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Quebec RCMP unit to fight human-trafficking


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
MONTREAL - The federal public safety minister has announced the creation of an RCMP unit that will work closely with law-enforcement partners in Quebec to fight human-trafficking in Canada and abroad.

Steven Blaney says significant progress has been made over the past year but that much work remains to be done on what he calls the despicable crime of modern-day slavery in Canada.

A few hours after Blaney met reporters in Montreal, the RCMP announced the arrest of four more erotic massage parlour operators. The Mounties said in a news release that they, the Montreal police and the Canada Border Services Agency conducted a second police operation last Friday in a case of sexual exploitation of young Romanian women.

An arrest warrant was also issued for another operator. One week earlier, three erotic massage parlour operators were arrested as part of the same investigation. Those arrested last Friday appeared in court a day later to face charges including keeping a common bawdy house, aiding or abetting a person to engage in or carry on prostitution, and living wholly or in part on the avails of prostitution.

Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre recently served notice that illegal massage parlours — havens for prostitution and human-trafficking — will be the target of a police crackdown and possible legislation that will include hefty fines. The RCMP has pointed out in the past that such parlours are a gateway for moving human-trafficking victims into prostitution. The Mounties estimate there are nearly 350 illicit massage parlours in Montreal and many more in its suburbs.

Coderre has the backing of the federal minister in his crackdown on erotic massage parlours that are masquerading as legitimate businesses. "Mayor Coderre can count on our support to track down human-traffickers," Blaney said. "So, wherever they are, whether in a massage parlour or anywhere else, where there's human-trafficking, our joint forces will intervene."



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre recently served notice that illegal massage parlours — havens for prostitution and human-trafficking —

the expression "havens for prostitution and human-trafficking" was passed on to Coderre by some prohibitionist crusaders.

The recent battle in France showed how efficient the conflation of sex work and human-trafficking is as a political strategy, just as the conflation of smuggling and trafficking.

Convictions for trafficking are still in the very low numbers in Canada, an average of less than 10/y in the last decade if I remember well. I'll believe the whole thing about the human-trafficking when I see the convictions.

Does anyone seriously think that massage parlors are a heaven for human trafficking? Pay them visits for god sake! They are businesses with civic addresses. Isn't it reasonable to think that this is the type of place where we want sex work to happen? Safe for workers, easy to reach for the public health professional and easy to control for the police? It's so fucking simple to understand.

Go on with the fight on human-traffacking Monsieur le maire. On the last pole, 99,9% of the population is with you on that. But an all out attack on the massage parlors by restricting permits will have the stupid consequence of depriving sex workers of the safest setting in which they can do business.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
That's the problem with politicians. They do what they think looks good without thinking about the consequences. Yes, they might be protecting some girls but the chances of actually closing the right parlor by going after those that openly advertise online is idiotic. The ones they need to worry about don't have banners on annonce123 or annonceintime.


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Jun 21, 2003
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Unfortunately the fight against human trafficking might bring down the whole MP scene as they seem to be the easiest target to shut down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Does anyone seriously think that massage parlors are a heaven for human trafficking? Pay them visits for god sake! They are businesses with civic addresses. Isn't it reasonable to think that this is the type of place where we want sex work to happen? Safe for workers, easy to reach for the public health professional and easy to control for the police? It's so fucking simple to understand.

Go on with the fight on human-traffacking Monsieur le maire. On the last pole, 99,9% of the population is with you on that. But an all out attack on the massage parlors by restricting permits will have the stupid consequence of depriving sex workers of the safest setting in which they can do business.

This is like that movie "Wag the Dog." This isn't about trafficking at all. This is about what makes good copy for politicians to get reelected so they can continue stealing, employing relatives, and featherbedding. But it sounds good doesn't it? Who among us is for human trafficking?


