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Review Board hater on Twitter... wow, first time i see such hate.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I was browsing my usual twitter feed this morning and you know how twitter work, somebody tweet, another reply or retweet and then eventually you end up on a person's tweet you will disagree strongly. I saw this guy tweet who literally TRASH review board. Even tough his attacks where not targeted at merb (obviously he is from a different part of the world) i looked at his profile and found some pretty nasty stuff.

One of his tweet mentioned "No does not mean convince me" wich i said i agree, in this business you should always respect a provider's boundaries, but i said obviously tough be honest with your clients, if you don't offer a service just tell them you don't offer it (cause BBBJ was mentioned in other replies). Wich is fair game isn't it. I mentioned personally i have no interest to book a provider who don't offer BBBJ/GFE. His reply was " No its not standard and you are disgusting"

Well ok i can understand he may live in a very different place, but i did mentioned "HERE WHERE I LIVE". I started looking at his profile and its nothing but hate toward review boards and how clients used them to just be graphics, put up false reviews to hurt SP's business and so on and on. WOW !

I am not denying some clients can indeed put bad reviews just to hurt somebodies business but usually our crew here is fast enough to spot them and act. Reviews are good for business for both the providers and fellow hobbyist who can get a better idea on who would be better suited for them. Usually reviews reflect well the service of a provider. If she has 12 good reviews and one new dude with 1 post put on a bad review, obviously he will be double/triple checked... But if a provider get constant bad reviews, its obvious there is something wrong about her service. Reviews are not a 100% accurate science, but they do help immensively.

Without reviews, we would go totally blind and i know for a fact i would had experienced many bad meetings.

I can't even imagine how hobbying would be without merb... going blind on websites like BP... hhhuuuuuuuh no :crazy:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i never be fond of numeral score that much, i started using them a bit for a little while, i think 2 or 3 reviews max and i realized they just don't work. Whats the difference between a 9 and a 9.5 and then if i give a 10 to somebody and have an even better time after, should i give it a 10.5/10? lol. It just felt wrong.

I am not too used to ter, honestly i dislike the whole "gotta pay to see reviews" thing, and i won't pay to read reviews personally, so i can't really comment too much on how it work and such.

But when it come to GFE or Safe GFE, well as long as you know what you are getting into, it shouldn't be a negative if you got CBJ while you where fully aware it will be this way. Thats like if i book somebody who clearly don't offer cim (either its a no on the website or review says she don't offer it) i won't expect to get it and i can't put it as a negative or "remove a point" if i was going numeral.

Personally what disturbed me from these folks was the whole "calling BBBJ disgusting" and stuff like that. I can understand the USA is different than here, but they should respect how it work elswhere.

We all know that it gave some kind of "power" to some abusive pathetic people

Personally i think a reviewer build a reputation anyway. I won't take for granted what a new guy with 2 post says about his encounter the same way as a long time member who did many reviews before. Just like in other domain. I have my favourite movie critics wich i watch every reviews they do and even then i sometimes disagree, i don't take all they say for reality, as taste are subjective, but usually they give me a good idea on what to expect from a movie. I see reviews for escorts in a similar way. 10 good review and 1 bad usually mean she is a pretty good provider, she just had an off day and/or it didn't worked with that client. But a 50/50 good/bad review thread usually show some concern and personally i won't risk myself on that one.

I also am very carefull with extremely negative reviews. I make sure to know who the guy is, if he is legit and i don't take all he said for granted unless he has a reputation to back it up.

pathetic abusive person succeed to become more implicated in the intern as a mod or starting is own board and blackmailiing escorts after receiving all the personal infos for the payments for the advertising (and yes, it exists presently).

On this one i would say always make sure to do your homework. I wouldn't give my personal infos/credential to somebody im not sure about or that does not have a long term reputation. Par exemple la reputation de merb n'est plus a faire, but if some new montreal board would open tomorow, i would double/triple check and do my homeworks before thinking of advertising there and providing personal infos. Im not saying its not shitty that it happen, but like in everything, gotta be carefull.

And this is not only by ladies but also, by clients not able anymore to see ladies treated as simple objects completely deshumanized

I can understand the feeling. Even myself sometimes when i make reviews i understand it may look bizarre in a way. Im reviewing a person, not an "object" or media like a movie and im providing infos on what happened sexually, intimate stuff. But then i think about it this way... I review a service, not the person herself, thats why im usually not focussing on look itself or whatever, unless i was blown away. You will never see me in a review starting to critic deeply a person's look. I focuss on the service just like i would review the service i would get at an hair dresser or in a restaurant. I know its sexual and intimate stuff, but its the name of the game here, and this is the details that help peoples. Reviews have help me a lot in the past and still do so when i make one, i return the favor.

