To be honest the other countries must shake their heads at the presidential candidates in the last 2 elections, Trump / Clinton and Trump / Biden.. WTF.
Not saying Canada is much better letting Trudeau win a second term after all the scandals.
My dreams of a political platform.
Government reduced to half, government officials pensions reduced to half, if within the first year 75% of promises are not made they step down, if caught in a scandal they get fired and lose pensions. Sorry but immigrants get no assistance for the first 5 years, just like it was a long time ago when people came to our country to be Canadians not just live off our generosity. Refugees not an issue.
With the savings up senior / war vet benefits to a decent living standard, they deserve it, others also but too long a list. Some people forget that they work for us, we do not work for them, that got off course a long time ago.
I know it is a pipedream but wishful thinking.