Montreal Escorts

Ontario men get pummeled in downtown Mtl

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Montreal police are investigating the brutal beating of two young men who were swarmed Friday on a downtown city street in an incident allegedly sparked by racial taunts hurled at a group of black people, according to an Internet video of the pummeling.

The 23 second beating left the two Waterloo, Ont., men, aged 23 and 26 years, lying like they were dead on the pavement as bystanders laughed and hooted. As several people gathered around the men's prostrate bodies, someone is heard saying "don't touch their necks man, watch their necks" before police and paramedics arrived. A male voice close to camera then says: "Stupid idiot, why would he say that?"

The beating happened at about 10:45 p.m. near the intersection of Ste. Catherine and Peel Sts. in downtown Montreal, Const. Laurent Gingras said.
The two men, both white, suffered from minor injuries, bruises and cuts, but refused to go to the hospital, Gingras said.

The video of the beating was posted Saturday on and had been watched more than 3,680 times by Sunday morning. Gingras said he was passing the two minute, 13 second video on to investigators who had not yet tracked down suspects. Gingras said he could not confirm the Internet claim the beating was triggered by racial taunts.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
While there is no excuse for violence, these guys must have been crazy or drunk to start a race riot in the middle of downtown Montreal.

On a side note, the gangsta culture has certainly been exported from the States. I recall seeing reports on CTV about Montreal police busting gangstas in West Island neighborhoods. When I was last in Montreal, I saw quite a bit of bling bling being displayed.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
Montreal police are investigating the brutal beating of two young men who were swarmed Friday on a downtown city street in an incident allegedly sparked by racial taunts hurled at a group of black people, according to an Internet video of the pummeling.
Hello Doc,

Crazy isn't it. Who's innocent and who's guilty? Which gets which label, the sick-mided racists or the vengeful muderous thugs? Generally, this feels almost like a prime social example of Newton's third law: "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Sad, :(



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

bond_james_bond said:
While there is no excuse for violence, these guys must have been crazy or drunk to start a race riot in the middle of downtown Montreal.

On a side note, the gangsta culture has certainly been exported from the States. I recall seeing reports on CTV about Montreal police busting gangstas in West Island neighborhoods. When I was last in Montreal, I saw quite a bit of bling bling being displayed.


No guns, no knives. Seen much worse without race being a factor.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
bond_james_bond said:
While there is no excuse for violence, these guys must have been crazy or drunk to start a race riot in the middle of downtown Montreal.

As mentionned in the article, the only ones who claimed the white guys threw racial epithets at the mostly black crowd is the person who posted the video on the internet. No other proof of this as been brought forward. As far as i know, it could simply be hearsay. Maybe the two white guys were simply random victims of some type of gangbanger initiation ritual where new recruits were ordered to beat up a couple of white people randomly. It's happened before in Mtl (remember the white guy who got stabbed in a McDonald's a couple of years ago?).


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007

whatever they said 2 of the blackguys shouldve stepped to them,, not 20,, and if you notice in the video there are white guys in the group too,, so i dont know if i buy the racial excuse,, and what about that guy that gets the last hit?,, comes from behind and kicks a guy in the head thats down on the ground and allready beaten,, then runs,, hes not a thug hes a pussy ass bitch


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
cpp433 said:
whatever they said 2 of the blackguys shouldve stepped to them,, not 20,, and if you notice in the video there are white guys in the group too,, so i dont know if i buy the racial excuse,, and what about that guy that gets the last hit?,, comes from behind and kicks a guy in the head thats down on the ground and allready beaten,, then runs,, hes not a thug hes a pussy ass bitch

Hello cpp433,

Yup, there's a lot of sick ugliness to go Boston or Ontario. But "thug"..."pussy ass bitch"...monsters and cowards is more like it.




New Member
Aug 5, 2006
monteal is genrally quite a less voilence prone place than any US city. I generally going out anywhere, except where the neighborhood has a high concentration of blacks. Regardless of what anybody says, that type generally do have a different culture that emphasizes settling differences by force.

