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Obama versus McCain: Debate 2.

Who won the second debate and why???

  • Overall it was a tie.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Generally I am not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all, knew I'd have another one.

Let’s give each candidate a chance to be heard, or if you don’t watch the debate, wait until there are some facts about it to base your decision on.

Based on the answers from each candidate in tonight’s debate, and possibly including your assessment of the first debate, who do you believe is more fit to be President??? Why?

This is a multiple choice poll. You can pick a choice in each area for your candidate, or you can mix your choices between different candidates depending on who you thought was better in each area. Just pick one candidate in each area as you wish. Of course you can just pick the main reason you thought a candidate was the better choice.

Have fun,



Remember it's for fun and conversation, not to change the world. So please vote even if you cannot vote for real.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
thebitchelor said:
i voted already but faith with my opinion:cool: even if obama isnt hot as i expected him to be...i would still vote for him if i could:cool:
Well B,

You are so incorrigibly compulsive aren't you. What a firey wench. :D




not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
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I was listening to 2 fellows talking today while my business partner went to the restroom that it's not a real debate since the format and presentation of the questions is already set by democrates and republican supporters.

anyone can elaborate on this affirmation I heard in a restaurant today


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
AllOverHer said:
I was listening to 2 fellows talking today while my business partner went to the restroom that it's not a real debate since the format and presentation of the questions is already set by democrates and republican supporters.
anyone can elaborate on this affirmation I heard in a restaurant today
Hello AOH,

I am not telling you I have any concrete information, but I seriously doubt that the questions are strictly controlled. This is supposed to be an audience of Independents. Perhaps who will be able to ask questions has been decided, but not the precise questions. As for it being a debate, there are too many restrictions for this to be a real debate with continuous point and counterpoint between candidates. It's more like each getting their turn to pitch his views to the audience there and nationally.'re too much. At least you're honest by voting before the debate, indicating how much you really intend to listen to




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Well all,

I don't see where this "debate" was much if any different from the first. It seems that we just got a repeat of the same policies and ideas. The effectiveness of each candidate was also just about the same as the first debate. Looking to see who won I was watching how the independent voters were pushing the meter and the only time I saw the meter go to the roof for a long time was when women gave Obama the highest possible levels on health care. Of the questions on the poll, I thought there was a tie on foreign affairs, which the candidates seemed to be much in agrrement on anyway. Otherwise, I thought Obama was slightly better as he was in the first debate.



Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I liked the debate, but it could have been much better if the format were different. Whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned debate where the debators actually debate among one another? The format i've seen so far in every debate isn't a true debate, IT'S A GODDAMN JOB INTERVIEW!!! :mad:

Obama dominated the debate & McCain looked old & cranky. He had to win the debate outright since he's trailing considerably in the polls & for the simple fact that 'town hall' types of debates were considered his strenght. Heck, even right-wing pundit Bill Bennett gave the debate to Obama. Shocking! :rolleyes:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
Obama dominated the debate & McCain looked old & cranky. He had to win the debate outright since he's trailing considerably in the polls & for the simple fact that 'town hall' types of debates were considered his strenght. Heck, even right-wing pundit Bill Bennett gave the debate to Obama. Shocking! :rolleyes:
Hello Doc,

I have to agree. This debate was probably the closest overall, though I though Obama scored more on Health, and knocked McCain down when he cited McCain's aggression in Iraq thus contradicting his scolding of Obama on Afghanistan. This debate did nothing to bring people over to McCain, so the economic situation will continue to push the polls. It also reinforced Obama's presence as an equal to McCain who could stand up to McCain with at least the same capabilities in knowledge and understanding.

By the way, for the first time I thought McCain looked old, stiff, and tired.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I thought this was the most lop-sided of the three debates. McCain wasn't horrible, except for a couple of things. Obama was in top form.

McCain did enrage his conservative base with his latest stunt, the $300 billion home mortgage buyout plan. The conservative blogs exploded in anger. Check out National Review Online, for one.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I would have called the debate close except for McCain's body language which in this format was awful. I agree with Doc that McCain looked old and cranky; actually I would go farther and say he looked frightfully old and fit for casting as a corpse in the next George Romero "Return of the Dead" movie. He also seemed very stiff and all of his walking around and pacing back and forth while Obama was speaking was driving me nuts, and I am sure that audience must have also been distracted.

