Montreal Escorts

Preface to an Expose

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Merlot said:
Hello Techman,

The more experience one has the better chances of insight one can have. But the ability to communicate any insight is another matter. Surely you realize that like Toxi/10-19, me, you, or anyone there is the element of how individuals perceive events; a possible trap...much less any possible degree of a pre-existing of bias. Of course the presence of any possible personal perceptual deficiencies doesn't mean a person can't be truthful and/or unbiased. But, when the author talks about the "evil" when referring to those in the hobby and was himself a driver delivering the ladies to such risky situations I will note the hypocrisy. When the author imposes himself through emails and other communications on those who do not wish to be involved, and persists in what amounts to harassment, I question his character. And when the author lies about staying away from the boards to imply he is keeping himself away from any possible taint of influence, when I know he hasn't done that, I question his honesty.

As for "Ziggy", I am sure you noticed the way I wrote the post indicating the possibility Toxi/10-19 may not have recalled the event accurately, or may possibly not have been truthful. That is possible with anyone. But we all make choices about who to believe. And, that is also the big problem for SL. He has to make those choices too, and having been so heavily involved in the hobby for "30 years" I don't see how he can make those choices with detached integrity, especially when we know that many members make friendships or alliances with certain cliques on the boards with agendas on all sides. This expose is going to be based on the stories and views of many hobbyists. The information from those sources are going to depend on how honest his sources are and how well he can tell the difference. Then, YOU and I both know some of those sources WILL be purposely deceitful since we are both well aware of the "character" of some he no doubt uses as "sources"...those we have seen for so long and so frequently bitching about so many things openly...and themselves scheming. :rolleyes: None of that depends on 10-19.


Very nicely put, Merlot. So nicely put, in fact, that it deserves quoting in its entirety.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Simply Not True

rumpleforeskiin said:
And I've met Eastender several times, each at his invitation. The reason for these meetings was one and one only: so that EE could tell me just how knowledgeable he is about the Montreal sex trade and how little SL knows. EE was quite aware of the hostility that flew between me and SL and thought me a good audience, which, in fact, I a degree.


I have all your requests for information and help filed:rolleyes: . Other than chance, I met with you ONCE at YOUR request on the Plateau - small restaurant on Mt. Royal east of Cartier. You wore a vintage Royals cap. At the meeting you disingeneously skirted around and withheld information that would have helped your situation enormously.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
I have all your requests for information and help filed:rolleyes: . Other than chance, I met with you ONCE at YOUR request on the Plateau - small restaurant on Mt. Royal east of Cartier. You wore a vintage Royals cap. At the meeting you disingeneously skirted around and withheld information that would have helped your situation enormously.
This is utter bullshit. We've met twice, both times at your invitation. I never requested information from you, nor did I ever need nor want your "help."

You are correct about the location of our first meeting and the cap I wore.

As for my skirting around anything and withholding anything, I might have, I suppose, had I been able to get a word in edgewise. The only thing I really attempted to do was get away as quickly as possible, which I finally was able to do, only after cutting you off. I really had no need to know book, chapter, and verse about the Montreal sex scene, nor to know how much you knew or how little SL knew.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

rumpleforeskiin said:
This is utter bullshit. We've met twice, both times at your invitation. I never requested information from you, nor did I ever need nor want your "help."

You are correct about the location of our first meeting and the cap I wore.

As for my skirting around anything and withholding anything, I might have, I suppose, had I been able to get a word in edgewise. The only thing I really attempted to do was get away as quickly as possible, which I finally was able to do, only after cutting you off. I really had no need to know book, chapter, and verse about the Montreal sex scene, nor to know how much you knew or how little SL knew.

A chance meeting featuring trivial banter, at a GT is not by anyone's specific invitation. Also you fail to provide any details of this alleged second meeting as I was able to provide about the first which you quickly portrayed as being VERY accurate.

At the only meeting,the ONE WHERE YOU INVITED ME,it was on the Plateau at my suggestion because it became rather obvious that your knowledge of the city was insufficient to meet at a location convenient for me,you basically droned on about your qualifications/experiences helping young damsels in distress, the integrity of an agency operator and the great unreached potential of the one that had smitten you. None of this was of any benefit to me. You were the one requesting help. My life would not / has not, changed one iota by getting involved. The only result is that I am targeted for your venom because you made some choices without revealing all the details.

As for the imaginary second meeting kindly detail in a manner similar to which I detailed the only meeting.:rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Eastender, and Reg...

We get it. You guys met on your own and didn't become the best of friends. It happens in this world. As entertaining at this online squabble might be for some, I think two gentlemen of your maturity should now move on to more productive thoughts...

