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Quebecois cocaine cowgirls


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mike is confused about the addiction part of the equation. At some point the choice becomes involuntary and that is when the problems start for the user's friends, family, and the rest of society.................


Feb 10, 2006
I love talking with you guys. This thread feeds my brain.

My conclusion : I think we all have a valid point here. Bottom line is dont drink too much, dont drink and drive and don't do drugs. Lol

Yet our government is making a form of drug legal, and still believes driving prostitution underground is good for our society... quite funny in fact when we read the other thread , about a close agency...
Germany has a thing or two t9 teach us...

P.s I’m not complaining about the first change, but the hypocrisy dictated by the 2nd one

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Actually i read before that only Heroine cause a chemical addiction. The other ones are psychological and can thus be overcome with enough motivation. If you get addicted to pain killer its your duty to either do something or at least seek help.

Sam i couldn't care less those peoples are hot girls, i would feel the same even if it was 2 dudes... especially young dudes who have life in front of them. You are still missing my point as what im saying is i couldn't less if they are the receiver (as the peoples taking the drug for recreational use) or the providers/sellers. The sellers/providers do not deserrve anything more than the peoples consuming it. Its like saying its fine dude your just smoking weed so no big deal, but that other guy who sell it , JAIL FOR HIM !! In the end they guy that smoke it need another guy that sell it to smoke it in the first place. There part of a circle, so punishing one more than the other is hypocrite..

As for tax money going to help peoples fix there medical issues. Let me laugh at this... lol. Tax money is wasted on some many stuff. Starting by the governement itself with post that serve no purposes like lieutenant governor and shit like that, or huge departur bonues or expenses for the members of the governement. Helping a few dudes with there medical bills should be the least of your concerns when it comes to tax money.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
A lot of drugs, opiods like heroin or morphine, and meth cause changes within the brain. Willpower is not enough, these addicts need treatment by doctors.

As for tax dollars...that is a slippery slope. A thousand times more money is wasted on fat lazy slobs who have heart problems. Why should I pay for some fat pig who never exercises and has diabetes and a heart attack. Treating a heart patient can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some clot buster drugs can cost almost a thousand dollars per dose.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Cocaine also causes changes in the brain, I can tell you from experience having worked with someone and represented clients who had cocaine problems. There was one client I had to fire because his cocaine problem got completely out of hand and he became totally irrational. When a client cannot properly exercise the reasoned judgment necessary to make decisions it is time to either show them the door or have a Conservator of their Estate appointed. I chose the former option mainly because it was easier.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The girls were seduced by the money and perceived low risk involved. They were on a $22,000 cruise, tickets paid in full by their principals. It can be presumed they were sold on the low risk of the smuggle and knew nothing of Australian port inspection and K9s. This was all discussed earlier in the thread. If they had any brains they would have tried offloading the drugs before they reached port. The K9s might still have scented the drugs but without the drugs in their possession, nothing could be proved in Court because K9s can't testify in Court, they can only alert to physical evidence. No evidence, no convictions. Had they jettisoned the cocaine in a waterproofed float of some kind, equipped with electronic homing device to be picked up by their Australian distributor in his boat, they could have pulled it off. There was a theory that the girls and Tamine were mere sacrificial probes to see what moves LE would make and whether such an import would be found, but I am not buying that theory because common sense says you do not risk $30 million of product to do a test.


Apr 9, 2017
Not too bad actually. Luckily they were not caught at countries like Singapore, where drug smuggling (above certain amount) is compulsory death


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Guessing nobody is going to buy the 62 year old dudes memories.
He can rot in jail where he belongs the wrotten drug dealing scumbag that he is.

Who is he again? ;) (love your realistic sarcasm)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Guessing nobody is going to buy the 62 year old dudes memories.
He can rot in jail where he belongs the wrotten drug dealing scumbag that he is.

If this thread is any measure about how much the public cares about Tamine, you are probably right and your sarcasm is quite appropriate. I have followed this entire thread and there have been many posts weeping at the plight of the girls and questioning how their punishment fits their crimes, yet not a single fucking tear has been shed for Tamine. He will never write his memoirs because, quite simply, nobody gives a shit about him or what he has to say.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Isabelle 7.5 yrs, but I believe she is eligible to get out in a little over 3 yrs, if I remember correctly.

and when she gets out , she will tour the circuit, write her memoirs, which will be a #1 best seller, but only in Quebec. She will make a porn flick "Naughty cocaine cowgirls XXX", and she will then start her escorting career joining XO girls ( since Euphoria is now closed), and then become an Indy.

Well this remind me of a very popular Quebec person who got condemned for a crime not that long ago. She was an escort in very popular agencies and then once she was arrested she got popular and did a few photoshoot but after a while her "legacy" really dried out and it seem she prefer to keep this being her now. I dunno Isabelle or the other lady, but maybe once this settle they will prefer to keep this behind them as well. Or maybe they will ride the boat fame and will want to make tons of moner for those years behind bars. Who knows....

