Montreal Escorts

Recruiting is terrible...what's up?


New Member
Jul 15, 2013
I am inclined to agree with momento's post.

As to the general question of recruiting and new talent it tends to go in cycles. I would also note that we have not yet begun the new school year and as the reality of tuition fees converge with rent economic realities end up pushing some towards sex work.

The questions are valid but the answers mostly lie in economic forces that are neither predictable nor even discernible.

This is true but rather than a phenomenon, I think if one were to connect the dots one would come to the conclusion that this is a trend on a larger scale than just seasonal. One might say it started with the parity of the canadian dollar which means americans have less buying power, which translates to less disposable income which means less tourists. We saw evidence of this decline when many HDH ladies were moonlighting for LDL agencies and now HDH doesn't even exist any more. I'm talking about real HDH, not just ones charging HDH rates claiming to be HDH. And now even the LDL market is drying up.

Is there an actual lack of talent or is there a lack of recruiting effort caused by the premier agencies like Eleganza and devlish/gof going dormant? The chicken and the egg. With strip clubs being a former shell of itself, that also means less dancers making the jump to escorting.

memento, I'm not saying it should be illegal for old pervs to hire young girls who are of legal age. Do whatever the fuck you want. It doesn't make it any less creepy though. I have to wonder how many guys who are looking for the 'innocence' would turn away a girl if they thought she might be underage, though. I have a feeling that not too many of them would.

Techman I agree with the spirit of your post but as long as an act is performed between two consenting adults, your opinion is just that, and irrelevant.

The only difference between an 18 year old and a 25 year old is instead of discussing Justin Bieber's new album you'll be discussing Micheal Bubble. Same dance, different song. :rolleyes:

Someone posting how the point is to see girls while they are still innocent seems normal to you? Open your eyes!

Like it or not this hobby corrupts both clients and SPs alike so wanting to see a woman before she becomes jaded is not at all abnormal. What a newbie lacks in experience she often makes up for it with enthusiasm making the encounter more genuine. Also men and women are in their prime physically right after puberty and trying to say otherwise would be going against biology.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
The point is to see them while they are still innocent and unjaded.

Apart from the fact that it is totally false to assume that younger people are necessarily less unjaded, that line drives a chill down my spine. I don't have any specific issue with older man who prefer having sex with younger women... but because they are still innocent? I have to agree with techman on this.

Obviously the 5000+ women working as escorts in Montreal alone

That's an exaggeration. Of the around 5000 sex workers in the Montréal area, I guess that probably around the two thirds work as stripper and massage providers. I would suggest that those two sectors provide a big competition to agencies for recruitment because the money is good, security is better and personal involvement is less.

I am happy if what SamK sees as a shortage of 18 to 21-year-olds means these young ladies are more often finding other means to make themselves happy, and I say good for them.

Boy do I agree with you!

As noted above, any girl who "starts" work as an SP at 25, is almost certainly an industry vet making a comeback, or has spent considerable time doing SP and MP incalls.

IMHO girls don't just wake up one day at 25 and decide to become SPs.

I think you conflate agencies' criteria with the reality. The average age of entry into prostitution, except for street workers, is way over 21.

Why would'nt a girl 30 y/o "wake up" and decide to become a sp? What you say makes no sense. To use memento's word, some get jaded from their job and become unjaded with sex work. I know a sp in Quebec City who started at 51. She's in a great shape, provides a fantastic experience and, more important than anything else for most of her clients, is able to connect better than any 20 y/o kid.

If you don't see them in many agencies, it's simply because the agencies do not hire them. So they work as indies.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Also men and women are in their prime physically right after puberty and trying to say otherwise would be going against biology.

I think you need a biology refresher course. Women don't hit their sexual prime until their mid 30s.


New Member
Jul 15, 2013
I think you need a biology refresher course. Women don't hit their sexual prime until their mid 30s.

I said physically, not sexually. You ever go to your highschool reunion? Most of the hottest girls you remember in school are not so hot any more. Atleast at my reunion. :(


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
As noted above, any girl who "starts" work as an SP at 25, is almost certainly an industry vet making a comeback, or has spent considerable time doing SP and MP incalls.