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
rumpleforeskiin said:
This is utter bullshit. We've met twice, both times at your invitation. I never requested information from you, nor did I ever need nor want your "help."

You are correct about the location of our first meeting and the cap I wore.

As for my skirting around anything and withholding anything, I might have, I suppose, had I been able to get a word in edgewise. The only thing I really attempted to do was get away as quickly as possible, which I finally was able to do, only after cutting you off. I really had no need to know book, chapter, and verse about the Montreal sex scene, nor to know how much you knew or how little SL knew.


Have you not figured out that you're not going to get anywhere with EE and his limited grasp of reality? Not worth your strokes on the keyboard.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
eastender said:

I have all your requests for information and help filed


Let's all remember that SL isn't the only one who keeps files as this one here has told me more than once. Others keep extensive files, files that would only be complete if he kept accurate information on his own complicity with the "chameleon" to disrupt a board.

Ohhhhh scary, :)

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Merlot said:

Let's all remember that SL isn't the only one who keeps files as this one here has told me more than once. Others keep extensive files, files that would only be complete if he kept accurate information on his own complicity with the "chameleon" to disrupt a board.

Ohhhhh scary, :)




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Techman said:
When did they ask him to drop them? After they received the email? If so, how can they claim 'harrassement'? Have they received anything else since? If they wanted no connection with his expose, why have they continued to comment on it instead of shutting their mouths?

Have these people appointed you as their spokesman? Can they not speak for themselves? Who appointed you the moral compass by which all the rest of us may be judged?

Can you answer any of these questions with a valid answer that will give you the right to continue your crusade against SL, who you have never met and know nothing about other than what your little circle of friends, of at least one of whom dislikes SL, has told you?

You have already formed an opinion of something you have yet to read and have no knowledge of the possible content beyond what he posted in his preface post. Your comments and opinion of anything to do with SL are invalid due to total ignorance of the facts and of the man.

Why don't you just wait until you read it before commenting any further and digging your hole any deeper because your overall credibility as a poster will suffer if you continue in the same manner.


Hello Techman,

First, I moved this over here so WE don't continue polluting another thread with this.

No I don't know much of anything about SL except what I can read on the board. So you want to talk about credibility let's go for it.

Let's talk about him being a "straightshooter" as Doc said. SL makes a thread on two boards he knew absolutely would stir controversy as it has. How does he deal with the perfectly clear expectation of this? His paragraph of his first post says: "I will NOT read this board or any comments"...or in other words I will not be answerable to anything said in response and I will not be held responsible for any controversy this thread creates. Yeah that's a straightforward fair warning. It also ducks all responsibility for any and all reactions. Reactions he knew were coming but planned to duck before he posted, most likely because he wanted all the publicity with none of the responsibility. You call that straightshooting???

What is this expose. Unlike Nellie Arcan who could write of her own personal experiences, what we have hear is a driver for more than one agency collecting hearsay and rumor and purporting to pass it off as factual. "He says "this is not about me but about some of the people and events I have come to experience firsthand with my own eyes". If he was writing of his own experiences there would be no issue. Everyone has a right to tell their own story. But, then why solicit others, including me, for information to "expose" others about many events, including the events in the "famed Poutine story" he could not possibly have witnessed with his "own eyes"?

Now you two, Techman and Doc, come after me with cheap insults and diversionary playground tactics like insinuating I have something to hide, or for pretending to be the presumptive spokesman for others, or for being a pretentious moral spokesman, as if you two aren't two intelligent people who know exactly how silly this is. Techman further attempts to use these tactics like some sort presumptive inquisitor. And that's another reason I seriously question your assessment of SLs character. While you two obviously can post in your own right, you are after all in effect covering for and doing the dirty work for SL who deliberately planned to evade responsibility for his thread while he reads everything and whines to others behind the scenes. I have no doubt he is happy to let others defend him while he stays behind the scenes. If you guys call all SL's actions and methods "straightshooting", then I say BULLSHIT.

I do have to say though that your tactics have been as amusing and hypocritical as they are silly. You two talk about me taking on pretentious moral airs and/or presuming to stand in for others; talking about people I don't really know and posting about experiences I never had as if neither of you have ever in your combined 6,547 posts done exactly the same, and quite frequently. That's utterly laughable:D and you both know it. Everyone here gives opinions without being certified experts on everything they post about. Show me one who hasn't???????? And Techman, "crusade" my butt. I know he's you buddy but it's you who sounds like the white knight here.

