Montreal Escorts

Preface to an Expose

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
CS Martin said:
1,2,3,4,5, be good.....slap! slap!...OK, sometimes life is an exercise in keeping your mouth shut. :D

Hmmm. I think you are completely missing the point of my post... Unless you are retired from dentistry also? Perhaps you could explain how you would force someone to inhale Nitrous Oxyde? How would you hold a mask on someone's mouth (who is mostlikely kicking and punching at this point) for about 2 minutes?

Nitrous Oxyde, which takes a fair amount before providing any sensations whatsoever and which only lasts a few minutes at the most has to be inhaled by the "victim". It also has to be carried and is not all that easy to hide : balloons, gas tanks. And the purpose of that would be what? Rape? Or laugh?

I mean, GHB, GBL, roofies, are so much easier to obtain, are so easy to hide and will provide so much more of an effect making the prey easier to be raped... (which I would think the kind of person who would force a drug on someone is most likely trying to do).

But Nitrous Oxyde... I have some very big doubts. If I ever meet someone who has a gaz tank in their room or has a lot of balloons inflated, I guess I will remember that someone might be trying to force some drug on me.

Add to this that many girls in this business are using : marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, ghb, ketamine etc. You would think that Nitrous Oxyde would be a fun recreational drug next to some of these things (which a lot of recreational users are seeking). With this, I could add "You cannot force a willing". :eek:

Unless YOU know what event and what situation he's talking about? Enlight me, please!
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
jeff jones said:
I myself found him to be a likeable guy and enjoyed sharing a few beers with him. However he was the one who announced to the world about his expose, ok maybe not the world but both boards and then follows up his original announcement with another announcement this year that he is going to release it soon, he even went so far as to send people emails saying so.

SL drinking beer? Never!! Perrier or a bloody caesar maybe, but definitely not beer! ;)

Kidding aside, it's entirely possible that he's since simply changed his mind about releasing it. He's allowed to change his mind, right? :confused:

(I'll bet you he'd be shocked to learn that this thread has already totalled 8 700+ views! Wow!!!)
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jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Doc Holliday said:
SL drinking beer? Never!! Perrier or a bloody caesar maybe, but definitely not beer! ;)

Kidding aside, it's entirely possible that he's since simply changed his mind about releasing it. He's allowed to change his mind, right? :confused:

(I'll bet you he'd be shocked to learn that this thread has already totalled 8 700+ views! Wow!!!)


Now that you mention it i do believe you are right, i was having beer but he did order a drink like a bloody caesar or something like that can't quite remember.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Lilly Lombard said:
Hmmm. I think you are completely missing the point of my post... Unless you are retired from dentistry also? Perhaps you could explain how you would force someone to inhale Nitrous Oxyde? How would you hold a mask on someone's mouth (who is mostlikely kicking and punching at this point) for about 2 minutes?

Nitrous Oxyde, which takes a fair amount before providing any sensations whatsoever and which only lasts a few minutes at the most has to be inhaled by the "victim". It also has to be carried and is not all that easy to hide : balloons, gas tanks. And the purpose of that would be what? Rape? Or laugh?

I mean, GHB, GBL, roofies, are so much easier to obtain, are so easy to hide and will provide so much more of an effect making the prey easier to be raped... (which I would think the kind of person who would force a drug on someone is most likely trying to do).

But Nitrous Oxyde... I have some very big doubts. If I ever meet someone who has a gaz tank in their room or has a lot of balloons inflated, I guess I will remember that someone might be trying to force some drug on me.

Add to this that many girls in this business are using : marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, ghb, ketamine etc. You would think that Nitrous Oxyde would be a fun recreational drug next to some of these things (which a lot of recreational users are seeking). With this, I could add "You cannot force a willing". :eek:

Unless YOU know what event and what situation he's talking about? Enlight me, please!

I know nothing about any of the above happenings you cited. Nothing surprises me in this business anymore. TRULY NOTHING AND NO PERSON!! Actually, my post was very narrow and obviously misunderstood by many. I would say call me "misunderstood", but I don't want to go near that one.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
CS Martin said:
I know nothing about any of the above happenings you cited. Nothing surprises me in this business anymore. TRULY NOTHING AND NO PERSON!! Actually, my post was very narrow and obviously misunderstood by many. I would say call me "misunderstood", but I don't want to go near that one.

Ahh. Ok then... That is so very dissapointing. I just thought that you being the so perfectly intelligent stud you are and me being such a f*cking dumb b*tch (as you wrote so well) that you would at least be able to explain to me this little bit :

StripperLover said:
to clients who get off on forcing ladies to inhale noxious gas during an encounter

Goes to prove you that no one is perfect in this world...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Lilly Lombard said:
and me being such a f*cking dumb b*tch (as you wrote so well)
Care to explain where I ever said such a thing about you? You've made an accussation, now support it. I believe the Moderator here has rules that cover these violations.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
CS Martin said:
Care to explain where I ever said such a thing about you? You've made an accussation, now support it. I believe the Moderator here has rules that cover these violations.

