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Post Game Rioting


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
Part of the problem is, in canada we have a bleeding heart justice system who will give these thugs nothing more then a slap on the wrist instead of lengthy prison sentences which they deserve. I know many out there will say that this would not be a deterrent and this would happen again anyway. Well i say bullshit to this notion and even if this was the case(it isn't) at the very least they would be getting what they deserve.

Hello Daringly,

What good is it to use a justice system that puts these animals back out on the streets again anyway. Next time, form a perimeter, drive them together with dogs and nerve gas, then its armored cars and blazing automatic weapons...flame thrower for tight hiding spots. No second chances...period. As for innocent casualties, who cares. Such is the price of effective clean-up and the maintainance of RIGHTEOUS CIVILIZATION.




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Bad Taste

Korbel said:
Hello Daringly,

What good is it to use a justice system that puts these animals back out on the streets again anyway. Next time, form a perimeter, drive them together with dogs and nerve gas, then its armored cars and blazing automatic weapons...flame thrower for tight hiding spots. No second chances...period. As for innocent casualties, who cares. Such is the price of effective clean-up and the maintainance of RIGHTEOUS CIVILIZATION.



Trust this is just another example of a misdirected attempt at humour.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
Now you're talking, and imagine i mistakenly thought you had a bleeding heart attitude:)

Hello Daringly,

I can understand how you were misled. I guess I have been hiding the truth that my middle name is mayhem. I miss the old days when law breakers heads and bodies were put on display to show the kind of justice that is duly appropriate for stealing a potato or a loaf of bread. Siiiiigh! Les Miserables ...indeed.

As for being a bleeding'll never break... never break... never break...neeeeveeeer breeeeaaaak...this HEART OF, no, no!;)




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Update - 31 Arrests

Media reports indicate that to date 31 rioters have been arrested, mainly as a result of images submitted by the public.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Daringly said:
Hi Korbel,

I guess we have different points of views. To me there is a world of difference between being a compassionate person and being soft on crime. For example you will find no bigger animal lover then me and i am very generous to humane societies.

I also believe in being charitable and i give generously to charities,
i believe in helping the homeless and support food banks and so on. I support several children thru world vision.

That is where i draw the line. The criminal element knows the justice system is soft and they will commit crimes knowing they will get a slap on the
wrist and a certain amount of the population will scream to go easy on them.

Why don't we just let all of the murderers and rapists back out on the streets and hope they don't murder and rape again. Hell if they do it probably won't be that big a deal because chances are it won't happen to one of yours or mine family members, it will be somebody elses. So it will be no big deal right.

These people that rioted the other night in montreal lets just start a petition to let them all off the hook, no charges period and see if that discourages anybody for the next time.

One of those hooligans who did some damages Monday night and got arrested, said to the judge that he will do it again.The guy is of native origins and is on welfare,so not much to loose.He was photographed jumping on a cop car.In court he said he hated cops,he called them ''chiens''(dogs).

What was is sentence you think?

They put him back in the streets so he can do it again!!!No sentences at all,no remorses!!!:mad:

The fucking bleedingheart judge said;''He 's native and on welfare,poor him he's a victim enough as it is now so we'll go soft on him''.

So the SOB is as free as a bird as we speak despite the fact that he showed no remorse and promised he'd do it again!!!

Way to go mr.Judge!:mad:

Yup, Canada has the best justice system in the world....for the criminals!


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Balancing Act

Cosmo said:
One of those hooligans who did some damages Monday night and got arrested, said to the judge that he will do it again.The guy is of native origins and is on welfare,so not much to loose.He was photographed jumping on a cop car.In court he said he hated cops,he called them ''chiens''(dogs).

What was is sentence you think?

They put him back in the streets so he can do it again!!!No sentences at all,no remorses!!!:mad:

The fucking bleedingheart judge said;''He 's native and on welfare,poor him he's a victim enough as it is now so we'll go soft on him''.

So the SOB is as free as a bird as we speak despite the fact that he showed no remorse and promised he'd do it again!!!

Way to go mr.Judge!:mad:

Yup, Canada has the best justice system in the world....for the criminals!

Balancing act.

