Other thing...
French is in problem in Quebec because Quebecers let themselves speak english in front of anglophones.
It will be the problem as long as Quebec is not independant. And surprisingly, it is against french, a language spoken by 1/2 billion people on earth.
4 millions Norwegians are allowed to protect and speak norwich in Norway
9 millions Swedish are allowed to protect and speak swedish in Sweden
4 millions Danish are allowed to protect and speak Danish in Denmark
- by the way, there is only 4 millions native people talking danish in the world and nobody, even in a multiple-joint-Europe, discuss about sovereinty of Denmark, even after 4 vikings invasions, 3 swedish invasions and 2 germans invasions...THEY ALWAYS retreive their country
SO WHY I see so many english canadians, mostly montrealers, protesting against lost of sovereinty for 23 millions Iraqis, 4 millions Palestinians or even 400 000 people in East Timor.....but they will NEVER allow french quebecers to have their own country, even of, from history, Quebec was invaded by british? How come french canadians are more respectfull than english canadians, on Quebec's territory, to support rights of native indians to have management of their land and promote their language?
How come Luxembourg, a 300 000 people developped country (french/german speaking), can have 1 vote on 25 at the European parliement, 1 vote at UN....and Quebec, a 7 millions contrated of french speaking people, has problem to keep is 1/10 vote in a Canadian lame federation??? And not at UN? Even Tuvalu, a 10 000 people island, is a country!!!! And receive their independance from United Kingdom!!!
So as long as de democratic compact vote of non-french speaking will block the soverainty of Quebec, in name of keeping an english-canadian control on part of tax income and economy of Quebec, french will be in struggle for life.