is quite clearly in the lounge and not a review, so relax.

Some people have made a clear case that the name should be revealed, that is their opinion and it was done without getting nasty, so relax.

As for people feeling intimidated by senior reviewers, common, are we serious? We are all equal here. Nobody knows what you look like, how much you make, how well you're hung, whatever, so, I bet you can guess, relax.

This is the lounge where we can all state our opinions as if we were sitting around sharing a drink and a good stogie so treat it as such. We shouldn't need any more bloody rules in our lives simply have some bloody respect for the next person and don't take yourself to seriously (i.e. relax).

I'll take another scotch, neat.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is a history on this Board of anonymous and not so anonymous reviews, both by clients and SPs.

On Easter weekend of 2005, I met an escort who menstruated on my back. I posted a review, mainly because in retrospect the story was so funny that I though it would be entertaining to read. I did not reveal the name of the escort, despite numerous requests that I do so, because I knew it would severely damage both her and her agency if I did so. Here is a link to that review:

Then, an SP named Annalee reviewed a then well known MERB poster named Spartacus, identifying him only by handle. This review spawned much controversy, and reportedly led to Annalee losing some regular clients. Spartacus, for his part, had no problem with the review. Here is the link:

More recently, Karma in her "Diary of an SP" thread, has anonymously reviewed several clients (see e.g. post #176):

It`s kind of interesting that nobody demanded Karma reveal the name of her client, yet sapman has been repeatedly requested to reveal the identity of Galadriel.

As far as I am concerned anonymous reviews automatically have more credibility because there is no benefit or detriment to anyone by virtue of the anonymity. It`s true that the story can be entirely made up and sapman could be engaging in writing fantasy/fiction, but I tend to doubt that is the case. It`s also true that reviewing an anonymous SP is something of a tease. However, I still think it does provide information insofar as it describes a poster`s own perceptions of events, and they may be different than each of our own perceptions of the same events.

Even when we identify the escorts we are reviewing, all we are reporting on is our own subjective perceptions, not objective fact. As has been previously mentioned in other threads, one poster`s subjective assessment is not necessarily a match for any other poster. That is why the "reliable poster" thread was deemed useless. We all have to read the reviews, see the girls, and decide which reviewers we can count on for describing what each of us like. Some reading this thread now may have a better idea of what sapman likes and looks for in the SPs he reviews, and presumably he will write other reviews of identified SPs.
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Nov 15, 2005
EagerBeaver hits the Sanity Reset Button.


Congratulations on hitting the Sanity Reset button on this thread. It was getting out of hand, with everyone taking the board way too seriously. If you have to do battle, trade barbs, etc with another poster at any point you are taking the board too seriously.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Karma "reviewed" an escort as well

She talks about calling an escort in "Role play switch", as part of her diary. Why didn`t anyone ask her who that lady was?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Addendum To Last Post

As an addendum to my last post, when I anonymously reviewed the SP who menstruated on my back, I received some PMs demanding that I reveal her identity for "the health and welfare of the hobbyist community."

First of all, it's fact that an SP can knowingly choose to work while on her period without the agency operator knowing about it. If this were the case, posting would have allowed many to draw the inference that the agency did know, when such was likely not the case. Posting the identity of the SP would then have the appearance of taking an unnecessary shot at the agency.

Second, the SP self reported the incident to the agency in my presence, which I later confirmed communicating independently with the agency operator. Therefore my duty to preserve the "health and welfare of the hobbyist community" had already been discharged. The girl was taken off of work for the evening and if she went back to work while still on her period, that is obviously beyond my ability to control.
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