Montreal Escorts

On the subject of pictures....

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
YouVantOption said:
There is no aphrodisiac as powerful as the human imagination*.

* except maybe Cialis and Viagra

Actually, aphrodisiacs increase sexual desire. Viagra and Cialis do not increase sexual desire. If you cannot have erections, they won't give you one either. These meds only sustain erections, and one of the side effects of Viagra can be to see everything in blue.. a whole new meaning to the little blue pill!



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
wasisname said:
If something is covered, I have to wonder why. If every pic shows covered breast, is it because they are sagtastic? If the gut is covered, is it covered with the stretchmarks and pregger signs. What about a covered ass. Same for badly done out of focus/too small pics.

If the collection of pics are such that one can see all the potential spots in at least one photo, then it isn't so bad. Granted there is always the photoshop factor, but sadly one can't do much about that, unless it is obvious or a really bad job.

As for explicit pics being a turn-off. I don't care if the pictures are a turn-on or a turn off, I don't jerk off to escort pics. I do want a good idea of who is comming to the door, and if she will be fully naked with me, then I would prefer to see what she will look like before.

I don't wanna disrespect escorts in any means, so sorry if anybody take it bad, but i feel like when you check at website for an escort you are "shoping". Its kind of like you renting a car. The outside can be as good as you want, but if inside this not to your taste, your gonna have a bad ride. Sorry to compare cars to women, but its just a way of making the point. I want to be sure when i call for a girl, that she is exactly what i want. Thats why girl with no head picture , i would never call for them. I can accept a little blurry thing, since most do it, but you still manage to see the overall look of the girl.

So when it come to body, yes i would rather have a good clear view of the breast and body, than not seeing anything. Because for exemple i don't like huge nipples, the ones you see sometimes in porn on a badly done fake rack, or even some natural ones sometimes have too much nipple area comparing to the size of the boob. So when the girl arrive, if she undress and she is like that, that would be disapointing. Of course i know an escort is not like a stripper, and you don't focus that much on the breast, there is plenty of other thing on the menu, but still...

So i consider the picture to be very important. Booker a girl for me is a combo of making sure you find her attractive, making sure her attitude is good(reviews) and knowing before you take her wich services she offer. I did that and had the best time of my life last time i was with an escort. For exemple i love to get a BBBCIM, so its important the girl will do it, cause it would be really disapointing for me if she dosen't do it. SW is nice, but as long as she dosen't run to the bathroom to spit when i cum, its not that much important. As long as she finish me good and (the best feeling is the 10 sec or so after you cum, so she have to continue getting slower)

Anyway all of this to say picture are a huge part of the thing, and being a sherbrooke guy, i know how frustrating it is when you order a girl on the phone from an add in the news paper and when she arrive your lke "what the hell, its her my escort??"

In real life i wouldn't be so touchy, but since i pay good ammount to get an escort(300$ for me for 1 hour since i got to use bus and hotel) i want to be sure its gonna be a dream come true. I don't pay 300 to bang a girl i think is average looking. Tates are different of course, so for me the dream girl of somebody else can be average and not more, but my dream girl can be the same thing for another guy. So i want to be sure she gonna be MY dream girl when she arrive.

As for clothes, am i the only one that think there is nothing sexier than a girl in jeans and tank top? Im SO NOT the lingery type, always like more girl in street clothing...


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Miss Maria said:
I choose lingerie for my pics because I love wearing it. Eleganza pics I find vulgar and raunchy. But what ever works for them, and of course everyone has their preference. I just find it lacks a bit of class and mysteriousness.

To be honest, I can't find any difference between the style of eleganza's pictures and your own. Your photo's have you bending over, arching your back (your bottom two on the one picking your fingernail? bottom one making a free point shot?...something dirtier came to mind but im a gentleman)....eleganza's have the same situations for their girls. In 2 out of the 12 pictures on your website, you're nude. And 3 or 4 more are showing off some skin. And your pose's resemble the same pose's the girls in Eleganza's website are doing. So if you could, for scientific reasons....please tell us which of the elegaanza girl's pictures (along with top left, bottom right etc) that you find raunchy and vulgar.
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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Miss Maria said:
Viagra and Cialis do not increase sexual desire. If you cannot have erections, they won't give you one either. These meds only sustain erections, and one of the side effects of Viagra can be to see everything in blue.. a whole new meaning to the little blue pill!

From the way you wrote this comment, im assuming your talking about Viagara and Cialis....and stating that these pills won't give erections to those who can't have them.

This quote seems to contradict your statement.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Breadman, this isn't a ED drug thread but, to answer your question, ED drugs will NOT give you an erection if you don't feel like getting one. I think that's what Maria ment. If the erection problem is caused by worries about various things like money, kids, the wife, work, no ED drugs will give you a woddie. For ED drugs to work, the biggest sex organ you have must be in "sex mode". That organ is the brain...

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
breadman said:
To be honest, I can't find any difference between the style of eleganza's pictures and your own. Your photo's have you bending over, arching your back (your bottom two on the one picking your fingernail? bottom one making a free point shot?...something dirtier came to mind but im a gentleman)....eleganza's have the same situations for their girls. In 2 out of the 12 pictures on your website, you're nude. And 3 or 4 more are showing off some skin. And your pose's resemble the same pose's the girls in Eleganza's website are doing. So if you could, for scientific reasons....please tell us which of the elegaanza girl's pictures (along with top left, bottom right etc) that you find raunchy and vulgar.

