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Shit is going to happen this year!


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Roland>>>> Sounds good to me also.

Esco!>>>>> Yes, your favorite SP :p

Turbodick>> I think the sky is falling... I did get something in my eye when I went out...


J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Was that a big glob of diahrea that just rained down out of the sky???

Well, it just happened. This week the dow fell 400 points and the US federdal bank as well as the EEU bank had to shore up their reserves TWICE with more than $150 Trillion each time. Will it be that the supply of MPs and SPs will increase sharply because of the coming econmic crunch but the demand for these same services will decrease? I do not know if things will go realy bad for a long time, but I do believe that things will go quite crappy for the short term.


Oct 11, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Since George Kennan wrote his famous telegram in 1946 that would shape US foreign policies for years to come, doing "something stupid" is business as usual.

Yeah, like provoking a war with Russia over the north pole with no military. I wonder if we will bail your ass out again after being so unappreciative and anti-American.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
I agree that it's coming as well... The US economy would already be in a recession if they had not forcibly devalued their currency to offset the growing trade deficits, while keeping interest rates artificially low at home... One main reason that only 25% are predicting a recession is because they're all hoping to avoid a market panic. Trying to avoid making it "more likely to happen" by not predicting it... I'm sure their desire to continue on the same course is only stronger after the drastic selling on Wall st. over the last few days... As I see it, the whole stategy is imploding.


Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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I don't think that US will get into recession in Fall because the dollar is weak and the current crisis is due to poor lending which primarily affects housing and construction.

The Iraq war deficit spending will continue and keep the dollar weak, which means that US goods will be cheaper elsewhere in the world and US will continue to attract tourists from rest of the world. Inside the US, people will not take foreign vacations and will take only domestic vacations. Further, foreign goods will be slightly expensive than before, so the demand for foreign goods may slightly decrease, but this will not have an impact on US economy directly.

As long as US keeps fighting wars the chance of recession is low because government spending will remain high and value of dollar low.


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
Montreal was interesting

from a constant tourist from NYC to Montreal each year for over 2 years, the week US dollar cuts hurts the Montreal tourism economy, lets be honest what does Montreal export?
My recent trip was like a cross between the Simpsons and Family Man, you name it it happened,
I tell folks when it comes to Montreal resaurants and hotels and tourist sites;, hope for the best expect the worst! When I got a martini in a cordial glass with ice at no less then Bonaparte's I knew I was in the movie Catch 22 ,
Every service seems to be desperately playing catch up and quick tournover recovery, and there are more folks in Gaudalajara, Mexico who speak English then in Montreal.
The US is an "empire" a-la-star wars
(look up where the name Darth Veder came from if you really want to get the willies, here's a hint, evr heard of Synarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!***)
but at least we have our Michael Moore's, and Alex Jones to rattle the cage and try to wake folks out of the matrix, sadly though it seems as though many of my French canadian brothers, (unlike their Parisian cousins) are not as rebellious against the "Mr. Smiths" and seem to be happy to stay firmly in the Matrix without a care about the outside world much like the Truman Show!!
Well folks this after 11 trips to Ville Marie, the place were the Templars hid the Grail. wil be my last
wishing all of you the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next stop Rennes Le Chateau, et Le Languedoc!!!!
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Big Daddy

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Mar 16, 2003
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You make very interesting points. However, as of today DOW is still up over 6% and S&P is up over 2% when it is worst time of the year in terms of stock market. Higher DOW shows that the current volotility is focused on financial sector. So, I am still optimistic and I don't see a recession coming. People with variable interest mortgages are having hard time paying their monthly premiums and Fed can act and lower interest rates to fix this problem.

As far as debt is concerned, people forget that debt indicates consumption which grows economy. Government debt is not necessarily good as it can increase inflation (government can print more money etc.). But, so far inflation appears to be tamed so I am not worried about it as much. Also, a 13 trillion dollar economy can handle a 300 billion dollar debt (2% of the economy). The reason people hear about the debt in media is because Americans don't want to pay higher taxes to finance the wars, and they won't as long as the US economy continues to grow.

As far as China's threat is concerned. Yes, China can cause a jolt in the stock market but it cannot cripple US economy permanently. The reason is that when China cripples US economy, US dollar goes down and Chinease goods will be expensive in US. Additionally, US can take retilatory actions by adding tarriffs to Chinease goods. Since China depends on US consumption for its economy, China will end up screwing itself. China knows that and it has started sucking up to the US (URL: On a related topic, I think that China is having hard time keeping the cost of its goods low and has started to sacrifice on quality (lead in childern toys, toxins in cat fish, contaminated pet food, and more recently poor quality car tires). I love captialism and open markets :)

When you think about US economy and deficits, you have to answer one question: What is that US sells to other countries?

The answer is: arms, fighter aircrafts, commercial aircrafts, nuclear fuel for energy. These are all big ticket items. US cars and everything else are made for domestic market (Canada included).

Wars and economic growth of other nations help US economy. US will be selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia to strengthen it from Iran(several billions of dollars), commercial and military equipment to India (several more billions of dollars) and nuclear fuel to most nations that have signed NPT and possibly to India as well. So as far as US exports are concerned, I only see an upward trend.