Obama failed to directly answer a few questions. On the question about how he would prioritize energy, healthcare, and entitlements, Obama rated energy (1), and Healthcare (2), and he forgot to discuss entitlements!!!! However one or two questions later there was a question about entitlements, and he seemingly realized his mistake and said he would get to it "maybe not in 2 years but by the end of my term." I thought these answers were shaky.

McCain was in attack mode as expected, but as Doc mentioned he looked cranky and irritable and his facial expressions, to me, support the whispers that he is a man with a very nasty temper. He landed some punches, but Obama counterpunched and clarified his earlier points effectively.

Obama was clearly the more comfortable and natural debater and won this debate, although he did make a few mistakes (I noted only one above).
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
and he forgot to discuss entitlements!!!!
One thing Obama could have mentioned was McCain's plan, as outlined in yesterday's Wall St. Journal, to slash Medicare and Medicaid.

Slashing those plans is political suicide, another in McCain's numerous attempts to sabotage his electoral hopes. Sending Ms. Palin out to feed red meat to the wingnut base, inciting them to riot while terrifying the reasonable masses is probably the dumbest thing he's done yet. Her crowd was ready to storm the press barricade yesterday, with at least one of them hurling racial epithets at a press photographer. Another yelled out, "Kill him," with Obama the most likely target of that piece, which the Secret Service is now investigating. Her rallies have the ring and feel of Hitler's speeches prior to his rise to power.
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Oct 11, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
Her rallies have the ring and feel of Hitler's speeches prior to his rise to power.
I see your getting your talking points straight from Arianna Huffington. :rolleyes: Between you and her, a brain cell might be able to be scavenged. McCain lost the debate because he is being a pussy. He was supposed to take the gloves off, but never even got them on. He also has to drop the “my friends” bs. The debate was a total dud. Just the same old crap we have heard over and over. It is now up to the female Hitler to save the ticket.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
beautydigger said:
I see your getting your talking points straight from Arianna Huffington. :rolleyes: Between you and her, a brain cell might be able to be scavenged. McCain lost the debate because he is being a pussy. He was supposed to take the gloves off, but never even got them on. He also has to drop the “my friends” bs. The debate was a total dud. Just the same old crap we have heard over and over. It is now up to the female Hitler to save the ticket.


I just woke up and I think I am in the wrong dimensional plain of existence or something. Did Beautydigger just says McCain lost??? We even agree the debate was poor, McCain's "my friends" was phoney, and the "Hitler" comment is excessive. Damn, I thought the laws of physics were immutable. Don't do this any more Beautydigger. It upsets the balance of the




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Next Debate


There is actually one more Presidential debate, on October 15. McCain will have no choice but to attack, and the format of the October 15 debate may be more suitable for doing that.

McCain's makeup artistry department has a formidable challenge dressing up his facial appearance and body to look younger, or at least not decrepit! My father is the same age as McCain and Dad looks 20 years younger than McCain. Somehow they need to give McCain a facelift, and tighten up those jowls because the freaking guy looks like he should be in a rest home. In all seriousness, his appearance scared the shit out of me!:eek:

Obama needs to do a better job directly answering questions. He was giving some canned rhetoric in the beginning of his answers and then answering, and at times he was meandering between answers and canned rhetoric. McCain, though his face looked old and saggy and his body stiff, was at least answering the questions (not necessarily well, mind you), then attacking. Obama needs to sort of first parse out the answer and then add the rhetoric. As I noted previously, however, Obama is clearly the much better speaker and debater regardless of the content of what was said.

Obama at one point during the debate referred to the JFK promise of getting to the moon in 10 years, a promise that was fulfilled some years after JFK's assassination, in giving an example of how America having fulfilled its goals even when it was not known how we would do it. This kind of positive thinking is what is needed from our candidates. I would advise Obama to do a lot more of this in the next debate. Although the challenge of straightening out the economy may be a much bigger task than sending a man to the moon was in the 1960s, it does not hurt to have someone encouraging citizens to rise to the challenge. And the truth is that the people at NASA worked their asses off for many years to get Neil Armstrong to the moon. They rose to the JFK challenge.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
There is actually one more Presidential debate, on October 15. McCain will have no choice but to attack, and the format of the October 15 debate may be more suitable for doing that.
Politico is reporting that McCain might be pulling Ayers and Wright off the table. Their polling is telling them that it's doing his campaign more harm than good.