In any case, for ME, i wish them luck. Im not a fan of drugs.. i mean i don't do drugs in my life, but i don't condemn drugs like other peoples. I feel if you want to consume them, its your decision, its your body. I feel drugs should only be illegal if you drive like alchool or stuff that can hurt others.

As for Tarmine, yeah well his role was always kept a mystery so its hard to feel as much for him as them. Who he was in this story? Was he there sugar daddy who paid them to do the job? Was he just another mule they randomly selected? If we knew more about him maybe we would care more

For all we know it seem Isabelle was the one who got the deal and brough her friend on board to it, whatever she was aware of it or not. Tarmine is mystery...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's true that Tamine's role is a mystery, but so are the roles of Lagace and Roberge. Some posters have inferred that Lagace pled guilty due tp her role, but she may have pled guilty for no other reason than her defense attorney looked at the prosecutor's file and evidence, concluded she would be convicted at trial, and advised her to cut the best deal she could and cooperate. And maybe that is what she did. And maybe Roberge got the same advice from her attorney and said, "fuck you! I am innocent and I want a trial!" This happens ALL THE TIME in cases involving co-defendants, some decide not to roll the dice and make a deal, others like to roll the dice on trial thinking they know it all and their attorney knows shit. The clients falling into the latter category I have seen go down in flames in Court many times. They are super-enamored with their "I have it all figured out" bullshit story going into trial, but then find out during cross examination that they have shit for brains and don't have it all figured out.

Mike, have you ever seen a live criminal trial?

For all that we know, until there are trials and the facts are heard, Tamine, Roberge and Lagace were equal co-mules with equal knowledge of the shit that was going down. We should presume this, really, until the actual facts and evidence unfold at trial. If we indulge this presumption as I think me must, Tamine is at least deserving of our sympathy as the other 2.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I personally believe that a variation of Negan’s theory is the reality. From what we know about Tamine he had a nobody background as a self employed maintenance guy with questionable credit. Yet he was seemingly posed as a Sugar Daddy despite not having any SD acumen whatsoever.

All 3 were co-mules until we hear facts supporting something else. They all face the same charges.


Jan 14, 2016
I think the 7.5 years for Isabelle is quite low. Perhaps she really cut a deal and offered to collaborate with the prosecution. If not, I found it low for the gravity of offence.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I admit i don't know the case but i kinda think Tarmine was more than a mule. At his age and all, i am sure it was not his first gig and its harder to have sympaty for an oldman who probably tough more than those 2 young ladies. Its just normal reasoning to feel more sympathy for younger peoples as they have there whole life in front of them and are more "prone" to make mistakes.

Personally i find 7.5 years a damn long time. I remember where i was in 2010 and man it seem like forever... Obviously we don't think the same on this A12B


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
I admit i don't know the case but i kinda think Tarmine was more than a mule. At his age and all, i am sure it was not his first gig and its harder to have sympaty for an oldman who probably tough more than those 2 young ladies.

If you read the end of the newspaper article, it says that the janitor were he lived in an appartement complex for the last ten years said he was alone, no wife, no children...
In another report it was said he was frequently in front of the ''régie du loyer'' for not paying his rent, etc.
In my opinion he was just a mule.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In my opinion he was just a mule.

This has been the most puzzling aspect about this case. All the facts we know about Tamine suggest that he was a nobody. He at one time was playing musical chairs with the corporate forms of his maintenance companies, had poor credit, etc. The background we have on Tamine suggests he was nothing but a mule and was in fact a very unlikely candidate to be posed as the Sugar Daddy of these 2 girls on a $22,000 cruise that none of them in reality could afford to pay, but for their criminal enterprise.


Jan 14, 2016
HM, yes we don’t think the same on this and that’s what makes the debate more interesting. The way I look at it is precedence - IF no deal is made in exchange of so low sentence, I think the Australian authorities sent the wrong message as a precedence. We all know that Isabelle will be eligible for parole in 3 years into her 7.5 years of sentence. Now 1.5 left since she already served 1.5. That means anybody can try this stunt again at a risk of 3 to 7.5 year as a bench mark of penalty if they get caught.
This opens the door to charm young innocent girls to take the chance to mule for x money + a trip of her life time. That is easy sell in exhange to a possible sentence of 3 to 7.5 years of jail time. If she is 23, then she will get out at 26. Still young, no ?

I was thinking more of a severe message to send out to the crime syndicate as to consequences if they try it again into Australia.

Now, what we don’t know is what kind of a deal she made with the Crown in order to get so low sentence. Is it spilling the beans ? Or is it just a plain and simple plea ? Time will tell after the trial of Melanie and Tamine.

I’m like EB on this ... very interesting thread here till the end of the trial. Many different opinions, thus making the debate more open.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
thinking about it 7years is quite low. I do not think there is any mule on this. At a market value of 30 million would you risk having a mule in this trio ? Isabelle most probably told the plain truth saying they all knew about the drug and all are equally involved. I am just speculating here...

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