You guys don't like my opinion that's fine. You want to fight it tooth and nail that's fine too. You want to use diversionary playground tactics to taint what I say then do it. Just don't forget I know you two know how disingenuous, silly, and cheap these methods are. But if you insist on putting your own credibility on the line with cheap labeling, insults, and deliberate mischaracterizations then go for it. Just don't the two of you tell me I have no right to post an opinion. That's all I ever thought it was as you damn well know that too.

Now...I am dying to read this novel. With all the promises it should be totally fascinating. WHERE IS IT!

Cheers gentlemen,



Doc Holliday said:
Once again i agree 110% with everything Techman wrote above. :D

One more time please...:rolleyes:...I'm sure the opportunity will come. :)
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

I am amazed that the post he made has stirred up so much controversy. I can't wait for what happens when he starts posting his expose for people to read. He isn't responsible for the over reaction of everyone in this thread, everyone is responsible for their own posts.

Considering all the attention his post has gotten, the guy should be working for an advertising firm.

You and others seem intent on writing a review of something you have yet to read. Maybe you should just wait until you read it before passing judgement on the contents of which you really have no idea.

As far as your right to your can you have an opinion of something you haven't read? Do you review a book based on the press release or cover blurb or do you review it after reading it? Do you review a film based on the preview or do you review the film itself?

Well why don't you wait until you read it instead of condemning it based on a promo post. :cool:

You've made your feelings known in this thread but you take every opportunity to take shots at him even in other threads. Give us all a break already. It's getting boring.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Oh more thing. I think that some people take the boards way too seriously. This isn't real life people! It's a fantasy, a simulated on line community. If you think that anyone outside of the boards will have any interest in what he writes you have a serious problem.

The day I look in the mirror and see 'Techman' looking back at me will be the day I leave the boards. But somehow I have the feeling that some people here see their board personna in the mirror on a regular basis and that is really fucked up.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Merlot said:
Hello Techman,

First, I moved this over here so WE don't continue polluting another thread with this.

No I don't know much of anything about SL except what I can read on the board. So you want to talk about credibility let's go for it.

Let's talk about him being a "straightshooter" as Doc said. SL makes a thread on two boards he knew absolutely would stir controversy as it has. How does he deal with the perfectly clear expectation of this? His paragraph of his first post says: "I will NOT read this board or any comments"...or in other words I will not be answerable to anything said in response and I will not be held responsible for any controversy this thread creates. Yeah that's a straightforward fair warning. It also ducks all responsibility for any and all reactions. Reactions he knew were coming but planned to duck before he posted, most likely because he wanted all the publicity with none of the responsibility. You call that straightshooting???

What is this expose. Unlike Nellie Arcan who could write of her own personal experiences, what we have hear is a driver for more than one agency collecting hearsay and rumor and purporting to pass it off as factual. "He says "this is not about me but about some of the people and events I have come to experience firsthand with my own eyes". If he was writing of his own experiences there would be no issue. Everyone has a right to tell their own story. But, then why solicit others, including me, for information to "expose" others about many events, including the events in the "famed Poutine story" he could not possibly have witnessed with his "own eyes"?

Now you two, Techman and Doc, come after me with cheap insults and diversionary playground tactics like insinuating I have something to hide, or for pretending to be the presumptive spokesman for others, or for being a pretentious moral spokesman, as if you two aren't two intelligent people who know exactly how silly this is. Techman further attempts to use these tactics like some sort presumptive inquisitor. And that's another reason I seriously question your assessment of SLs character. While you two obviously can post in your own right, you are after all in effect covering for and doing the dirty work for SL who deliberately planned to evade responsibility for his thread while he reads everything and whines to others behind the scenes. I have no doubt he is happy to let others defend him while he stays behind the scenes. If you guys call all SL's actions and methods "straightshooting", then I say BULLSHIT.

I do have to say though that your tactics have been as amusing and hypocritical as they are silly. You two talk about me taking on pretentious moral airs and/or presuming to stand in for others; talking about people I don't really know and posting about experiences I never had as if neither of you have ever in your combined 6,547 posts done exactly the same, and quite frequently. That's utterly laughable:D and you both know it. Everyone here gives opinions without being certified experts on everything they post about. Show me one who hasn't???????? And Techman, "crusade" my butt. I know he's you buddy but it's you who sounds like the white knight here.

You guys don't like my opinion that's fine. You want to fight it tooth and nail that's fine too. You want to use diversionary playground tactics to taint what I say then do it. Just don't forget I know you two know how disingenuous, silly, and cheap these methods are. But if you insist on putting your own credibility on the line with cheap labeling, insults, and deliberate mischaracterizations then go for it. Just don't the two of you tell me I have no right to post an opinion. That's all I ever thought it was as you damn well know that too.

