Montreal Escorts

Recruiting is terrible...what's up?


Jul 31, 2011
You would be surprised how many girls from other agencies call Mike out of the blue to come to GG's.....He does not need to "raid" them, trust me on that. Must be you are still banned, Sammy......

Hardly. Despite my complaints, I use them regularly. I just wish they would be more straightforward.

What about MTLTOPGIRL... they do have great addition:cool: Your too blind to see them :nod:
Not sure who you are talking about LT. That said, MTG tends to be sloppy, advertising services that the girls don't provide. Did see one newbie there a couple of months ago, but she was real trash.

But if they had a well-reviewed newbie (though not the oriental imports) I'd be glad to try again.

I am 100% with Sam on this... recruiting is bad... there is nothing of note and I have been seeing the same girls as always. Unfortunately, girls over 21 and everything else Sam said was spot on, recycled girls are nothing to fawn over.

Agreed. I have been rotating a few regulars, looking in SCs and MPs, and, in desperation even started going back to bars a couple of months ago to test the "free" market, which, as you know is far more expensive than hobbying.

What are you looking for? New escorts or virgins? A woman can start as an escort at any age. It seems to me that you want girls with little sexual experience and that's not the same thing as being new to the business. There's no age limit for that. You could even have a 30 year old who has had very few partners entering the business and she would qualify as being as new and anyone else. Why the hell would anyone want to pay money for someone with little experience in satisfying a man? Kinda defeats the purpose don't it?

Frankly the question as to whether virgins or 30 year olds are better is a bit off topic.
If you want to start a thread on whether older or younger girls are better, I would be glad to contribute.

For this thread, which is about recruiting, let's acknowledge that many hobbyists like new girls but that fewer are coming into the hobby these days.

The question is why?


New Member
Jul 15, 2013
What are you looking for? New escorts or virgins? A woman can start as an escort at any age. It seems to me that you want girls with little sexual experience and that's not the same thing as being new to the business. There's no age limit for that. You could even have a 30 year old who has had very few partners entering the business and she would qualify as being as new and anyone else. Why the hell would anyone want to pay money for someone with little experience in satisfying a man? Kinda defeats the purpose don't it?

Techman let's be honest would you rather be with a woman that's been with a handful of guys or one that's been with thousands? The point is to see them while they are still innocent and unjaded. Not everybody is in their golden years ready to strap on the depends. Also the older a woman gets the more things tend to sag. A couple of years could make a huge difference especially in the SP world.

Most of you oldtimers are either developing alzheimers or have forgotten the glory days. I'm talking about

Asservissante: Marie-Eve, Marie-France, Clara
Eleganza: Karina, KArma, Emely, Jacynthe, Britany
Dangerous Curves: Basically the entire damn roster and they were easily all 9s

There were so many hot girls that it was impossible to see them all unless you were a millionaire and had 10 dicks. Marie-Eve is considered a legend for a reason. Name me one girl today that is a must see and that will still be in your memory 5 years or even 2 years from now because I can't think of a single one. That's pretty sad. Montreal is no longer the sex mecha of the sex industry it used to be. It may still very well be great compared to other cities, I can't comment on that but certainly not like what it used to be.

Tourism in general is down across the board. Just get in a cab and ask the driver. Business is slow. People just don't go out any more. No money. The world is still in a recession. I agree with Sam. My only surprise is that I thought the lack of jobs would actually create more SPs? I guess I was wrong.

Unfortunately there is only one way out of a recession... war.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

...but I think some guys around here are borderline pedophiles. What the hell do you expect the agencies to do? Go recruiting in high schools? Or would you prefer grade school? :rolleyes:

Wow guy, you're way out of line. Personally, I go for any escort I find hot, and lately by chance that has often been a woman or two between 27-35. But if others prefer a young adult there's no call to "GO BLUE" about this issue.

However, though I also will see a young adult, if one is suitable, I am happy if what SamK sees as a shortage of 18 to 21-year-olds means these young ladies are more often finding other means to make themselves happy, and I say good for them.

There's no age limit for that. Why the hell would anyone want to pay money for someone with little experience in satisfying a man? Kinda defeats the purpose don't it?

Unfortunately Techman, while greater age will almost always offer more experience, due to the attitudes and mores of the young these days more and more often they bring with them the likelihood of real experience. Though I agree with your basic point, there is less often a big difference in experience between ages. The bigger difference is maturity and style.

That many hobbyists like new escorts is a fact of life that all agencies know and acknowledge privately....

On this I have to be as questioning about what is meant as Techman. Please define "new escorts"? Personally, what I have read posted many times about recruiting has been distasteful. Big promises to borderline legal women, often drunk in bars or more, about quick and easy ways to make lots of doubt making it seem enticing as possible regardless of the risks. When I see "new escorts" I wonder if someone really knows what she is doing or if she can handle it.

