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Presidential run 2020.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Oh my, well isn’t this gonna grind someone’s gears? @ least it’s not a 16 year old this time around. Maybe he can have another fake magazine cover with his pic made on it

Why would they be person of the year.
They haven’t done anything other than win an election.
So far they haven’t made one decision that has been implemented this year to benefit anybody.
The only reason they are on the cover is to sell magazines, seems that is the only criteria needed for selection.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is out of options, and he thinks that the only way to save his presidency is to beg Ted Cruz for help. Cruz has already offered to take Trump's election challenge to the Supreme Court, but the case fails on its merits regardless.

Ted sweetie help your friend, so you can have access to his base.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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SUPREME COURT just rejects ----second time this week--TEXAS and TROMP's bid to overturn election :) ....another major slap in the face.....;).....what's next coming from this crazy crazy WH ???.......about time to move on.....
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was subpoenaed earlier this week on a charge of abuse of office. Paxton launched the suit, the motive probably being a pardon from his fellow scum.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
LA COUR SUPRÊME rejette juste - la deuxième fois cette semaine - la tentative de TEXAS et TROMP d'annuler les élections :).... une autre gifle majeure au visage ..... ;)..... qu'est-ce qui va venir de ce fou fou WH? ?? ....... il est temps de passer à autre chose .....



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
SUPREME COURT just rejects ----second time this week--TEXAS and TROMP's bid to overturn election :) ....another major slap in the face.....;).....what's next coming from this crazy crazy WH ???.......about time to move on.....
General Flynn suggested that Trump could use the Marshall Law and annuled the complete 3 November elections.
Probably to thank him for his Pardon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Abuse of power by an Attorney General can only be a State charge, and Trump has no power to pardon conduct chargeable by the State.
As a lawyer, I suppose you must be right although it seems weird that the State Attorney General's office could charge the State's Attorney General. However, the subpoena was served by federal agents.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Why would they be person of the year.
They haven’t done anything other than win an election.
So far they haven’t made one decision that has been implemented this year to benefit anybody.
The only reason they are on the cover is to sell magazines, seems that is the only criteria needed for selection.

Here u go, truer to life


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Except Marshall law ;) his last crazy move will b le 6 Janvier when on the floor of the Congress he will ask HIS SLAVES to reject le vote du Collège électoral ;)....BUT again it will b en vain cause there are still FEW Repub. who believe in democracy....
So this sad sad game will b over.....HE likes the walls so will b his last one.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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The orange meltdown continues with Trumpy doing his best impression of a rabid animal, gnawing at his Supreme Court appointees then tearing away at his former BFFs Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and now taking a big bite out of his consigliere, Attorney General Bill Barr. Can’t wait to see the showdown between rabid Trump & wily Moscow Mitch.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As a lawyer, I suppose you must be right although it seems weird that the State Attorney General's office could charge the State's Attorney General. However, the subpoena was served by federal agents.

You are correct about the subpoena coming from the FBI which is investigating bribery and other charges. While Trump could pardon the federal offense violations which the FBI is investigating, if there is any evidence to support those offense(s), the same conduct is likely chargeable as well as offenses under Texas law. The State of Texas can at some point pick up the ball and run with it, although that is not likely under the current Governor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It has been established beyond any doubt that the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history and there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.

Just to reiterate the point that everything was on the up and up, here is an interesting testimony of one specific witness, a former combat officer with a background in Army information and electronic warfare.
The central point of his presentation can be watched here:
I finally read this Klopomor. When Pennsylvania ran through those 1/2 million votes and Trump got 3200 of them, did you ever wonder how he got so many? What kk d of cheaters are these people. They should of just counted the entire 1/2 million and given zero to Trump and then shouted “Racism” and “misogyny “ and for
Good measure “homophobia” when asked about the statistical anomaly.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I thought about it. I think they were to busy lookin for “cheeeeeese pizza” and not counting Trumpy votes, those assholes!!!

Don’t mind me boys, I just find all these “Cool Titties” that are floating around and propagated just silly. Silly I tell u!!! Plus I luv playin with some of your “Dunlop’s”....


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The orange meltdown continues with Trumpy doing his best impression of a rabid animal, gnawing at his Supreme Court appointees then tearing away at his former BFFs Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and now taking a big bite out of his consigliere, Attorney General Bill Barr. Can’t wait to see the showdown between rabid Trump & wily Moscow Mitch.

Trump is enraged.
Come beat you Joe.


It's too late
You lost :)

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Trump is making a shit load off of “cool titties” man. More so than any woman I’ve seen makes off her real titties, it’s actually insane. How many hundred millions is he up to?

There are more people falling for his “bologna sandwiches” than ever before.

Times are crazy...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

While Trump has never disavowed the uptick of white nationalist organizing since he took office, even refusing to denounce hate groups like the Proud Boys when specifically asked, it is still troubling to see his administration openly encouraging the event.

President Donald Trump may have lost a second White House term last week, but his far right and white nationalist supporters aren’t going to leave quietly — and they’re taking their cues directly from the president. A coalition of far right extremists, including fascists, white nationalists, and militia groups, are expected to attend a pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, the Southern Poverty Law Center reports. The event could be the largest gathering of far right and white nationalist groups since the so-called Unite the Right rally in 2017.

They don't inspire me with confidence.
Especially since Trump supports them.
Chummy, chummy with Donald.
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