NN & Others
Sounds like you were very intrigued by somebody last EVEning?
I can't say I blame you either, although next time you'll have to be a bit more careful with your drinks
As for the party I thought it was a nice turnout, always good to see the usual suspects in attendance (you all know who you are), the newbies, as well as a couple special guests, ie: Samy..Mmmm who looked exquisite.
Celine & Kevin merci beacoup for your generous offerings for the drawing and also for bringing some ladies to the gathering...what would we do without you guys?
Finally, a hearty thanks to Mr. MontrealRendezvous and Tom for organizing this shindig. Much appreciated.
Take care,
Ned Nobody said:I thought it was a great EVEning. EVEry party is different, and this EVEnt was EVEn better than most for me. I would like to thank Mr. Montreal_Rendezvous for inviting EVEryone to the party, and for his EVEnness in administrating the drawing. I am sure my memories of the prize will be EVErlasting
A special thanks to Kevin and Celine for offering prizesand giving us a chance to meet their staff, and to Mike, Vicky, Ronnie, Shanna, Tina, and Samy
for attending.
Sounds like you were very intrigued by somebody last EVEning?
As for the party I thought it was a nice turnout, always good to see the usual suspects in attendance (you all know who you are), the newbies, as well as a couple special guests, ie: Samy..Mmmm who looked exquisite.
Celine & Kevin merci beacoup for your generous offerings for the drawing and also for bringing some ladies to the gathering...what would we do without you guys?
Finally, a hearty thanks to Mr. MontrealRendezvous and Tom for organizing this shindig. Much appreciated.
Take care,