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Real talk : how many girls are mistreated?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Do you really think a girl at that age is gonna wake up one day and say to herself: I want to suck old dicks in a strip club for money.

I was at an off island FS club talking to a dancer and she pointed out 2 girls that arrived that day, they were dropped off by their pimp and not told it was FS. The other dancers supplied them with condoms and gave them the price and service required rundown. Nice way to start your first day at work.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I know for sure, there might be girls/ladies who are forced/mistreated. And this is unacceptable.

I am wondering really if they are the majority, as stated by the minister... as the starter of this thread is asking.

I have listen to a video where it is said that if you begin to "work in the industry of sex" because you need money, you are automatically a victim. So, maybe this is the base of their statement/thinking.

And again, from my own perspective, nothing is all black & white, and nobody lives this experience/life exactly the same way. Too much differences at different levels to be able to compare easily, and so, to state: "this one is a victim, this other one is not"... Only the girl/lady herself can tell how she is feeling about it, how she is living it.

Lily from Montreal

I agree...I kind of think that it is age related,this ''victim'' thing...I would assume that a sp over 25 years knows her mind enough not to be forced to do something she doesn't want to...
I'll admit that I have my doubt about the one advertised as ''19,fresh of the boat"...'' sounds a bit weird...
but a 25+ indy? Not a victim...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Post 27 is the best reply so far.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Great posts by Anon (#13), Doc (#17), Patron (#27). I'm not sure if there is much difference in the backgrounds between women who have never considered being escorts and never would or those who came into the sex industry. After so many years of life and being around people I know that it would be very rare for anyone not to have faced some serious personal crisis, abuses, or tragedy in their lives. Maybe the only difference was the choice to be an escort.

The question of this thread is how many girls in the industry are mistreated? In any business situation there's a risk of exploitation, bias, coercion, double-dealing, backstabbing, personal agendas, emotional blackmail, some sort of abuse in one form or another. In that way there probably isn't a lot of basic difference. You're going to work with or be around people who are those you would otherwise avoid and some that have poor ethics or no scruples at all. Still, the very thing that attracts the ladies to the industry, whether it's a stable logical choice or a more desperate one, creates the possible motivations for mistreatment. That's the large flow of cash, unknown, undeclared, untaxed. While you may have to associate and deal with questionable people in any business, I can't help believing that in a yet quasi-legal business with such an unaccounted large cash flow where a person is the object directly exchanged for profits there is a greater impulse to control that commodity by one means one another.

The fault lies with the status of the industry, the need for secrecy and the issues surrounding the ability to have due recourse against mistreatment. That environment itself is more fertile ground for the possibility of mistreatment because of it's current legal/illegal situation. Where the hourly value of a person directly translates into profits there is going to be greater risk of mistreatment, either because of the need to control profits or because the lack of oversight provides the opportunity for financial and sexual exploitation. Then over the years we have had many reports of intentional drug dispersion and coercion or threats against the ladies posted on this board, and for many of us there has been face to face testimony from the ladies of shady manipulations. Of course there's the high chance that the ladies want to manipulate the sympathies of the clients for their own purposes. But having been close to some ladies for long periods of time I have no doubt many of the reports are very accurate.

A couple of days ago I was reading one person (don't remember who) talking about the psychological effect for him of being in the "hobby" and made some allusions to how it has changed his perspective towards women/escorts in a way that makes them's hard to put into words...less like individual persons, more like....hmmm...something you can have. I don't want to say "product" or "commodity". Then I remembered a conversation I had once with a very good friend in the hobby discussing whether we could send out ladies to see random men for sex. The answer was emphatically NO! I'm not saying there aren't generally decent people doing it, but what are the chances or temptations that doing so daily can develop into the view that these ladies are more like some thing instead of somebody, and what is the potential for excusing mistreatment due to the need to control profits in that situation...especially if a person begins to be perceived more as $$$ versus being a person and there's little oversight on the distributors as well as tenuous recourse for the ladies?

