Hello all,
We all know that one of the reasons many see escorts is "fantasy"; not just to meet beautiful women we can't get otherwise, but also to try or discover new options not usually offered by girlfriends or mates outside of the hobby. The question here is what has the "Hobby" helped you discover about your sexual tastes? Have you found new avenues of sexual pleasure to enjoy you might not have thought you would? Were you looking to try new options you knew you wanted to try? Or has the hobby been an avenue to play out your already exotic tastes with more, and more beautiful partners?
The real question I thought would be most interesting is: what have you discovered about yourself that you did not expect or found surprising about your sexual preferences???
Okay, so the choices here are as usual limited by the number of them allowed. Of course there are too many possibilities to cover. There is no way to agree on what belongs precisely in which category, especially with fetishes, so discuss that if you wish. Some choices seem very mundane to you, but will not be to others.
This is a private poll to allow anonymity for those who wish it.
Mark as many choices as fit you.
We all know that one of the reasons many see escorts is "fantasy"; not just to meet beautiful women we can't get otherwise, but also to try or discover new options not usually offered by girlfriends or mates outside of the hobby. The question here is what has the "Hobby" helped you discover about your sexual tastes? Have you found new avenues of sexual pleasure to enjoy you might not have thought you would? Were you looking to try new options you knew you wanted to try? Or has the hobby been an avenue to play out your already exotic tastes with more, and more beautiful partners?
The real question I thought would be most interesting is: what have you discovered about yourself that you did not expect or found surprising about your sexual preferences???
Okay, so the choices here are as usual limited by the number of them allowed. Of course there are too many possibilities to cover. There is no way to agree on what belongs precisely in which category, especially with fetishes, so discuss that if you wish. Some choices seem very mundane to you, but will not be to others.
This is a private poll to allow anonymity for those who wish it.
Mark as many choices as fit you.
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