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Proper grammar is hot.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Elizabeth said:
Who is the most educated? Who is the one with more kindness and respect? That could change the answer very easily.
who can lick their eye brows? :D


Mar 26, 2004
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Elizabeth said:

That is way too simplistic...

Based only on the info you gave, of course, any lady would choose the guy with a 1000$!

How small would the difference have to be, just on these facts, before Man1 is chosen?


Mar 26, 2004
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chef said:
Which one of the two are you, Dee ? :)
Likely the firstest!

This discussion reminds me of a character in a Peter DeVries novel who was a prig when it came to the proper use of English and was constatnly correcting everyone. Soon his friends would deliberately construct sentences where no word was correct and drive him nuts, eg. "Them sheeps ain't his'n."


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Elizabeth said:
I don't specialize in eyebrows but hey, whatever turns you on, honey. :p
i screwed that one up... i meant to say 'who can lick their own eye brows?'

wouldn't you pick the man w/ the longest tongue? :p

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
johnmbot said:
wouldn't you pick the man w/ the longest tongue? :p

Then again, what's the point of having the longest tongue if he don't know, like the grammar, how to use it properly... :rolleyes:

Lion Heart


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

Posons que l'éloquence masculine ait un pouvoir de séduction sur la femme, observons certains comportements et prenons note des effets produits.

"Viens icitte que j'te fourre, ma chanceuse" gagnerait à ce qu'on y apportât quelque façonnement esthétique mais l'on s'avisera qu'un tel façonnement ne devrait pas tomber dans quelque excès qui rendrait l'énoncé ridicule. Un style ampoulé et ornemental, qui inciterait quelqu'un à écrire "Et tu chanteras mon cheminement victorieux" :D, pourrait être mal perçu.

Le vers de Mirliton est tout autant à éviter: "Entre tes cuisses, j'ai retrouvé mon fromage suisse", pourrait laisser sous-entendre que vous avez le fantasme fromager et l'amener ainsi à décliner votre invitation.

On évitera aussi le style kitsch, lequel lui donnerait l'impression d'être dans un film d'Eric Rohmer. Ainsi, "Je soulèverai le téléphone à l'heure dont on conviendra, composerai votre numéro aux sept chiffres décrivant l'aire dans laquelle je vous retrouverai, et vous indiquerai la marche à suivre..." pourrait la faire fuir.

Drame, mélodrame, complainte, litanie, baroque, tragédie et style picaresque sont tout autant à éviter. "Je ne vous dirai pas, mademoiselle, les déboires qui m'affligent! Aussi, je sollicite, par la présente, un rendez-vous. Il en va de ma vie qui vous disiez OUI!"... Euh... non!

On pourrait s'aventurer dans la grandiloquence comique mais il n'est pas dit que la demoiselle saura la comprendre au second degré. Le style tarabiscoté qui fait dire des trucs comme "Ma colonne Nelson, pareille à un serpent sinueux qui, se convulsant en anguille nerveuse, dessinera, entre vos cuisses, de fantasques ondulations malignes" ne fonctionne qu'avec des lectrices averties.

Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui se souvienne de la façon dont Jean Pagé, le chroniqueur sportif qu'il fut, décrivait les parties de football (soccer) sur Radio Can? Ça, c'est ce qu'on appelle un style "ronflant" (grandiloquent et creux). À éviter comme la peste bubonique.

Soyez simple, courtois et articulé; relisez-vous à haute voix et, chemin faisant, faites les corrections nécessaires et tout devrait bien aller.
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Mar 26, 2004
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Elizabeth said:
Depends on what the difference is about...

Difference in dollars... based on my example how small would the difference in $ have to be before you would take the "have" guy with the better grammar ... the difference between $1000 and $180 trumps the grammar.... would the difference between $500 and $180? At what difference does Mr. Grammar win over the higher offering Mr. Error?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Dee said:
Difference in dollars... based on my example how small would the difference in $ have to be before you would take the "have" guy with the better grammar ... the difference between $1000 and $180 trumps the grammar.... would the difference between $500 and $180? At what difference does Mr. Grammar win over the higher offering Mr. Error?
Some words are worth $1000.


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
johnhenrygalt said:
Not quite.

Once upon a time, English verbs were conjugated. The endings were similar to modern day German.

English: I go, thou goest, he/she/it goeth
German: Ich gehe, du gehst, er/sie/es geht

Or if you prefer coming rather than going:

English: I come; thou comest; he/she/it cometh
German: Ich komme; du kommst; er/sie/es kommt

As in most tongues, when more than one verb is used, only the first (auxiliary) verb is conjugated, the second verb remains in the infinitive. So while "to rub" would be conjugated "I rub; thou rubbest; he/she/it rubbeth", when used as the second verb, it remains simply "rub".

