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New gonorrhea strain resistant to all antibiotics...


May 21, 2003
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Gonorrhea strain resists all antibiotics

Long-feared development has occurred; only question is whether it will spread

For several years, public health officials have been concerned that gonorrhea, one of the most prevalent STDs in the world, might become resistant to the last widely available antibiotics used to treat it, a class of drugs called cephalosporins.

Now, it has.

In the space of one week, infectious disease specialists have received a one-two punch of bad news that confirms those fears, including the discovery of a new, cephalosporin-resistant strain of the bacteria.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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This is not good news. The attached article also said that baterial infections of all kinds are becoming increasingly resistant to anti-biotic drugs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
I only have a link to Montréal's La Presse...


Basically, it says a new strain of gonorrhea which is resistant to all antibiotics used so far to treat it classically. No know alternative for now. Discovered in Japan... not known if there is any anywhere else.. but I am sure it is only a question of time...

Pretty worrisome...

NB I just saw a similar thread in the health section... I don't mind removing my thread but I think it deserves more exposure in the Lounge, which is more read than the Health Section.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
Just when you thought Gonorrhea was nearly extinct, it comes roaring back with a vengeance. This is pretty bad news, remember folks, no love without the glove.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
HEre is a link to stuff I found in English...


It also mentions that pharyngeal gonorrhea infection is harder to treat than the genital variant. Lack of safe sex for oral sex is responsible for a large part of the spread (of all gonorrhea...)

If you are curious, you can google gonorrhea and cdc and you'll get a lot of background info that is very reliable.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This is not good news. The attached article also said that baterial infections of all kinds are becoming increasingly resistant to anti-biotic drugs.

Most bacteria will become resistant to antibiotics that are used to treat that bacteria. Where modern medicine has failed is that doctors who prescribe antibiotics will keep patients on the same antibiotic so long as it is working, even though other antibiotics can be used to treat the same bacteria. By failing to use a rotation or cocktail of antibiotics, doctors are in some ways responsible for this development. I know for a fact that this problem has manifested itself in the context of treatment of gastrointestinal bacterial disorders. Antibiotics can be used effectively long term to combat bacterial issues within the intestinal tract, so long as they are rotated (sometimes using as many as 4 different antibiotics, rotated every 2 weeks to one month).

A much bigger problem from use of antibiotics is fungal overgrowth. When broad spectrum antibiotics are used (like cipro and flagyl), they will kill all bacteria, not just the bad stuff but also the good bacteria in your skin that crowds out the fungi. When that happens fungi in your skin go to town resulting in yeast and other infections. If you develop an internal fungal infection, which are rare, they can kill you and at that point you would need to hope antifungal pills work.

The people who need to worry most about this development are those who have actually shown a developed resistance to broad spectrum antibiotics. It's not automatic that this strain will be resistant with everyone. Those who take antibiotics chronically should learn how to rotate and ask their physician about it. It's something doctors have not become really conscious of until recently.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2009

Please forgive me if this topic has been covered before.

Unless you are in a full time monogamous relationship, FS penetration/ejaculation with no protection is quite dangerous. In fact the very discussion of doing this act is enough to get you banned here on merb.

So please explain to me: why is and cim so ``acceptable`` in the escort community and on merb? Aren`t the risks (for both male and especially female) just as great?

Appreciate all responses.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Unless you are in a full time monogamous relationship, FS penetration/ejaculation with no protection is quite dangerous.

This is a completely false presumption, because those who believe they are in a"full time monogamous" relationship are usually wrong and when they find out, it's after they have been fucked by their cheating significant other many times. I have a close friend who is a private investigator whose money is made almost exclusively compiling video and photographic proof of the lies your so called monogamous people have been living, and then dropping it on them.

So your attempt to portray this as our problem is pure fiction. By and large the hobbyist community is safer than the liars who are the ones having BBFS and spreading these infections while in "monogamous relationships".


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
let me ask again

E.B. I appreciate your prompt reply, the real point of my post was to ask the question:

``why is and cim so `acceptable` in the escort community and on merb? Aren`t the risks (for both male and especially female) just as great? ``

I am part of your community, not an outsider. Yeah only 30 posts or so, not 6000+.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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``why is and cim so `acceptable` in the escort community and on merb? Aren`t the risks (for both male and especially female) just as great? ``t.e.m.

Short answer, because those activities are also acceptable and desired in the course of sexual activities outside the business where the risk is also great. I have known many who got STDs picking up girls at bars.

There is no such thing as risk free sexual behavior. We all take risks when we have sex, just like we do when we get in a car or a plane. If you want to stop/eliminate risk, the best solution is abstinence. If one wants to eliminate the risk of any airborne infection, one can live in a plastic bubble filled with pure, sterilized oxygen. Most people, however, choose to take some risks, which are reasonable, in order to enjoy life rather than live in a plastic bubble.

By the ways, I do not know why you mention CIM as though it creates an enhanced risk beyond a regular . I am not aware of any studies which suggest that a without CIM is safer than a with CIM. If you are, please post such studies.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2009

no reason to be defensive, I am genuinely looking for info.

(with or without ejaculation) as opposed to CBJ are like day and night. Especially from the perspective of the recipient (who is that!?)

It`s a lot more real than an airborne infection or ``airborne bacteria``.

