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scrotum - shaving vs hair removal creams..

C Dick

New Member
Mar 1, 2007
Yes, I have had my cock, balls, and anus lasered. The place that I go to in Toronto have no problem with male customers, the staff is all-female and very attractive. They say that they get many male customers, over half on many days. I think you would just have to call around and tell them what you want, no need to be embarrased. There is an active thread about this subject on Terb at the moment.

In terms of pain, it is ok. My wife had her pussy done with Emla, it is basically Lidocaine that numbs it. My technician does not believe in it though, so I take it straight up. She smears this goo onto it, but it is just designed to make it cold, not numb. The anus I could barely feel. The shaft and pubic hair sting. The most painful is the testicles and the base of the penis, it is not fun. But it only lasts an instant, there is no residual pain. I never have had to quit or take a break, though they give you the option. You don't want to though, because then you look like a pussy in front of the hot woman.

In terms of hair removal, it is awesome, shiny and smooth, smoother than it ever is with shaving. Well worth the pain and expense. And it does seem to translate into additional oral attention from my women friends.


Sep 24, 2009
I keep'em hairy. I do not like having my balls played with, so, this *bush* sort of discourages that from happening. :lol:


New Member
Sep 14, 2011
What ever you do, don't use the cream. Read the ingredient, very acidic. Shaving is your best friend.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Shaving is the way to go, you just need a steady hand and solid nerves. If you have the shakes or don't have a steady hand and good nerves, get someone else to do the job.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Shaving is the way to go, you just need a steady hand and solid nerves. If you have the shakes or don't have a steady hand and good nerves, get someone else to do the job.

You volunteering, Beav? Could be a lucrative side job for ya. Lol.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
is there anywhere that would do waxing ?

Waxing the balls! You better have a large piece of wood to bite down on when you do it.... Edge gel and a razor... IMO


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
I tried a cream once (veet or something). It works by dissolving, weakening the hair but you still have to pull out some of the hair after putting the cream on. One time I somehow convinced myself that if I left the cream on longer it would dissolve more hair and eliminate the need to pull out hairs after. Bad move - the stuff is highly caustic and after its done dissolving hair it attacks skin. Ended up with mild chemical burns on the scrotum. I only shave now.
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