Generally every spring, right around now after the snow has first melted, downtown can become much much more unsafe. It seems like every spring after the snow has melted, the gangbangers show up en mass downtown. As some US tourists had noted: man, he almost got mugged behind the downtown Sheraton walking just from the Sheraton to St. Cat.

So generally, at this time, the police will put on a massive downtown presence, most likely to chase the gangbangers away before the tourists show up and get chased away. I have seen parked police pressence at just about every street corner on st. cat's at this time. And they do chase them away sooner or later. I am surprised that this beating could have taken place right downtown at this time.

For those who come into town at this time, better take note: downtown might just be the most unsafe part of montreal at this time. Better keep your guards up than be sorry about it later.

Dplus seeker

Nov 11, 2006
What a bunch of chicken sh*t excuse for "gangstas" - all bad when it's 20-2, no sense of honour. Yes, I said honour - if they really were offended by a racial comment then you right that by teaching them a lesson via a proper fight, not by re-enacting stomp the yard.

& If this was racially motivated, why the hell do we clearly see at least one "non-brotha" getting in on the stomping action. That kid deserves a beating of his own.
Oh and I wish someone would smack that girl in that background saying "That's what I call stepping".
The 2 guys and the mob are all arguments for safe-sex....

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
If they'd have more cops on patrol in the downtown area maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen. The only times i see cops in the downtown area, they're driving around in vans & checking out the girls. Maybe walking a bit more would do them some good & they wouldn't get fat prematurely. Just a thought.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
bond_james_bond said:
While there is no excuse for violence, these guys must have been crazy or drunk to start a race riot in the middle of downtown Montreal.

On a side note, the gangsta culture has certainly been exported from the States. I recall seeing reports on CTV about Montreal police busting gangstas in West Island neighborhoods. When I was last in Montreal, I saw quite a bit of bling bling being displayed.


Way to Slander a whole Country......


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
Visit site
oliver_kloseoff said:
we have enought people on welfare here and the onyl thing they seenm to import these days is people who speak french as a priority great the ak 27 and lb of c4 is nothing to worry about:eek:
Oliver, you have people on welfare all over america my friend. Population is getting older. There's jobs galore out there. We will have a serious problem in 10-15 years findind not only qualified employees but even finding employees.

Other than immigration what do you suggest?

And let me remind you that Canada is an immigration country. Otherwise we wouldn't exist.

As for Quebec and its french culture dominating, it's kind of normal that they want french speaking immigrants. All the english one end up leaving for Onatrio after a while. Don't you think?

It's not a perfect science to qualify good citizens but until people stopt going to escorts and start fucking their wifes to make tons of babies. We need immigration.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
bond_james_bond said:
While there is no excuse for violence, these guys must have been crazy or drunk to start a race riot in the middle of downtown Montreal.

On a side note, the gangsta culture has certainly been exported from the States. I recall seeing reports on CTV about Montreal police busting gangstas in West Island neighborhoods. When I was last in Montreal, I saw quite a bit of bling bling being displayed.

Hello bond_james_bond,

This is an interesting statement. It implies two things, one more obvious than the other. First, the U.S. culture is responsible for the malicious behavior of these animals. Second, that the culture and values taught by their families and Canadian society wasn't good enough to teach them better. Really, aren't both of these false. Aren't they just beasts by their own choice. The so-called "gangsta culture" isn't an American invention or monopoly. Thug-like bonding is one of the tragic parts of human nature at least as old as basic civilization. Though I do acknowledge the significant
size and impact of this odious gangsta nonsense in the U.S., it's just one more spin of an anti-social impulse that unfortunately arises in one form or another in all societies throughout history...and even at all levels of society.