And afterall, we do pay for a fantasy !! Its not like if i was rating a girl i picked in a bar the past weekend. We pay our money to experience a fantasy, a service, so i feel as that it can be reviewed.

Now obviously some peoples really do what you say , dehumanize providers, being assholes etc, im not saying it does not happen, but i would say its a minority, at least if i can use merb/terb as a sample.

Some guys seem to be clearly sicks in their minds and hate women from their core, and are still allowed to posts on some boards after having posted/display/promoted/encourage others with their hates.

I agree those peoples should be filtered out, and thats a board job to do it. Again using merb as a reference i think the job is usually well done. Obviously im not familiar with many many other boards. But to start a campaign of hate against review boards in general because of some bad ones seem exessive. The way they spoke and puke there insults and disdain was really weird to me. Kinda felt like those antifa peoples suposely trying to prone something but ending up doing exactly what they are proning against...


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Some board haters have their own agenda.

There is a scammer posting ads nationwide on backpage. They demand a deposit upfront. There is no lady, no session happens,it is just a scam run by a liar and theif to collect deposits. This scammer has a fake persona on twitter where they bitch about men and review boards.

Another twitter is a notoriously bad escort from Vancouver. She has never had a good review in her career, at least ten years. She is banned from perb for wild rants and attacking other members. Yeah, she hates review boards too, because she doesn't want anyone knowing what she is really like. But she fools a lot of twitter readers who do not know any better.

Like any platform, there are great posters on twitter and total losers and deceivers.

I enjoy seeing several women on twitter. It is very good for getting an idea of what a person is like before meeting them. And some ladies are very interesting, they travel places I will never go to, eat at fancy restaurants and so on.

As for TER, it was good once but went to hell long ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have been frustrated with TER a few times. However, seeing escorts in the USA without checking reviews on TER is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. I also like the numbers because TER has some nice search and screening features. I will say that one man's 7 can be another man's 10 but still, you can get a good general idea from the numbers (you ultimately have to do some reading and research on the reviewer and with TER it is easy to search the reviewer.)

I suspect that the FuckTER gang is a bunch of frustrated SPs that would prefer that we hobbyists (and oh BTW they hate us) stop by and drop off 400$ without even touching them. This is not a charity and that is not going to happen. Give me good service and I am, I'm obligated to write a good review. Give me bad service and I have to be honest about it.

As frustrating as TER can be, I still think it is the most reliable review board in the USA.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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TER is very easy to figure out. If you are a member you can click on any member’s handle and his complete review history pops up. You can see if he gives everyone 10s. You can see if he gives everyone 2s. You can see if he posts all his reviews on one agency or MP. If you invest even a modicum of time into these tools you can easily figure out what reviews can be disregarded. In the past I found TER reviews (once properly cross-checked) to be very helpful.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The main reason I think TER incites controversy is that it’s a review based board with no mechanisms, like MERB, for banning or suspending trolls, shills and others who author fabricated reviews. There are no real moderators on content, except certain reviews do get rejected if they do not meet review guidelines. It’s more of a “buyer beware” situation but if you use the review history tools I described in my post above, you can crosscheck reviewers and assess their credibility based on how many reviews they have written, the scores they award, and whether their reviews follow any kind of pattern like reviewing only one MP. This enables one to quickly determine obvious shills and trolls. In the past I had reviews rejected because there were not enough details or because the review was dated. So somebody is looking at them, but only a “TER guidelines on detail for review content” moderator who is checking that the review have certain details. There is no checking of review history by Mods with authority to discipline shills or trolls. It’s a paid membership and you pay for the right to shill or troll as long as you do it within the TER review criteria guidelines.

There are plenty of reviews with solid information if you sift through. My guess is you probably have some reviews there Maria. I haven’t checked but you probably do. I am pretty sure I saw a review of Crystal Ivy there, in fact I may have even written one. I have been a member there on and off for 15 years. I would say MERB is better for Montreal but TER has a lot of info on NYC providers and is the best for NYC ladies.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yes, TER is international. It’s a different review board model than MERB. The one thing I like about TER is that you can click on one button and get all a reviewer’s reviews posted on TER and dates. And you know in 5 minutes or less if the dude is legit. Here on MERB if I wanted to search any posters review history it takes longer. Someone might have 1,000 posts and if 995 are lounge posts and 5 are reviews, they are buried in all that chaff. So with TER I can tell if a review is real and it’s actually harder for me to do on MERB because you can’t do a historical review search as opposed to a historical post search. This makes TER superior in searching review history for any member.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Prohibitionnists love to trash punters' forums, selecting juicy quotes to prove their point.The truth is that contrary to what they say the level of civility on those forums is usually pretty good and the respect for providers pretty high.