Good luck,



New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I am wondering really if they are the majority, as stated by the minister... as the starter of this thread is asking.

The problem is that prohibitionists twist the meaning of words like abuse, exploitation, trafficking, etc. until they become meaningless. Usually they make no distinction between a migrant worker, trafficked person and human smuggling. Or between someone doing a job they don't like and a victim. They just want the biggest numbers to impress people. Also, they select whatever little group of street-worker fit their horror scenario. By making the problem seem bigger than it is, they hope that people will accept to give up their personal freedom to fight these situation.

People at groups like Stella say they believe most do it of their own free will. The police say many of them are abused, which is true, but the police rarely sees the ones who are not in trouble. Do not believe ANY statements, unless you know where it comes from, and even then be critical.

I believe most of the mentally damaging effect of prostitution comes from the stigma and not the job itself. When everyone treats you as a victim or a freak, it grinds you down even if you have no misgivings about what you are doing. Add to that some bad laws that make the job more stressful and dangerous.


Dec 19, 2012
I don't know for escort, but a girl under 20 years old working in a fs club is having a pimp for sure.
Do you really think a girl at that age is gonna wake up one day and say to herself: I want to suck old dicks in a strip club for money.
I used to be a driver and had girls counting money in front of me at the end of their shift up to a thousand dollars.
The saddest part is they didn't have 25$ to pay for their ride when i went to pick them up the next day...

Well, a girl could easily want to do this on her own. The job might be degrading, but she can make several thousands every week. Also she suck dicks with condoms, so she will be used to the taste. Of course if she is forced to give all her money to some scumbag pimp parasite, then that's another story. But if the girl can be independent and keep the money she makes, I don't see what is so bad about sucking dicks to make a good salary.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Look for something long enough and you will find it. Of course if you analyze an escort to try to find something in her life that differs from the classic Norman Rockwell painting depicting Family Life, you will find it. If someone disapproves of sex work, they will use that as evidence to support their bullshit arguments.

As an exercise, I listed five escorts that I have gotten to know really well. Yes, I identified a couple of absentee fathers, a couple of mentally ill mothers, some poverty, some childhood trauma, etc.

Then I listed five women I know who do not work as sex workers and who would be unbelievably surprised if I offered them money for sex. I have had just as many "intimate" conversations with these five women as i have had with the five escorts I listed. Guess what, I found just as many absentee parents, family mental illness, poverty and childhood trauma in those non-sex worker situations.

It bewilders most johns (there was just an editorial in the Globe and Mail that called us sex clients - I laughed) that more women do not work in the sex industry. We should not join the prohibitionists in trying to find out what is "wrong" with sex workers. Most of the time there is nothing more "wrong" with them than there is with "non sex-workers", and nothing more "wrong" with sex workers than there is with us sex clients.


People at groups like Stella say they believe most do it of their own free will.

I believe most of the mentally damaging effect of prostitution comes from the stigma and not the job itself. When everyone treats you as a victim or a freak, it grinds you down even if you have no misgivings about what you are doing. Add to that some bad laws that make the job more stressful and dangerous.

My anecdotal data is the same as STELLAS. The only thing better about my current job (other than the dental and my 401K and a few incentives) is that I can freely talk about my job. And longevity of course.

But if the girl can be independent and keep the money she makes, I don't see what is so bad about sucking dicks to make a good salary.

This is so true Bird....You know, for the right price I'll suck a few dicks. I just don't think I would ever get that price:D

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Guessing that more girls are being mistreated by some drunk/enraged husband/boyfriend than working as a SP.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Your probably right. Jealousy and passion fuels violent outbursts. As a john, my passion is over once I orgasm.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I know one woman who describes herself as fairly well-to-do. She comes from a family that has money & she's seen the world & has a rich boyfriend. I can even verify some of this, because I can read her reviews on TER and she must have 20 positive reviews a month on TER. And I think, how many guys does she see that DON'T write reviews? I do the calculation, and I realize that she must be pulling in $15,000 to $20,000 USD a month. Maybe she's the exception to the rule, but some women can really make a shit-load of money escorting.