Unfortunately there is only one way out of a recession... war.

Straight from the Middle Ages dude.




Jul 31, 2011
On this I have to be as questioning about what is meant as Techman. Please define "new escorts"?

This is a bit of a technical answer....but I mean new to the hobby (debutantes) matter what her age is.

True most "new" girls tend to be younger (advertised as 18-21, but in reality 21-25).

However even new girls well into their 20s and 30s can be great fun.

That said, it is a bit hard to explain how a "new" girl, who generally has less skills than a vet, can be more fun, than a more technically proficient girl.

All I can say, is that a lot of hobbyists prefer debutantes. And that generally means girls advertised as 18-21....which as I stated earlier generally means girls whose true ages are between say 20-25.

(BTW true new 18 or 19 year olds are exceedingly rare on board agencies. It would be hard to come up with a dozen or two that fall into this category since the start of the year. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I saw one.).


The point that I am trying to make, is that true "new" girls who come into the hobby at 25+ are rare....if they wander into the hobby at that age, they are often ex MP, or SC girls, or recycled SPs under another name.

Those that don't hobby much or who have not been around long wont notice this. But ask a guy like Hal or Rumples or Doc how many times they have booked "new" girls only to find out that they are forgotten retreads from years gone by.

Big promises to borderline legal women, often drunk in bars or more, about quick and easy ways to make lots of doubt making it seem enticing as possible regardless of the risks. When I see "new escorts" I wonder if someone really knows what she is doing or if she can handle it.

I think most agree that when a girl is legal, that is 18 here in Canada (and everywhere in the world BTW under UN law), that she is welcome into the hobby.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You would be surprised how many girls from other agencies call Mike out of the blue to come to GG's.....He does not need to "raid" them, trust me on that. Must be you are still banned, Sammy......
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Merlot, I don't think there's anything wrong with finding a young woman hot or sexy, I'll check out the young hotties on Crescent or St-Catherine street just like any other red blooded guy. But there's a huge difference in appreciating their youth and beauty and having sex with them. Any guy in their 40s or 50s or older who's looking specifically for teenage girls or teenage looking girls, and 18-19 is still a teenager, has some serious issues. Disagree with me if you want, but I'll stand by my statement. Then some of these guys will complain about the service they receive from these girls. Well when you were in your late teens or early twenties, would you have enjoyed fucking a woman your mother or grandmother's age? If you're someone who is still looking for the youngest legal girl you can find, I seriously doubt it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
This is a bit of a technical answer....but I mean new to the hobby (debutantes) matter what her age is.

True most "new" girls tend to be younger (advertised as 18-21, but in reality 21-25).

However even new girls well into their 20s and 30s can be great fun.

That said, it is a bit hard to explain how a "new" girl, who generally has less skills than a vet, can be more fun, than a more technically proficient girl.

All I can say, is that a lot of hobbyists prefer debutantes. And that generally means girls advertised as 18-21....which as I stated earlier generally means girls whose true ages are between say 20-25.

(BTW true new 18 or 19 year olds are exceedingly rare on board agencies. It would be hard to come up with a dozen or two that fall into this category since the start of the year. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I saw one.).

Thanks SamK,

I thought you meant something more like debutantes who have not been burned out by long experience rather than the youngest escorts, and in a lot of cases many of the so-called debutantes are probably over 20. Also, where experience in this industry might be preferred by others I don't see what's wrong with preferring a debutante adult as an escort.

...I'll check out the young hotties on Crescent or St-Catherine street just like any other red blooded guy.

I've been next to you on the street when we both enjoyed the view....a lot. I believe I heard the person next to me say...anyone who can't admit that's hot is lying.

Any guy in their 40s or 50s or older who's looking specifically for teenage girls or teenage looking girls, and 18-19 is still a teenager, has some serious issues.

If someone is fixated only on ladies under 20 then you would have a point. But then look at the guys with the most years hobbying and notice they are certainly seeing ladies 30 years younger, regardless if she if over 20-25. Isn't the huge age difference basically the same issue? Your view isn't far from going after nearly every guy on this board.

Disagree with me if you want, but I'll stand by my statement.

Your general view about older men enjoying adult young women makes an interesting always. But injecting the word pedophile into sex between legal adults regardless of big age differences...has no relevance. That's a whole other issue.

I'm a bit surprised no mod has stepped in to erase that reference. It belongs in the trash.




