Montreal Escorts

Next Party – March 25th, 2005

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I'd consider it

Funny how I'd consider comming to one of these parties now that I'm not working anymore. Well I did go last time, but I was sitting with a friend. I saw you all by the piano ;)

There's many of you on this board I would like to meet :p

still reading...


New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Happy to help...

I am a "local", so that might be useful.

Let's connect via PM to iron out the details and divide up the work.


Feb 22, 2004
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Ok, since I pop this question, I suggest a place that:
- Rooms are available
- You can find food / booze / music
- Lots of privacy
- Not on the island of Montreal (45 minutes)
- We (merbite) will be the only people at that place
- It's a brand new place, the place is still virgin (no visitor has put down a step in it)
- No fee for the entry

In fact I know the owner of such place.
Guys I need yours inputs!!!


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Jul 11, 2003
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longtimers said:
Ok, since I pop this question, I suggest a place that:
- Rooms are available
- You can find food / booze / music
- Lots of privacy
- Not on the island of Montreal (45 minutes)
- We (merbite) will be the only people at that place
- It's a brand new place, the place is still virgin (no visitor has put down a step in it)
- No fee for the entry

In fact I know the owner of such place.
Guys I need yours inputs!!!

I have noticed a lot of posts along these lines and you guys need to think through these things a little bit more carefully.

First of all, there was a problem attracting SPs to recent parties. Do you really think that by posting that we'll have it at a place where there are "rooms available" you will increase SP participation? You'll likely cut it in half. The SPs who come to this party are not coming to do business AT THE PARTY, but to meet people and perhaps, based on these meetings, do some business in the future. If this is anything more than getting together for drinks you will end up with only a few SPs at this party. Now if an SP comes to the party and under no pressure decides she wants to leave with someone, that's her choice. But you don't advertise this party as an invitation to come to a brothel or what LE might consider a "bawdy house."

Second, if you do adverise it in that fashion it is a lock that you will draw the interest of LE. There is nothing illegal as far as a group of people getting together for drinks. However if you add to that a purpose of conducting business AT THE PARTY, please don't invite me because I have no interest in interacting with Canadian LE.

Third, there was a big problem at the last party caused by certain hobbyists who came to the party with this attitude. I personally observed one hobbyist fondle and grope an SP who did not wish to be fondled and groped, and the behavior continued for an uncomfortably long period of time. Do you really think this SP or any other SP is going to show up if she thinks she is going to be ogled, fondled and treated like a piece of meat? If you send the message that this is going to be the tone of the party, watch what will happen - you'll get less SPs showing than ever.

I agree with you that privacy is a major issue. Stripper Lover, a/k/a Mr. Montreal Rendevouz, had some concerns about the HDLM as a party site because many SPs were concerned about going there for various reasons. SL had envisioned future parties taking place at a different location, on Island. I think if you go off Island you will turn off the out of towners and probably a lot of SPs as well, because out of towners constitute a big part of their business. By the same token you need to avoid the Crescent and St. Denis areas because those areas are heavily congested with tourists and some SPs are concerned about running into former clients and people who will recognize them.

The best place to do it would be at a restaurant on Island away from tourist and congested areas that caters for weddings and the like. I am hoping that such a restaurant owner reads this and perhaps will contact the party organizer to donate his/her facilities and in particular a certain area where this can be conducted. We would all have to pay for our own food and drinks of course, and what the facility owner would get in return is tremendous free advertising.
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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
The best place to do it would be at a restaurant on Island away from tourist and congested areas that caters for weddings and the like.

Just want to point out that the parties always got held on a Friday...and most restaurants are usually busy on the weekends. You'd have to find one with spare party room...and those usually cost extra. It was held in the lobby of the hotel because it was free.

So unless you move the party to a quieter day...any day except friday's and saturday's...your going to run into problems with restaurants being busy. And if you move it to the weekdays or sunday you'll find alot of hobbiests who cant make it out that late. Also, Friday and Saturday's are SP's busiest nights.

So do you move it to a weekday when more SP's might be able to make it and find a nice quiet restaurant type setting that wont be as busy...or try to keep it on a Friday when more hobbiests can make it but possibly less SP's.


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Jul 11, 2003
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breadman said:
So do you move it to a weekday when more SP's might be able to make it and find a nice quiet restaurant type setting that wont be as busy...or try to keep it on a Friday when more hobbiests can make it but possibly less SP's.


This is a very good point. One of the problems with lack of SP turnout at prior parties was that most of the agencies that didn't show did not want to shut down on a Friday night and even the agencies that came, namely Celine and Kevin, only brought a few SPs with them. Indeed there were some hobbyists in town March 25 who did not even come to the party because they were seeing SPs that night in their hotel rooms!

I am in favor of keeping it on a Friday night but as far as certain restaurants being busy, you are right. I was hoping maybe someone who is new or looking to promote a newer restaurant might bite at this chance for free publicity and commit a spare room well in advance. Maybe they lose money on that room the one night, but make it up in the business they get by hosting the event. One hand washes the other...............There is also the possibility of some kind of cover charge which would cover getting in for drinks and hors douvres only...a cash bar with complimentary hors douevres but you pay small fee to get in....I am just throwing out ideas and trying to stimulate others to do the same. Unfortunately I am fighting against the "I want something for nothing" expectations & mentality that many people here seem to have.
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Feb 22, 2004
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I didn't have access to the net lately. Excuse me for my delayed reply.
Don't get me wrong here! Room are for those who are too drunk to get home since it 45 minutes from Montreal, I didn't think of what you mention between the lines.
As soon I send the message out I though at what you mention on your comment with LE, I regret to put it out that crude for a possible mis-interpretation of my true intention.
I have to say if that don't fit the criteria, we will find some restaurant on the island that will do the job, we won't have the type of privacy I expecte.

Anyways if you are still interested to my suggestion, it will be a nice option to consider.
As for the SP presence I can manage to have two or three owner sending their representative, other than DC or Celine rep.

I will appreciate if you can tell me what you think of this.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I suggest that you contact Orallover with your suggestion as he is organizing the party. Perhaps you can give Orallover the specifics of the location via PM, and Orallover can go and inspect the proposed site.

As far as people getting too drunk to drive home, we generally have mature adults at this party rather than immature kids (with one notable exception at the last party), who presumably know how to control themselves. However, if they don't there is the concept of "designated driver", and I am sure that we may have to give a few people a lift home anyway.

Thanks for your input. Contact Orallover to discuss further.
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