Hi Breadman!

I don't think nudity equals raunchiness or vulgarity. I also think raunchiness and vulgarity can be very exciting at some extent. I had not been on the Eleganza site for a while and I have to say I find the pictures taken of Leah and Paris are very nice, but most of the others seem raunchy to me. It has nothing to do with the girl but perhaps the setting, the camera quality, the photographer, the fact that we see nothing of the faces which is where alot of sensuality can be seen. I think any woman can look gorgeous and hot on pictures, just needs the right people and setting and concept to work with. Then again, alot of clients like the 'amateur' kindof shot also. Makes them feel like alot of you said: you are getting what you see on the webpage.

As for pills for Erectile Dysfunction, you need to be physically capable of having an erection for the pill to work. Most of the time, men believe they cannot have erections, but it is mostly that they have trouble getting a full erection and maintaining it. No erections at all is very rare and usually comes from an accident involving the nervous system, blood circulation problems and some medication. I am not a doctor, but I have studied Sexual Dysfunctions. Then again, I am sure some of you would know more then me as I have never had that problem myself. ;)

Also, metoo is correct, if you take Viagra and don't have sexual stimulation (physical or mental), you won't just have a spontaneous erection. Taking viagra and then doing something not erotic at all with no sex thoughts either will not give you an erection. Viagra does not work on sexual desire like aphrodisiacs do. The best thing for that is the brain and imagination.

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Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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metoo4 said:
Breadman, this isn't a ED drug thread but, to answer your question, ED drugs will NOT give you an erection if you don't feel like getting one. I think that's what Maria ment. .

Whatever she meant, she stated that Viagara and Cialis 'wouldn't' give you an erection
If you cannot have erections, they won't give you one either
. There is nothing in her first statement reflecting what you stated above. And in her response she actually repeats her statement
As for pills for Erectile Dysfunction, you need to be physically capable of having an erection for the pill to work.

Im not an expert, but the article that I quoted and linked is a health publication that states the exact opposite.

Let me quote this again, including the doctors name who they interviewed...

We asked Dudley Danoff, MD, a Los Angeles urologist and the author of Superpotency (Warner Books, $11), for the real lowdown on the drug that's taken the country by storm.

After years of treating male sexual dysfunction, have you ever seen anything like Viagra before?

There's no question that the magic blue pill is a phenomenon no urologist has ever seen before. Nothing has come down the urological turnpike to equal the attention, the excitement, the hope that Viagra has generated.

What do guys tell you when they come to you for a Viagra prescription?

Well, I listen to what they don't say as much as what they do say. They'll come in complaining of another thing - "It hurts when I urinate," or, "There's an abrasion on my penis." Then the moment they're ready to walk out, they say, "By the way, doctor, I have trouble with erections. I can't get it up."

What kinds of men actually need to use Viagra?

Most are at least 50, older guys who really have erectile dysfunction. They can't get an erection, or they have an erection inadequate to penetrate, or they feel it's not as firm as it once was. We also see [younger] guys who get hard-ons twice a day but want six a day. But we're very cautious in giving it to them. If my patients under 40 ask for Viagra, I'm suspicious, and I'm reluctant to give them a prescription unless they have a bona fide erectile problem.

I know, with a name like Dudley your probably all thinking this guy is a goof....but I have to believe a doctor over an escort (no matter how well read) anyday.

Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
All I was trying to say is that you have to have the capability to start an erection. If you have no sexual desire or some physical problem that inhibits you from having an erection (which is a reflex of the body), Viagra will not magically spring it up.

Believe me or not, I am not a doctor and do not know all the depth of ED and Viagra use but the important thing is that if anyone feels they have a problem, they should consult their doctor, not only rely on internet info.

All I was trying to clarify is that Viagra a Cialis are not Aphrodisiacs.



Nov 12, 2007
YouVantOption said:
And there, ladies and gentlemen, we have someone who hit the nail on the head. Given the ubiquity of Photoshop and other image manipulation software, bait and switch, etc. the only way to tell is in the most pleasurable manner possible, in the flesh. So why stress about a 360-degree panoramic view that might be faked, or touched up, or old and out-dated?

The problem could be addressed by full disclosure on reviews, but based on my very limited experiences on Terb land, I find for the most part reviewers are not willing to point out such flaws unless they are truly a massive distortion from pics.

In an ideal would, HD pics would be available, at least as a clickable option, and non photoshopped, and if they were, such agencies/indys would be called on it.

Of course in an ideal world, I wouldn't have to pay for it.
And in Soviet Russia, girls pay me. ;)


May 1, 2006
Viagra and sexuality...

Viagra is not an a pill used by men to treat ED,in most cases. It can help ONLY when they become sexually excited or they respond to sexual stimulation. Remember,taking viagra will not give you an instant erection. It only works when you are sexually aroused. I believe the best aphrodisiac to get in the mood is a romantic dinner (specially seafood)...a nice glass of wine and a hot girl like Sweetmaria !!!! Who need viagra with all these Montreal beauties. LOL :D :D :D :D
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