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Next MERB Party

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Feb 6, 2004
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This is pretty sad.

I was going to post a nasty response to MOD6 for deleting the next MERB party site. However, I decided that this would not be in the best interest of the MERB community. Since there is absolutely no explanation from MOD6 for this level of censorship on a public review board, I will request that Fred Z. or MOD6 provide a reasonable explanation as to which of the following posting rules have been broken to merit such as act by MOD6 and to make sure that if there is a need to post such information in the future, that we do it on a competing board instead of breaking the rules here!


1) Permitted Activities:

i) Post RESPECTFUL reviews of people or agencies offering escort services.
ii) Discuss on any subject that may be of interest to the community.
iii) Advertise for your services (in the PAID advertisement section ONLY)

2) Forbidden Activities:

i) Booking rendez-vous with service providers.
ii) Posting personal information of ANY kind about ANYONE.
iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...
iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.
v) Posting false or otherwise unverified information with the intent to either damage the reputation or otherwise of a service provider or agency or, to gain favor of a service provider or agency.
vi) Using multiple handles. Only one handle per member. Members using multiple handles and/or obvious shills WILL BE EXPOSED to the world.
vii) Posting bullshit on the board, making useless comments, and/or misleading people.
viii) Disclosing private messages. PMs are to remain PRIVATE between the 2 parties, and not disclosed without the consent of the sender. PMs may be forwarded and disclosed to Moderators if they contain anything offensive or require the attention of Moderators.

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
Deleted URL Thread

It's not really a big deal that the actual link is missing, you can find it out in cyberspace. You don't need to sign up and the date is on this board anyway.
However, since I am partially responsible for pushing the envelope on PM's and then valiantly declaring that there should a MERB rule to protect PM's, I feel it is my duty to catalyze this issue too.

I feel that all Mod's should disclose who they are / who they were in their previous incarnation on this board.. Also, there should be a reason given for deleting the posts, I really can't see that the other board participating would prompt Mom 6 to delete the thread. A newby mod could not be that precocious. This seems more like a backchannel issue of SL's, who is probably upset at Orallover. EB, are you a mom?

Special K

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regnad said:
Not much to add, but I just want to weigh in that I think Mod 6 action is mighty petty. If he's looking to drive traffic to the other board, I can't think of a better way.

By the way, BS, the Beav is not a mod.

I agree, sounds absolutely pathetic to me. Hmmm..Mod 6, Mod 6, who could he/she be???

Mod 6

New Member
Sep 11, 2005
Promotion vs parties

Speculations, speculations. Who is MOD 6?

PM are protected. Always.

The decision was taken as a team that included Fred Zed. Direct promotion or indirect promotion are not permitted. When you post a URL and state: "You can get information there including promotion and sponsors.", you can see the intent.

We cannot censor what is else is happening in the world but would only ask to keep the integrity of this board. The URL-removed site was independent until recently and is now considered promotions.

You can debate all you want about this but please start a new thread and keep this thread clean to inform members about the upcoming parties.

MODs do not censor party dates, activities or GT - we have and always will censor promotions. Do differentiate between the two.

Mod 6


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Mar 12, 2003
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Again you are way out of line, this time suggesting that I have anything to do with this, backchannel, frontchannel or otherwise.

It seems to me that I have a personal issue with OL & nothing was ever farther from the truth & frankly suggesting so is a futile attempt to cause trouble where none belongs.

I wake up to find this outrageous allegation made by a board member, nothing other than to say that your credibility is nil & deservedly & cumulatively.


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Mar 12, 2003
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Please clarify your question. Are you asking if there is any Merb advertisements or banners on the "Party Site" ? Or was it a generic question about the parties from the 1st party on ?

If it was the later, then you are incorrect, as the MontrealRendezVous site was created for that very reason, to be impartial & non revenue generating for the benefits of parties & the Montreal hobbyists at large.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I Agree


I agree that the party site should be "bipartisan", but if it is being run by a minion of one Board, it's probably not a reasonable expectation.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

EagerBeaver said:

I agree that the party site should be "bipartisan", but if it is being run by a minion of one Board, it's probably not a reasonable expectation.

Considering how many posts Orallover has contributed to both boards I don't see how you can call him a minion of one board. Yes, he recently had a run in with the Mods here. But the party site preceded this and there was never a problem with the url being posted before this happened. And the banner for the other board has always been there. I'm sure that if Merb wanted a banner on the site there would be no problem having one there. The key word is "wanted". By the way everyone from both boards are welcome at the parties...even the mods. Not that we'd ever know if they showed up.