Let him jump on cop cars. Better than having him running around with a gun shooting at police officers and other people.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
eastender said:
Balancing act.

Let him jump on cop cars. Better than having him running around with a gun shooting at police officers and other people.

He did much more than jump on a cop car.He threw a brick in the windows and set the car afire.He aslo has a looooong criminal record FYI.
Let me remind you that these cops and their cars are paid by yours truly--tax payers.

Now lets hope that next time he jumps on YOUR car,and set it on fire.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Provide A Link

Cosmo said:
One of those hooligans who did some damages Monday night and got arrested, said to the judge that he will do it again.The guy is of native origins and is on welfare,so not much to loose.He was photographed jumping on a cop car.In court he said he hated cops,he called them ''chiens''(dogs).

What was is sentence you think?

They put him back in the streets so he can do it again!!!No sentences at all,no remorses!!!:mad:

The fucking bleedingheart judge said;''He 's native and on welfare,poor him he's a victim enough as it is now so we'll go soft on him''.

So the SOB is as free as a bird as we speak despite the fact that he showed no remorse and promised he'd do it again!!!

Way to go mr.Judge!:mad:

Yup, Canada has the best justice system in the world....for the criminals!


Kindly provide a link supporting your initial claim above and your follow-up post.

Since your version keeps shifting we are entitled to seeing some proof.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Thank You

Cosmo said:

Thank you.

Please note that in the article it does not mention that the crown prosecutor objected to his release on his own recognizance. So if the crown does not object the judge has no choice. So he is free until his trial at which time he will be sentenced.

Why didn't the crown prosecutor object? Well if you read the article in question carefully you will see that he seems to be very talkative and implicates other people. Seems that a deal was cut for his cooperation.:rolleyes:

I'm sure that his friends will be happy to see him out on the streets now that they know who ratted on them.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
eastender said:
Thank you.

Please note that in the article it does not mention that the crown prosecutor objected to his release on his own recognizance. So if the crown does not object the judge has no choice. So he is free until his trial at which time he will be sentenced.

Why didn't the crown prosecutor object? Well if you read the article in question carefully you will see that he seems to be very talkative and implicates other people. Seems that a deal was cut for his cooperation.:rolleyes:

I'm sure that his friends will be happy to see him out on the streets now that they know who ratted on them.:rolleyes:

There's an old saying that goes...''once you got the cat by the tail,don't let him go...''
Google up is name and you will find other articles on this loose cannon.It is not his first offence and he PROMISED he will recidive!On top of showing no remorse.That alone should be enough to jail him for a while,then have him do some communautary chores such as cleanin up his mess.

But no,instead we let him out,show compassion and meanwhile those honnest store owners who pay HUGE taxes and sometimes work up to 60+ hours/week have to put up with the fact that he will be running free come next game.:mad:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Cosmo said:
There's an old saying that goes...''once you got the cat by the tail,don't let him go...''
Google up is name and you will find other articles on this loose cannon.It is not his first offence and he PROMISED he will recidive!On top of showing no remorse.That alone should be enough to jail him for a while,then have him do some communautary chores such as cleanin up his mess.

But no,instead we let him out,show compassion and meanwhile those honnest store owners who pay HUGE taxes and sometimes work up to 60+ hours/week have to put up with the fact that he will be running free come next game.:mad:

This guy should be in jail and the judge should be in another line of work. I really wish that the criminals who laugh at the justice system would start targetting the judges, the lawmakers and the other bleeding hearts. Maybe then these "compassionate" individuals would start to see the light and throw the book at people who deserve it.


Sep 4, 2006
I'm more of a football fan (not the american kind) but I must say that I did follow the events with interest. There was a similar problem in Boston after that great ALCS come back against the Yankees, but not on this scale. There was no repeat when they won the World Series in 2004 and last year though, because the cops were well prepared and had the known hotspots where trouble starts surrounded before the game(s). In addition, some of the local universities have said any student arrested for vandalism and such during game nights would be summarily expelled. Generous use of Mace and pepper spray helps as well.

I am certain that the events were perpetrated by a relatively small percentage of the crowd, but that is how mobs work. People lose their senses in the crowd. The actual perpetrators of vandalism were probably egged on and encouraged by the rest of the mob.
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