The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
There's a huge fucking difference between a girl who is 18, fresh out of high school if not still in high school, and one who is 25. If you think there isn't, then you are deluding yourself. Read SamKlemmons posts and you'll see that what he's looking for is new, fresh meat. He doesn't want anyone who's worked in any part of the hobby, he wants them a close to untouched as possible. This is a guy who fixates on heights, weights and ages. He'll complain if he calls for an 18 year old and thinks she looks 20 but I've never noticed him complaining if a girl looks considerable younger than advertised. There's a huge difference between hunting high school age girls and women in their mid twenties. I don't know whether some guys have the hots for their own daughter or their daughter's friends, or what. Or maybe they just didn't get laid enough when they were young. But someone Sam's age searching for the youngest, most inexperienced girls possible creeps the fuck out of me. As does anyone else, like memento, who talks about seeing them while they are still 'innocent'.

I guess some of us here are actually mature enough to enjoy the company of a WOMAN, instead of a girl. You know, someone who can actually hold a conversation that goes beyond discussing Justin Bieber's latest album. :rolleyes:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Merlot, I don't think there's anything wrong with finding a young woman hot or sexy, I'll check out the young hotties on Crescent or St-Catherine street just like any other red blooded guy. But there's a huge difference in appreciating their youth and beauty and having sex with them. Any guy in their 40s or 50s or older who's looking specifically for teenage girls or teenage looking girls, and 18-19 is still a teenager, has some serious issues. Disagree with me if you want, but I'll stand by my statement. Then some of these guys will complain about the service they receive from these girls. Well when you were in your late teens or early twenties, would you have enjoyed fucking a woman your mother or grandmother's age? If you're someone who is still looking for the youngest legal girl you can find, I seriously doubt it.

Have to agree with this one 100%


New Member
Jul 15, 2013
There's a huge fucking difference between a girl who is 18, fresh out of high school if not still in high school, and one who is 25. If you think there isn't, then you are deluding yourself. Read SamKlemmons posts and you'll see that what he's looking for is new, fresh meat. He doesn't want anyone who's worked in any part of the hobby, he wants them a close to untouched as possible. This is a guy who fixates on heights, weights and ages. He'll complain if he calls for an 18 year old and thinks she looks 20 but I've never noticed him complaining if a girl looks considerable younger than advertised. There's a huge difference between hunting high school age girls and women in their mid twenties. I don't know whether some guys have the hots for their own daughter or their daughter's friends, or what. Or maybe they just didn't get laid enough when they were young. But someone Sam's age searching for the youngest, most inexperienced girls possible creeps the fuck out of me. As does anyone else, like memento, who talks about seeing them while they are still 'innocent'.

I guess some of us here are actually mature enough to enjoy the company of a WOMAN, instead of a girl. You know, someone who can actually hold a conversation that goes beyond discussing Justin Bieber's latest album. :rolleyes:

You really want to be preaching about morality on a forum about prostitutes? I will agree that it would be creepy if a man was creeping on some highschool girls but by 18 a woman should be in college and as long as she enters this business of her own free will than it is an arrangement between two consenting adults as far as I'm concerned and is well within the law. For the record I was with a 45 year old woman last night who rocked my world but I think that your trying to impose your beliefs on what people should or shouldn't be attracted to is rather presumptuous and ridiculous. If you're looking for some type of relationship or conversation than perhaps you should try the dating scene. It's more rewarding anyways.

What Sam is trying to say is that there is a serious lack of new talent which is a fact and is merely asking why which I believe is a valid question. A lot of the girls you see advertised as new are really girls that have switched agencies and just changed their names. It gets kind of awkward when you open the door to someone who you think is new but you've actually seen before.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I am inclined to agree with momento's post.

As to the general question of recruiting and new talent it tends to go in cycles. I would also note that we have not yet begun the new school year and as the reality of tuition fees converge with rent economic realities end up pushing some towards sex work.

The questions are valid but the answers mostly lie in economic forces that are neither predictable nor even discernible.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, as long as we're voting, I'm with Techman. I had plenty of girls in high school and college and find that I vastly prefer women.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
You really want to be preaching about morality on a forum about prostitutes?

What Sam is trying to say is that there is a serious lack of new talent which is a fact and is merely asking why which I believe is a valid question.


You hit the nail perfectly. It's a board about sex for money, which has moral questions to start with no matter how we all feel comfortable about it.

Sam was simply bringing up a legitimate issue about legal aged women. There's nothing inappropriate about what he asked. To bring in the ugliest of accusations then start expanding on fears about daughters or mothers is moving into witch hunt territory. Frankly I find some of the sexual options commonly sought by clients far more worrisome due to health risks than some client looking for fresh debutantes.

I had plenty of girls in high school and college and find that I vastly prefer women.

So you agree that a 50-60ish client who might be infatuated with a teen or low 20sih escort might be a borderline pedophile???

I think it's disturbing to read posts by some guys old enough to be grandfathers bitching that they can't find girls under 21 to fuck. Some girls may have daddy issues but I think some guys around here are borderline pedophiles.

