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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also think the sentence Lagace got was kind of low and it implies some kind of cooperation agreement.

Getting back to the subject of Tamine, another fact that we know that gravitates towards him having a status of mule is that we know these 3 did something to arouse the suspicion of Canadian customs authorities long before they were caught. The Aussies were tipped off by Canadian and American customs. It is easy for two attractive young girls with an older guy to pass as unsuspicious, even on a $22,000 per person cruise. That leads me to conclude that it was Tamine who aroused the suspicion of Canadian customs who in turn communicated the suspicions to American customs, one of the port destinations. Someone did not like something enough in the answers they got from Tamine at Customs to communicate something up the food chain- even though there was not probable cause to stop him earlier. That is how the 3 got caught- the Aussies were tipped off and, acting on that tip, brought K-9s on board. Some have speculated that it was the 2 girls posting on their Facebook but that in and of itself shouldn't have aroused suspicion, if they were legit Sugar Babies whose trip was being paid for. To me, it makes most sense that Tamine was the likely source of the Customs suspicion in US/Canada, because he would have been looked at as the older person and the money person. But what were the suspicions? And why didn't Tamine's presumptive handlers see this coming and hire another mule instead? Was Tamine coached and the best they could do, and he blew the coaching, or was he some unfortunate family relative of one of the real principals, who was viewed as pathetic and expendable within his own family (a la Fredo in the Godfather)?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I also think the sentence Lagace got was kind of low and it implies some kind of cooperation agreement.

Not realy.
Look at previous recent cases where Canadian citizens pleaded guilty to drug smuggling, they also got 6 to 8 years.

See my posts 357 and 367.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
It is easy for two attractive young girls with an older guy to pass as unsuspicious, even on a $22,000 per person cruise.

I don't think they socialised or spent some time together on the cruise ship, or boarding together. They probably didn't want the staff or other cruisers to know that they are together. That way, lets say the two girls had cleaning staff who wanted to clean(inspect) their room, or caused disturbance one night being drunk and noisy, they could transfer the cocaine in Tamine's room or vice-versa.

If one of the team (Tamine alone and the two girls) had their cover blown they could help each other. That way the criminal organisation spreads the risk. Tamine had approximatly 2/3 of the coke in his room (60Kilo out of 95).
A scenario that could've happened is the girls get arrested with their 35 kilos, this makes the headlines, and the old man get of the cruise with the 60 kilos . Would still be a good profit for the organisation.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All of the Facebook pics showed the girls socializing together, but Tamine does not appear in any of the pics, which is curious. This fact alone may have aroused suspicion among authorities if in fact Tamine and the girls had presented themselves to Customs as traveling together, and if in fact authorities actually saw the pics before the ladies were busted. Is it possible that Tamine and the girls boarded separately and were ostensibly not connected with each other? Perhaps. It's all speculation. We do not know how the 3 presented themselves to Customs, or to staff on the Cruise.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
HM, yes we don’t think the same on this and that’s what makes the debate more interesting. That means anybody can try this stunt again at a risk of 3 to 7.5 year as a bench mark of penalty if they get caught.
This opens the door to charm young innocent girls to take the chance to mule for x money + a trip of her life time. That is easy sell in exhange to a possible sentence of 3 to 7.5 years of jail time. If she is 23, then she will get out at 26. Still young, no ?

You got to understand one thing, prison is different for everybody. Some peoples go in and out of jail like its nothing. Some peoples are tough criminal and 3 years for them is cake. But we are talking of young barbie dolls there. 7 years, or 3 and a half if they really do half of the sentence, is still a long damn time. I was just in JUVENILE detention for a year and 3 months and it felt like forever for me. I was not even in the most hardcore part of the facility where you are lock all the time, i did only a total of 2 weeks in those places (for various reasons and it was crazy hard on my moral the little i was there). And this is in a time where internet altough existing was nowhere like today. Where entertaining was not like it is today. These days remove my cell/computer and my xbox from me and ill go nuts. Honestly i had nightmares for YEARS about that shit. Either them taking me back there, or getting arrested and going to normal jail. I want no part of this.

Even if i would get 6 months of jail time it would be horrendous to me. So 4 years or so... i don't care that i would still be young, it would be hell !!

So i am taking it this way. They didn't killed anyone, they just tried to enter some coke. A mistake by young ladies.

As for the rest, reading the La Presse article and they obviously commited some mistakes. Im sure "M.C" is happy he never got back on the boat...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Im sure "M.C" is happy he never got back on the boat...

MC did not get back on the boat because he figured out what was on the boat when he was in Tamine's cabin. The fact he was investigated tells me that is where Canadian Customs got the info with which the Aussies were tipped. MC is a key in this whole investigation, and may even be a witness for the prosecution. I doubt he ratted (because they would kill him) but he likely made mistakes in the interrogation that hung Tamine by his testicles.

It seems that Lagace chose her boyfriends unwisely, and although that LaPresse article implies a greater role by Lagace in the conspiracy than Roberge, we do not know what the actual facts are.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Tomorrow at 7pm on TVA on the investigative tv show JE there will be a segment on the whole affair.
They call it '' La vraie histoire '' the real story.
In the previews the tv journalists seems to have gone to Australie and talks to relatives of the girls.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Thanks Pokerpro I will watch it, even tho their La vraie histoire makes me chuckle a bit haha



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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LOL the mysterious Tamine is finally unmasked! That pic is just a headshot and it’s not clear if he is dapper enough to have pulled off the Sugar Daddy cover that some have speculated he used. Others have speculated that nothing about his past suggests he could have pulled off posing as a SD, if that is in fact what he did. We will have to stay tuned until trial for these mysteries to be clarified.