Now...I am dying to read this novel. With all the promises it should be totally fascinating. WHERE IS IT!

Cheers gentlemen,



One more time please...:rolleyes:...I'm sure the opportunity will come. :)


Some people (you know who you are :rolleyes: and hopefully who I'm directing this at..) have been using these tactics since 2005 and before. These individuals are skilled in the art of accusation and misdirection. They have an agenda, a very closed minded and self-serving one. What's a guy to do? It's not like you can call a Doc(tor) to fix their ills.....:rolleyes:

CS Martin


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello guys,

Techman said:
You and others seem intent on writing a review of something you have yet to read. Maybe you should just wait until you read it before passing judgement on the contents of which you really have no idea.

No! Why do you keep saying this is what I am doing? I am questioning his methods. Not reviewing the final product...obviously.

Techman said:
Oh more thing. I think that some people take the boards way too seriously. This isn't real life people! It's a fantasy, a simulated on line community. If you think that anyone outside of the boards will have any interest in what he writes you have a serious problem.

The day I look in the mirror and see 'Techman' looking back at me will be the day I leave the boards. But somehow I have the feeling that some people here see their board personna in the mirror on a regular basis and that is really fucked up.

Surely you realize the very high level of intensity in so many of your posts, as I realize mine abundantly.

CS Martin said:

Some people (you know who you are :rolleyes: and hopefully who I'm directing this at..) have been using these tactics since 2005 and before. These individuals are skilled in the art of accusation and misdirection. They have an agenda, a very closed minded and self-serving one. What's a guy to do? It's not like you can call a Doc(tor) to fix their ills.....:rolleyes:

CS Martin

We all know there are those who have agendas, and malicious ones too. I don't consider Techman or Doc one of those...or SL either. But some of the tactics lately...ish.

Now, from here I plan to wait for the novel expose novel. This exercise is "boring" and quite overdone ad nauseam.

After all of that "fun" maybe I could use a beer or 10.




By the way boys, I went for a check up today. Blood pressure really superb. General health very good. So...sorry, but I may be around to annoy some for a while.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey Merlot!

I don't see anything wrong with his methods. After two years of so of board members taking shots at him, constantly commenting on when his book will come out, he finally answered in a post on the board. He also sent out an emailing to his email address list. I don't see where he did anything wrong. People have been goading him for ages about this and when he finally gives out a bit of info everyone jumps down his throat.

And you are right, I have no agenda other than asking people not to pre-judge something they haven't read. That's it.

Like everyone else here, I'm waiting to read what he puts out. Once it comes out you may find me criticizing some parts of it also. I won't know until I read it. Until then I'll reserve judgement.

And the beer idea sounds great! I'm on my third right now. :p



Glad to here you are in good health. It would really be a pain in the ass breaking in a new discussion partner! ;)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Is anyone here a member of any other, more normal, forum? I just got a new car after wrapping the old one around a tree (ouch - that really hurt) and joined a forum to get some info on it. WOW! I mean it's really weird being on a forum where no one takes everything so seriously and really goes out of their way to help everyone else. Refreshing actually. No attitudes, no egos, just friendly people.

But if you really want to find some loonies go and join a computer board. Some of those make MERB seem totally normal by comparison. :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
10-19 said:
Wait? Waiting for Godot would have better chance of success.

Patience is a virtue. Be virtuous. For a change. ;)

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
Amen to that. The other day, someone asked me if i was serious about something i had posted on this board a short time ago in regards to once pulling a gun (Beretta) on someone. I really had a good laugh when i heard that one! What's next? People will start to believe i actually cheer for the Laughs? Come on! Really? :D

Someone asked me the same thing about another board (not a Beretta, but a Glock) a short period ago. What a coincidence!!! But, as you said, everything on these boards is make believe. No facts, right.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Simple Suggestion

Hopefully everyone has had their say. In the larger scheme of things, is this that important? Why not chill on this and revisit it in a few months? :)

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Doc Holliday said:
The REAL HOBBY is THIS board & not the escort business. Most of the stuff people write on these boards is fiction or semi-fiction written by a group of fictional characters with way too much time to lose, including yours truly. It's like killing time by playing a videogame such as Call of Duty 5, but in this case, you don't use a gamepad, you use a keyboard & then watch how people reading what you've posted will react.

I am going to test this theory out and release some info that has been kept very quiet for years. Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday were in fact both gay and were lovers right up until Doc's unfortunate death which by the way was not from tuberculosis but it was the beginning of the aids epidemic:)
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