IMHO girls don't just wake up one day at 25 and decide to become SPs.

It can happen, I'm 35 and I've only been doing this for a few months now. I've thought about it for a long time but it took me this long to be really ready to do this, and to be 100% comfortable with my decision, which is so important.

Honestly I'm surprised that 18 year olds get into the industry at all. When I was 18 I didn't even enjoy sex. I didn't have the confidence in myself or my body to be able to truly make love to a man. And there were so many mixed emotions that went with being intimate with someone.

I don't really think this work pays enough to be attractive to a lot of the younger women. We have higher expectations when we are young. As an example, an 18 year old might say she would only sleep with a stranger for $1000. By 21 maybe she'd do it for $600. At 25, $300 would be okay. As Mitsou pointed out an attractive young woman could make good money as a bartender. Modeling, dancing, massage...other options rather than providing FS. I don't really know how much business the agency girls get and how steady it is but for myself it is quite unpredictable, a lot of people need more security and consistent income.


Nov 29, 2012
Are people really wondering why we don't have more hot "must-see" fresh 18-21 year olds willing to have sex with anybody for a couple hundred dollars an hour? That's like wondering why we don't have more unicorns walking around.


Jul 31, 2011
We have higher expectations when we are young. As an example, an 18 year old might say she would only sleep with a stranger for $1000. By 21 maybe she'd do it for $600. At 25, $300 would be okay.

Thanks Tiana. It is a perfect example of the supply-demand balances in this hobby today.

It is not fair. The older girls are far nicer, better in bed and more interesting to talk to.

But I really don't think it is helpful to deny the reality.

I know there are some older ladies here who aren't interested in young guys as clients but I wonder what the outrage would be if some young escorts decided they wouldn't accept any clients older than, let's say 35. I bet the thread would be 10 pages long in a very short time.

You bring up an interesting new angle, which is what the SPs themselves want, implying that it is as creepy for a 21-22 year old girl to be with a 60+ year old man, as the other way around.

However I am pretty sure that most girls prefer an older man.... especially if he can handle himself.

Sure, they are actresses, but you can't fake everything.

You can't fake the smiles they give when you call for a repeat, you can't fake the sweats they break, the red flashes on their skins, and their accidental shrieks when they are really turned on.

You also can't fake the hints they give (which are occasionally far more than hints) that they would like to see you outside the hobby.


Is it unnatural? Well, I suppose if we were all sitting in a parlour or at the GT, in polite company, with a lot of women our age around, we would all say it is.

Trust me, I do understand your arguments.

But I am going to have to take the other side on this.

New girls are better, they are more fun ... but just as important, they prefer older guys.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
BTW Techman; are you really saying an 18 to 19-year-old guy has no right being interested any of these 40 or older women??? If I had the opportunity to nail a 42 year-old Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley, or Lauren Graham when I was 18 I have one word....BANZAI!!!

I do not think most old men that visit 18 to 20 year old escorts look like George Clooney, George Costanza yes, Clooney no. For myself I fantasize about a perfect 18 year old but it will not happen. The 23 year old I see is pushing the limits with me and I almost walked out when I first met her due to age. It kind of makes me think also when someone complains that a person is promoted at 18 and is actually 19 & 1/2 and is not ( Fresh ) but has been in the business for 4 months and makes it sound like a horrible thing.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You also can't fake the hints they give (which are occasionally far more than hints) that they would like to see you outside the hobby.
New girls are better, they are more fun ... but just as important, they prefer older guys.

I get asked this ( seen outside the hobby ) about 30% of the time and not because I am great looking or great in bed but because they know older men have money.
And for your last sentence... You actually believe that ( prefer older men)? Good for you. I can not picture in my mind a 18 year old new girl thinking to herself " Oh super, a 50 year old man who is older than my dad wants to fuck me, I have been waiting for this all week ". I would agree that an experienced SP would prefer an older man but a newbie, not a chance.


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
I just want to clarify the question. Are you complaining that there are no new stars coming on to the scene, or if there are no new SPs at all coming on to the scene? You will also have to remember that the baby boomers have tapered off.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Youll have to play the game tho of FB, clubbing etc...