Yes, it bothers me a bit too if that is the only focus, as I've said before, but to say this about legal adults is outrageous.

BTW Techman; are you really saying an 18 to 19-year-old guy has no right being interested any of these 40 or older women??? If I had the opportunity to nail a 42 year-old Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley, or Lauren Graham when I was 18 I have one word....BANZAI!!!




The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I know there are some older ladies here who aren't interested in young guys as clients but I wonder what the outrage would be if some young escorts decided they wouldn't accept any clients older than, let's say 35. I bet the thread would be 10 pages long in a very short time.

I know that a lot of people around here aren't interested in any kind of conversation with the girls they hire. For some, the SPs are nothing more than a slab of meat and the less actual interaction they have together, the better. The more times they can get off during an appointment, the better. I really feel sorry for guys who think like that but I feel sorrier for the girls who have to deal with you. Eventually when you grow up, and that has nothing to do with your age, you'll discover that the sexiest part of a woman is what's between her ears, not between her legs.

memento, I'm not saying it should be illegal for old pervs to hire young girls who are of legal age. Do whatever the fuck you want. It doesn't make it any less creepy though. I have to wonder how many guys who are looking for the 'innocence' would turn away a girl if they thought she might be underage, though. I have a feeling that not too many of them would.

Merlot, I'm sorry if the truth bothers you. It is what it is. You can go through life wearing your rose coloured glasses, choosing to believe only the best of people if that's your choice. It's naïve as hell, but if it makes you feel better go for it. :cool:

So you agree that a 50-60ish client who might be infatuated with a teen or low 20sih escort might be a borderline pedophile???

At worst, yes. At best, they have some serious issues.

As for your comment about Salma Hayek and company, if any of those women were paying to fuck an 18 year old guy, I'd say they have issues too. Not that any of them would have to pay for it. But I have a feeling that very few, if any, of the guys here are their male equivalent. Nice attempt to flip the situation to something that has absolutely nothing to do with the point of view I'm stating, though.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, I'm sorry if the truth bothers you. It is what it is. You can go through life wearing your rose coloured glasses, choosing to believe only the best of people if that's your choice. It's naïve as hell, but if it makes you feel better go for it. :cool:


I've already noted at least twice that I agree a certain trend toward focus on only young ladies is worrisome, so you can spin what I'm saying into a lie to make a phoney point if you wish. My dispute is with a slanderous accusation for which you offer only a supposition. I hardly believe the best of people under these circumstances, but I choose to give them the benefit of a doubt and the honor of their word until they show they don't deserve it.

Mostly, I'm just astonished at how soon you forget having the accusation hurled at you from "The Blue". I'd think someone who knows how it feels would come with proof rather than guesswork or theory...whether you are right or wrong.




The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Ya wanna point out to me where I accused anyone of anything, Merlot? You really love to put words in other people's mouths sometimes.

I posted my opinion of certain statements made in this thread on a general basis. I think some people in this thread have demonstrated an unhealthy fascination with barely legal SPs. Someone posting how the point is to see girls while they are still innocent seems normal to you? Open your eyes! Yeah, I consider such attitudes to be borderline and that's exactly what I posted. I think MEN in their 40s, 50s and older who have such desires have issues. That's how I feel and I won't apologize for it.

I haven't posted here on a regular basis in a long time and I guess I forgot what it's like to deal with people who think with the head of their dick instead of the head on their shoulders.

Oh yeah...I forgot...if anyone has a problem with my opinion, please fill out this report:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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...... an unhealthy fascination with barely legal SPs. Someone posting how the point is to see girls while they are still innocent seems normal to you? ....I consider such attitudes to be borderline and that's exactly what I posted. I think MEN in their 40s, 50s and older who have such desires have issues.

If the legal age was 21 or 25 for SPs, would it be unhealthy to want the youngest possible legal escort? Is it worse for a seventy year old to employ a 28 year old escort or a 40 year old to employ an 18 year old? There are other reasons than seeking innocence in preferring a young escort. (e.g. 18 year olds have better bodies, on the average, than 28 year olds.)

Some of us find anilingus, anal penetration, foot-licking, the use of strap-ons, employing transvestites, cunnilingus, and even kissing an escort repugnant.

It wouldn't surprise me if a majority of Canadians consider that everyone who employs an escort has unhealthy desires. Can you provide a set of rules to enlighten us as to which desires are healthy and which are not?

I suppose I am being judgemental about your being judgemental.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey, I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with my opinion. It's just that my taste tends to run more to properly aged filet mignon than to baby veal. :cool:


Feb 22, 2004
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Stop sitting on your ass and start hunting! For a fact I browse the usual advertising site an I found at least 2 numbers to hunt.

Sam PM me and I'll give two numbers to call and you will meet 18-19 yo debutante.

Happy hunting
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