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
the incalls that are going to get raid are those asian incalls

there's a chance that GG, Nadya are next on the list but the probability of them getting raid is a lot lower than those asian ones


New Member
May 24, 2011
the incalls that are going to get raid are those asian incalls

there's a chance that GG, Nadya are next on the list but the probability of them getting raid is a lot lower than those asian ones

Wait, what? Is this speculation? Or do you know something?


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
I fail to see what agencies like GG, Nadya, etc., have to do with any of this.

So far the scope of the RCMP's operation has been and remains human-trafficking. There is nothing to indicate otherwise in the public announcements that were released, and the busts made so far are consistent with this.

There's already enough confusion and rumours being spread as it is, no need to add to them.

Wait, what? Is this speculation? Or do you know something?

i'm only replying to mitsou when she said incalls are probably next. if incalls are indeed next, it'll be the asian ones and not the other incalls like GG and Nadya's so you have nothing to worry about. it's only for mitsou. she's going crazy right now. kind of annoying really


New Member
Jan 15, 2007
Giving names of which places HAVE BEEN raided and when, are facts and useful information which can be verified.
However, I think the MOD should make it clear that it is not tolerated to drop specific names of POTENTIAL next targets - we should stick to generic terms and types of places, not mentioning names.
Otherwise it's too easy for someone to drop a name just to harm the business of that place.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
In case people were wondering, the topic of this thread is the RCMP and Human Trafficking. There are other threads to discuss the massage parlors which have recently been raided and closed down.

Mitsou, please stop complaining about 'hearsay and drama' as you tend to be the one causing most of the drama in these threads. If you have problems with someone's post, report it.

Back on topic before I close this thread.

Mod 8


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mitsou, please stop complaining about 'hearsay and drama' as you tend to be the one causing most of the drama in these threads.

I have an off topic, yet somewhat related question. I tried to run "drama queen" through Google Translate and it appears that there is no equivalent translation for this expression in French. I find it hard to believe that French has been around for thousands of years as a language, yet nobody ever thought of an equivalent expression. Can one of the Francophones help me out on this?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Mitsou, let the moderators do our job. If you are not satisfied with the moderation and wish to become a moderator yourself, contact Fred and submit your name in consideration for a mod position.

If you have a problem with JSB's posts I suggest you use the ignore list so that you do not have to read them.

I will not post another warning to you again.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I tried to run "drama queen" through Google Translate and it appears that there is no equivalent translation for this expression in French.
Who you calling a drama queen? :D


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I hope Mitsou is not the one being called a drama queen here. We've got one true drama queen, JSB, our good friend oli, who is freaking out because he loves to hang around the low rate seedy places and who is trying to make the others freak out just like him. He's having success considering the almost hilarious posts that followed in these threads.

Mitsou comes in and says: hey wait a minute, this guy and others are telling everybody to stay away from all massage providers. She is protecting her own business, that is not at all targeted by the police operation.

So we got that weirdo coming from the junkyard, projecting his own paranoia all over the board and a announcer that decides to throw the gloves.

Good job Mod8!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Nothing that JSB has posted on this situation has been out of line. He has not in any of his posts told anyone to avoid independent providers who work our of their homes. Most of what he has posted has been reported elsewhere on the net or on news broadcasts. Criticizing members who are doing nothing more than trying to help everyone to make their decisions is foolish and does not help the situation. Anyone who frequents massage parlors can use their own best judgement as to what they wish to do in the immediate future.


Nov 18, 2011
Great post gugu !! I was beginning to feel like I was the only one that felt this way. It's insane who some stuff just keeps being repeated by him and how he KNOWS people that know people that know people that know things. Well you know what ? It's just creating a huge cloud of insecurity, paranoia and panic.