The fact that you do not remember writing that is even more dissapointing. Maybe you should read some of your sent pm. I only opened a pm someone forwarded coming from you. I did not infringe any rules. And besides, it has even been posted publicly on another board. :rolleyes:

In all honesty, I do not give a darn what you think about me. I just felt like playing with you a little bit, see how much balls there were to that big yapper CS Martin. Looks like those balls are not so big. At least, if you could stand behind your words...

I'm done. What a boring toy you were! ;)

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Lilly Lombard said:
The fact that you do not remember writing that is even more dissapointing. Maybe you should read some of your sent pm. I only opened a pm someone forwarded coming from you. I did not infringe any rules. And besides, it has even been posted publicly on another board. :rolleyes:

I never said I did not remember, I simply asked you to "explain where I ever said such a thing about you". You did that by explaining that someone forwarded you a PM that apparently constituted private communication between myself and another party. You admitted posting this info in breach of the following rule:

"viii) Disclosing private communications. PMs are to remain PRIVATE between the 2 parties, and not disclosed without the consent of the sender. PMs may be forwarded and disclosed to Moderators if they contain anything offensive or require the attention of Moderators."

then you admit to using as an alternatve source a post made someone other than myself on another board who identified it as a PM, in breach of the following rule:

"v) Posting false or otherwise unverified information with the intent to either damage the reputation or otherwise of a service provider or agency or, to gain favor of a service provider or agency."

Given the fact the Moderators here have not done anything about this incident tells me they`re going to give you a pass on this. I`m not sure of their reasoning. Maybe because you`re a supporting member or because of your popularity. But, then again when has the rule of law ever mattered in Montreal. LOL

Lilly Lombard said:
In all honesty, I do not give a darn what you think about me. I just felt like playing with you a little bit, see how much balls there were to that big yapper CS Martin. Looks like those balls are not so big. At least, if you could stand behind your words...

I`m done. What a boring toy you were! ;)

As to what I think of you, it`s evident by your posts in the "The questionable business skills of some indies" discussion your consideration for your cleintele leaves much to be desired (see posts):

Let`s face it Lilly, your above posts are filled with attitude, as are many of your other posts. I very much doubt that you really like men, rather you seem to see them purely as a means to an end ($$$$).

As to playing with a boring toy, it`s amazing how you let one poster on this board totally manipulate you into losing your cool that`s been the hallmark of your persona here. This very point was even made on this other board you speak of. So it looks like the ultimate toy played with here was the kitten herself. LOL :D

Chow Baby :rolleyes:
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
CS Martin said:
Care to explain where I ever said such a thing about you? You've made an accussation, now support it. I believe the Moderator here has rules that cover these violations.

You ask her to provide "where you said such a thing." She does so, and then, you go into your typical "whine to the Mods routine."
Man up for once, Martin.

CS Martin said:
Given the fact the Moderators here have not done anything about this incident tells me they're going to give you a pass on this. I'm not sure of their reasoning. Maybe because you're a supporting member or because of your popularity. But, then again when has the rule of law ever mattered in Montreal. LOL:rolleyes:

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Special K said:
You ask her to provide "where you said such a thing." She does so, and then, you go into your typical "whine to the Mods routine."
Man up for once, Martin.

Now you're really in no position to talk about "being a man". Suggest you self-examine your own issues. Let's be honest K, you don't like me and I don't like you. So anything I might say you're going to be critical of. Check your posting history. Get over it and your own ego. BTW, have a nice day.:D
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
CS Martin said:
Let's be honest K, you don't like me and I don't like you.
You certainly got that part right!

As far as being a man, well, I'm so confident in my manhood I'd be happy to put aside our differences and meet for a beer next time you're in town. I have a feeling it'd be a raucously fun time. ;) Care to take me up on it? PM me and let me know when you'll be there. :D

I'll be waiting with bated breath,


PS...I'm not critical of everything you say, actually a very small amount of it is quite entertaining, that is, when you're aren't taking snipes at every person on the board and flaunting your holier than thou attitude. A wonderful evening to you sir. :rolleyes:
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Special K said:
You certainly got that part right!

As far as being a man, well, I'm so confident in my manhood I'd be happy to put aside our differences and meet for a beer next time you're in town. I have a feeling it'd be a raucously fun time. ;) Care to take me up on it? PM me and let me know when you'll be there. :D

I'll be waiting with bated breath,



Unfortunately, the "put aside our differences and meet for a beer next time you're in town" scam has been done by your buddy SL (your great exalted one who still has to post an expose). I don't need anything to re-enforce my manhood or prove it to anyone here. Don't know why you'd need such a "crutch". So consider your chest well stuck out and beaten for everyone here. Doesn't mean I consider you a man. BTW, have a nice day. :D

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Thread closed

Hello everyone,

I posted what would happen if this thread continued to go off track. I have also posted in the past that PMs are considered to be confidential communications between members and are not to be posted on the board or forwarded to other members without the sender's permission. I have yet to decide on the duration, but suspensions will be forthcoming in this matter.

Thread closed and will be cleaned later tonight.

Mod 8
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