Transparency is generally good both for good faith providers and clients. Clients gained more than providers with the advent of punters's forum, the main reason being that this industry has quite a few fraudulous providers. However, good providers gained quite a lot. True, some pathetic people gained power, but those who followed the recent events could also see that criminal activities like arson do not pay in the long run because the word can spread pretty fast about the perpetrators.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
So with TER I can tell if a review is real and it’s actually harder for me to do on MERB because you can’t do a historical review search as opposed to a historical post search. This makes TER superior in searching review history for any member.

Exactly! It is so powerful in this regard. As I believe you said, MERB is the best for Montreal but TER is the best board for the USA. For international hobbying, I prefer to use International Sex Guide (ISG). The thing about ISG is that I can write about hobby campaigns. I can write about termas/privies/Casas/FKK girls and talk with other members. With TER, the format is so structured that you do not have the flexibility to write about a wild night in Tijuana or a weekend at an FKK. You have to write one review about one session at a time with an SP or SPs (if it is a 3sum) and the SPs have to have a web site. This is not possible most of the time with girls that work out of a casa.

I like the fact that it is a paid for service but the free 15 days causes some problems. I would bet 1 months salary I caught a guy writing a fake review on TER a few years back. He did it just so he could get 15 days of the VIP membership. Here's the deal. He wrote a fake negative review! Why would you write a negative review??? The guy had a page full of cheap BackPage reviews in NYC. Some of his sessions were for 15 minutes!! And all of a sudden he writes a review of a provider in Montreal of a girl I had just been with a week earlier. He bad mouthed the agency and the girl and tried to make it sound like he knew what he was talking about. Anyway, I told TER and they matter of factly said the review stands. It is his opinion and you cannot prove he didn't see her. He has had his say with his review and you have yours. I couldn't argue with that. I will tell you that I sent a few PMs to the reviewer and I let him know that he was a fucking liar and I was on to him. We did send a few heated PMs back and forth.

I have heard of SPs contesting the reviews and having a few taken down.

The bottom line is that TER has it's ups and downs just like MERB. As long as there are review boards there is going to be fake reviews by schills, glory hunters, and guys trying to get a free 2-weeks of the VIP membership on TER.


Apr 9, 2017
I think another issue of TER, correct me if I am wrong since I am not a member, is that SPs can not respond to false or unfair reviews. So it's very much a one way street.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That is correct. TER reviews are a one way street. The TER model does have the potential to badly hurt or greatly help a newer lady starting in the industry. Which in turn arguably incentivizes shilling. I saw one lady in particular who was a very good MP who got hurt by early reviews. This is why you have to always look at the review history if there is only 1 or 2 reviewers on a lady.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The only demands I got from TER was someone asking if I wanted him to write me a review without seeing me for a ''very reasonable price''...I declined.
I found out I had reviews there a year after my meeting...
And it is minor but the reason I do not care for that site is the vocabulary used to describe sp...they usually use whore or terms as endearing and it is not my level of language....

I don't ever remember reading the term Whore in a TER review, Lilly. I even had the experience of writing about some role playing where the SP wanted me to dominate her and call her names etc. It was all in fun. I wrote a review and guess what? TER wouldn't publish it. I explained that it was harmless role playing and it was pretty vanilla stuff really. TER didn't care. I had to significantly change the review. Lilly, I have read 1000's of TER reviews and I have to respectfully tell you that you are dead wrong. Also, some asshole trying to trade a fake review for a discount is not the exclusive problem of TER.

As EB said, it is a valuable resource. I know several MERB members here that use it because I have often read their reviews. I have also PM'd reviewers and compared notes and there are as many respectful hobbyists on that board as there are here. It is moderated just not as aggressively as this board has been in the past and they are more behind the scenes. For example, I tried to start a thread about FuckTER to understand what is going on and the moderators wouldn't allow me to. I finally had to petition TER and I asked why not? Guess what? They let me start the thread. As I mentioned before, I have read from several girls that have challenged reviews and the TER staff have removed them. It is just hard to prove that it is not real. Like the case with the review I challenged. It is hard to prove that a review is fake.