New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Korbel said:
Hello bond_james_bond,

This is an interesting statement. It implies two things, one more obvious than the other. First, the U.S. culture is responsible for the malicious behavior of these animals. Second, that the culture and values taught by their families and Canadian society wasn't good enough to teach them better. Really, aren't both of these false. Aren't they just beasts by their own choice. The so-called "gangsta culture" isn't an American invention or monopoly. Thug-like bonding is one of the tragic parts of human nature at least as old as basic civilization. Though I do acknowledge the significant
size and impact of this odious gangsta nonsense in the U.S., it's just one more spin of an anti-social impulse that unfortunately arises in one form or another in all societies throughout history...and even at all levels of society.



The only thing obvious is that we have Americans trying to interpret a situation that happened in Montreal involving Canadians,within an American context.

Viewing a video is very different from actually being there or living in a city.

Let things run their course and we shall see what the results are.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Well all,

So being there is different from a that's pointlessly obvious to all of us. Characterizing any opinion with stereotypical labels, implying one nationality cannot understand another is not only counter productive it's a personal failure and a subversion of the issue; diverting from the issue to divide one nationality from another. The issue is malicious cowardly gang violence, monstrous human behavior, not American versus Canadian. Two recent monstrous incidents in Boston and Ontario show irrational violence is a universal concern experienced and loathed by both societies. Don't cheapen the issue by trying to divide Americans and Canadians.

So poor,



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
The Obvious...............

Korbel said:
Well all,

So being there is different from a that's pointlessly obvious to all of us. Characterizing any opinion with stereotypical labels, implying one nationality cannot understand another is not only counter productive it's a personal failure and a subversion of the issue; diverting from the issue to divide one nationality from another. The issue is malicious cowardly gang violence, monstrous human behavior, not American versus Canadian. Two recent monstrous incidents in Boston and Ontario show irrational violence is a universal concern experienced and loathed by both societies. Don't cheapen the issue by trying to divide Americans and Canadians.

So poor,


The video does not depict the park or bars on the same block where minor drug transactions are the norm. Nor does the video provide a history of the area or its level of violence. Stabbings, shootings ( inc police officers)
and more violent confrontations.

The video does not show guns or knives - supported by another rational poster. The written reports - the seminal post by DH and the Montreal Gazette clearly states MINOR INJURIES CUTS AND BRUISES that did not require hospitalization.

No one implied that one nationality cannot understand another. Just identified those who are contributing to the misunderstanding by prattling about gangstas and the like.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Fascinating how much some are able to deduce from so little information.

For the record, the two allegedly blameless white guys refused to cooperate with the police. Surely becaused they feared retribution...


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
From Waterloo..........

oliver_kloseoff said:
jsut bob you make a statemetn then come to your own conclusion.

opinions are like assholes everyone has one

try this one on
maybe thy were selling drugs in the ares of these guys

ii saw a similar beeting a while back right on the corner of demaisoneuve and sthubert about 5 on 1 but it was all but this guy coming into the wrong teritory to sell drugs
saw and heard everything

People do not come from Waterloo to Montreal to sell drugs. Drug dealers usually carry a weapon and no weapons were used.


Dec 5, 2005
oliver_kloseoff said:
jsut bob you make a statemetn then come to your own conclusion.

opinions are like assholes everyone has one

try this one on
maybe thy were selling drugs in the ares of these guys

ii saw a similar beeting a while back right on the corner of demaisoneuve and sthubert about 5 on 1 but it was all but this guy coming into the wrong teritory to sell drugs
saw and heard everything

Yes indeed, opinions are like assholes....


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
JustBob said:
Fascinating how much some are able to deduce from so little information.
Hello JB,

There really isn't much anyone can determine from the video regarding provocation. But though I can't blame anyone for have extreme emotions against possible racial insults/baiting, if that was said, there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for the savagery of the beating these guys got...or a beating at all. There was no real threat of harm to 20 or so people from 2 fools who may have hurled racist remarks that justifies a frenzy of violence. What we can be sure of is that the attackers behaved like beasts.


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