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New Yorker Magazine: Outrage or Good Editorial?

Is the current New Yorker magazine cover an outrage or or good journalism?

  • Yes, it's outrageous.

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • No, it's good journalism.

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • It depends on who is looking at it and what they already think.

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
YouVantOption said:
Personally, I think that if there are people who actually believe any of the radical muslim, hate america crap Foxnews is spreading, they probably have a much more profound and fundamental reason why they would never vote for Obama, but it's easier to say 'radical Islamist' than 'he's a nigger' when you get exit-polled.


That's a BINGO!




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
johnhenrygalt said:
I would think it more likely that everyone who sees this cover will perceive the New Yorker as having exercised poor judgement.

Unless I am greatly overestimating the public, I doubt many will see the cover and think to themselves "the New Yorker has portrayed them in a cartoon as radical muslims so they must be supporters of Bin Laden bent on terrorizing the West".

Hello Johnhenrygalt,

I heard the results of a CNN survey this morning showing that approximately only 30% of Whites have a favorable view of Barack Obama. "Overestimating" seems so.




Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Strawman Poll

Korbel said:
Hello Johnhenrygalt,

I heard the results of a CNN survey this morning showing that approximately only 30% of Whites have a favorable view of Barack Obama. "Overestimating" seems so.

that is not the same as accepting the perception potentially derived from a cartoon. Jon Stewart went off on this thing last night, he was on the top of his game, IMO.

I checked with some friends who live in rural America, neither of them know anybody who thinks Obama is a Muslim. Therefore, 70% of all American whites are bigots, or worse, Republicans.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
YouVantOption said:
that is not the same as accepting the perception potentially derived from a cartoon. Jon Stewart went off on this thing last night, he was on the top of his game, IMO.

I checked with some friends who live in rural America, neither of them know anybody who thinks Obama is a Muslim. Therefore, 70% of all American whites are bigots, or worse, Republicans.
Hello YVO,

No one inferred the poll was about race. While that might be a logical leap, if one wishes, it does not necessarily follow. My point was that the view of Obama among many is already unfavorable. Given that, what is the effect of this cartoon on them? I don't think the satirical intention will be helpful in alleviating this level of disfavor.


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
johnhenrygalt said:
The elitism of the criticism is too funny.

So saith the elitist: "We understand the satire because we are so damn smart, just like all other Obama supporters. We are not the problem. The problem is all those white McCain supporters who are too damn stupid to understand satire. As smart coastal, urban Obama supporters, we will read the article and appreciate the biting satire, but our white moronic opponents don't read books, only look at pictures in magazines and would never open such a high brow austere publication as the New Yorker. If our white opponents were as smart as we are, they'd understand the satire - then again, if they were as smart as we are, they'd support us, for only stupid illiterate people support our opponents. The New Yorker, instead of producing high brow satire that only we can understand, should be appealing to the stupid white dolts who support our opponents. We already have the "smart" vote locked up, but we need the "stupid" vote to win."
Well Johnhenrygalt,

I have seen some of your posts, but I did not know you much up to this point. Your post here contains some harsh, seriously narrow stereotyping. It's quite a massive mischaracterization and imposition of your personal slant on what has been said that does not represent my thoughts in any way. Really, your comments are so far off they aren't worth bothering to address directly.

Very...very disappointing,

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Provide Details

Korbel said:
Hello Johnhenrygalt,

I heard the results of a CNN survey this morning showing that approximately only 30% of Whites have a favorable view of Barack Obama. "Overestimating" seems so.



Such a survey should have a link that would identify the remaining 70%.
Usually such a survey would list five options: very favourable, favourable, neutral, unfavourable, very unfavourable or at least the middle three.

BTW my read of JHG's post was that he was satirizing in the spirit of the originating article and publication.


Dec 5, 2005
Korbel’s poll produced a spirited debate as to whether the magazine cover was outrageous or good journalism

Some posters have made very good points for, and against the depiction

At a minimum it exposes the misconceptions aimed at undermining his campaign instead of focusing on what is really important. The war, the mortgage crisis, health care and the price of gas

Ultimately the masses will get wind of the debate and will be better informed come November

The issues are not that black and white, there is a very large grey area

Moreover, America is not monolithic, both parties are made up of the smart, stupid, white trailer park trash and niggers to use YVO’s vernacular

I have always maintained American politics are far more interesting than our Canadian counterpart

Let not this debate deteriorate into a back biting session


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
seymourhass said:
I have always maintained American politics are far more interesting than our Canadian counterpart

Interesting, absolutely. However, the mexican standoff we have here at the moment lends itself to far far better governance, indeed our entire political system is much more democratic, when the house is in session. In my opinion, of course.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
seymourhass said:
I have always maintained American politics are far more interesting than our Canadian counterpart

Let not this debate deteriorate into a back biting session

When you say far more interesting... I hope you're not talking about the choices this great 'democracy' gives since what 1854 ? By treating politicians like hollywood star you might be interested but in the end the only choices there is stands on two sides of a coin. Heads or tail !

At least in Canada you can vote for some sh*t disturbers that will end-up making the parliement look like a 'wipe-out' tournament.:D

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Korbel said:
Well Johnhenrygalt,

I have seen some of your posts, but I did not know you much up to this point. Your post here contains some harsh, seriously narrow stereotyping. It's quite a massive mischaracterization and imposition of your personal slant on what has been said that does not represent my thoughts in any way. Really, your comments are so far off they aren't worth bothering to address directly.