One feature I like about TER is that the reviews are not cluttered with a bunch of useless chatter. On MERB, you can go through 10 pages of so-called reviews on a girl and find 3 or 4 actual reviews. I also am glad that SPs cannot comment on TER. I don't want to hear "oh thank you dear" after every suck up review. I was a member of a board down south where the SP commented as much as the Hobbyists. As soon as you wrote a review the girls would comment and eventually, there was almost never a negative review published. One guy wrote a negative review and right away the SP made several posts, attacking the hobbyist tearing him to shreds. I noticed this same pattern. Over time there was never a negative review published. One guy got into it with an SP and she ended up calling his wife!!!! I'll be damned if I would go see that SP. Whose paying who? The insane were running the asylum over there.

In short, TER is an excellent resource. I also like this board as well. In fact I spend much more time on MERB. You don't know how good you got it until you spend some time on other boards.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I exchanged a few post with an SP on twitter recently. Saw her post retweeted and replied. She was very pleasant in her message and seem like a good legit provider. She suggest me trying to contact an SP for info and not base my choice on reviews. I kept it short as twitter limit our characters in post (thanksfully its not as bad as it was before) and the exchange was very civile and friendly overall.

Part of what she says is true ill admit. But its not always possible. You can't contact agency ladies directly exept in rare case where they have a merb account (if they where indy or whatever) and bookers are not always 100% reliable. Sure most of the active ones i would say are cool and want to work with us nicely, but they are not the lady herself either. What if they say yes for something and it end up not being the case? Also i know a few bookers are frisky to discuss services in text due to legal reasons.

Sometimes SPs have a "only serious inquiries" message in there ad. What is consider serious inquiries? Does me asking infos would be considered serious or wasting her time? If im asking info its to decide if i will be interest to meet her in the futur or not, im not ready to meet her right on the spot the next day... Even if her answers please me, it does not mean it will work to see her for my next meeting. I may already have a plan prepared or timing may be off...

Happened a few times i sent emails in the past about services inquiries, and was always very polite but direct to the point to not waste any of her time with small talk. I read my mails many times to be sure they reflect a friendly yet direct to business style, wich i would think is the prefered type of messager for SPs? Yet it happened i never received any replies.

I don't blame them, sometimes they may have got 12 random messages in a day and saw mine was not a direct inquiry for a RDV, so they just decided to go over....

So sometimes i have to rely on reviews... sometimes im just shy to ask about specific services (even tough less and less due to help from ladies ;)

I dunno. Maybe TER is different, and im not that familiar with it as i was never able to read more than the intros. I mean i love reading reviews but not at the crazy ammount they ask. For 10$ a month i would probably subscribe on and off too. But anyway merb on the other hand mayeb due to the small market has always been very helpfull. Its true sometimes review threads have "useless" messages in them and you may read 4 pages to only get 3-4 real reviews, but they usually help a lot. The number of times i saw a reputed merb reviewed ladies and had a bad time is.... well very few if any. Most of my least fun meetings where TOFTT with new girls... Ever since mid 2016 i sticked with well reviewed providers and i have a perfect tracksheet since then...

Also obviously my favourite way of establishing contact is still in person at a party, there is nothing more authentic to get a feeling of an SP, but its not always possible obviously.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sometimes SPs have a "only serious inquiries" message in there ad. What is consider serious inquiries?

You see such disclaimers on Seeking Arrangement as well. What it means is no tire kickers or other time wasters. It reminds me of an experience I had at a Montreal MP. I was in the lobby waiting for my girl to arrive for a pre-arranged appointment. In walked some guy off the street. He asked the receptionist to do a lineup. The receptionist told the guy, "if you want a lineup that will be $40." The dude then walked out. The receptionist then told me, "we will always do lineups if asked by regular paying customers, for no charge. That guy who just walked out has been in here requesting lineups twice in the last week and never picked a girl. He just walked out after seeing the lineup. He's a time waster." So she asked that guy for money knowing he would never pay it and would walk out. She did not want his money. She wanted him out of the MP and to stop wasting her time. Mission accomplished!

Most businesses deal with such tire kickers in the same way. In the case of indies they don't like wasting time answering a million questions and having time wasted by someone who isn't for real. So they say "serious inquiries only." Translation: tire kickers, time wasters and cheapasses need not apply.