I don't know what McCain is going to attack Obama on. The issues, which don't really work to his advantage? This thing is pretty close to over. 5 runs down with 2 out in the ninth with Eckersley slinging darts.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006

next time you present a poll, could you please organize the choices in this order:
  • Barack Obama - Better able to handle the financial crisis and the economy.
  • Barack Obama - Better able to handle the war and foreign affairs.
  • Barack Obama - Better for the average family and working person.
  • Barack Obama - Better with real ideas rather than personal attacks.
  • John McCain - Better able to handle the financial crisis and the economy.
  • John McCain - Better able to handle the war and foreign affairs.
  • John McCain - Better for the average family and working person.
  • John McCain - Better with real ideas rather than personal attacks.
  • Overall it was a tie.
  • Generally I am not sure.
rather than the current one? I think it would be more legible and easier to get a grasp of the results at a glance; thanks!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Agrippa said:

next time you present a poll, could you please organize the choices in this order:
  • Barack Obama - Better able to handle the financial crisis and the economy.
  • Barack Obama - Better able to handle the war and foreign affairs.
  • Barack Obama - Better for the average family and working person.
  • Barack Obama - Better with real ideas rather than personal attacks.
  • John McCain - Better able to handle the financial crisis and the economy.
  • John McCain - Better able to handle the war and foreign affairs.
  • John McCain - Better for the average family and working person.
  • John McCain - Better with real ideas rather than personal attacks.
  • Overall it was a tie.
  • Generally I am not sure.
rather than the current one? I think it would be more legible and easier to get a grasp of the results at a glance; thanks!
Hello Agrippa,

That's fine with me. I thought my way would make people READ what the category means instead of just going straight to the name and put four marks in a row. And it seems to work since some people did not mark every space for one candidate. All suggestions are welcome though.

Anyway if anyone else wants to do this that's fine too. I am not staking this out as my territory or something.


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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
McCain was in attack mode as expected, but as Doc mentioned he looked cranky and irritable and his facial expressions, to me, support the whispers that he is a man with a very nasty temper.

You're darn right he's got a temper. He's the guy who's even called his own wife a c### in the past when she upset him. I wouldn't feel very comfortable knowing that a 72-year old man with a history of temper tantrums & a short fuse is the one with the ultimate power to launch a nuclear attack against a country's that pissed him off. What would he have to lose? His life expectancy isn't exactly rosy. And if he's not around.....Palin? Yikes!! Even worse!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
rumpleforeskiin said:
Politico is reporting that McCain might be pulling Ayers and Wright off the table. Their polling is telling them that it's doing his campaign more harm than good.

I don't know what McCain is going to attack Obama on. The issues, which don't really work to his advantage?

Maybe he'll eventually go all out & attack Obama for his skin color. I"m sure he's dying to. Did you hear how he referred to him last night during the so-called debate? He referred to him as "that". Hmmm.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The Ayers attack is totally ludicrous. He really must think that the majority of americans are a bunch of dummies to bite on that one. I mean, Obama was 8 years old when Ayers was accused of being a founder of a homegrown terrorist organization. As for Ayers, he's reformed his old ways from all accounts & even found work later in life as a university professor & organizer of charitable events. Did he ever get convicted for his past ties? I don't think he did, but i could be wrong. But this 'guilty by association' b.s. is exactly what it is: B.S.

There are some Republican senators that were once members of the Ku Klux Klan. They supposedly have since reformed & gotten over their racist views. Does that make all Republican senators racists due to their affiliation with fellow senators who were once racists? Sean Hannity's guest on his show last weekend was someone well-known with anti-semetic views who also claims the Holocaust was a hoax. Does that make Sean Hannity anti-semetic simply because he had this jerk on his show? By the way, when will someone lay a knuckle-sandwich on this big mouthed idiot? What a despicable human being!!! :mad:

It seems like the McCain camp hasn't grasped the fact that it's quite easy today to fact-checks the candidates' statements because of the internet. They go on and on and on with their lies & slanderous accusations towards Obama. Don't they realize how foolish & how mean they look? Why is John McCain tarnishing his legacy this way??

McCain's time was back in 2000. The world would be a much better place (i think) if he would have won the Republican nomination instead of the worse (or second-worse) POTUS ever, whose policies & actions have done extremely severe damage not only to the USA, but to the rest of the world. It will take decades (if we're still around) for the damage to be repaired. Maybe even more.


New Member
May 8, 2008
Woow ! Obama by a Land Slide !

Woow ! Obama by a Land Slide ! He will be the next President of the United States !!! Good !!!
Watch the impact that it will have on the Planet ! On all fronts !

The Americans are taking a big step into the right direction !

Its beautiful !
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