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OOOOOPS! Ashley Madison Affairs for the Married Site HACKED!


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Jul 30, 2011
Also they are now being sued for something like more than 500 millions by groups of users.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

An excerpt from the article:

"My wife, to put it bluntly, was a cold fish in bed throughout our nearly two decades of marriage, so it was devastating to see her explicit fantasies laid out there so unabashedly. When we were together, she wasn’t into oral stuff, she wasn’t into kinky stuff — but on the site, she checked all the boxes: “I like to give oral,” “I like to get oral.”

Definitely not surprising especially if you are into evolutionary psychology. If you read books like The Mating Mind, The Red Queen, and Sperm Wars it is known that ten percent of the human population children out there are fathered not by their biological fathers. It is not about assholes, nice guys and alpha/beta males. It is about the weak vs. the strong. Females are programmed to seek out strong genes to mate with and then have the weak guys who stick around to father the offspring.

Men on the other hand are programmed to mate with as many women as possible so he can spread his genes. All about survival for both sexes.

This site just goes to show that marriage is just a real stupid idea. The guy in the story should realize that his wife is most likely for an open marriage and he should of done the same since it is going to help the marriage.


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Jul 30, 2011
And the really ironic thing is that many of the few real woman profiles were escorts trying to get clients.


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Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
I simply cannot figure out why so many guys were enticed to spend money on the possibility of getting laid instead of the certainty of doing so. I just can't understand the thinking of most guys who go that route instead of seeing escorts.

Because maybe.... their primary objective is not to get laid. Lots of guys are obsessed with their insecure egos, and seeing escorts to just get laid is no help to them. Some need to prove themselves with their bullshit game in an attempt to regain their illusion of status, and they and others view seeing escorts as personal failure. :crazy: Fools


Feb 6, 2004
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I go to USA often for educational conferences and meet a lot of American guys who are in the 20-40 year old range who have not gotton laid in years...yes..years. How did the "Puritan" American society evolve over the past 50 years. Is it women's lib?. Is it just pure bullcrap in their USA media that is as far from "liberal" in sexual portrayals (compared with most European countries) as can be?.

What...if anybody has a clue it?. Escorting in USA is a huge risk and then if you get a good one, it will be like a thousand bucks an hour and they will prescreen you. Hey wait a minute...isn't that what Ashley Madison is/was all about?... pre-screening and providing high class escorts in the guise of extra-martial affairs.

Somebody really studied the American society well at Ashley and made!. I wanna start the next site like that..this time though..everything will be in the open (except my escorts will be called "prudes who took the pink pill..recently approved by the FDA)..LOL!


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Aug 24, 2011


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Mar 21, 2015
i posted about that story if you had look at the thread. and the follow up on that story,

its so juicy!

Sorry I missed that, and thanks for the update! Juicy indeed!

Now, I have a question: if AM was creating so many profiles, which had to have photos, and they were so careful to make sure no duplicates could be spotted in the same country...

[In an] email chain between Sandra Simpson and an employee named Eduardo Borges, dated July 30, 2012... Borges asks whether it’s OK to reuse photos if they are in different states, and Simpson says no—she notes that many members travel and they might spot the duplicates.

...where were these pictures coming from? The first article mentions nearly 70 000 female profiles with the (home) IP address. I'm assuming most of these profiles were created for the Canadian and American markets, not the Japanese or Portuguese market. How in the world did they find so many thousands of different pictures? Stock photo website? Come on! Were they lifting them from Facebook profiles or something?


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Mar 21, 2015
And those 70 000 profiles are just a drop in the ocean of millions of women who never accessed their account after creating it... From the second article, it seems quite possible that a lot of AM employees - most notably, the ones creating profiles - telecommuted. Where were they getting the photos?


Feb 6, 2004
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And those 70 000 profiles are just a drop in the ocean of millions of women who never accessed their account after creating it... From the second article, it seems quite possible that a lot of AM employees - most notably, the ones creating profiles - telecommuted. Where were they getting the photos?

Apparently you have never been to backpage or similiar websites. THAT (and thousands of other websites like that) is where the employees who put up the fake profiles with fake pics at Ashley Madison got the idea in the first place. Backpage escorts and "women and men seeking.." section is 99% fake profiles and pics. There are other region specific websites..thousands of other parts of the world. FAKE profiles..fake pics. It is common practice in SHAM websites to use pics of escorts/women across-borders in Europe and Asia and US/Canada, who longer use thier dating-site accounts who have good sexy pics up at one time or another on websites. A lot of websites FAIL and sell their databases illegally to such criminal elements like those operting ASHLEY MADISON.

ASHLEY MADISON just made sure to put it all together in one place for SUCKERS. The only reason it survived is because of SUCKERS all over the world and Prostitution/Affair stigmas. The employees at AM were doing this remotely and all had to makeup these profiles as a job. They did OK..until this whistle-blower woman's hands got tired...LOL!.