A 50+ year old in a club trying to pick up a 18 year old? Bahahahahahahaha. The only way a 50+ year old is able to have sex with a 18 year old is for money.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Ya wanna point out to me where I accused anyone of anything, Merlot? You really love to put words in other people's mouths sometimes.

...I think some guys around here are borderline pedophiles.

Done. It's perfectly clear. The words are yours.

The situation here is as I have said, in essence I agree almost entirely with what you have been saying regarding a trend for concern. But we part company at saying: "some guys around here are borderline pedophiles". Had you put it like the quote below there would have been no dispute. But no one here has crossed the line into underage ladies. Concern about a trend is one thing, but calling anyone a "borderline pedophile" is an outrage.

I posted my opinion of certain statements made in this thread on a general basis. I think some people in this thread have demonstrated an unhealthy fascination with barely legal SPs.

Some of us find anilingus, anal penetration, foot-licking, the use of strap-ons, employing transvestites, cunnilingus, and even kissing an escort repugnant.

It wouldn't surprise me if a majority of Canadians consider that everyone who employs an escort has unhealthy desires. Can you provide a set of rules to enlighten us as to which desires are healthy and which are not?

Both excellent points. I've said before that I find certain legal options distasteful if not repugnant. But it's legal, and as long as participants each have free will it's none of my business no matter how objectionable to me.

As for what the public might say about this hobby, I've seen people go off at a hell of a lot less like just saying some tv personality is hot, never mind those who are paying for sex on a regular basis. Try telling the average person you frequent strip clubs where young ladies are common and see what response you get.

I don't have any specific issue with older man who prefer having sex with younger women... but because they are still innocent? I have to agree with techman on this.

I agree certain trends are disturbing to me personally, especially where young ladies are concerned. But as Anon lists above there's preferences that have nothing to do with age I'd never have anything to do with. If a 50 year-old guy with free will is being done by a 20 year-old woman with a strapon, my reaction is...OMG, f'ing gross. But it has nothing to do with age, it's the act, and it's none of my business in the first place. Whatever my opinion is I don't think I have the right to publicly brand them with ugly labels when they aren't doing anything wrong between themselves.

I do not think most old men that visit 18 to 20 year old escorts look like George Clooney, George Costanza yes, Clooney no.

True, and neither are the older women escorts often like the ladies I named. The point was normal attraction between adults often occurs among similar ages, but can also often break social norms, male or female.

George Costanza??? :lol: Hoooooo boooooy. I have heard of a few of clients who fit the description.



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
but calling anyone a "borderline pedophile" is an outrage.

When a person is looking for fresh 18 yr olds and is 50+? Guessing that if the law was 16/14 she would be the target also.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If ManApart or Delta said that recruiting was bad then I`d believe it.
If no credibility SamK says it then I laugh. The reason he is searching for new talent is because the existing talent knows him too well and won`t repeat with the old fart.


Jan 8, 2012
We have been very lucky, here, in Montreal, to have access for many years to legions of hot young escorts at low costs. What I mean is that presently, the average hourly rate for an escort in our beautiful city is 200 dollars. Go find a hot looking young girl at that price in TO or NYC...And I'm not even talking about the type of services you can get in MTL in comparison to other North American cities. Escorts are very liberal in MTL and have extended the concept of GFE beyond what can barely be imagined in other megacities. I know quite a few hot girls who have just decided to call it quit in Qc and they are now working in Ontario. Seriously, why would a young hot chick want to fuck total strangers, GFE-style, for just 200 dollars ?. It is not that I want to see higher rates, but I want more hot looking young girls, and there's a price for that, I'm afraid. I would not mind paying 250 + per hour for hot debutantes. Well, this is just my point of view, but I seriously think that as customers, we will have to accept some changes if we want to see more fresh new talents.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have met a few Sp's who flew out west to make the "big bucks", it was not what they expected in terms of being busy. They make more per hr yes but not as many customers per day as here so the work load is less and daily income is also lower plus while working there expenses are more then here.
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