I still don't want to see ladies who are being exploited & I try to avoid them, if I can somehow divine that that's what's happening to them. I would like to tell them -- you have an ear at Merb. If you have a problem, why not talk about it here? It's all anonymous & most people here would be perfectly willing to help you out. And keep in mind, everyone else is also fucked-up on some level. Sometimes, they're just better at hiding it. Good luck!


PS -- who was the woman that was once thrown off of a second floor balcony into the snow? That story plays in the back of my mind every now and again. I can't believe you went through that... If I recall correctly, you said it was something you don't talk about often. I'm sorry to bring it up again, but I really do think about it sometimes. It's a terrible story.

Wait, I remember who said it now. I won't mention your name, but I just wanted you to know that I don't think I will ever forget that story.


Sep 4, 2006
I know one indy who had a boyfriend who knew of her occupation but still got jealous and would follow her to appointments. She never mentioned anything violent going on but dumped him when he couldn't stop stalking her when she was working. I know its not every guy who can be ok with his GF doing this sort of work, but claiming you are OK and then stalking her is too weird.

Sometimes I read disturbing reviews where I know its 2 consenting adults but I can't shake the feeling that no amount of money is worth being treated like that.


Sep 24, 2009
Another thing that I find strange is when white, french-speaking Quebec girls work for agencies ran by Arabs and other types of immigrants. Once again, I have no proof that they are mistreated.

Why would you find that strange? Or, assume for that matter, that they are immigrants?


Sep 24, 2009
#1. Politicians are full of bull. Always have been, always will be. Every word out of a politicians mouth is a lie.

#2. A lack of a good Father, or strong male figure, really can effect a little girl. Even in real life I know that girls that lacked, or had bad relationships with, their father are going to almost always have problems (Just like boys with messed up relationships with their mother tend to end up messed up as men - like almost every single serial killer).

#3. I think the abuse of SP's is more common in countries where being an SP = being a criminal. Like in the United States.

#4. Nothing more than talking points for the next election. Prostitution, immigration and people with head-scarves. Forget that Canada is 1.2 trillion dollars in debt (66% GDP to Debt - GDP -1.8 Trillion). Worry about prostitution, immigration and head-scarves.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
#3. I think the abuse of SP's is more common in countries where being an SP = being a criminal. Like in the United States.

Okay, that's one point that I will have to disagree with you on. The sex business is alive and well in the United States. Major difference: Lots more indys to agency girls. Last time I checked P411, I think there were like 30+ indys registered in Montreal to over 400 in NYC. There are still agencies in NY operating with impunity, but I'm kind of waiting for the hammer to drop & LE cracks down on them. It's going to happen on of these years, probably in an election year. Also, with our new terminology in the US, prostitutes aren't prostitutes, they're "victims of sex trafficing," so the women don't have so much to worry about as the men who are "exploiting" them. I've wondered that since most of the women I see fly themselves in from Europe or South America or Australia, aren't they trafficing themselves? I'm just the schmuck who's paying them $400 bucks to spend an hour with them. Yes, there are streetwalkers who are exploited in my city, drug addicts and girls with pimps, often girls from the Caribbean who are trying to start a new life in the US, and I don't like it -- but I don't want to have escorting completely done away with in the US. Between the feminists and the religious right, it's actually amazing that we've been able to get away with it for as long as we have. At the moment, SP's aren't treated like criminals in the US -- mostly they're completely ignored by Law Enforcement, not unlike the SP's in Canada. Let's hope it keeps up.


Dec 15, 2013
:p life is tough. I hope these girls make good choices and do well. I mean honestly its good pay, and I know some SP who are going to school , paying back old bills and some who are raising a family but BF don't abuse em but don't work ???, one getting off drugs, its an interesting mix. But all of em are not "VICTIMS" or abused.

