Interesting case and read.
On one hand I am all in favour of this and taking "John's" to task and standing up for SW rights. On the other hand, this is just a small battle won in the larger war being waged on SWers rights.
I an in total agreement that we need a governmental and legislative shift/change to make things better for all SWers, and if that means exposing and taking the John's to task, so be it. The points addressed by Stella hit the nail on the head.
Ultimately the quote from Wayne MacKay is what many people have been saying for a number of years and I am in total agreement with; “Sex work is work, legal work, and deserves to be treated like other legal work, and if people chose not to pay, they can get a remedy in small claims court.”
On one hand I am all in favour of this and taking "John's" to task and standing up for SW rights. On the other hand, this is just a small battle won in the larger war being waged on SWers rights.
I an in total agreement that we need a governmental and legislative shift/change to make things better for all SWers, and if that means exposing and taking the John's to task, so be it. The points addressed by Stella hit the nail on the head.
Ultimately the quote from Wayne MacKay is what many people have been saying for a number of years and I am in total agreement with; “Sex work is work, legal work, and deserves to be treated like other legal work, and if people chose not to pay, they can get a remedy in small claims court.”
Sex worker wins in Nova Scotia court, but ruling leaves sex industry conflicted
HALIFAX — In a legal decision described as the first of its kind in Canada, a Halifax sex worker successfully sued a client for nonpayment of services, but actors in the industry are conflicted about the ruling's impacts. Former sex worker Brogan Sheehan took Bradley Samuelson to small claims...