I`m looking for something more than ``because those activities are also acceptable`` or yada yada yada. I`m looking for an informed response.

What are the risks involved in - from both sides. And how much does CIM affect the recipient?


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
By the ways, I do not know why you mention CIM as though it creates an enhanced risk beyond a regular . I am not aware of any studies which suggest that a without CIM is safer than a with CIM. If you are, please post such studies.

My doctor confirm to me that the risk are lower without CIM. I don`t have any study to show you, sorry.

But what is having the lower risk, is when we are protecting any kind of personal contact. Everybody knows that, no?



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But what is having the lower risk, is when we are protecting any kind of personal contact. Everybody knows that, no?


Everybody knows that, but CBJ is not enjoyable to many hobbyists. It's also safe to put a condom on my dick and stick it in a gas pipe, but I do not enjoy it. My penis is densensitized to a CBJ to the point that it is not sexual activity. It is nothing. It is similar to breathing and I do not pay to breath the air.


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
With all due respect to your 6400+ posts, E.B., your replies have been pointless - - ``It is nothing``.

Can anyone give an informed response as to health consequences of with/without CIM?

Thanks in advance


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Everybody knows that, but CBJ is not enjoyable to many hobbyists. It's also safe to put a condom on my dick and stick it in a gas pipe, but I do not enjoy it. My penis is densensitized to a CBJ to the point that it is not sexual activity. It is nothing. It is similar to breathing and I do not pay to breath the air.

If you want my own point of view: It is hard to enjoy to do a CBJ, but if someone want to be safest as possible, that's the way.

I am not promoting anything, just telling something recognized by the medical corps.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I agree with Maria and not EB. Come on, the risk is as great as if you picking up a woman at a bar as much as you see an escort, both for the woman and the man in either situation. You can't make such wild statements that meeting someone at a bar has a greater risk of contracting something as an escort.

The risk factor is strickly the number of partners that you have and the number of partners your partners have. It's purely statistical.

Getting back to the subject of antibiotics, it is not just the antibiotics that people take for medicinal purposes. There are antibiotics given to livestock that gets in to our food supply. There's the antibiotic soaps and dish washing products. Bacteria being a living organism programs itself to resist the antibiotic agents and in turn become stronger and more difficult to kill.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Short answer, because those activities are also acceptable and desired in the course of sexual activities outside the business where the risk is also great. I have known many who got STDs picking up girls at bars.

By the ways, I do not know why you mention CIM as though it creates an enhanced risk beyond a regular . I am not aware of any studies which suggest that a without CIM is safer than a with CIM. If you are, please post such studies.

Of course, most people will state that a BJ without a condom is a lot more fun to give or receive than with a condom.

The risk of STDs (or should I say STIs now...) is related to use of protection, complete (including CBJ) or partial () , to the number of partners and to the prevalence in the community. This is well described in epidemiology sections on these infections. So yeah, having unprotected or partially protected sex with someone at a bar is of course a risk, partly depending also on how many people this person has slept with in the recent past.

Now, can we argue that since the pool of female partners in hobbyland is more limited than in bars, the risk of transmission of an STD once it is introduced in said community is higher? Of course.

Finally, BEav` the fact that no studies compare the risk of STD transmission from with or without CIM does not mean the risk is the same. It simply means no one has tested the hypothesis yet. The way you put it could lead some people to think that they are equally safe or unsafe.

Now if we think of it logically for a while, it pleases the mind to conclude that CIM has a higher risk of transmission. From man to woman, when you CIM, the entire lenght of your genital tract is ``washed`` with semen, which winds up in the girl`s mouth. Bacteria residing anywhere along your genital tract will be also coming out. Simple may entail small leakage of excitatory fluid also, but not necessarily coming from as ``deep`` in the tract. Now on the receiving side (meaning how a man gets it from oral with a girl) DT is probably going to scrub the back of the throat (deeper...) where gonorrhea reside in the oral cavity, increasing the risk.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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With all due respect to your 6400+ posts, E.B., your replies have been pointless - - ``It is nothing``.

Can anyone give an informed response as to health consequences of with/without CIM?

Thanks in advance



Here is a link to Oral Gonarhea. I am assuming you are only asking about Gonarhea. You`ll probably get a different answer for each disease.


As for a , it is easier for receiver or the woman from the man in our case to get Oral Gonarhea than the man from the woman. As for daty, it is easier for the man to get it from the woman than the woman from the man.

The semen can have the gonorrhea bateria, but the bateria is most likely present without the semen. The article and others like it say that 50 percent of women with gonorrhea are asymptomatic and 10 percent of men with gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Men usually get a white, yellowish or greenish discharge at the tip of the penis and a burning sensation when urinating. The discharge is not semen related.

Women can get the same type of discharge from the vagina and pain during urinating. So to answer your question, the bacteria must be present in your partner`s sex organ for you to be transmitted Gonarrhea.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
You are right to say the bacteria is not (absolutely) semen related. The discharge neither. But if you don't have a discharge, you still harbor the bacteria. And the bacteria may be anywhere along the tract. So any fluid going through the tract will bring along bacteria. This is why urine tests are now available to detect STDs in men. In women, they are not as reliable, because the bacteria may be in the cervix and not in the urinary tract. This is why women must have swabs of the cervix done.
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