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French Canadian !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The rights of the anglophones are not broken but the rights to the francophones have been. There is no reason a francophone parent should not be able to send their children to an English school if they chose to. It is not up to the government to decide which language your kids education is in, French values and language should be taught by the family and friends.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Qui est le plus têtu? Toi... Tu n'acceptes pas les faits qui sont documentés depuis longtemps. Avant la loi 101, il suffisait qu'un seul anglais se présente dans un groupe de personnes et tout le monde se mettait à parler anglais.

What you describe is jealousy. The separatists xenophobes were driven by jealousy. This was the main reason why they formed the FLQ and Bill 101 was born. The people decided to speak English out of their free will. No one forced them or shoved English down their throats. You see how on this board both languages are free to be used. You write to me in French and I write to you in English. This is freedom. Merb is not enforcing any language but Quebec is. Think neutrally and not with your jealousy. This is where you are wrong. Many corporations are American and some Canadian. All of Canada is English except Quebec the natural selection obviously was English. When shareholders and CEOs spoke English and the superpower of the world is the US their language is English. American media is everywhere. Is it any wonder why English is the business language? It made sense for major corporations and their headquarters to operate in English.

But you know what at my current job I DO NOT have the choice to use English. My computer has to be in French, all my reports have to be written in French, all official documents are in French. When I did the First Aid in the Workplace the CNESST document was available in French only... A few years ago they had an English version also but it has been discontinued. Imagine something as important as this as saving lives to Quebec enforcing French is more important. It does not get more pettier then this. Where are my linguistic rights? I got none. As per Quebec law it has to be French. Make no mistake I do it in French because I HAVE to but not by choice. If it were my choice I would have it all in English. That is my right to choose. I value my freedom. I got no problem people conversing with me in French or employees sending me reports in French. I do not enforce English on them. I frequent stripclubs often and I run into strippers often that do not speak English. Guess what I converse with them in French. I too also match them. If everything turns English it is because the citizens decided they preferred English. It is as simple as that. The government has no business deciding for the people.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
The rights of the anglophones are not broken but the rights to the francophones have been. There is no reason a francophone parent should not be able to send their children to an English school if they chose to. It is not up to the government to decide which language your kids education is in, French values and language should be taught by the family and friends.

Si quelqu'un va vivre en Allemagne, par exemple, pourra-t-il exiger de suivre ses cours en italien? Le choix de la langue d'enseignement est déterminé par le lieu où l'on vit, C'est tout.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Cloud, it is useless to argue with these people. They are all emotions and little logic and they will sacrifice in a blink your constitutional rights for the sake of the illustrious goal of Quebec independence. This was done before in other countries and as history shows is not a great example to follow. They will eventually push for the 3rd referendum when the political situation permits and will lose again. This is the definition of stupidity to try the same thing again and again expecting different outcome. As soon as ROC can’t be convinced of immediate economic advantage of the separation it would never work. Had Quebec and Montreal possessed and may still has potential to be well ahead of the rest of Canada so this economical separation would be feasible? You bet. Quebec is full of bright people. But with 101 they continue to hamper this potential slowing down Quebec development by aggravating a lot of people and creating the climate of internal discord. By playing solely nationalistic tunes they in fact work against Quebec independence. Good work comrades.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
@Cloud 500

Le monde ne choisit pas l'anglais par CHOIX mais car les sociétés américaines le leur IMPOSE. Penses-tu qu'un boîte dont tout le monde parle telle langue est contente de se faire imposer l'anglais juste à cause de 2-3 personnes unilingue anglophones. Allons donc.

Dans votre tête, il y a juste l"anglais qui compte et vous pensez que tout le monde veut vivre en anglais, même les non-anglophones. Mais il y a bien du monde que ça les mets en cr... de se faire imposer l'anglais juste à cause d'une minorité de hauts dirigeants.

Penses-tu vrai.ent que le monde apprécie de payer des fortunes pour apprendre l'anglais pendant que les anglophones n'ont jamais d'efforts à faire? Penses-tu vraiment que le monde apprécie que les anglophones soient tjrs avantagés lors des échanges à cause que C'est leur langue maternelle? Pendant que le monde perd du temps à apprendre à parler un anglais parfait sans accent, les anglophones eux peuvent se perfectionner dans leur domaine et tjrs avoir 10 longueurs sur tlm. L'anglais s'impose partout comme une dictature mondiale et les autres langues doivent se laisser constamment rabaisser et écraser. Le monde non-anglophone apprécie ça vraiment tu Penses-tu?

NON. Ils se soumettent à contre-coeur bien souvent. Tu as une vision supprematiste de l'anglais et tu penses que tlm se sent brime de ne pas vivre en anglais mais C'est faux.

Vive la diversité linguistique! Vive le respect des autres langues que l'anglais! On a des droits nous aussi, les non-anglophones, en ce bas monde!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thanks... I can read in english and also in spanish... I'm just not interested in "way of life" stories... I have enough of managing my own.


