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Separatist party wants Habs to be locally owned

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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Canadiens should have local ownership, PQ says

The time has come to bring ownership of the Montreal Canadiens back to Quebec says the Parti Québécois and what better way to do it then to get the province's homegrown Caisse de dépôt et placement in on the act?

After all, the Caisse was involved in a transaction eight years ago when Denver businessman George Gillett borrowed $140-million from the pension fund to help buy the team.

Now the team may be up for sale again and the PQ contends that nationalist aspirations should inspire the Caisse to help Quebec entrepreneurs buy it back.

The Caisse lost close to $40-billion last year and this could be a way to win back some of those record losses, the PQ argued.

"The Montreal Canadiens is more than just a professional hockey team, it is part of the social and cultural fibre of the Quebec nation," said PQ leader Pauline Marois, convinced that buying the team makes good business sense.

It is time Premier Jean Charest and his Finance Minister Monique Jérôme-Forget recognized it, Marois added.

"Yesterday, we were surprised to hear the Finance Minister say that she didn't consider the Montreal Canadiens to be a good investment. She spoke without knowing that the Montreal Canadiens was a profitable business, an investment that paid-off for its current owner at least," Ms. Marois said in the National Assembly. "It is sad that she is sending a signal to the Caisse managers not to get involved."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
johnhenrygalt said:
If they want the team under Quebec ownership, why don't Marois and her husband get some of their buddies together and put up their own money to make an offer?

Who knows. They might once the team is officially put on sale. Who knows, this might be the best thing to happen to the team if you're a Habs fan hoping they start signing more french-speaking players & bring back the glory days of 'the flying frenchmen'.

However, i think the NHL would prefer having a sole owner of a team & not a conglomerate or group of investors. In my opinion, someone like Jim Balsilie would be a great owner.

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
Doc you are dreaming of the glory days which shall never return unless this french issue is put aside and quality is put ahead of language. As a kid, i very much enjoyed the glory days but in those days the habs got the best player from quebec every year, no drafting required. Now toronto had the same benefit from Ontario but they still sucked so I think Habs G.M. Sam Pollack and coach Bowman had a lot to do with it. In today's culture Bowman would never get the job because his french is not up to snuff. Would Patrick Briseby be playing anywhere else this year?. No way and the only reason he is playing here is because he is french. Can you imagine running your business and excluding 90% of employment candidates due to language which in no way affects their performance on the job. I understand the media issue regarding a coach but certainly not for players. One of the reasons we suck is too much reliance on french players and the wrong ones at that. We haven't had a francophone superstar other than a goalie since Guy Lafleur. Just my 2 cents.



Nov 14, 2004
imagine the pressure on the government if they owned the Canadiens to put enough money in to put a winning team on the ice. would there be a cabinet minister in charge of the canadiens? quite funny.


Mar 31, 2005
Je ne suis pas séparatiste mais là-dessus, elle a raison. Les Canadiens font partie de l'histoire de notre province. Ils font partie intégrante de notre culture. Le hockey a une grande importance au Québec et ils doivent demeurer dans les mains d'investisseurs Québécois

Je crois que tu pense encore au Nordique!!!

Quelle fiasco!!

Peut etre ce que Pauline voulais dire, c'est que elle voudrait voir le Canadien devenir une equipe uniquement francophone!!!

Ca doit la decriser que Kovey ne parle pas le Francais!

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Sure.... That's exactly what the habs need! I think the PQ would do a great job running the team. They are an organization with a proven track record of success, and have shown time and time again that they are able to quickly adapt their strategy to constantly changing conditions on the ground. The PQ defines intelligence, flexibility and great management.... This combined with the financial wizards at Caisse de Depot is a recipe for success!!

Go habs go!!!



Mar 31, 2005
Never has a province demonstrated such hatred towards a selective group called the "anglos". The only civil approved and sanctioned discrimination towards a population, if I ever seen one.

The rights and civil liberties of Anglos are curtailed to a point that English is a forbidden language in social, political and the common work place.

Mere fact that it does not stop there, bilingual Anglos are denied jobs, especially at Hydro Quebec, any provincial government and least Desjardin in a way shape or form.

In this "FREE" land the Anglos, has a hard time to get health care in a language they can relate too, and further to this blind hatred the street signs in Quebec are all French.

Though people have died because of the street signs, this to some, is only a small price to pay for "La Separation"

Vive le Quebec Libre? How can you ever hope of having a Free Quebec, when it is carved from the hatred, discrimination and oppression of a population. Clean up your act first, then come and spew your garbage!


pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
Screw you and perhaps take a history/civics lesson you separatist bastard!!!!!!! Have you forgotten Parizeau's "lobsters in the pot" or how "money and ethnics" blew the referendum for you? Don't even get me started on how crooked and rigged the last referendum was as witnessed by the destruction of all ballots BEFORE a real review could be done. How many thousands of no votes weren't counted?. And by the way, if it wasn't for federalism and those provincial transfer payments this province would be bankrupt!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how ignorant some separatists are when they can't even acknowledge that we get more money back then we put in. Vive le Canada!!!


