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Okay to follow SP personal social media or no?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Stalking has its downside, creep someone for weeks and find out you have nothing in common. Never get that wasted time back.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Haha that is pretty funny STN. A few years ago I came across the FB page of a girl I had spent an intense multihour session with. The reasons the page popped up were too weird and complex to explain and I had mixed feelings about seeing her in her "real life". It kind of messed with my fantasy. I prefered thinking of her as that passionate sex kitten instead of seeing candid snaps of her with family and friends so I quickly clicked off there never to return. The hobby stays fun when you can separate fantasy from reality. Crossing that demarcation line with an sp can be dicey.

Josie Ramoan

Mature, tattooed, legendary
Jun 2, 2015
Toronto travels to Montreal
No SP's have responded so from our point of view: Do not follow her! Forget you ever saw her. Personal- anything- including social media is just that, personal. You can follow anything that has her professional nom de plume but if it's under any other name than the one she uses for escorting/etc you're crossing a boundary you are not expressly permitted to cross.

If an SP wants you to follow their personal social media she will tell you, finding it accidentally is not expressed consent. So be respectful of her boundaries, her right to have a personal life, and her privacy and maybe one day you'll get the OK.

And think very carefully before you bring it up with the SP. Maybe you could ask her, but would she uncomfortable if you told her you found her private profile? Personally I would, and I would think twice about spending any more time with you if I knew you had been lurking on my private media. Maybe not everybody will be, but since there are SO many social and online options to get to know an SP you don't need to follow private media as well.

There are many more implications than simply 'it might make her uncomfortable', does she have a civvie job? Does her family/friends know about her escorting? Is she following her landlord or her employer? Your presence in her social media
could have a serious negative impact on her life.

Lastly, boundaries are necessary for all of us. Just because something might not impact you negatively doesn't mean it won't have a negative impact on the other person. And trust me, she will be happy to share more with you if you respect her boundaries and let her decide.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think the ladies are afraid of stalkers. This is a real problem and I have heard horror stories. A girl I met recently was telling me how customers would try to learn one thing and go digging and then after awhile they know where you live, work, go to school, your real name etc. Yeah if you happen upon a girls social media you're probably going to look at it but keep it to yourself and then move on. Remember the code. This is a brotherhood/sisterhood. Know your boundaries. We don't out each other and we don't stalk each other. Keep private things private for both the buyer and the seller. Don't play detective.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I would not want to know their private life unless they specifically told me about it in person.

I don’t have face book or Twitter, not interested.
I look at maybe 3 Twitter pages from time to time mostly Julia Sky, I find hers the most interesting and informative, plus this girl is just as funny and entertaining on her Twitter as when you are with her. She has an all round fun and kind character.
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