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Next Party – March 25th, 2005

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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Ned Nobody said:
I thought it was a great EVEning. EVEry party is different, and this EVEnt was EVEn better than most for me. I would like to thank Mr. Montreal_Rendezvous for inviting EVEryone to the party, and for his EVEnness in administrating the drawing. I am sure my memories of the prize will be EVErlasting :)

A special thanks to Kevin and Celine for offering prizes :D and giving us a chance to meet their staff, and to Mike, Vicky, Ronnie, Shanna, Tina, and Samy :) for attending.



Sounds like you were very intrigued by somebody last EVEning? ;) I can't say I blame you either, although next time you'll have to be a bit more careful with your drinks :p

As for the party I thought it was a nice turnout, always good to see the usual suspects in attendance (you all know who you are), the newbies, as well as a couple special guests, ie: Samy..Mmmm who looked exquisite.

Celine & Kevin merci beacoup for your generous offerings for the drawing and also for bringing some ladies to the gathering...what would we do without you guys?

Finally, a hearty thanks to Mr. MontrealRendezvous and Tom for organizing this shindig. Much appreciated.

Take care,



New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Le Cock Sportif said:
Judging from the names of hobbyists I see here who showed up at the party this was a WHO IS WHO of the hobbyist scene! Never before so many.... blah blah blah.... I still kick myself on the head for not being able to make it :(QUOTE]

I was going to send to the party Goddess Aphrodite and her contingent of beautiful maidens from the ‘Greek Goddesses Society’ to represent me there. Now I understand how come they did not want to go because Sporty Sportif the handsome hunk was not going to go. :( ;) Hmmm….too bad!!!

From 9990 miles away
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
Because I did not use my handle at the party some people asked me if I was an agency owner, LOL :eek: :eek: Celine and Kevin if you start hearing any rumors I will NOT be opening up my own agency any time soon.

Come to think of it, you do look like an agency owner!! :D


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
I was there.. and i had a good time at the party and after the party.

I had to say Vicky looked amazing. At first I didn't know who she was then when I found out that she is Vicky (the same one I tried to meet for past 2 months).

Vicky --> I am all yours :p a bottle of red wine and some nice French cheese will be available when we meet :)


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Nov 9, 2003
I just want to say that last night I had a WONDERFUL TIME! :D It was good to meet some new faces and just as good to reacquaint with old ones. I am so glad my name was included in the draw!!!! Once again thank you Celine for providing the wonderful prize I won :p I will write up my review soon.


Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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I got held up by events and ghosted by the party after midnight. Talked a bit with the blonde and slender Summer of Dangerous Curves, then ghosted away again. Until next time.

Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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Special K said:

Sounds like you were very intrigued by somebody last EVEning? ;) I can't say I blame you either, although next time you'll have to be a bit more careful with your drinks :p

WhatEVEr would give you that idea, SK? :cool:

EVEntually, the truth will come out, that I was not the one who had a glassware malfunction. I do hope the stains are not EVErlasting. I really should have offered to tend to the blotting myself. :D



The party in short (well... no so short! LOL)

Being invited to another event prior to the party, many of us arrived later than usual and missed some of it. I arrived around 11:30, after dropping off Porsha and Samantha and going to park the car...

My first impression was "Oh boy! It's jam packed!". Let's just say it was a weird sight at first: A bunch of girls sitting down in the middle of the place, most of them not talking to anyone except to other girls of the same group, and a much bigger bunch of guys standing up all around, kinda stuck there, some too shy to say anything, others not knowing what they should do.

Most of the usual suspects were already there, StripperLover, Tom, Tina Angel, Ronnie, Kevin DC and his girls, Ned_nobody, Salmacis, Cloudsurf, and many others joining in after like Maxwell, Doc Holliday, AlexK, SpecialK, the very lovely Celine, and others. Please don't be offended if I forgot some of you. And by the way, it was a real pleasure to meet EagerBeaver and put a face to the voice.. eur... the posts ;) A VERY nice guy. It was also very nice to meet new persons like Sylou, Marc (don't know his handle), and a few others.

I would say this party was the most crowded ever. Some beautiful ladies showed up and left before me (ie: Vicky, Eve?), and a few others arrived and left after me. I read somewhere that about 20 ladies showed up.