And the other reason for this SHAM website?. Bypass the escorting laws in various countries including most of the USA. I can say with 100% certainty that thousands of high-end escorts did their business through it.



Feb 6, 2004
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Azzaro (and anyone else, of course) here is a pretty good article to ponder in studying the uniquely fucked-up marriage (and non direct-pay sex) scene in the USA.

The takeaway I get is that women always want to marry up. Personally I blame the fantasy-world created by the entertainment industry for this, but the author gives no opinion as to why this is the case.

In order to marry up, as women have begun to outnumber men in terms of receiving a college education, and as women now earn significant salaries, a very large number of women now pursue the decreasing percentage of men who out earn them and can carry on a conversation involving the useless shit a person learns in college (particularly the arts and social sciences majors that interest so many women).

This decreasing percentage of "desireable" men reacts exactly the way economics and our knowledge of male behavior would tell us. Many of these guys fuck a lot of women without marrying any of them. It is actually evidence that the USA is not a particularly Puritanical nation that the female examples in this article fuck so many guys. Although strangely enough it was the evangelical religious folk who first warned that society would become a mess if women started becoming highly educated and entering the full-time workplace in large numbers (instead of focusing on spousal and motherhood duties). Perhaps those Puritans, who I hate, are smarter than I give them credit for.

The result of this dynamic the article author describes is that an increasing percentage of American men who do not fit the college-educated, high-earning profile are left significantly under sexed, and a large percentage of the group of women recreationally fucking the small number of guys fitting their desired mold do not get happily married and end up becoming middle-aged man-haters who take their frustrations out by working for groups like End Demand.

Another thought-provoking aspect of the article is that as women have become more promiscuous, they simply seek out and essentially gang-bang (one at a time) the most desirable guys. Hell, so do men, but the existence of female prostitutes means that a guy can do that from age 18 until he is dead. But there is no significant gigilo market - women can only do this for so long and they are bound to be pissed when it ends for them.

Like all articles, it is rather simplistic and ignores a major roadblock to relationships - the significant education and long work hours required to make money in most professions. When both men and women do this, and often geographically move to where the jobs are, the possibilities for successful relationships are lessened.

Once again, I think you are correct that the USA is a pretty fucked up place, but your stereotypes are not the reason. If you are able to figure out the reasons well enough to scam people using websites, I will congratulate you.

Yeah, nice informative article. But I am keeping my fingers crossed for all the American-born intelligent sexy females in their 20s and 30s who were born/raised as prudes and who have yet to take "the pink pill". Apparently over the past few decades something in their biology messed up their sexual desires (could it be in the water?..hmmm). I wasted half of my early 20s in the USA not geting laid. I know the reasons why and so does anybody who grew up there in the 80s or 90s. Others would not backward the American sexual female psychology was back then compared with the European female...and still is...decades apart. Nurture not nature they The PINK PILL says....


Feb 6, 2004
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Sorry, just skimmed the article Patron.
Never read an article that I would agree with focusing on the American female sexuality, BUT...this one, on a closer read, does say what NO other artcile has said before. Makes me feel a lot better.

I always though I was not assertive/social enough, but hey I partied hard and tried it like all he other average guys oot there.. with all hotties and semi-hotties at a very LARGE STATE University in he USA in the late 80s and early 90s. Being of average looks and weight, I GOT nothing.

So you are saying all those prudes were playing with nice guys like me and being heavily dicked night after night by the bozos from the neandrethal-gene pool?. I wanna look-up the so called prudes and ask them that on facebook but they will not admit to anything, would they?. My question is this ==> What do I do with the box of PINK PILLS I am planning to buy to give to the prudes?. ..IF I can't find any Prudes...LOL!


Feb 6, 2004
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******************* what it was all about..What merbites already knew including me and now it is confirmed ==>

Various news articles on the internet (especially from a computer-geek mag called WIRED) are saying that a site called ""..also run by the same company as Ashley was primarily providing very high-end escorts to guys willing to pay thousands of dollars for sessions (primarily in the USA, since escorting and sex are such taboo things there, to say the least).

PLUS here is Yahoo article from today about who the members at ASHLEY were etc according to the data leaked==>


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
Apparently you have never been to backpage or similiar websites.

As a female, no I haven't :smile: But still, we are talking about *millions* of profiles here. I do check out some ad sites every once in a while, like Craigslist, and I notice many of the same pictures popping up over and over. If we are to believe these people when management was telling employees not to duplicate pics *in another state* it seems like they were taking extreme measures not to be called out, at least in the States. Where do you come up with say, 20% (to account for an American share, lowball) of those 6 million female profile pics? I can't even begin to wrap my brain around the idea. And maybe I should start another thread, but if, as you're suggesting, tons of websites do this, where do they get the pics from? The pics I've seen are sexually suggestive pics that seem to have been lifted from porn-related sites (they come in sets, girl in pose A, B, C and D). What about the regular girl pics? Face shots? Where are they grabbing those from? Where can you get so many of them?


