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Nadya's VIPs - Comments on girls...

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Aug 27, 2007
Nadya,,.... people are not taking about you, the subject is about (Rachel Starr or Dalhia) ass. Fake picture!
But when they say, (bait & Switch) they are mentioning about the integrity of your Agency.
And I have to say at this point, the favor is not on your side especially when 2 other Web-sites like this one, which I can’t indicate here, mention the use of fake pictures from you, in other cases.
You still haven’t explained the questions above, seems like you are steering away from the answer.



Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Simple question...Simple answer ?

johnny_view said:
Oka, I have to ask?

So I have to ask, Are you saying that Dalhia that is on your website use to be called Rachel Starr?

If so I have to say, the girls don't look the same, which is the base of all this discussion, if you want to call it discussion.

Please clarify


Nicely put Johnny

Is Dalhia = Rachel Star ? YES or NO

Simple as that. Just to clarify who those boobs belong to ???

Mod 6

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Sep 11, 2005
Posting a PM that is sent privately to you is a violation of MERB rules. MG_mtl posted the rules to help you out. In this case, justagirl chose to waiver your suspension (but this can revoke, I have to consult the Mods) and justagirl only wants you to clarify your arguments and not attack the member.

About your PM, posting face pictures when they are on another site is really not our concerns unless it violates some privacy policy. And in this case, are you claiming to be that person on that site?
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New Member
May 8, 2008
Sure ! I finaly spoke to her about an hour ago. She is in Calgary as we speak. When I hired her a couple weeks ago, I took the pictures she gave me. And let me tell you that her bumms are basically the same of this model ( the picture will be removed by the way,and she still has an awesome bumm ). Look at the black and white picture, witch is of her and these reviews :

This was sufficient information for me. She is very very good looking and provides great service. I hire girls with great looks,no weight issues, no drugs or alcohol problems. Not to mention that can entertain a strong conversation on a diner date. She has the perfect profile. So I hired her. These girls are thought to find ! Will I keep her with me !!! Absolutly ! I spoke to Caroll Cash my associate and you know what, she is a great girl deserving a second chance. As for Vero. She can say or do whatever she wants. I received tones of messages, supporting me. My clients will certainly not be CALLING HER ! Thats a fact ! In closing , one of my previous employers still has a picture of me on his Front page...Do I care ??? No ! I guess we can all go to sleep now, and enjoy the simple things in Vip Girls !! Kisses xxxxXXXxxx
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
tapdat said:

Take a look at the pics at the top right of Lara, in particular the fourth one from the left.

Now take a look at the third pic from the left, at the bottom of Nadya.

Does Nadya wish to explain?
Hello all,

This is all getting very disappointing.

It's strange though how some hobbyists I never heard of, or rarely post, have suddenly become investigative experts now compelled to post.

It's funny also that the active Montreal Hot Girls banner at the top of the merb board seems to use the exact same large breasted woman in a shoulderless black top cited by Tapdat as being from Bentley's of London.

Sad and sadder,

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Aug 27, 2007
Hey Knobel, who cares if it is a new “hobbyists” that indicates this kind of fake pic’s from another agency. Or is trying to hurt them.
You know what bottom line on all this – ask yourself - “If I ‘m to choose a girl that is great looking, do I want her ass and tits do be composed of different girls around the world??) – NOT!!!
I thank’s those people, because they are the one’s to keep these kind of Agency straight.

As sexy Nadya wrote -------->
Sure ! I finaly spoke to her about an hour ago. She is in Calgary as we speak. When I hired her a couple weeks ago, I took the pictures she gave me. And let me tell you that her bumms are basically the same of this model ( the picture will be removed by the way,and she still has an awesome bumm ).

((At last they finally agree that it’s a fake pic and that it will be removed.))



Apr 20, 2004
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Daringly said:
If an agency is using fake pics then it should be exposed and it should not matter who exposes them. Any agency that uses fake pics and claims that they are real, one has to wonder what other false claims they are making when it comes to services provided and so on. Any agency that uses these sort of tactics to me would lose all credibility.
I agree.
If an agency uses "look-alike" pictures to describe its models, it should say so up front. Otherwise it's called falsed advertising and must be exposed. :mad:

johnny_view said:
..((At last they finally agree that it’s a fake pic and that it will be removed.))

Case close? Not until all fake pictures are removed. Btw, this is not the first time that this agency is exposed for using fake pictures.