Sep 4, 2006
I did not read the whole thread but very familiar with the anti-TER movement. In this case I totally understand it. Saying that this is being spearheaded by women who only provide CBJ is completely inaccurate. I have seen several women who got delisted or trying to get delisted who provide GFE or GFE+ (including BBBJ). TER is very different from MERB. Here are some important differences:

1. On TER an SP cannot publicly respond to a review. She can send her objections to the site admin, but if the reviewer insists his version of events are true, the review stays as is. So a reviewer can complain that he did not get any DFK but she cant point out his bad breath. There are also completely fake reviews. One SP complained about reviews that were completely fake but since they flattered her the admins told her to "let it go". In another instance a fake review included stuff she does not do (e.g. CIMSW) and since the reviewer insisted to the site admins that the review was real they left it up. In MERB, SPs have always been able to respond to reviews with comments of their own, to either clarify or dispute certain facts.

2. SPs I know would have bad reviews pop up just as they were about to tour. The reviews would get taken down when the reviewer would not respond to admins when the SP disputed the review. But the admins give the guys days to respond, by which time the damage is done.

3. Fake pay-per review shills have become rampant on TER and there is no sign they are actively trying to combat the problem

4. On MERB you can include as much or as little details in a review. On TER they will not publish your review unless it is explicitly detailed and will push people to include more and more details. I know this because it happened to me.

5. TER has open discussion of BBFS and allows people to openly solicit and promote it.

These are some of the reasons I have not touched TER in the last 3 years and have been limiting myself to Merb/Terb and C69. I no longer consider it a reliable site and I think they jumped the shark a long time ago.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It had long been the policy of MERB that agency escorts could not respond in the review threads, the reasoning being that agency operatives could speak on behalf of the agency. There was an incident in around 2010 or so, involving an Eleganza escort responding to her first bad review, that led to a formal policy in that regard.

More recently, that policy seems to have been relaxed. I have noticed agency escort posters, at least purporting to be the escort, responding in their own review threads. I also saw an agency escort turn Indy come back in her thread and admonish some tire kickers who apparently never saw her but were posting stuff about her, in the nature of drool and nonsense.

I was opposed to the formal policy at the time it was enacted and had a long and respectful debate with the then Moderators. They argued that review postings would be chilled and reduced if guys thought their reviews could be second guessed. And they would be afraid to post. At that time I responded either we are a board of men or a board of pussies and I preferred a board of men which was managed for men and not pussies. The Mods at that time adhered to their position. I don’t know what the current position is. It would be nice if the Mods posted a policy statement on this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
1. On TER an SP cannot publicly respond to a review. She can send her objections to the site admin, but if the reviewer insists his version of events are true, the review stays as is. So a reviewer can complain that he did not get any DFK but she cant point out his bad breath. There are also completely fake reviews. One SP complained about reviews that were completely fake but since they flattered her the admins told her to "let it go". In another instance a fake review included stuff she does not do (e.g. CIMSW) and since the reviewer insisted to the site admins that the review was real they left it up. In MERB, SPs have always been able to respond to reviews with comments of their own, to either clarify or dispute certain facts.

Yes this is true. No one can. And this is mostly a good thing. Go look up a 4-10 page review on this board and look at all the clutter.

3. Fake pay-per review shills have become rampant on TER and there is no sign they are actively trying to combat the problem

This is a problem on any board. They probably get a few more because guys are afraid to give them their CC# and they want free access. I will say you can usually tell which review is a fake..

4. On MERB you can include as much or as little details in a review. On TER they will not publish your review unless it is explicitly detailed and will push people to include more and more details. I know this because it happened to me.

Yep, and how many non-review reviews do you read on MERB? Too many. Without details a review is little more than worthless. Also, with their business model they are trying to get people to pay for a VIP membership. I also like the fact that you have to buy the VIP membership to see the details. Only serious hobbyists are going to give this website their CC#. I believe that no civilian would ever give this strange web site their CC#. In a way, it gives the SP a measure of privacy. Only the people that need to know get to know.

I look at this because I want to know if a girl provides DFK, BBJ, DATY, and MPOS or I wont book them. And I have to say I appreciate a clever review.

5. TER has open discussion of BBFS and allows people to openly solicit and promote it.

I know for sure that you cannot write about it. I tried to write about a girl using her vaginal lips to provide a massage and TER refused to publish this. I told them that we didn't have unprotected intercourse. TER didn't care. They said that they do not promote BBFS. I was frustrated and I argued that it was not BBFS. I got pissed and I stopped reviewing on TER for a few years.

