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PRISM ISSUE/Interview With NSA Whistleblower

May 28, 2012


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey gang,

IF you are interested in this subject and how deep the rabbit hole goes, you need to know a few things or at least do a little research on it.

1. Your Android or iphone can be turned on at any time to listen to your conversations.
2. Your every call is turned into a text file and stored somewhere.
3. Your email/ BBM/imessage/ MSN "" "" "'

4. youtube / google MARK KLEIN (at&t worker who first found out that NSA was copying everthing).
5. youtube / google William Binney (NSA worker who blew the whistle)

6. The company that makes all the IT equipment to do this is called NARUS based out of ................ Tel-Aviv.

PS all fo this information can be foudn in American media such as PBS and NPR and New York Times.

What I find funny about all of this is how fast everyone buys into all the latest technology as quickly as it arrives, often taking pride in how state of the art their toys are, and then acting shocked about the NSA like they haven't rushed to enable everything that's going on that they object to. People object to "Big Brother" at the same moment as they are shelling out their money with glee to enable these agencies to spy on them. Is anyone going to throw away their toys in protest...NO.

Then there's sir "vindicated" who somehow thinks he has a great big gotcha like every other administration hasn't been doing everything they could to know as much as they can since the stone age. Have you been sleeping all your life? Did you miss 911 and what the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act really meant about what happens. DUHH!!! Go back to sleep bud. :rolleyes:

Of course also there is the hypocrisy of public demands. Oh please mr government protect us, catch these terrorists before they do anything, and if they do something don't let these terrorists get away. HEELLLLLOOOOOOOOO! Did we all ignore what we were asking for when we demanded greater security.

People blasted the FBI after the Boston bombing for not reacting to the slightest information on two guys who were on a list of 500,000 low level suspects and the FBI's inability to dig up something more telling that might have pointed more directly to the killers. Well how do you do that, people??? Do you really think the intelligence agencies are distinguishing between good citizens and bad citizens or foreigners. What criteria do you expect the agencies to use to say: WE SHOULDN'T SPY ON THIS ONE, BUT WE SHOULD ON THAT ONE. How do the agencies find out who is a real threat. C'mon, you asked for this.

I don't like any of this breaking into everything people do any more than any of you. But you have to realize as soon as you press for perfect security...perfect or even any part of perfect privacy dies right there. If you are going to ask for and eagerly help build Big Brother don't be surprised HE'S WATCHING YOU.




Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Did collecting years and years and years worth of phone calls, texts, and BBM's and imessages, prevent anything these guys did????

Would have using a bit of common sense have helped? -- yes especially if the KGB or the FSB is showing you their pictures, that would narrow down some of the 500k .

Its not that the government wants to observe your data that bothers me,..................... its that they want to keep everything forever on a server. no delete EVER (even for clean folks)

If president Clinton, can have his emails read for fun by an NSA agent, something that would make me think 10 times before fucking around like that , what hope or protection is their for the rest of us.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
This is BIG NEWS...

The US has been spying on everyone while accusing everyone else of doing it ?
I thought it was the Chinese since everyone in North America was pointing at China :confused:

Before that... it used to be Russia, the GDR, and long time ago the Nazis... but the US ?

Mmm... I don't believe this !
May 28, 2012
Then there's sir "vindicated" who somehow thinks he has a great big gotcha like every other administration hasn't been doing everything they could to know as much as they can since the stone age. Have you been sleeping all your life? Did you miss 911 and what the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act really meant about what happens. DUHH!!! Go back to sleep bud. :rolleyes:

As the rest of the World figures out that the Emperor has no clothes:

The main issue has not been Obama's policies, but his horrible management of virtually everything. Most of the networks have specifically mentioned exactly this in the last week. The young voters are getting turned off on Obama as they realize his inability the manage what he pushes. This is showing in his numbers as his his average approval leaves the Eisenhower/Bush bracket heading for those really low scores of Nixon & Carter. Yes, just wait until the reality of Obamacare really starts to hit the public.

Interesting that the president of Chile had no problem just making himself at home in Obama's Chair:

You see the world has absolutely no respect for this impostor of a president!!! As the liberals look to attack the messenger when they don't like the substance of the message......LOL

P.S. to Moderators: I thought we were enforcing the rule about abusing & altering each other's handles? I don't believe my name is Sir Vindicated. Does this mean we're now free to just go at it calling each other whatever? My posts have not attacked anyone, but apparently that theory of censorship is alive and well among some who act like liberals telling folks to "go back to sleep"
May 28, 2012
Merlot you sure do spend a lot of time going after me. One might think you're obsessed with me. Very laughable that I create such a distraction for you. Is your life really that empty? I'd feel sorry for you except that would imply I give a sh_t.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I think the whole thing is blown out of proportion, mainly because I question Snowden's credentials.

1) He has a GED; no college education that I've heard of.
2) Was a security guard for CIA
3) My guess, he capitalized on his clearance to get the $200K job with Booz Allen
4) And he'd only be working there for THREE MONTHS!

So what could he possibly have? I find it quite a stretch to compare him with Daniel Ellsberg.
May 28, 2012
Looks like Obama's planned "reboot" of his relationship with Putin's Russia didn't work out so well (as with most of Obama's plans). Seems Russia is telling the US where to go regarding Snowden. Maybe Obama needs to replace his "processor" before rebooting.


Mar 28, 2007
Sad. The rest deleted because I don't need the hassle. Time to wake up in the centre of the free world.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
And now revelations on the US spying on it's allies in Europe...

"If it is true that EU representations in Brussels and Washington were indeed tapped by the American secret service, it can hardly be explained with the argument of fighting terrorism.."

"Germans are particularly sensitive about government monitoring, having lived through the Stasi secret police in the former communist East Germany and with lingering memories of the Gestapo of Hitler's Nazi regime.

On Saturday, Martin Schulz, president of the EU Parliament and also a German, said that if the report was correct, it would have a "severe impact" on relations between the EU and the United States."

Way to go !

Its starting to look like LE who wants a free SP and gets caught with his pants down then accusing her of extortion !

Ben voyons ! C'est pas fin ca ! :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Germans should shut up. If we had done a better job with spying on them in the 1930s perhaps World War II would have been avoided. They deserve to be spied on and should not complain. The Russians and Chinese also deserve to be spied on. What's really the issue raised by Snowden is the extent to which American citizens are being spied on. That is the issue presented by PRISM.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
The Germans should shut up. They deserve to be spied on... What's really the issue raised by Snowden is the extent to which American citizens are being spied on.

If this is your way of looking at it "Other countries deserve to be spied on, but not Americans."
It's childish !

It's going against not just a small and stupid amendment (as for the case of guns) but the United State constitution, the international laws, the charter of rights and all the rules of the security council, the Nato treaty, etc.

It goes against all principles of a democracy.
It's a very, very bad move !

This issue on American Citizens presented by Prism is nothing compare to what's coming from this spying the EU !

It will have profound effects on the futur and the world's economy !


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Everyone spies on everyone - including allies spying on each other.

Countries complain about being spied upon to placate their own citizens.

At most, when a complaint is made, the spies change their modus operandi. It is naive to suppose that they stop spying.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Everyone spies on everyone - including allies spying on each other..

100% correct and this feigned "outrage" by the EU over the USA spying on the Germans is the biggest piece of bullshit I have ever read on my life. I would again note the historical record shows that if we did a better job spying on the Germans in the 1930s millions and millions of lives could have been saved but you will never hear the EU talking about that.
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