Montreal Escorts

Radar detector...


Nov 30, 2004
I know that it is illegal to have this device in some provinces or some states. But for a dude like me who spends 75% of it's time on the road It can be something that worth the try...

Can some one can give me good advice for model , brand with stealth feature ( to avoid beeing catched by local police detection devices) :cool:

Thanx for info



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I recall seeing a newspaper story about a cop who was sneaky enough to drive in an unmarked car and observe which cars slowed down when he turned his radar on. He then arrested them for possession of a radar detector!

When you do get a detector, perhaps you should slow down gradually when its alarm sounds.


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
Since I have been using radar detectors for years, maybe I can help.

First and foremost, don't expect your radar detector to save your ass in all situations. About 5 years ago you could pretty much rely on them but not anymore. Some highway patrols now use laser guns instead of radars, and whatever detector you buy will be inefficient against that. It will just tell you "You ve been caught!" :rolleyes:

One other thing. The VG-2 undetectable thing is bullshit. This is a very ooooolld technology that is not used anymore. In Quebec you are pretty much ok with a VG2 undetectable radar detector (Quebec is too cheap to buy the necessary detection equipement! :p), but if you venture in Ontario at high speeds, they will eventually get you anyway (I know, they seized one from me!). It's a good thing Ontario's fine for using a speed control detection device is not too steep, at least it was not when I got caught, about 2 years ago.

Finally, you better buy one of the best radar detector out there, or you will be highly annoyed by false alarms. Cheap ones will buz at each f**ck**g store with automatic doors, city mode or not.

From my own experience, Bel Electronics and the Escort Passport are the best. I suggest you do a google search on "radar detector reviews" and see by yourself. There's a lot of information available on the subject.

If you need any more info, feel free to PM me.
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Nov 30, 2004
Thanks for info

I guess in BC and Alberta these devices are legal.
Think I'll see with friends down there if something can be available without crossing US borders..



New Member
Nov 10, 2004
In my appartment
Why go over speed limits?

Speed limits are there for a reason.

My car is pretty fast for a 4,000 pound full-size car (Grand Marquis LS 4.6 V8 with Marauder & Police Interceptor parts thrown in), but I rarely go over 115 on the Highway (gas prices are helping to lift my foot).

I don't want to find out what could happen at faster speeds if one of my tires decides to go south, or something fails in my steering box.

I could hurt my car, hurt myself, or even worse, hurt *somebody else*

The power is *nice to have if I need it*, but that's about it.

Besides, getting caught with one of those devices is gonna get expensive pretty quickly :)


Feb 24, 2005
30something I go over the limit for couple reasons....

I'm late, I like speeding (only if not much car arround I have a powerfull roadster but dont like doing zig zag... but in straight line watch out), nobody drive at 100khm and feel really slow at this speed but with my pick up I dont go over 120 km/h, and my last reasons would be why limit ourself... look in germany... for sure the monkey driving 1985 chevette should not do speeding cause it's not that smart but otherwise just put a chip on all new car and dont let them goes over a certain speed (100-110-120). I know they would not do it because it's would bring so much problem and probably kill the car industry for 1-2-3 year.

So I guess it's depend type of people you are, type of car you drive (I don't drive my 2 vehicule same way) and at a certain point your relation with money... some people don't mind to spend 1k a month here on escorts so for some people a ticket of 400-500-600$ doesnt matter either... aslong you can keep enough point... on my end I have all my points (been lucky got 4 warning in last 2 year cause they never caught me with their radar) but if they would had caught me I would pay the fine and that's it...

Yeah it's nice to have the power but it's useless if you don't enjoy it.... if I would want drive at limit all time I would get a 4 cylinder car and enjoy it... the gas reasons at my point of view is not good because if you can afford a car with a V6 or V8 you have to afford the gas to fill it..... it's like having a boat...

This is my point of view but I have to admit there lot of monkey on road who drive like stupid and are very dangerous... so what's the solutions? none...



Virgin User
May 17, 2006

Some interesting facts:
(from )

1- Placing a radar dectector in a car is illegal in Quebec (art. 251)
2- The fine for #1 is between $200 and $300 (art. 284)
3- Driving a car containing a detector is illegal in Quebec (art. 333)
4- The fine for #3 is between $500 and $1000 (art. 512.1)
5- Upon conviction the detector will be confiscated (art. 252 (2))
6- It seems that fines for #1 and #3 could be independant and cumulative.
7- I see no mention of any demerit points for such an offence (see annex in


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
radar-detector detectors

Kepler said:
Some interesting facts:
(from )

1- Placing a radar dectector in a car is illegal in Quebec (art. 251)
2- The fine for #1 is between $200 and $300 (art. 284)
3- Driving a car containing a detector is illegal in Quebec (art. 333)
4- The fine for #3 is between $500 and $1000 (art. 512.1)
5- Upon conviction the detector will be confiscated (art. 252 (2))
6- It seems that fines for #1 and #3 could be independant and cumulative.

A friend & I were riding up near Sudbury, Ontario on separate motorcycles a few years ago, traveling well under the speed limit. Both bikes had radar detectors, mine was installed inside the faring while my friend had her's mounted on the dashboard.

An OPP car (I think) went by in the opposite direction and suddenly turned around, turned on the lights & siren and, pulled us over. He went to my friend and questioned her about having a radar detector. He looked over my bike and asked where the radar detector was. I pleaded ignorance since mine was hidden.:eek:

He explained that he had a radar-detector detector, and that he could fine us & remove the devices. The frustrating thing for him was that the detector was hard-wired into my friends' bike and he was unable to disconnect it. We were also far enough away from his barracks that impounding the bike was inconvenient.

We "promised" not to use the detectors while in Canada;) and he reluctantly let us go.

Since then I have not used a radar detector in Canada.




Nov 30, 2004
THNX Kepler for info

Note to Voyager

Voyager said:
An OPP car (I think) went by in the opposite direction and suddenly turned around, turned on the lights & siren and, pulled us over. He went to my friend and questioned her about having a radar detector. He looked over my bike and asked where the radar detector was. I pleaded ignorance since mine was hidden.:eek:

Do you remember what type ( make ) it was ???
Some old technology models may not be able to fool recent Radar detectors...

NOTE TO 30something

My main point is not to be able to drive 100mph on highway . I know it can be dangerous with cell phone ( and a at same time :D ).
But driving on secondary roads at 110 KM ( 65 mph) when the limit is 90 KM ( 55mph) will cost you 160 $ + 3 points on your licence .
When you drive 50 000 km per year ( 30 000 miles) it can be just a very useful tool..

BTW, any one on this board living in BC or Alberta..???

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