As far as Sl and Oral are concerned, I've met both of them and there are no problems or friction between them. I think we've had enough stupid conspiracy theories on certain other recent threads and we don't need them here.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It seems to me like a fairly simple thing to put up the banners of both Boards on the party site. You are correct that I am speculating as to the reason why this seemingly fairly simple task has not yet been accomplished. I have no idea as to the factual reasons as to why this cannot or has not been done. Maybe it is true that MERB has not asked, and maybe it's true that MERB has asked and OL has refused. Nobody seems to know.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As an addendum to my last post, I have been advised that the owner of M/E/R/C is actually paying for the party site and that being the case, why should he put up this Board's banner unless it bears some of the cost of using that site. Whether such an offer has been made/refused I don't know.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EagerBeaver said:
As an addendum to my last post, I have been advised that the owner of M/E/R/C is actually paying for the party site and that being the case, why should he put up this Board's banner unless it bears some of the cost of using that site. Whether such an offer has been made/refused I don't know.

In that case this board should offer to pay for an ad banner on the site. If they offered and were refused, or the cost was ridiculous, then I agree that they then have every right to block the url and I apologize for earlier statements. If they made no such attempt to co-sponsor the party then the link should stand.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Party Promo

This thread and debate seems to be generating more interest and traffic for the party then letting the URL link stand.Remember the Buffalo Herd.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's called a negotiation. If Fred Zed's money is green, and I believe that it is, and he has enough of that green stuff, and I believe that he does, and if Tom's wallet has room for more of the green stuff, and I believe that he does, then I believe the green stuff should be transferred, in an amount to be negotiated between the parties.


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
regnad said:
It has been brought to my attention that there is a banner linked to the "other" board on the Party Site. My sense, then, is that Mod 6 and Fred were justified in removing the link here.

It is also my sense, however, that prior to removing that link, they should have requested to have a Merb banner added to the site, only removing the link if that request was denied. It is my feeling that both sites should be represented on the Party Site.
I know, I know. I said I will not write anything since I have tendendy of writing useless stuff along with some useful stuff. But this time I felt that I have to say something to give full information to all members.
When I started the party web site, I sent PM to Fred and/or Mod2 (I cannot remember if I sent to both of them or not) asking if they want to have their banner showing up at the sponsor section. I got no reply so I didn't put their banner.
By the way, party web site does not ask for any $ from anyone(except for the web site hosting and domain name registration fee was covered by the other board, like EB mentioned). All promotion(prize(s)) are straight from agencies and is/are for the people who attend the party.
To be a sponsor for party, all they have to do is say that they want to be a sponsor (for agencies, they have to attend the party with their girls).
Since then for July and Oct. parties we had, I sent PM asking them if I could make an announcement about the party and put the party web site url. Again no reply. But at those times, I decided to make the announcement and no problem. In fact the banner of the other board was there since day 1 of the party web site. And whenever a new promotion(aka prize) and/or sponsor(agency showing up with girls) I made a quick post saying updated information at the party web site (at such section) and no problem.
Now I go back to my cave and put tapes on my mouth. :)
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

EagerBeaver said:

It's called a negotiation. If Fred Zed's money is green, and I believe that it is, and he has enough of that green stuff, and I believe that he does, and if Tom's wallet has room for more of the green stuff, and I believe that he does, then I believe the green stuff should be transferred, in an amount to be negotiated between the parties.

Apply your logic to the relationship between Burger King and McDonald's and you quickly realize that it does not hold.Both have money,both have venues,
merging venues or co-oping ads would reduce urban blight,visual pollution and increase their bottom line but it will not happen.

Mod 2

For the records

A number of communications took place between Orallover and Mod4 on May 30th 2005, in which Orallover kindly asked our permission to post the link to the hobbyists party site on MERB. That gesture was highly appreciated. Mod4 cc'd me and Fred the request. The reply from both Fred Zed and myself came in within 24 hours. I agreed, Mod4 agreed, but Fred asked to see the site first. Since then, I haven't received any further direct or cc'd communication form either OralLover or Fred Zed on that subject, in May, July or October. Nada.

I don't recall if the Montreal event party site already had a link to the other board at the time, but I believe it did not otherwise I would not have approved it's reference on MERB. If an offer has been made by Orallover to add the MERB banner to that site, I was not made aware of it. Either it was made to Fred Zed, or never made at all.

Given how this thread is evolving, I decided to post and give my point of view despite the fact I didn't yet receive feedback from the other Mods. The following is therefore only my opinion, which may not be shared by other Mods or Fred Zed.

