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Okay to follow SP personal social media or no?


Feb 17, 2019
Hi all,

First general forum post, please be gentle :p. Basically the situation is that I accidentally stumbled across a SP's personal profile on social media. Was not even attempting to find it, it just sort of popped up as I was looking through the follows of someone else I follow. This brings up the question: is it ok to follow a SP's personal social media? creepy? big no-no? Should I message first and ask if it's ok? Just don't follow her? Just sort of wondering what the etiquette is for this sort of situation. I would especially appreciate some feedback from some of the lovely SP's on here as I would love your perspective on this. Would you panic if clients followed you/found your personal social media? I know privacy is a huge deal in this job (on both the hobbyist and provider side) so I can imagine that reaction being quite common. For a bit more context: I have seen this particular SP as a client (so we have met before and got on well, I believe) and we do have a mutual acquaintance. Also, I have not made any attempt to follow her yet; wanted to run it by MERB first lol.

Anyway, thank you all in advance for any replies :D.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
don't. it's creepy

if she has a "professional" twitter account using her name as a SP, follow that one instead

following the real-life account of any SP on social media is stalker-type behavior

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Don't do it. Only time its ok to do it would be if you talk about it in person and she say sure you can add me. Otherwise don't do it.


Feb 17, 2019
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Kind of what I was thinking. I will not follow her :smile: .

Annie Sexy

Annie ❤️
Jan 14, 2017
Quebec city
Personnellement, je n'ai aucun problème avec ca. Personne n'a jamais fait de commentaires déplacés. J'ai comme ligne de pensée plus tu te cache plus les gens sont curieux alors que quand tu caches rien les gens ont plus tendance a vous savez comme moi que la terre est minuscule avec les réseaux sociaux....


Feb 22, 2004
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It depend on the SP and how she is publicly allowing her account to be seen and what she put on her account.
If she need to vouch your friendship / following status then you have to respect that and don't try to cross that line.
If her account is to gain followers and you can see it publicly I don't see an issue. Some of them put explicit video of what they do and use the same pictures on their profile as on their post as an SP.
You have to use your judgement and don't put public message and ask when she work.


Active Member
Nov 28, 2015
I don't see a problem with following. Social media has it's own settings if they don't want randos following them.

The problem is messaging them or saying anything in a public posting on their account.

Likes and follows on an open social media account is meaningless otherwise, you're just another statistic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
it's a bit weird to follow the personal account, but if they have a cam/escort/SP account... it's fair and fine to follow that.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't see a problem with following. Social media has it's own settings if they don't want randos following them.

The problem is messaging them or saying anything in a public posting on their account.

Likes and follows on an open social media account is meaningless otherwise, you're just another statistic.

I can see your point, and if the girl is very popular as "herself" (and not her SP persona) then she may have 2000 followers, of course she is hardly gonna check them all one by one. But if by any stretch she see your face and/or you like one of her post and she notice, i dunno, could be akward to notice "that client guy" she saw not long ago having found her personal profile.

Lets be honest, as Annie says obviously Social Media is a small world, its easy to notice SP profiles even if you don't look for them. She can be a friend of a friend, she can be a friend of a civilian you follow, hell you may follow some civilian hot girls and not even knowing that they are also SPs lol.

I just think its best to not follow or especially send a friend request to an SP you saw. Kinda like keep distance in a way... But maybe im making too much of a deal of what is not. I mean especially if we differenciate "follows" from actual friend request. 2 different things.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
I would be so creeped out if first someone found out what my legal name is and second if that personne followed me on my personal social media.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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The relationship we have with a provider is a "Professional" one, NOT a personal one. Why would you want to invade her personal life ? There is one provider who I have met who asked me if I would like to connect with her via social media, I did NOT while I was seeing her but when she left the business she asked me again and I did and still do follow her. I do NOT make comments on her posts and do not interact with her via social media, that to me is too creepy, I respect her personal life and would never invade that area.


Feb 9, 2018
Anyone i find on my social media will be an automatic ban from seeing me LOL. Id blacklist at the agency , block delete and warn my friends. It is beyond creepy imo .


Aug 15, 2011
I would be so creeped out if first someone found out what my legal name is and second if that personne followed me on my personal social media.

Some grils just talk to much ... i explain ... one day i say to an MP stop talking because some guys will be able to find you !!! She just laugh and think that it was impossible .... It took me about 5 minutes to send her a photo or her house .... she was totally stunt and say thanks to me.

You are right it`s inneceptable to do that but some guys probably try very hard to find the real life of some ladies, so be safe girls :) !!!


Feb 17, 2019
Thanks everyone for the responses! And a special shoutout to all the SPs that responded. Seems like the overwhelming response is: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DON'T DO IT lol. So, I will definitely not be following the SP I found and will just pretend like I never saw her personal page :)

Joe young

Sep 29, 2018
Je suis partagé sur le sujet, il y a la vie personnelle et la vie professionnelle. Mais par expérience, je sais que certaines personnes (femmes et hommes) deviennent parfois amis avec le temps. Donc il se peut que les gens soient amis sur les médias sociaux si leurs relations a évolués vers une amitié. Il se peut que parfois on soit amis sur les médiaux sociaux sans savoir que la femme travaille dans le domaine et que l'homme soit client du domaine. À la fin de la journée, c'est que les gens aient du respect pour les autres et que tout ce qui se dit à Vegas, reste à Vegas. Et non pas publiquement sur les médias sociaux. Sauf que nous ne sommes pas dans un monde parfait, et il y aura toujours une minorité d'épais.


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
I have an independent favourite lady that I have been seeing for the last 3 years. She herself started revealing info about her family, her personal life, her university, her identity, ect.......There is actually very little that I don't know about her. I have not pried into anything and it is all her who has volunteered the information over time. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to as she mentions that she is somewhat of a loner? As Joe Young mentions, I think it depends on many factors. There are some people that truly trust each other. I certainly appreciate that my "relationship" may not be the norm because if I was the SP, I would be very very careful and trust would be at an absolute premium. But we have become somewhat friends I suppose. It can and does happen.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
I think in the end, the best and safest course of action is to ask her permission. There seems to be alot of people on both sides of the fence for this matter, for both hobbyists and sps so it seems to be very case by case person by person. If this is something you wish to do, then ask permission first. Best case scenario she says yes and you get what you wanted, worst she says no and you respect her wishes and move on with life. If you do get her concent, then make sure you don’t abuse her trust. Be respectful, don’t reveil how you met her and don’t talk about her job. You can both just play it off that you know eachother through a mutual friend. Liking her posts is probably fine, but again ask permission. Things like writhing comments, tagging her in things or anything else that would draw unwanted questions about your relationship should be avoided.
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