Hello Techman,
First, I moved this over here so WE don't continue polluting another thread with this.
No I don't know much of anything about SL except what I can read on the board. So you want to talk about credibility let's go for it.
Let's talk about him being a "straightshooter" as Doc said. SL makes a thread on two boards he knew absolutely would stir controversy as it has. How does he deal with the perfectly clear expectation of this? His paragraph of his first post says: "I will
NOT read this board or any comments"...or in other words I will not be answerable to anything said in response and I will not be held responsible for any controversy this thread creates. Yeah that's a straightforward fair warning. It also ducks all responsibility for any and all reactions. Reactions he knew were coming but planned to duck before he posted, most likely because he wanted all the publicity with none of the responsibility. You call that straightshooting???
What is this expose. Unlike Nellie Arcan who could write of her own personal experiences, what we have hear is a driver for more than one agency collecting hearsay and rumor and purporting to pass it off as factual. "He says "this is not about me but about some of the people and events I have come to
experience firsthand with my own eyes". If he was writing of his own experiences there would be no issue. Everyone has a right to tell their own story. But, then why solicit others,
including me, for information to "expose" others about many events, including the events in the "famed Poutine story" he could not possibly have witnessed with his "own eyes"?
Now you two, Techman and Doc, come after me with cheap insults and diversionary playground tactics like insinuating I have something to hide, or for pretending to be the presumptive spokesman for others, or for being a pretentious moral spokesman, as if you two aren't two intelligent people who know exactly how silly this is. Techman further attempts to use these tactics like some sort presumptive inquisitor. And that's another reason I seriously question your assessment of SLs character. While you two obviously can post in your own right, you are after all in effect covering for and doing the dirty work for SL who deliberately planned to evade responsibility for his thread while he reads everything and whines to others behind the scenes. I have no doubt he is happy to let others defend him while he stays behind the scenes. If you guys call all SL's actions and methods "straightshooting", then I say BULLSHIT.
I do have to say though that your tactics have been as amusing and hypocritical as they are silly. You two talk about me taking on pretentious moral airs and/or presuming to stand in for others; talking about people I don't really know and posting about experiences I never had as if neither of you have ever in your combined 6,547 posts done exactly the same, and quite frequently. That's utterly laughable

and you both know it. Everyone here gives opinions without being certified experts on everything they post about. Show me one who hasn't???????? And Techman, "crusade" my butt. I know he's you buddy but it's you who sounds like the white knight here.
You guys don't like my opinion that's fine. You want to fight it tooth and nail that's fine too. You want to use diversionary playground tactics to taint what I say then do it. Just don't forget I know you two know how disingenuous, silly, and cheap these methods are. But if you insist on putting your own credibility on the line with cheap labeling, insults, and deliberate mischaracterizations then go for it. Just don't the two of you tell me I have no right to post an opinion. That's all I ever thought it was as you damn well know that too.
Now...I am dying to read this novel. With all the promises it should be totally fascinating.
Cheers gentlemen,
One more time please...

...I'm sure the opportunity will come.