You are entitled to read whatever your want, but with all due respect your posts on Kerouac are judgmental and inaccurate. On The Road is not a "way of life" story. It's true that the book has come to be a symbol of the "Beatnik" generation, but the reason for its enduring popularity, and Kerouac's fame, is the unique literary style and his "stream of consciousness" prose. Kerouac is considered the preeminent practitioner and founder of a literary genre that emerged in the mid 20th Century, and which this book is closely associated with. In real life, Kerouac was considerably more conservative than many of the "Beatniks" who idolized him, while still an enlightened academic figure. He died of cirrhosis of the liver at age 47, not long after that French-Canadian TV video I posted earlier. He had a very tragic end to his life, much like Poe and Hemingway did.

I plan on re-reading the book now. I read it some years ago, re-read it, and was simply blown away by it. Kerouac, along with Dickens, Poe, and Hemingway, and J.D. Salinger, became an instant literary hero of mine. I have a college degree in English and do not take kindly to his underestimation as a literary master and genius. He was not a mere advocate of a "way of life"; he was something much more than this.

RIP Jack


Aug 15, 2011
What you describe is jealousy. The separatists xenophobes were driven by jealousy. This was the main reason why they formed the FLQ and Bill 101 was born. The people decided to speak English out of their free will. No one forced them or shoved English down their throats. You see how on this board both languages are free to be used. You write to me in French and I write to you in English. This is freedom. Merb is not enforcing any language but Quebec is. Think neutrally and not with your jealousy. This is where you are wrong. Many corporations are American and some Canadian. All of Canada is English except Quebec the natural selection obviously was English. When shareholders and CEOs spoke English and the superpower of the world is the US their language is English. American media is everywhere. Is it any wonder why English is the business language? It made sense for major corporations and their headquarters to operate in English.

But you know what at my current job I DO NOT have the choice to use English. My computer has to be in French, all my reports have to be written in French, all official documents are in French. When I did the First Aid in the Workplace the CNESST document was available in French only... A few years ago they had an English version also but it has been discontinued. Imagine something as important as this as saving lives to Quebec enforcing French is more important. It does not get more pettier then this. Where are my linguistic rights? I got none. As per Quebec law it has to be French. Make no mistake I do it in French because I HAVE to but not by choice. If it were my choice I would have it all in English. That is my right to choose. I value my freedom. I got no problem people conversing with me in French or employees sending me reports in French. I do not enforce English on them. I frequent stripclubs often and I run into strippers often that do not speak English. Guess what I converse with them in French. I too also match them. If everything turns English it is because the citizens decided they preferred English. It is as simple as that. The government has no business deciding for the people.

Stop constantly generalizing personal frustrations into interpretation of political phenomena, to the scale of a whole society.

Like I've mentioned in a previous post, all workplaces have been at involve French speakers systematically switching to English as soon as there's an English speaker in the room, even when it is known that this person understands English.

I do not know what "jealousy" you're talking about in this maniacal paranoid interpretation of events that you have. I've never grown into such jealousy and have never observed it among family, friends, colleagues...

French-speaking Quebecers are, for the vast majority, very sensitive to the importance of English and the necessity of learning it.

Your interpretation of reality clearly stems from a perception of loss status and the lingering trauma of having lived through the emancipation of French Canadians from an era when they were told to speak white and were majoritarily rural and non-educated.

Your one-sided version of History, by which you distort facts and placate your discourse with labels such "fascist", "eradication", "dominance" conveniently ignores a reality that is more subtle and takes its roots in events that involve a people slowly and peacefully rising to a normal participation in its institutions. You're keen to adopt a tone of persecution, yet refuse to acknowledge a past that you certainly seem to have a nostalgia for, and regret so much not seeing extended into the future. The same way there will always be Afrikaans to deny the present and express sorrow at a past they deem was so much better to them, without accounting for the emancipation desire that their privileged situation would inevitably lead to.

Your attitude is not better than the one displayed by these hardcore PQ anti-English narrow minds that you denounce so vehemently, and the psychological mechanisms at play are the same in their case as in yours: distortion of the facts, projection of personal frustrations into the interpretation of political reality, paranoia. This makes your position even more absurd: you are essentially the same as them, and should you be a Quebec francophone, you'd be sharing the politcal views of the hardcore PQ freaks.

Gladly enough, the hardcores like you, on both sides, belong to a past generation and are slowly becoming extinct. Quebecers of my generation and beyond have no complex at all, embrace speaking multiple languages and have had the internet shape their globalist sensitivity. There is no place for "jealousy" with a mindset like this. There is simply no motive for it.


