Not that i want to give the guy an excuse, but why the hell was an old 67 woman doing grocery at 4 AM !!! WTF !!!
People need to be a little bit cautious. After 3 am especially...
My Uncle that live in MTL since his young age(and he is gay, so even more at risk) explained to me the other day to never go into small and dark streets between 2:30 am and 5 am, its the time where your most likely to be attacked. They will never do where there is lots of people. Of course in the case of thug and such, not drunkn crazy guy. But then again i find it sad nobody intervene before... since he finally did, but too late.
Anyway... bar wash there hands of this cause it would be too much trouble for them. For exemple last time i was at Studio sex in sherbrooke, i remained there til the end... a drunk customer(wich was a regular for what i saw) was asked by the doorman(old time doorman that is there since the 80s) if he was driving his car(J'esper tu chauffera pas ton char...) wich the guy replied ".... bonne nuit" so obviously he was... Doorman and me then discussed about it a bit since there was 5 mins or so til the close, and he said there is nothing he can do basically exept give his advice, call a taxi if asked, he can't force them to give there key or such...
Then i was walking the streets to get back home and i saw the same drunken guy trying to pick me up to give me a lift... no way... LOL, no need to tell you i declined immediately.
Call me crazy but the solution would be police standing at the exit and controlling clients one by one, doing the alchool test and if they fail, no driving... lock the car...