This party missed a few things. First, no special event to talk about like Tom's foot in mouth or Ronnie by the pool! Oh yes, I forgot, Ronnie was being pampered by two godess at some point. That's why we missed her wild side for a while! :p I also noticed Oliver was not there and neither were JohnEleganza and his girls, unless they showed up earlier?

There were supposed to be two draws. On the first one, Ronnie won. Ronnie being who she is, she literally jumped on her seat out of happyness, and the whole crowd knew she won! You're so cute Ronnie, don't ever change! LOL. A bit of controversy followed about her being an SP and winning a prize, and a third draw was organized so that the hobbyists would not suffer... I didn't really noticed when the two other draws took place, but guess what: I WON one of them! The other winner was Ned_nobody. Lucky us!

The draws' winners and prizes were therefore:
Ronnie, one hour with one of DC girls (or Celine's? Someone correct me if I am wrong)
Ned_Nobody, one hour with one of DC girls
Your truly, one hour with one of Celine's girls.

One of the highlight of the party, at least from my point of view, was the radiating Samantha. I have had the exquisite privilege to pick her up at home, bring her with me for the evening and spend more intimate time with her after hours :D (more on this in a separate thread :)), but it was interresting so see many of you guys droll over this beautiful lady. She was very much in demand and gave her email adress to quite a few people present there... Good for her.

All in all, it was a very nice evening!

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Capital Amatuer

New Member
Mar 13, 2005


I wanted to say thank you to all the organizers and participants for their efforts in putting this little social together. I was very nervous to attend being somewhat shy. I drove in from Ottawa, but it was a nice night for a drive, full moon, clear skies and dry roads, so that helped me relax a little. Once I got over my shyness/nervousness it was nice to meet and chat with some people, not at all what I expected.

Thank you Ronnie for your good nature, it was great chatting with you. And OralLover for your insights, some information helpful for an out of town guy.

And thank you Kevin (of DC) for your multi-tasking abilities. I had phoned earlier in the evening asking about Jessica's availability and once she arrived that was it, I was smitten. Thank you for taking the time, I know it must have been a hectic night.

Though I am from out-of-town and not not a frequent visitor to Montreal, this party helped me decide that Ottawa is not particularily interesting. I should/will be visiting Montreal more often in the future. Most Ottawa talent (and I use that word generously) leaves little to be desired so much so on another board, there is a great effort by some locals to attract Montreal talent to Ottawa.

Again, thank you all for your efforts and for making me feel welcome. I will be attending future socials.

Capital Amatuer

I can't believe Montreal hasn't banned smoking inside public buildings, wow !


Jul 5, 2004
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Superbe soirée de mon coté.

Je ne peux comparer aux précédentes puisque j'en était à ma première présence.

J'ai été littéralement estomaqué par le charme irrésistible de Samantha. Absolument incroyable. Je ne cesse qu'a penser à ses yeux envoutants et son si joli sourire depuis. M'ayant donné ses coordonnées, c'est certain que je la rencontrerai d'ici peu.

Une autre fille qui m'a beaucoup plu est Andreana (cheveux noir, style latino, celle qui était assise au bout de la table). Je suis surpris de ne pouvoir lire aucun commentaire sur elle sur ce site. Déja que je trouvais fort jolie ses photos sur le site de Dangerous Curve, je la trouve encore beaucoup mieux en personne. Quels yeux magnifique !!!

Un gros merci à l'organisateur de cette soirée, et j'ai déja bien hate à la prochaine.

Sorry guys If I wrote that in french. My english writting is poor.

But for you I will remume it in few words :

Samantha : WOW WOW
Andreanna (from DC) : WOW


Mar 11, 2005
late may sounds good

I am going to have to come to the next party..Late May sounds great..I am sure we will get a lot more people there, hopefully more ladies. ;)


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Special K said:

The infamous JaJ was in attendance and I didn't even get to meet you...geesh, maybe next time :eek:


We did see one another. Prior to the party. You seemed fairly annoyed for most of the evening.


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
Special K was annoyed for the most of the evening? :confused:
I met him and he looked fine to me. he might have been a little busy talking to girls

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
orallover said:
Special K was annoyed for the most of the evening? :confused:
I met him and he looked fine to me. he might have been a little busy talking to girls

Not prior to the party....he was stuck having to listen to some idiot talking nonsense.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yeah, it is true that Special K was annoyed by one individual. Fortunately, although I was nearby, I was paying attention to a certain gorgeous female, and this distraction spared me from overhearing any of the inane conversation.
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