All we want is equal treatment. If the banners for both boards are equally visible on the Party web site, I see no problem in allowing the links. It's not the case right now, hence Mod6's and Fred's combined decision. It's in the hands of the party organizer(s) at this point. However, if this party site is in fact paid for by the owner of the other board (as claimed by EB but denied by OL), it is therefore belonging to the other board and links to it wouldn't make much sense here.

I personally think all this arguing and cat fights between the two boards are childish. There are two boards, almost every member of both boards know about the other. The boards are operated differently, have a similar but yet different type of content, and both are valuable in their own way. But this is not the subject of this thread, so please accept my apologies for the hijacking.

As a side note, It's a known fact that Fred has a tendency to not reply all PMs he receives. If you want to make sure to receive a timely reply, please address your PM to both Fred AND one of (or all) the Mods.

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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
Mod 2 said:
A number of communications took place between Orallover and Mod4 on May 30th 2005, in which Orallover kindly asked our permission to post the link to the hobbyists party site on MERB. That gesture was highly appreciated. Mod4 cc'd me and Fred the request. The reply from both Fred Zed and myself came in within 24 hours. I agreed, Mod4 agreed, but Fred asked to see the site first. Since then, I haven't received any further direct or cc'd communication form either OralLover or Fred Zed on that subject, in May, July or October. Nada.
Oh man, I hate doing this but let's put the record straight. I did ask for the permission to post the party web site again in sept. for Oct. party but no reply. Don't ask me who I sent to since I don't have copy of that in my PM box. I do remember some discussion I had with eith er Mod2 or Mod4 during the time when I was setting up the party web site (a few PMs exchanged) and since then I clearly followed the my guideline of not crossing the line - well, except for the banner issue which is mentioned below.

Mod 2 said:
I don't recall if the Montreal event party site already had a link to the other board at the time, but I believe it did not otherwise I would not have approved it's reference on MERB. If an offer has been made by Orallover to add the MERB banner to that site, I was not made aware of it. Either it was made to Fred Zed, or never made at all.
The offer was sent, again don't ask me who I sent to since I don't have copy of that in my PM box, but no reply so no MERB banner was put. How do I know this for sure? The answer is a little bit below.
Also, the banner of the other board was there from day 1 of party web site since I discussed with other people(ok, with someone specific :p ) about putting the banners of both board(and we even decided to the a certain way, Mods and Fred if you are wondering which way then just ask me in PM, I will explain) but decided to wait for the reply(not just MERB but sponsoring agencies at that time).

Mod 2 said:
All we want is equal treatment. If the banners for both boards are equally visible on the Party web site, I see no problem in allowing the links. It's not the case right now, hence Mod6's and Fred's combined decision. It's in the hands of the party organizer(s) at this point. However, if this party site is in fact paid for by the owner of the other board (as claimed by EB but denied by OL), it is therefore belonging to the other board and links to it wouldn't make much sense here.
Mod2, did you read my post properly? I said ""(except for the web site hosting and domain name registration fee was covered by the other board, like EB mentioned)"" To me, I admitted that the party web site hosting and name registration fees were paid by the other web site. I don't know how else I could have said that?

Mod 2 said:
I personally think all this arguing and cat fights between the two boards are childish. There are two boards, almost every member of both boards know about the other. The boards are operated differently, have a similar but yet different type of content, and both are valuable in their own way. But this is not the subject of this thread, so please accept my apologies for the hijacking.
I agree. :)

Mod 2 said:
As a side note, It's a known fact that Fred has a tendency to not reply all PMs he receives. If you want to make sure to receive a timely reply, please address your PM to both Fred AND one of (or all) the Mods.

I will remember that from now on. :)
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Mar 12, 2003
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If Honda produces a glossy brochure to advertise their products & allows Acura to advertise it's because they are allowing the own company or subsidiary to do so & they aren't in any way competing or allowing competition to enter into the picture. They will not agree to allowing Toyota/Lexus to advertise.

Somethings are counterproductive to a particular businesses' goal or objective. No business allows their direct competition to advertise in their own medium at least one that they control.

Mod 2

orallover said:
I did ask for the permission to post the party web site again in sept. for Oct. party but no reply. Don't ask me who I sent to since I don't have copy of that in my PM box.
I didn't say you didn't. I said "I haven't received any further direct or cc'd communication form either OralLover or Fred Zed on that subject".

orallover said:
Mod2, did you read my post properly? I said ""(except for the web site hosting and domain name registration fee was covered by the other board, like EB mentioned)""
You're right. I didn't read properly. :eek: Given the information that your web site hosting and domain name registration fees were covered by the other board, you're definitely not independent. Sponsorship is one thing, affiliation is another. I don't see any reason this continue this discussion.

Subject closed.

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