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Rogers Outage Again


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is the second major Rogers outage in two years (time for me to switch service providers). Problem is so many companies put all their cards in Rogers. ATMs and interact is down. So if you got no cash on you, lol good luck. Apparently there is more chaos at Toronto Person Airport because ArriveCAN app is also down due to the Rogers outage. So travelers will not be able to check themselves in. More delays. Bell and Telus has had no major outage that I remember, but Rogers I remember one in 2012 and the last two recent major outages in two years.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I’m a Rogers customer. This is unacceptable!
Internet and basic calls not working on my mobile (all day), you figure there would be some redundancy built into the system.

Besides brining everything back up, they need to figure out what went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Rogers should pay some penalties for the inconvenience caused to their customers!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I plan to switch service providers. This is the second time in two years this happens. Completely unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
As a visitor, at first I didn't understand why my phone wasn't working as I tried to book with one of the local agencies. I contacted my U.S. phone provider (Mint Mobile) who told me what was happening, but also informed me that since Mint Mobile was a Mobile Virtual Network, I could switch my Canada phone service from Rogers over to Bell, TELUS, or Videotron manually anytime I wanted. (MVNOs don't have their own network and piggy-back off local networks.) Easy fix and contact made. It seems that the big telecoms in Canada don't want these MVNOs because they are cheaper.

Ryan Reynolds, one of the owners of Mint Mobile, had a message for Canadian consumers last year concerning this.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Gary H you made a good point for not wanting MVNOs, I will get to that in a moment. The Rogers network came back around 10pm. But this is to show how many including businesses put all their cards into one bucket. Are we too dependent on technology? Rogers said "that a network system failure" following a maintenance update done between late Thursday night and early Friday morning. But this is the second time such a failure happened in two years. The one before was caused by some update and blamed it on Ericsson. This is to prove how organized Socialism (the left supporters love this) by the CRTC to control the market and they limit competition. More competition would make the telecom companies step up their game and lower their prices. What other choices Canada has? Bell or Telus? All similar and over priced companies. Verizon and AT&T were refused entry by the CRTC into the Canadian market. The new companies entry would have caused prices to lower and force the companies to up their game and provide better and give customers and businesses more options and not put all their cards into one bucket.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What happened is a reminded at how bad it is to go to a cashless society. This shows how dependent we are in technology, so many things crashed and no one thought about having a backup. Some businesses already transferred to completely interact and the fact interact went down those businesses had to close because they had no backup for manual transactions. Before 50 years ago society survived without cellphones and the internet. Moral is to always have cash on you. This shows how Canada's move to Socialism is part of the problem. The CRTC controls the market and limits competition. The result is the highest prices for mediocrity and poor performance. Had there been more competition these telcom companies would be much more motivated to keep their service at its best and keep prices competitive. The market landscape is highly centralized.

The real dangers is going cashless, the government and Bank of Canada hinted and are pushing to set a Central Digital Currency System. This is disturbing to see, because a CBDC would be disastrous for our freedom, and make our economy even more vulnerable. This would also mean the end of the hobby of escorts. To start with, consider how the Liberal government abused the Emergencies Act in order to punish political opponents. They used lies and false news stories to justify the use of emergency powers, and even froze the bank accounts of some Canadian Citizens. Imagine what the Trudeau government would do with the power of a Central Bank Digital Currency. It would centralize state power and control over our economy to a massive degree, and would erase any idea of privacy that remains. The Liberals would not hesitate to weaponize a CBDC against their political enemies, seeking to drive opponents out of the economy entirely. As if that is not enough, the Rogers outage demonstrated how dangerous it is for a society to be nearly cashless. Many businesses were unable to process Interac transactions, and much of the economy ground to a halt because Rogers was not working.
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Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
What happened is a reminded at how bad it is to go to a cashless society. This shows how dependent we are in technology, so many things crashed and no one thought about having a backup. Some businesses already transferred to completely interact and the fact interact went down those businesses had to close because they had no backup for manual transactions. Before 50 years ago society survived without cellphones and the internet. Moral is to always have cash on you. This shows how Canada's move to Socialism is part of the problem. The CRTC controls the market and limits competition. The result is the highest prices for mediocrity and poor performance. Had there been more competition these telcom companies would be much more motivated to keep their service at its best and keep prices competitive. The market landscape is highly centralized.

