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Renting to SPs. Legality, practicalities, tips?


Mar 22, 2019
A quick question for you ladies and gents. (Hopefully this question does not violate any rule on the forum)

I have been diversifying and looking to buy and rent units in the city. My general preference leans towards higher end units in established areas. Was curious to know if there was demand for ‘private‘ upscale units that were friendly to the trade (either for agency girls looking to go indie or visiting girls). For most of you who currently work indie, I’m going to assume you already have accommodations. Can I ask what you generally look for? Any lessons or wisdom you can impart on dealing with selecting a location, managing neighbours, client privacy, or your own security?

I was also curious to know whether it was legal to knowingly rent units that may be used for SPs. I know it used to be illegal (prior to 2014) to knowingly rent to a tenant who practiced, but it’s unclear whether that is still the case after the last change in laws on “bawdy houses”.

for context, here’s a link to an explanatory pamphlet I found dating from 2005 - which explicitly criminalized renting to SPs if you knew they practiced on premises:

And an updated description of the laws when they changed in 2014 - the paragraph relating to selling services to SPs is still very vague:

Does anyone have more info on this topic? Obviously if there is no demand or need for it, the point is moot. But otherwise, have any of you ever dealt with this topic as a tenant or as a landlord?

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I have been diversifying and looking to buy and rent units in the city. My general preference leans towards higher end units in established areas.

If you have enough money to buy multiple "higher end" apartments, you should be able to afford a good attorney. Ask him. It is foolhardy to ask for advice from strangers on MERB.

Also, why would anyone seek out a tenant who intends to use the apartment as a business location when that clearly is a strategy full of unknown risks?


Mar 22, 2019
If you have enough money to buy multiple "higher end" apartments, you should be able to afford a good attorney. Ask him. It is foolhardy to ask for advice from strangers on MERB.

Also, why would anyone seek out a tenant who intends to use the apartment as a business location when that clearly is a strategy full of unknown risks?

Hey Capt.

Yes... I do have legal counsel, and I was certainly not trying to flaunt wealth with my question. I was asking a polite question on a forum where ladies and customers will have informed opinions. I’ve also seen quite a few legal opinions be sufficiently pertinent over the years that I felt there would be value in asking about it. It’s not like I woke up one morning and felt the urgent need to call my lawyers about whether it would be a good idea, I already know the answer would be an emphatic “no”.

Our forums are to share knowledge and to make the trade better, safer and more enjoyable for all of us. This felt in spirit to that ideal.

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Mar 22, 2019
Evictions from an incall is a major problem.

The biggest complaint is some dumb shit blubbering in the hallway after she opens the door for him to exit about what a great time he had.

A lot of ladies don’t even want the guy to knock on the way in.

We are all in this together.

Thanks Patron;

This is exactly what I wanted to ask about. Ie: is this a problem? If so, how much of it is a PR problem for landlords and neighbours who disapprove? And is this something location or privacy can fix?

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