Montreal Escorts

!!! OLIVIA MUNIZ – Holiday Special !!!

Olivia Muniz

New Member
Jan 11, 2017
I know we are really busy during this time of the year getting ready for Holiday season. For most people, Holiday season represents spending time with family and feeling loved but for many others it could be a reminder of their loneliness. I have a special thought for you and wanted to take some time to tell you!

For those who have met me, you probably know how sensitive and genuinely caring I am as a person. I feel so lucky to be able to spend time with you and get to know each of you. I am always touched to see that someone has chosen me amongst my amazing peers and I am grateful.

I would like to give back and that’s why I thought about a Holiday season special for you my dearest. It is my way of thanking you for this amazing 1rst indy year I’ve had. Thank you so much for all of your support! Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

With kindness and love,

Olivia Muniz xox

For more details please visit my website in the “holiday special” section . Have a great day! Xox

PS: You can also text at 514 500 7844 but PLEASE make sure you write a PROPER introduction which does not involve the opening “Hi you available?” . Please let me know information such as your name, merb handle, date and time you would want to see me. Be efficient, direct and elegant !

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