The real dangers is going cashless, the government and Bank of Canada hinted and are pushing to set a Central Digital Currency System. This is disturbing to see, because a CBDC would be disastrous for our freedom, and make our economy even more vulnerable. This would also mean the end of the hobby of escorts. To start with, consider how the Liberal government abused the Emergencies Act in order to punish political opponents. They used lies and false news stories to justify the use of emergency powers, and even froze the bank accounts of some Canadian Citizens. Imagine what the Trudeau government would do with the power of a Central Bank Digital Currency. It would centralize state power and control over our economy to a massive degree, and would erase any idea of privacy that remains. The Liberals would not hesitate to weaponize a CBDC against their political enemies, seeking to drive opponents out of the economy entirely. As if that is not enough, the Rogers outage demonstrated how dangerous it is for a society to be nearly cashless. Many businesses were unable to process Interac transactions, and much of the economy ground to a halt because Rogers was not working.
Many interesting points here, Cloud. Also, one hacker and it's all crashing down baby.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The cashless society thing is a big problem. Yesterday I was in a parking garage in CT and tried to pay an $8 parking bill. I inserted my credit card and for reasons that I could not understand, my credit card was rejected. It was a chip card, I had inserted the chip, and just 15 minutes earlier had successfully used the same card to pay for lunch. In any event I then inserted $8 in cash and the machine accepted my cash. But instead of allowing me to exit the garage, the machine flashed a message that my credit card was not accepted and to choose alternate payment. I then used a phone attached to the payment kiosk to call customer service and explain that the machine took my cash, while cars were honking their horns behind me. After I told the guy on the phone I had removed the card from the machine and paid cash, the guy on the phone apparently accepted my word for it remotely wherever he was, lifted the exit gate, and I was able to leave the garage. Much to the relief of a line of cars behind me.

Technology has reduced labor costs, we all get that, but the problem is we haven't worked out all of the kinks especially with parking garages and self checkout lines. The machines sometimes do not work or have glitches and sometimes it's not easy to figure out what they are.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
The cashless society thing is a big problem. Yesterday I was in a parking garage in CT and tried to pay an $8 parking bill. I inserted my credit card and for reasons that I could not understand, my credit card was rejected. It was a chip card, I had inserted the chip, and just 15 minutes earlier had successfully used the same card to pay for lunch. In any event I then inserted $8 in cash and the machine accepted my cash. But instead of allowing me to exit the garage, the machine flashed a message that my credit card was not accepted and to choose alternate payment. I then used a phone attached to the payment kiosk to call customer service and explain that the machine took my cash, while cars were honking their horns behind me. After I told the guy on the phone I had removed the card from the machine and paid cash, the guy on the phone apparently accepted my word for it remotely wherever he was, lifted the exit gate, and I was able to leave the garage. Much to the relief of a line of cars behind me.

Technology has reduced labor costs, we all get that, but the problem is we haven't worked out all of the kinks especially with parking garages and self checkout lines. The machines sometimes do not work or have glitches and sometimes it's not easy to figure out what they are.
Interesting. This is another problem. 20 years ago there would have been an actual parking attendant there to resolve these problems and avoid line ups. More places are replacing a work force with automation.
Probably the best career to get into now is robot repair.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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As Canadians we pay the most outrageous fees for cellular service and have the poorest service. I too am with Rogers and after the problem this time I am DEFINATELY changing providers. Unfortunately even this won't guarantee service reliability and definitely won't offer the best price available . It is time that the CRTC acted in the best interest of Canadians and allowed companies like Mint access to Canada.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006

Anyone else feels like laughed at?

5 days of service! People who need their phone or Interac to work lost a lot more than that. What's 5 days of service? Pffft.

Ok, Rogers.:rolleyes:

BTW my bill is over 200/month (I have 3 lines), I think I spend enough to think 5 days is a joke.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Right ON!! I feel the same way, they’re laughing at us. I was expecting some important calls last Friday (of all days), the disruption caused me major headaches. And now they’ll compensate me with 5 days service!

It’s ok, I don’t even want it. Keep the change. Lol! Put that money towards building a more robust and resilient network so that we don’t have the same problems in the future!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Anyone else feels like laughed at?

5 days of service! People who need their phone or Interac to work lost a lot more than that. What's 5 days of service? Pffft.

Ok, Rogers.:rolleyes:

BTW my bill is over 200/month (I have 3 lines), I think I spend enough to think 5 days is a joke.
A few of the Montreal agencies had to close down on Friday and the women lost a payday. I went to a popular restaurant for lunch that is usually very crowded and there were only a few customers. There were three waitresses just standing around with nothing to do. (I guess more people use debit cards than I imagined.) 5 days of service credit? I wonder if someone could put a number on how much the working public lost in earnings on Friday?
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