Very...very disappointing,


Actually I think he was accusing the New Yorker ( or their readership) of stereotyping.


Dec 5, 2005
You can be anything you want to be

At least in Canada you can vote for some sh*t disturbers that will end-up making the parliement look like a 'wipe-out' tournament.:D[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure I understand this statement

But yes, interesting to the extent that....

A peanut farmer from Georgia, Jimmy Carter can rise to the highest office in the land

I’m not sure if you have ever seen the footage of JFK addressing school kids on the Whitehouse lawn, with a young Bill Clinton looking on?

His run up to his first election victory was electric, he had his hand on the pulse of the nation “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”

Against all odds he defeated a war president, and even served a second term. No need to repeat the histrionics here.

And finally, the manner in which a wild and crazy George Bush, with his history of booze and drugs turned his life around. I might not agree with his politics, but one has to admire his rise to power.

They all make for great stories

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008

What I am saying is that from the outside the US which boast to be the biggest, best (whatever that ends with ...est) democracy have been offering two choices : Republicans and democrates.

Sure it's nice to see the 'life' story of the politicians but that's besides the point because when you're up there 'WE DONT CARE'.

You're supposed to get elected to do a job. Not to be loved and have a chance to go on Oprah's.

Thus prevailing having someone who will act as a 'little king' even though he had a past of booze and drugs, like you say etc...

(No wonder this country is going bezerk all over the world)

Lately we had someone that became prime minister to which everyone in this country would have his nose brown because he had so much power. Until some s*ht disturber that didn't care for his career got out and reveal secrets on how the gov was screwing people.

That's what I mean.

All the time you're talking about 'feelings' of candidates you're not talking about the job that has to be done. I personaly wouldn't give a sh*t about who the hell would be elected in the US as long as they get this great country back on track. Because frankly if you people in the states only care about the color of their panties, I frankly think you are being pathetic.:cool:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
oliver_kloseoff said:
no chicken or watermellon in site
lighten up

Hello OK,

No...I guess they decided to stay away from traditionally cherished racist symbols to be more current. Yeah, oh for the good ole days. Not even a gangsta rap reference.

Thanks for your insight.




Dec 11, 2004
the cover is good satire because it takes a (commonly held, perhaps) prejudice and holds it up to ridicule. It prods the reader into asking themselves the question, "Do I really believe that these two people are a terrorist and a Muslim fanatic?"

a few weeks ago the Doonsbury cartoon had a character musing about how the Obama White House would be the new Camelot a la Kennedy administration. She coos "I can just see the games of touch basketball on the White House lawn."

It just takes a bit of sophistication to see the humor in these things



Dec 5, 2005
JH Fan said:

What I am saying is that from the outside the US which boast to be the biggest, best (whatever that ends with ...est) democracy have been offering two choices : Republicans and democrates.

Sure it's nice to see the 'life' story of the politicians but that's besides the point because when you're up there 'WE DONT CARE'.

You're supposed to get elected to do a job. Not to be loved and have a chance to go on Oprah's.

Thus prevailing having someone who will act as a 'little king' even though he had a past of booze and drugs, like you say etc...

(No wonder this country is going bezerk all over the world)

Lately we had someone that became prime minister to which everyone in this country would have his nose brown because he had so much power. Until some s*ht disturber that didn't care for his career got out and reveal secrets on how the gov was screwing people.

That's what I mean.

All the time you're talking about 'feelings' of candidates you're not talking about the job that has to be done. I personaly wouldn't give a sh*t about who the hell would be elected in the US as long as they get this great country back on track. Because frankly if you people in the states only care about the color of their panties, I frankly think you are being pathetic.:cool:

Oh Boy!

I was referring to the triumphs of people given their shortcomings and their ascension to power. “You can be anything you want to be”

Since when does someone have to be American to appreciate their politics? :confused:

It is just my opinion from an outsider looking in and clearly you have yours

Take care

Enjoy the weekend


New Member
Dec 7, 2005
outside Boston
Do any of you pundits read the New Yorker regularly?
If you did you would know

1) the magazine has had an affectionate hard on for the Obama's
for quite some time

2) the title of the cover illustration is
"The Politics of Fear" by Barry Blitt

Outrageously good satire, game, set, match

Jonathan Swift is turning over in his grave...

BTW, Mrs Obama's potrayal is a takeoff
on Angela Davis, for those old enough to remember...

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Seymour !

I am not bashing at Korbel to bring us this subject even though I may sound like it.

But I do have my opinion like you say and it is simple !
I am enjoying every day of these last 6 months of the actual presidency !
And like a LOT of people around the world I don't see any thriumph in their 'sorry life'.

Having been raised with a lot of love for everything that was coming from south the border I "Frankly just wish that someday 'my dad' (USA) would stop trying to show a nice face to everyone ! " Because now it's getting too late for this !

These moth*r fu*kers (the jerks which this satire is trying to portrait Obama with) that wants to destroy everything that we stand for just for the sake of it would have been blown sky high if it would have been me.

That's why to me all of this is just plain talk with no real action !
To me it's a cartoon and nothing more because in the end it won't make any difference once again.
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