If he would just stick to the facts and leave it at that, it would be ok though..
And the facts are that :

- RCMP has teamed up with the Quebec government and Montreal municipal police to track individuals and busineess involved in human trafficking.
- Romanian men were arrested on human trafficking charges.
- Several massage parlours have been shut down by Montreal municipal police (moralite) . All believed to have ties to the human trafficking investigation.
- ALL the parlours that have been shut down were asian massage parlours.
- Some other massage parlours have decided to close on their own.
- Mayor Coderre has spoken about looking into the massage parlour situation in Montreal.
- The (mairesse) of Villeray isn't issuing anymore permits to massage parlours in her district.


The person who was found in one of the massage parlours during the raid DID NOT GET CHARGED FOR ANYTHING. Despite what some papers said. He has been asked to sign a deposition on what type of service he received, amount he paid and if he frequents the place a lot. etc.. HE WILL NOT REQUIRE A LAWYER AND NO CHARGES WILL BE LAID. That is a fact and if you'd like to confirm, please go to the municipal court as it is public record.

These investigations are targeting the operators, not the johns. That is their mandate.

Now I'd like to mention the ONLY thing that isnt a fact and is solely my opinion on this matter. I think it is fairly safe to go to the popular MP's as they arent really targeted. I think a VERY BIG deal is being made by JSB .. A lot more than it should.

JSB, if you're thinking of replying along the lines of me saying these things because I don't like you, please refrain yourself. I do not know you nor have I ever met you, therefor I cannot dislike you. But there is one thing for sure, if we'd meet one day, I'd probably REALLY and DEEPLY dislike you.
If you would have stuck to JUST FACTS, I wouldnt be writing these words.

As for MITSOU, she has every right to post what she's posted. And shame on anyone who insulted her. But, you should really tone it down because you are beginning to sound way too paranoid.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
i'm only replying to mitsou when she said incalls are probably next. if incalls are indeed next, it'll be the asian ones and not the other incalls like GG and Nadya's so you have nothing to worry about. it's only for mitsou. she's going crazy right now. kind of annoying really

You still failed to address why you said the Asian incalls are next and then GG or Nadya... What logic/information are you basing it on? How do you rank the "likeliness to be raid"? What do you base your guesses on?

I could similarly state that, "It's the incalls on the 5th floor that will be raided first, if your incall has a cat, then your chances are slightly lower and safer." It would similarly sound ridiculous if I don't back it up with logic/information.

spacecadet ,
your facts are wrong
Romanian man was the start
last few studios were owned by Chinese- 7 busts have made it to the papers,not all busts do and there is multiple articles in my thread if you know how to read.
my information comes from someone who is in this field,
my reason is to inform,
what people do with it is their choice,ill remind you and those who don't know you a while back you blew a gasket and foamed at the mouth,
then retreated like a little girl who was scolded by about 3 pages of members asking you what was wrong with you.
again your writeing here has nothing to with anything other than trying to even a score-take note how well you fended our last outing and have a good night.

Please provide links to the other articles, so far, we only saw the Romanian one (thus I will be avoiding Romanian-employing MP for a while). Without links, what you just said would be the DEFINITION of hearsay (Hearsay when you basically repeat information that you heard from someone else, regardless of whether or not you think it's inside information). The problem with hearsay is that people often subjective spin information before repeating it, that's why hearsay doesn't carry weight in court while first hand information do.


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
if you look at the busts it was a Romanian connection but the first 3 were Asian owners who needed mandarin translators in court
the 2nd round was 5900 upper Lachine a Asian madam and the place on queen mary owned by miki Asian owner. and ocean on stlaurent article was in lapress the 2nd round of busts.presently its been Chinese who many ive met have a hard time to speak English or French so possably they are illegal or in on student visas which si illegal to work with.

Sorry, I must have missed something... The only link I saw was this one...


Where's the other busts and info on them?


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
One of the downsides to being involved in this industry is that we don't 'get a memo' regarding legal and political changes that affect our lives and careers. Review boards are one of the quickest, easiest ways for us to share information. I like to keep an eye on what's happening with industry issues across the country and around the globe.

Information is power!

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