Also, as in most tongues, the common and auxiliary verbs are often irregular. So instead of "I shall, thou shalst, he shalt", it is "I shall, thou shalt, he shalt" (Modern German: Ich soll, du sollst, er/sie/es sollt). This structure is illustrated in the King James Version of the Bible, with the famous "Thou shalt not kill (steal, commit adultery, etc.)".

Thus, the above quoted sentence would be rendered as follows:

"Thou shalt rub thy clit for me".

One may also say "Thou rubbest thy clit in a most arousing manner" or "I wish that thou wouldst rub thy clit until thou comest with a loud cry and quivering".

Lol, it looks like we found ourselves an English literature teacher on the board! Ms. Jackson, is that you :)

übrigens, ich spreche auch Deutsch, danke fuer die Erklärung. :D


Mar 26, 2004
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Elizabeth... I understand (in the 2 senses) what you wisley say.

If one feels 100% uncomfortable with, and threatened by a situation, no amount of money will "buy" one's attendence.... but from there on down its a sliding scale... I recently had occaision to sell some property that had a huge amount of sentimental value to me.... I said I would sell it to Satan herself if I were offered 10 times the real value, but if I were offrered in the neighborhood of the proper value I would sell it for a lesser amount then the highest bid to someone who I perceived would carry on with the traditions of the property and enjoy it as it had been enjoyed before.


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Dec 6, 2005
Maria Divina said:
taste a delicious piece of "Dauphin" with those little fruits.....
I'm rather surprised to find that it comes from Hainaut rather than Dauphiné and also that it was apparently named after the marine mammal (from the traditional shape of the cheese) rather than the Dauphin (of France).


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Punctuation is helpful in making yourself understood:
A woman without her man is nothing
can become
A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.

Capitalization is important; capitalization is the difference between
I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.
I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.

That shall be all for now. :p


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Maria Divina said:
C'est bien la dernière chose que je pourrais dire de Ziggy...

Vous effectuez peut-être un jugement quelque peu hâtif, peut-être??? :confused:

J'ai toujours bien aimé ses écrits...
Je crois que 10-19 soulignait les excellent conseils de Ziggy, et qu'il ne fesait que conclure avec un peu de sarcasme.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
10-19 said:
Une fois il m'a traîté de crétin surréaliste; une autre fois il s'est arraché une grosse veine bleue du bras en demandant: ``c'est quoi ça?``.
Comment est-ce possible si Ziggy nous a quitté en avril, et vous vous êtes joint à nous ce mois-ci?

Oh... but.... wait a minute. :eek:


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Je me permets de sur-cric-er mon propre fil...

10-19 said:
Whoa là minute le jeune, part pas de rumeurs. Le mec a enfilé son jet vertical personnel et disparu dans l'horizon pour toujours... Restons dans le sujet s-v-p.
LOL, bon OK, c'vrai, Ziggy a parti une colonie d'araignées sur Mars, mais il doit toujours être en contact avec nous... c'est pas tout le monde qui connait mon âge. ;)


Mar 26, 2004
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Agrippa said:
Punctuation is helpful in making yourself understood:
A woman without her man is nothing
can become
A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.
You would enjoy:

Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss...

A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air.

"Why?" asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.

"I'm a panda," he says at the door. "Look it up."

The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation.

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."

So punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death.
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New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Back to the difference between the 180$ client and the 1000$ client...
Both would get a reply....
But through the continuing conversation... More than likely the 1000$ client is going to have the attitude that he can get whatever he wants because of his money (As is with a lot of "big-wallets")
That makes the difference where I personally would tell Mr. 1000$ to go and .... In very explicit terms....
I from the start would and have given the 160$/ 180$ client preference over the 700$ / hour client because what is too good to be true is more than likely just that.

Grammer makes a BIG difference. Every one deserves a shot, but if you turn to me and say "hey babe, I want to fuck you for 1000$..." or " You look very nice / present your self nicely, I would like to meet you for a one hour session / trist/ erotic memory at your rate of 180$".... what have you.....
I think that the person who wrote to me with attitude has a bad attitude... the person who wrote to me with respect... has respect.
It has nothing to do with the spelling, punctuation, or money but rather the way the person phrases themselves and shows me respect.

You can be the most horrible speller in the world, just write it with no disrespectful remarks or undertones... You will get an answer...

Pretty much every Indy that I have met has the same line of thought....


Sep 4, 2006
I don't think any indy is expecting poetry when someone wants too book her, but I do believe little things like punctuation and use of paragraphs do help. The way I see it, if I am booking someone I have never met before, and if she is in very high demand, this is my chance to make a good first impression.

Like Daringly said, money does talk. The amount of money I am going to spend is not going to vary in the short term, so I might as well put some effort into something I can control, like a good e-mail.
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