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Presidential run 2020.

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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Lol! That’s gotta burn

Well Sondland should have known better. If you decide to work for Trumpet you need to be loyal beyond all means (that means ready to lie and go to Jail for him) or you will get sacked. As simple as that.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Below is a draft of my letter that I plan to send to my favorite senator. Any suggestions regarding improvements / enhancements will be greatly appreciated.

Dear Senator Warren,

As a faithful constituent of yours, I wholeheartedly support your courageous decision to "push on" with your glorious presidential campaign. Traveling the length and breadth of our great country and delivering for the 749th time your amusing shtick on Medicare for All, you are causing far less harm to our beloved state of Massachusetts, as well as the above-mentioned country, than you could potentially do while sitting in Washington engaged in what you might call "legislating".

I urge you to carry on and never put down that shovel. May your quest never end!

Sincerely, ...

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
A renowned New Yorker intellectual Masha Gessen has let us in on an important secret: as it happens, Pete Buttigieg is neither young nor liberal nor gay. You learn something new every day.


In her own words:

What makes Buttigieg an easy and reassuring choice for these older, white, straight people, and a disturbing possibility for the queer people who seem to be criticizing him for not being gay enough? It is that he is profoundly, essentially conservative. He is an old politician in a young man’s body, a straight politician in a gay man’s body.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Well, maybe Masha is right after all, and Mayor Pete is indeed a politician first and foremost? All his other attributes be damned -- gay, liberal,..., whatever.

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
While I would vote for any Dem over the criminal enterprise dictatorship of Trump, I would have to do it with great regret if Bernie or Warren. When interviewed they are skilled at not directly answering a hard question but going into their speel we are getting tired of hearing. And I wish Warren would stop her throwing her arms up in the air so much is getting tiring to watch.

We need sanity and intellectual understanding of facts and being able to work with Republicans. Not the Trump clown with what 15 of his best hand-picked associates either in prison, about to go to prison, or indicted and cases pending. All the honest folks left or were fired.

At first, I thought Biden was the only safe choice that could win against the Trump lies and propaganda machine. But after his poor results in Iowa and NH, I like Mayor Pete (who cares about him being gay in my view). My favorite is gaining ground Amy (from my home state of MN). She is full of calmness, wit, and intelligence.

I am also liking Mike who can outfox and outspend Trump without any special interest groups funding him etc. Am glad to see him rising in the national polls and hope he qualifies for the next debate.

If Warren or Bernie is the choice I would still vote for them over Bankrupt morally and many businesses Trump. I doubt Bernie's extreme ideas like Health care for all if you like it or not, or Free education for everyone would ever get passed even with a huge win in both houses by Dems. Likewise, Warren's wealth tax has not worked well in other countries (based on asset value).

Most Dems are not THAT progressive with no way to pay for it other than wild numbers for taxing all the bad guys (rich) which don't add up. We should modify and expand Obama Care which according to polls is more popular than Trump! It only took 20 years of fighting to get that passed and Trump is in Court to totally dismantle it with some secret best ever plan he will not announce until after the election - has if he has any plan but he, of course, is "perfect" in everything the guru does.

On "socialism". Remember Canada could be called socialist for its Health care system. My Canadian friends have no major issues with it, although I realize its not perfect.

About 15 years ago on a trip to Canada (Toronto) had food poisoning and went to an immediate care clinic in bad shape. Without any medical insurance only had a short wait and was surprised how low the bill was even with no insurance.

Another time long ago, I had to go to a Dentist in Toronto with terrible pain and needed a root canal. Very good experience and about half the cost of what I had paid in the US for root canal in another tooth.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
We need sanity and intellectual understanding of facts

That we do, indeed. Now more than ever.

On "socialism". Remember Canada could be called socialist for its Health care system. My Canadian friends have no major issues with it, although realize its not perfect.

It certainly looks like we have very different Canadian friends. Mine, especially those who were unfortunate enough to develop serious problems, keep sharing with me their (sometimes quite ingenious) schemes as to how they could possibly get treated at some place where their problems could potentially be fixed. Like the U.S., for example, or Israel in some cases. And of course they never fail to mention how lucky I am to have access to advanced medical care.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
We need sanity and intellectual understanding .
Yes a few do , and its a big step admitting some have have a number of problems,i wish that therapist good luck.
Back on subject Left wing tried their best which was pety and pathetic and they have been the best adds for trump to win again bravo.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I don’t like a Trump, but he is smart politically.

I think that (the second half) is an understatement. And then, of course, you are making a really good point in that Trump keeps confusing his various opponents who have no clue whatsoever how to figure him out. That seems to be his conscious strategy.

Take Iran, for example. Everyone was so damn sure that he will bomb the hell out of the place at the first chance. He, however, chose to show incredible restraint, didn't he? And so, when it came time for the good general Soleimani to go meet the virgins, the ayatollah obviously had no idea what hit him. It will be probably a while before they attempt to pick another fight with Trump.

Just one example among many.

By the way, it would be nice to have an intelligent discussion of Trump and his policies (some are clearly wrongheaded, in my view), but unfortunately this is impossible here for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Have a pity for the man guys. He does not drink and being under the microscope all the time can’t have a pussy on the side. I strongly suspect that he does not get much from Melania either. I know this type all too well. The only entertainment he has is his Twitter trolling and some golf. So, let him get his kicks out of it. I am OK with that as soon as the economy is rolling and US is not going into any stupid war again.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A guy that put ice in his beer against one that drinks 12 can of diet pepsi a day... Jesus... America still has steps to do in the beverage habits..

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Sanders looks like he’s gonna have another acute coronary syndrome answering some of Pete’s accusations


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
On Biden Joe Rogan had a funny comparison. He talked about picking a president with early signs of dementia as going on a hike in a jungle late at night with a flashlight whose batteries are starting to dim.

You might be OK to start but things won't end well.

Looks like Sanders has overtaken Biden so Biden's fails might not be an issue for much longer.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Bloomberg was a complete bust last night.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Trump's game was (and still is) to win. It is not at all clear that Bloomberg is playing the same game.
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