I'd probably stop seem em if they had a pimp or abused cause I really can't condone that. I can't condone drugs (except 420),

We all have issues and our jobs don't define who we really are.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
I just notice a situation yesterday sadly...i am not saying the girl name...but i was mad that still in 2016 girls are control by some pimp...i was even mad ..i was like common are you serious!!!! Get the fu** out of there...Seems like fear and money etc the issue...sadly ....TRUST ME ...if my best friend would be in this situation..i would kidnap her myself and save her from that situation!!! I was mad and sad ..cause i dont know all the details ..but grrrrr i am piss..still am today that some piece of shi* :boxing: doing hurt on a Lady grrrr..sorry i had to say it snifff


Sep 24, 2009
I just notice a situation yesterday sadly...i am not saying the girl name...but i was mad that still in 2016 girls are control by some pimp...i was even mad ..i was like common are you serious!!!! Get the fu** out of there...Seems like fear and money etc the issue...sadly ....TRUST ME ...if my best friend would be in this situation..i would kidnap her myself and save her from that situation!!! I was mad and sad ..cause i dont know all the details ..but grrrrr i am piss..still am today that some piece of shi* :boxing: doing hurt on a Lady grrrr..sorry i had to say it snifff

There is a lot of hate for females in this world man... and I mean real "I'll fucking kill you", type hate. Not the "will she ever stop talking?, the game is on." type hate.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I work at an airport...we saw two really scummy little guys abusing two young women that we recognised from their backpage ads.

The girls were in the back of a rental car. The driver was yelling at the girl behind him. He got out, opened her door, and pulled her out by her hair. As she lay on the ground crying he raised his hand to strike her. The other guy was yelling at the other girl, who was curled into a fetal position, crying as well.

Police attended in seconds. So this asshole is in the middle of beating her up and instead of thanking the cops, she says "please don't hurt him!"

The hold they have on these girls is unbelievable. These guys were both scrawny and only 5' 6" or so and not physically intimidating at all. But the girl was clearly terrified and brainwashed. Maybe the pimps threaten the girls' families? It was shocking that this happened right in a very public place in the middle of the day. The pimps were obviously used to acting with impunity, right in front of the cops they made threats to us, very clear specific threats.

I have a lifelong friend who was pimped badly during the eighties, she was drugged and worked almost non stop for years. She was humiliated, they beat her, she had many bad dates, her health was ruined, and she still has mental issues. She was alienated from her family. Now I have an unlimited hatred for pimps.
If a daughter of mine was pimped I would do whatever regardless of consequences. I have told a couple of ladies my door is always open if they need a place, no strings attached. But I don't want to cause repercussions for them or their families. No easy solution.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I work at an airport...we saw two really scummy little guys abusing two young women that we recognised from their backpage ads.

The girls were in the back of a rental car. The driver was yelling at the girl behind him. He got out, opened her door, and pulled her out by her hair. As she lay on the ground crying he raised his hand to strike her. The other guy was yelling at the other girl, who was curled into a fetal position, crying as well.

Police attended in seconds. So this asshole is in the middle of beating her up and instead of thanking the cops, she says "please don't hurt him!"

Some other MERBites have opened my eyes to some of this. The evil pimps aren't the agency owners that we call during our Montreal trips and occaisionally have a beer with. They are more likely the shiftless boyfriends that latch onto these girls and live off them, trick-to-trick. Sometimes these boys do their part to augment the "family income" through larceny and drug dealing but mostly it is the girls that bring home the steady stream of revenue. I don't know how you can avoid this accept by going to some of the parties and meeting the girls, and the agency owners and the Indies that attend and then you can get a sense of who the reputable agencies are and the truly independent girls are. BTW - this is how I have met some of the guys that answer the emails and schedule for the Indies. Not a Huggy Bear in the bunch and they truly seemed like employees of the girls and not the other way around.
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