Aug 15, 2011
Cloud, it is useless to argue with these people. They are all emotions and little logic and they will sacrifice in a blink your constitutional rights for the sake of the illustrious goal of Quebec independence. This was done before in other countries and as history shows is not a great example to follow. They will eventually push for the 3rd referendum when the political situation permits and will lose again. This is the definition of stupidity to try the same thing again and again expecting different outcome. As soon as ROC can’t be convinced of immediate economic advantage of the separation it would never work. Had Quebec and Montreal possessed and may still has potential to be well ahead of the rest of Canada so this economical separation would be feasible? You bet. Quebec is full of bright people. But with 101 they continue to hamper this potential slowing down Quebec development by aggravating a lot of people and creating the climate of internal discord. By playing solely nationalistic tunes they in fact work against Quebec independence. Good work comrades.

Funny. Because you are so logic and you're thoughts are so clearly expressed, right? You are a model of intellect, rationality, and discourse. Roll over Aristotle...

I must confess to how inferior I feel to you, and so emotional (you know, like vaguely womanly or gay?). You're right, don't debate with me, I'd be just wasting your time. After all, you have this groundbreaking paper on quantum mechanics to finish over the weekend.


Jun 14, 2015
The rights of the anglophones are not broken but the rights to the francophones have been. There is no reason a francophone parent should not be able to send their children to an English school if they chose to. It is not up to the government to decide which language your kids education is in, French values and language should be taught by the family and friends.

Ces parents ont le choix d'envoyer leurs enfants étudier en anglais ailleurs qu'au Québec...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
After all, you have this groundbreaking paper on quantum mechanics to finish over the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Exactly :)
May 23, 2016
I speak 4 languages best thing my parents ever did for me.There is a minority of people that have issues with language law most people are ok with it.Lots of French people would love to send theirs kids to English school but can not.I have a attestation from the quebec gouvernment authorising me to send my kids to English School which I did.Both of my kids are fluent in both language.I understand Brittany's frustration.Brittany je me Porte volonaire a te donner des cours d'anglais gratuit....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As an immigrant, you stand as an embodiment of the biggest threat to the defeat of Bill 101: assimilation. You cannot have Bill 101, and immigration that dilutes the language and culture pool. They are mutually exclusive. Logically, if you want to insure Bill 101's continued viability, you only permit French-first language immigrants. Immigrants like you from non-French speaking countries either get sent back to where they came from via deportation, or you bar any further immigration from those countries.

If the Quebec government doesn't do this, then they may as well repeal the fucker right now, because it's going to be just a matter of time before assimilation deals the death blow to the bill.

As your parents immigrated from Eastern Europe, to Canada, so did my great-grandparents, but to the USA. Much of the northeastern USA is descendants of recent (last 120 years) immigrants.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Money and the ethnics !!
Smart guy that Jacques Parizeau. lol

Still working on the money part.

Jacques Parizeau was actually a very smart guy. Graduated from oxford. Instrumental for building Hydro Quebec. Sad thing is alcohol got the best of him and especially that remark that will stay forever, which does not do justice to him.



Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Damn guys! Will this thread ever end?
No one will ever be able to convince the other party and no one seems to be able to carefully listen to the other party.
Un véritable dialogue de sourds (ou d'aveugles, plutôt !)

En ce qui me concerne, je n'aime pas les champignons, désolé si j'en choque certains. Mais parfois, il est bon de dire la vérité telle qu'elle est !


Jun 14, 2015
Never thought I would ever hear this "you don't like it you can leave and get it somewhere else" applied this way, got to give it to you, you are an equal opportunity person.

Now wouldn't it be great if nobody had to leave and we could all be bilingual right from the first grade in school.
Children at that age are still innocent, they don't understand prejudices concerning language, colour, or religion, and they have no problem learning two languages simultaneously.

Hey... C'est exactement ce que j'ai fait... Tsé quoi? Ça m'a fait voir du pays et je ne crois pas m'en être mal sorti...

En passant... Dans n'importe quel pays d'Europe, si on veut étudier dans une langue étrangère, on va à l'étranger. Un espagnol veut étudier en allemand? Il va aller en Allemagne...

Le Québec est une province francophone ET NON BILINGUE comme le Nouveau-Brunswick... Si le Canada était vraiment bilingue, les francos des provinces anglaises n'auraient pas à se battre pour étudier en français. ET les anglos n'auraient pas à faire la même chose au Québec. Les anglos du Québec sont bien mieux traités que les francos des autres provinces, tu sauras...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Now wouldn't it be great if nobody had to leave and we could all be bilingual right from the first grade in school.
Children at that age are still innocent, they don't understand prejudices concerning language, colour, or religion, and they have no problem learning two languages simultaneously.

I am so happy that both my kids went to an English school and were raised in small town Quebec, ( Just throwing this in for kicks ). Plus being raised by a Conservative dad.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is about the third time you wanted this thread stopped, are you the new mod? These things just continue until they die.
What is your previous handle, do not want to hear you are new here.


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Sorry to disappoint you, I don't have a previous handle.
I don't really get you STN. You take pride in your sense of humor and advanced sarcasm but you never seem to get mine.
I don't have any problems with you, do you have any with me??

I sent you a PM to make sure we were good but you never replied. Clearly, I must have done or said something that bothered you, but I don't know what.

I apologize in any case, that certainly wasn't my intention.
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