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Outcall escorts are 100% legal and risk free??


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I was not really trying to make a big deal of it. It's true that the risk of legal troubles are very small, so it's more an academic question. As an Incall customer I just feel jealous of the Outcallers legitimacy. :)

To clarify my logic (or lack thereof) : when someone comes to town and rents a room for a few days, then yes I agree its a private place. The hotel is renting him a place to sleep and what he does is his own business. Whereas when the hotel rents a room for a few hours knowingly for the sole purpose of prostitution, then to me its tantamount to operating a brothel, or living off the avails or whatever. I'm glad its legal, but I find it funny that the same activity could be legal or a crime depending on who went to the front desk to get the key.

Its true the law is confusing. I need a brain massage.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Remember people, MERB is not the perfect place to get legal advice.

Outcall is totally legal, don't worry. If YOU pay for the room and girls come to see YOU, you are in the clear. As long as none of them are under 18 or suspected of a serious crime, the police have no ground to bother you, no matter if you rent the room for 4 hours and see 1 girl, or rent for 1 month and see 60 girls. The length of time and the number of girls you see have no effect to what's happening in a room YOU paid for.

If you decide to be nice and let the girl use your room to meet other customers, then you're calling for trouble.

If the girl pays for the room, even to meet only you, the bawdy house rule can apply but it's not likely anybody will bother. If I recall, the bawdy house does talk about "regular usage" or something like that.

A hotel can't be charged under prostitution laws, even if they know what's happening. They can be charged if they have any business relation with the girls, besides renting the room. It happened last year in Quebec City.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I agree all the way with Mod 11 here. A small note for Tonysoprano. You will have no problem with any legal aspect in any of the hotels in the category you are looking for. So please, feel at easy and enjoy yourself. As Siocnarf said, the debate we had was largely academics. The best advice we can all give you is to stick with the well reviewed agencies and girls here on merb. Just as in USA, there are a lot of scam and false advertisement in the Montréal newspapers and Internet.

To make sure there is no confusion, you'll love Montréal in the next few weeks. We have parties everywhere on the streets almost every night. Parts of the crowd are just like at a masked ball, wearing all sort of things like gas masks, face scarfs, helmets and police disguisements. It's pretty entertaining.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
I disagree with outcall, becasue 212 would apply in that case.



212. (1) Every one who

(a) procures, attempts to procure or solicits a person to have illicit sexual intercourse with another person, whether in or out of Canada, guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years.
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