Jan 14, 2016

A Montreal journalist specialised in detective work actually went to Australia and dug around Montreal on this case. He will reveal everything tonight in a 30 mins show on French station TVA. The preliminary info led us to believe Tamine is at the same level as the girls. Roberge had a SD or 'pimp' that convinced her to to the deed but it's not Tamine. Apparently the Australian authorities have very strong evidence against them. Lagacé had to plead guilty because she did not want to collaborate with the authorities. By making a deal and pleading guilty, she did not have to answer any questions moving forward. Lagacé has been in it way before the 2 others. Everything will unfold tonight.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Usually when there is a plea deal in a case involving co-defendants what happens is the opposite of what you stated. You don’t allow one defendant to plead guilty so they “don’t have to answer questions.” It’s the opposite, they are asked to spill the fucking beans on the other defendants and possible uncharged and unindicted co-conspirators. Otherwise the prosecutor continues to threaten prosecution to trial and a lengthy jail term, unless some beans are spilled. So I would respectfully suggest you are reaching an unlikely conclusion. Some beans usually are spilled in order to get a favorable sentencing.

Even if Lagace was acting at behest of a pimp, it doesn’t preclude Tamine being posed as a Sugar Daddy. Have you forgotten that this was a $23,000 cruise? How did Tamine justify his presence on the ship with two girls 40 years younger than he, if I may ask you? He had to have a story. If you were security on the ship and had some polite conversation with him to find out what he was up to (that’s what security guys do), what do you think his cover story would have been?

These are questions that have been asked and they need to be answered.

Please post the results of this Montreal Sherlock Holmes’ investigation once it is published.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
First important thing learned watching the tva show was all it took from canadian custom to put the group under watch (they was 6 of them on the boat) was starting a trip in ireland with a first stop in canada... Non sense for custom and they were under surveillance from there.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum the show had a lot of interesting infos. Obviously it would be some hells linked to the sinaloa cartel that organized the whole thing. The most surprising thing is that even tough Isabelle used her name and identity to link to multple compagnies to do transfers etc, Melina was not "clean" wither. They talked to a guy on the phone, the one who paid for the tickets, and he has a pronounced accent. Looks like the "pimp" in the whole thing. They even mention he was sending Melina to adresses so maybe she was an escort after all... He paid her plenty of jewelry and such even tough he deny it on phone.

Funny that what blow them up is mostly the fact they started there trip in ireland, when they could have started it in Canada since its where they live. After coming back in Canada this is when autority started to suspect them.

From what they say there is a lot of evidence against both the 2 that didn't plead guilty.

In a nutshell its something like that. Maybe other peoples may explain it better than i did.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If the cases against Roberge and Tamine are strong, why aren't they pleading out? Roberge has the most to lose because she is like 23. Tamine looks like he could with a plea deal possibly get out before he dies, but if convicted he could end up dying in an Australian jail and never seeing Canada again, at least while alive.


Jan 14, 2016
The show didn't report much from it's preview prior going on air. What they investigated there were 14 persons involved altogether in this deal and each one had a particular role to play. They tapped Roberge's phone all the way from the stop in Canada when suspicions arose. They knew something was up when Canadians took a flight to Ireland then boat back to Canada when they could have boarded in Canada instead of Ireland ! There are 2 guys that could get called in Australia to answer to their finger prints on the cocaine packs.

EB, from what I understood really in Lagacé case was, she is the one that knows the most. Knowing the strong evidence they had against her and to prevent cross examination in court when she has to answer to all the questions in court, the pressure gets too high that she had to bargain with the Crown so she doesn't have to spill the beans in court. Now, may be she ratted some (perhaps not all) in private to get her sentence reduced. That we will not know.

The strongest evidence they had against her is her 4 different business numbered companies she has on her name together with another dude that made money transactions in many different countries. In other words, she was responsible to make payment to the suppliers. So speculations lead to believe that she may be forced to bringing names of the suppliers in the court of law when cross examined.

I guess the real story will unfold during the trial starting Feb 26. Roberge plead innocence but evidence shows her roughly 400 calls during the trip were tapped. She will probably say that it was Legacé who used her phone and not her ... Everything is Legacé's doing, not her. She probably has enough excuses to neutralise evidences against her using Legacé as the bad one in the pack. She already pleaded guilty and sentenced after all. Who knows ?!! lol .. .

Interesting story .. .


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You are making an assumption that Lagace will not have to testify as a witness at trial of Roberge and Tamine. Has that been reported? From everything you have said she is going to be an absolutely necessary rebuttal witness, if Roberge in fact takes the stand and testifies that Lagace used the phone. If part of the plea deal is that Lagace doesn’t have to testify as a witness, it’s absolute malpractice by the prosecutor. She absolutely should be called at trial as a witness to shit on Roberge and Tamine and testify as to their involvement. If that doesn’t happen the prosecutor should be fired. I presume the plea deal includes immunity to Lagace from further prosecution if she testifies. That would be standard.

Of course Lagace can be cross examined if she testifies by counsel for Roberge and Tamine. They will cross her as a rat who sold out and got a plea deal and expose the terms of the deal in open court. So your statement that Lagace did a deal so she would not have to testify in Court makes no sense to me because any such deal normally would insure she testify as a witness and also would have obtained some kind of sworn written statement from her so there are no surprise reversals if she gets on the stand.
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