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
pyjama guy said:
Screw you and perhaps take a history/civics lesson you separatist bastard!!!!!!! Have you forgotten Parizeau's "lobsters in the pot" or how "money and ethnics" blew the referendum for you? Don't even get me started on how crooked and rigged the last referendum was as witnessed by the destruction of all ballots BEFORE a real review could be done. How many thousands of no votes weren't counted?. And by the way, if it wasn't for federalism and those provincial transfer payments this province would be bankrupt!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how ignorant some separatists are when they can't even acknowledge that we get more money back then we put in. Vive le Canada!!!

I have a Final Solution to the separation problem. Kick Quebec out of The Federation, and no, they don't get to use the Canadian dollar as a currency. We save the transfer payments, and when come crawling back, broke-ass in a few years, we bend them over and make them our bitches, permanently.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Do I have to remind everyone that this is the SPORTS forum? If you want to have a political discussion, and rehash all the old arguments again, take it to the lounge.



not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
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fun with words
Partis Québecois ( separatist party) wants Les Canadians to stay in Québec.:D

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Savard confirms he's interested to purchase Habs

Former Montreal Canadiens captain and general manager Serge Savard is interested in making a bid to purchase the hockey club.

“If George Gillet clearly says that the Club de hockey Canadien is for sale, then, if that’s the case, me, I’m ready to do the deal,” Savard told the Montreal newspaper La Presse this morning. “I can complete the deal and buy the club.”

Savard was responding to a a news report earlier today by the RDS sports cable network. Citing sources, the network reported that a group involving Savard was poised to make a bid for the Canadiens. The network identified the group as Thibault, Savard & Associates, a real-estate firm based in Montreal .

Current majority owner George Gillett said two weeks ago that he has hired an investment firm to advise him on possible asset sales. But he stopped short of directly saying the Canadiens were for sale. Gillett owns the Canadiens, the Bell Centre and the FC Liverpool soccer franchise in the United Kingdom, among other business interests.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Any more language attacks by anyone will lead to a minimum 1 month suspension.

Keep this thread on topic or it will be closed.



Mar 31, 2005
From RDS it seems that Patrick Roy would be considered for the coaching position if Savard would buy the team!

I guess the next move would be to change the teams name from "Canadians" to well let me think for a minute here ;)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The Habs & the Bell Center now officially for sale, according to SRC

National media broadcaster Radio-Canada has learned today that the Habs & the Bell Center have now been officially put on sale. There supposedly are at least 10 potential buyers who've indicated their interest in purchasing the team:

* La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
* Guy Laliberté of Cirque du Soleil
* Les Production Feeling de René Angelil
* Joey Saputo, owner of l'Impact de Montréal
* Claridge, owned by Stephen Bronfman
* Québécor
* Roustan Capital, owner of the Bauer skates maker
* Le Groupe Aldo
* Spectrum Equity, a billion dollar american investment firm
* The Molston family

They didn't indicate whether or not Serge Savard & his group of investors were among the potential buyers, but i'd bet on it. There are also rumours that a billionaire from Dubai is also among the suitors.


Mar 31, 2005
Peut etre avec la venu de Serge Savard et ces claques, on pourrais meme penser a avoir un lique francaises, comme la LHF !

On peut meme penser a avoir des equipes a Trois Riviere, Quebec, Sherbrooke et peut etre sur un plan Internationale, Paris, et Ypres ou on pourrais avoir des costumes tres colores!

A ben y penser ca va etre un bonne chose de ce deparasser des Anglophones au hockey a Quebec au moins les Islanders ne seront pas seul!

10-19, sorry in English its the Canadians ;)


Mar 31, 2005
Ils n'ont pas fait long feu, tout comme la langue anglaise ne fera pas long feu au Québec

Tres bon commentaire!

Pourtant ils on ete chercher un anglo a la Caisse de Depot pour se sortir du petrin!

Bien tot on va tous parler le Mandarin !! Parle la langue que tu veut mais en bout ligne ca va etre Anglais et Mandarin ou I speak dollars ;)

Soon there will be no Federal dollars, no compensation, and no jobs in Quebec. It might be asked to leave! After this economical fallout were market shrinkage will be in the double digits, the Feds and the Provincial governments will not have any more money and surtaxing the working population will not be doable!

Who do you think will really care what language you speak then!

Isolationists will perish!


Hot and Feverish
Nov 30, 2005
mazingerz said:
Ils n'ont pas fait long feu, tout comme la langue anglaise ne fera pas long feu au Québec ;) Mais libre à toi de te trouver des investisseurs pour la faire revenir si tu tiens tant à avoir un nom d'équipe anglophone, mon cher Porter

Is this guy for real?
Mon cher, la seule affaire a ne pas faire long feu au Quebec c'est les ignorants comme toi, commence a accepter que l'anglais est la langue des affaires et non le francais. Je suis ne au quebec de descendence europeenne et ma langue premiere est l'anglais, mais je parle et ecrit le francais tres bien merci et fier d'etre capable, mais des ignorants comme toi reculent ton peuple en leur mettant des fausses idees que le Quebec doit etre tout simplement francophone. Reveille!!!!! on est en 2009 regarde les nouvelles de ce qui se passe dans le monde, ne vit pas dans ta bulle du Quebec.
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