SexyNadya said:
.... When I hired her a couple weeks ago, I took the pictures she gave me...
How did she give it to you? Did she hand a paper copy of the picture to you? Did she give you pictures of her with "no-face"?

tapdat said:
Take a look at the pics at the top right of Lara, in particular the fourth one from the left.
Now take a look at the third pic from the left, at the bottom of Nadya.
Does Nadya wish to explain?
This is not about another SP. Nadya is also using a fake "look-alike" picture for herself.
So tell me Nadya, did you just take a picture given to you by yourself at face value without verifying its authenticity?
One must ask: How many more fake pictures are there on her website?
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New Member
May 8, 2008
Hello there Folks ! Maxima, its very simple. She gave her pics by e.mail, to me and Cc to the compagny I deal with for the maintenance of my website. As you can see, there is a lot of money invested on my website. Now my face will never be shown. I worked at other agencies and my face was never displayed. And for the record, was I going to call the Webmaster past midnight ??? I'm not driven by paranoia. I sent an e.mail, and when the compagny will get to my request, they will do their job. Thats it. Now should I give hell to the compagny that uses my body on their own Front Competitor here in Montreal. Guess what , if it helps them feed their families, then thats fine with me !!! As long as the pic is not inside !
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Apr 20, 2004
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SexyNadya said:
Hello there Folks ! Maxima, its very simple. She gave her pics by e.mail, to me and Cc to the compagny I deal with for the maintenance of my website....


tapdat said:
Take a look at the pics at the top right of Lara, in particular the fourth one from the left.
Now take a look at the third pic from the left, at the bottom of Nadya.
Does Nadya wish to explain?
This is not about another SP. Nadya is also using a fake "look-alike" picture for herself.
So tell me Nadya, did you just take a picture given to you by yourself at face value without verifying its authenticity? Did you send the picture to yourself by email?
One must ask: How many more fake pictures are there on her website?


New Member
May 8, 2008
Buddy !! Go to my site and LOOK !!! There is nothing of this. There is reputated Agency on this Board that uses Bobbi Billiard on there Front page...So what ???


Apr 20, 2004
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SexyNadya said:
Buddy !! Go to my site and LOOK !!! There is nothing of this. There is reputated Agency on this Board that uses Bobbi Billiard on there Front page...So what ???

So will you remove the fake picture of yourself from your site? or is "using fake pictures" an acceptable practice in your mind? :eek:


New Member
May 8, 2008
Do you know why this actually started !!! Its because of a positive reviews coming up on my Girls.Amazona a reputated board member wrote a very positive review on Sophia. Johnny_view is correct. Now all that you are saying here Maxima was already spoken of last night and dealth with. I have to go on with my day. There are other things in life then prostitution. Have a great weekend.
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Mar 31, 2005
Well since this is a review board, I would like to say a few words.

We have met Nadya numerous times in the past, and I must say that all I have to say is positive about her..

She has started her biz and working hard at it, no easy task in this business. On the contrary she should be getting our support and help to promote our favorite passtime.

So my suggestion is the following, book try and then talk! Its a review board!!!



New Member
May 8, 2008
Well you are the man I want to Marry !!!

Daringly said:
Fake pics are used all the time, i will never understand how Brad Pitt got a copy of my photos:)

Call me !!! LOL !!! Kisses xxxXXXxxx :p


Apr 20, 2004
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Porter said:
Well since this is a review board, I would like to say a few words.

We have met Nadya numerous times in the past, and I must say that all I have to say is positive about her..

She has started her biz and working hard at it, no easy task in this business. On the contrary she should be getting our support and help to promote our favorite passtime.

So my suggestion is the following, book try and then talk! Its a review board!!!


If this was true, then it would make the deception by fake pictures even harder to understand. Why the misrepresentation? Why is there a need to deceive by fake pictures?


New Member
May 8, 2008
You are so Correct !

Porter said:
Well since this is a review board, I would like to say a few words.

We have met Nadya numerous times in the past, and I must say that all I have to say is positive about her..

She has started her biz and working hard at it, no easy task in this business. On the contrary she should be getting our support and help to promote our favorite passtime.

So my suggestion is the following, book try and then talk! Its a review board!!!


Dear Porter,

Indeed !! Thats the idea. You meet an Sp and explain if you were well serviced. So on. But like anything els in life there will be imperfections.
I recently wrote to Merb, that I was very pleased with the services with their Firm and will extend my business with them my advertising on Terb and Perb as well ! Roll with the punches, thats what I'm learning along the way.;) And nothing will stop me from expending !!!
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