Honestly Stone, I have had my feuds with TER. They are very inflexible and they have pissed me off on more than one occasion. I was so pissed a few times that I stopped publishing reviews for awhile . I regret this because I cant remember exactly which girls I saw during that time If I had reviewed them I would have those memories preserved....and those are some good mammaries....I mean memories.

And I will say it one more time. Hobbying in the USA without TER is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
When it comes to reviews non-reviews ill admit this is something that i personally dislike but "roll with it" as i have no say so. Nothing frustraste me more to see that there is a new review posted on a girl im interest to see only to notice a 2 line review saying "Met this particular girl couple weeks ago, had a good time, would recomand" . Yes it does say you had a good time, wich mean it was not a negative encounter but it give me no clue beyond that. I want more detail than that.

As for point 3 i would say that yes its more than possible. If you have a choice to write 2 fake reviews or pay the ammount they want, using CC#, most peoples would go with fake reviews. I personally won't do it as my integrity is important, but not everybody is like that. I feel they should really change there business model.

You see such disclaimers on Seeking Arrangement as well. What it means is no tire kickers or other time wasters. Translation: tire kickers, time wasters and cheapasses need not apply.

I get this, but sometimes like i said it can be genuine questions. When i was younger and was a "regular" at the SC in my town i would often call to hear the line up. I had my favourite Stripper and i would only go if she was there. She had her usual days but obviously sometimes she was not there for whatever reason. So yeah sometimes the guy would answer and give me the girls name and i would just not go... cause my fav was not there.

In this guy's case maybe he was indeed a time waster, or maybe the 2 times he saw the "line up" there was no girl that really interested him. I understand the massage place to have decided what they did, but maybe it just was bad luck. Some dudes will do anything when there horny. They will respond to a cheap BP ads, get a bait and switch, the place look shady and dangerous, the girl looks on drug and yet they still proceed "hoping the service will be good" when there is like 5 red flags already telling them its probably not gonna be. Im not like that...

In my case its not that i am a "cheapass" or whatever, its really that i just can't afford more than an ocasional meeting every couple months and i want it to be AWESOME. If i was rich there so much girls i would see no question asked and just roll with the flow, if it end up being disapointing, who care, tomorow would be better right? But i just can't. So yes i do have to ask questions especially when there is very few or no reviewsl and/or there not detailed at all.

Maybe im delusional ... but even tough i know im not the bread and butter of these providers, weekly/bi-monthly regulars are, i tend to hope they do realize how happy they make me, how awesome i feel of meeting them, so giving me such joy and happyness make them feel great too. They know i apreciate the moment we spent together. And it may not be worth that much but at least i can make them a nice review detailing the great time we had.

So yeah, maybe sometimes im not lucky, just happened she got 10 mails of "time wasters" that day and she does not feel like replying to me thinking im just another of those. But when i contact an SP for questions, its that she does interest me and i would like to meet eventually. Sometimes there answer will make me cancel the project, other times make me "bump" her much highter on my "list", other times it will just confirm im interested to see her eventually... but i have many other meeting in my head right now so it may be much later. But no matter what, im always serious... she just may not realize it right away.

Despite writing long text on the board, i do only write 2-3 lines when contacting them, so they can read fast and the answers i seek usually can be told in 1 or 2 lines easily. So i don't think im asking much :p


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In this guy's case maybe he was indeed a time waster, or maybe the 2 times he saw the "line up" there was no girl that really interested him.

In the end I do not think it matters to the massage parlor, either way, they waste time and then nobody gets picked and all the girls in the lineup are saying to themselves, "WTF?????????" And you let that happen more than a few times and it's bad for business. The receptionist told me the guy had been in twice previously that week and did not pick a girl, and if she gave him lineup #3 and maybe one or two of the girls were in the prior lineups, word gets around pretty fast that the clients of the business are time wasters. This tends to submarine the girls' morale. Bottom line, it's bad for business and I totally understood why she asked the guy for $40 the third time. She knew he was a cheapass and would not pay and walk out. She told me as much. But in the event she was wrong, and he did pay the $40, she could then justify it with the girls and say to them, "this time he paid to peek." Whether the girls would see any of the "peek money" is anyone's guess.

The real point of the story is to illustrate that there are a lot of tire kickers out there, and the girls on SA and some indy escorts simply do not have enough time to have it wasted by guys who just ask questions and never will be good for any money. Usually experienced indy SPs will know from an intro email and the questions she gets asked who the real clients are and who the tire kickers are, but the "serious inquiries only" is clearly designed to scare away the tire kickers before they waste her time. This is the way of the world, and they all figure it out eventually when they see enough clients.
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