Feb 6, 2004
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As a female, no I haven't :smile: But still, we are talking about *millions* of profiles here. I do check out some ad sites every once in a while, like Craigslist, and I notice many of the same pictures popping up over and over. If we are to believe these people when management was telling employees not to duplicate pics *in another state* it seems like they were taking extreme measures not to be called out, at least in the States. Where do you come up with say, 20% (to account for an American share, lowball) of those 6 million female profile pics? I can't even begin to wrap my brain around the idea. And maybe I should start another thread, but if, as you're suggesting, tons of websites do this, where do they get the pics from? The pics I've seen are sexually suggestive pics that seem to have been lifted from porn-related sites (they come in sets, girl in pose A, B, C and D). What about the regular girl pics? Face shots? Where are they grabbing those from? Where can you get so many of them?

This IS NOT the first website to do this. There are thousands still in existence in more than 100 countries in as many languages with millions of female profiles. NO guy gets laid using these websites on any continent except maybe 0.000001% or less. Failed websites SELL their databases of hundreds of thousands of FAKE pics to sites like this . ASHLEY was a large SCALE operation . A VERY VERY large scale. They stole, copied, soured ...all over the world. They had employees who spoke more than 100 languages and did it as a full time job. If you really really wanna get into depth of the matter, keep on eye on the articles from the computer-related WIRED magazine. THEY know all the details . Just google ASHLEY and WIRED and you will have the most up to date and correct info since THIS is a geek-investigator's NEWS of the century. Just a note to add here is that hardly any guys got replies that the ASHLEY people thought were not loaded (moneywise). High-end escorts were given the loaded guys profiles to contact. Escorting .. and a very high level.
Cheers and Ciao~


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Wired article

In this age of information there is no more private info that can't be access ... Whit the hack of Ashley is the proof that private information is dead.
Every phone call , sms , bank withdrawal , even now with gps ... we can profile a person habits and tell what they're doing or going to do .It was time were you could use pay phones and newspaper to contact your favorite sp and pass anonymously thru life.
Our phones, emails, are not encrypt , and any code cant survive time , soon or later it will be breakable. Even the best code can be beaten by time .

The primary job of Ashley Madison was to keep it secret and they failed in a spectacular way. The responsibility comes from top to bottom that's why the ceo got to step down. The It worker , because it was an inside job , should never had the possibility to access all of the list of clients. The litigation cumming upon them was they're never erased the clients profile who payed to do so.
Before you could do stuff with out leaving a trace of it but today with so much data behind everything our foot step wild be digitized for ever for control and marketing of our life .

Solution ..


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
This IS NOT the first website to do this. There are thousands still in existence in more than 100 countries in as many languages with millions of female profiles. NO guy gets laid using these websites on any continent except maybe 0.000001% or less. Failed websites SELL their databases of hundreds of thousands of FAKE pics to sites like this . ASHLEY was a large SCALE operation . A VERY VERY large scale. They stole, copied, soured ...all over the world. They had employees who spoke more than 100 languages and did it as a full time job. If you really really wanna get into depth of the matter, keep on eye on the articles from the computer-related WIRED magazine. THEY know all the details . Just google ASHLEY and WIRED and you will have the most up to date and correct info since THIS is a geek-investigator's NEWS of the century. Just a note to add here is that hardly any guys got replies that the ASHLEY people thought were not loaded (moneywise). High-end escorts were given the loaded guys profiles to contact. Escorting .. and a very high level.
Cheers and Ciao~

This does not answer my question about where the profile photos came from. You're suggesting that they were able to cumulate so many photos because they had employees in a hundred countries? But US users represented almost a third of memberships, so that makes no sense given the internal emails that were leaked and management's emphasis on not putting duplicate photos on new female profiles. Or are you suggesting that those profiles were escort profiles (so they could put their own photos)? Again, this makes no sense given the data analysis that revealed only a few thousands out of millions of female profiles were actually active. Unless all these escorts were deceiving all these members through telepathy?


Feb 6, 2004
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This does not answer my question about where the profile photos came from. You're suggesting that they were able to cumulate so many photos because they had employees in a hundred countries? But US users represented almost a third of memberships, so that makes no sense given the internal emails that were leaked and management's emphasis on not putting duplicate photos on new female profiles. Or are you suggesting that those profiles were escort profiles (so they could put their own photos)? Again, this makes no sense given the data analysis that revealed only a few thousands out of millions of female profiles were actually active. Unless all these escorts were deceiving all these members through telepathy?

1. The world has over 6 billion people.
2. The stats you are reading are totally overblown (please Google ASHLEY and WIRED, like I said before)
3. Con-Artists use websites to con people because they are good at it and have the inside knowledge of the dating website Industry.
4. High end-escorts using ASHLEY and establishedmen sites (run by same company) were raking in around 10,000 per session with wealthy people on those sites. They deleted and recreated their profiles to avoid detection (apart from many other deceptions).

Cheers and Ciao ~
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