I see Fed lowering interest rates in near future and that should fix the current problem. Lowering rates should improve domestic consumption (low mortgage payments and lower credit card finance charges). Exports have an upward trend and deficit is still managable because inflation does not seems to be a problem yet. Also, when interest rates are lowered the yield curve will look normal, which means that recession is not in near future.
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2005
Central Bankers Overwhelmed by Crisis

I received this email from a friend... Very Interesting.

Debt in itself is not a problem. When all new "money" injected in an economy comes in as debt without creating any additional "new money" for the interest, well there is obviously a shortfall/problem. Now do this over and over and over for years and years and years ....


I find this article very interesting. Do bear in mind that without the consumer, corporations are dead, however, cheap credit is not good enough, recognition of who the real creditor/creator is, is. No doubt the problem with credit is the fact that the interest portion does not exist. I tell you people that we are on the brink of major change and that we can help to steer it. Be a part of it. Get involved. The heck with tv shows and ballgames. The heck with going to the casino or the movie house. The heck with that what will not elivate us. I was told that as a result of the no money down deal for housing, that in california the buble burst, meaning as the value of the mortgaged properties fell below the amount of the mortgage, (margin call) people abandon the homes but were told by the banks to move back in because the banks cannot care for all those properties. Are you getting this. I have no idea of the facts in california but the point is that without the people, what is the point of it all. Let us all walk from all we beleive we own and see what the corporations do. Will they not beg you to come back since it is thier survival at stake? As we wake up that becomes more apparent. People are not names, not numbers and not birth certificates. People are not persons !!! Persons are legal identities created by governments. Gotchya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Let us keep the momentum in our favor going.....

LaRouche - Central Bankers
Overwhelmed By Crisis
$155 Billion Global Bailout In One Day

(LPAC) -- Over the past two days, European and U.S. central bankers have opened the floodgates of cheap credit for imperilled banks, contradicting their own "do-nothing" policies announced as recently as this past Tuesday, August 7. In doing so, they have shown that they consider a systemic crisis of the banking system to be an imminent threat.

Lyndon LaRouche said this morning, "This is the crisis I was speaking of in my /news/2007/07/31/larouche-financial-system-has-already-collapsed.html
statement of last week. That has not changed. What has happened is that this crisis has become so much worse in just a few days that the central bankers have had to reverse their stand. The crisis is overwhelming them."

On the U.S. side, Bloomberg reports that the Federal Reserve injected $24 billion in temporary reserves into the U.S. banking system today.

Earlier this morning in Europe, as all interbank transactions were suspended for two to three hours, the European Central Bank convened an emergency meeting on the acute crisis in the credit markets, and decided to provide an extra overnight facility for the 49 banks which had asked for it, totalling just under 95 billion euros ($130 billion). A senior French banking source said the ECB's hand was forced by "intense demand [for money to cover losses] from the U.S." As in the case of the U.S. Federal Reserve, this was a spectacular reversal of their previous policy that nothing should be done against the worsening liquidity "crunch" worldwide.

The Swiss National Bank had already reversed policy last night, in providing Swiss banks with extra money, according to financial news wires.

Increasingly widespread reports, though denied by Goldman Sachs, said that that bank's $9 billion Global Alpha fund was being liquidated. Other sell-off rumors pointed to the huge D.E. Shaw hedge fund, "worth" $19 billion in assets.

Already on Tuesday, the ECB had given the go-ahead for a "regular" overnight facility in the range of 292.5 billion euros. Together with available facilities before Tuesday, there are now an estimated 440 billion euros in ECB injection money pumped into the banking system.

Nomura International's head of European rate strategy, Charles Diebel, responded to today's action by the ECB by writing, "No one really knows how big the current credit problems are. This is undermining confidence in the system as a whole, and hence the reaction this morning," Bloomberg reports. Ina Steinke, a money-market trader at NordLB in Hannover, said "Every bank is suspect now, so no one is willing to lend money to anyone."

High Frequency Economics writes, "if it turns out that banks are chronically nervous about lending to each other -- this is the dark scenario -- imagine how they will feel about lending to you or me, or to companies with anything but impeccable credit ratings ... or to hedge funds. Pay attention here. This is either a false alarm or a pivotal moment in history"--as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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My opinion.

I think the best we can all hope for is a short term down trend, we have had it too easy for a long while. The Americans will suffer the most, we have it a little better here in canada because we are a resource rich country.
I knew this was coming a long while back, so i have taken my precautions.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Daringly -- I don't disagree, but I think it will take more than just 4 years or 8 years to undo the damage caused by W...

He almost singlehandedly dismantled 8 decades of goodwill that had been fostered by previous US administrations going back to WWI..

He is the worst US president of all time
He has the lowest domestic approval rating of any US president of all time
He has the least support/respect from foreign allies of any US president since WWI...

If Hillary can fix all that in 1 or 2 terms, then she should get her head carved into Mt. Rushmore... Hopefully she will put the country back on the right path, but I think it will take a least 20 years for the US to pull itself out of the current disastrous policies and ongoing PR nightmare...

Funny, you hear about that bridge collapse in MN and the reports that followed saying that it would take something like $350 Billion to fix all the bridges in the entire country... Well more than that has alredy been spent in Iraq -- for what? nothing... Nothing except more problems then they started with...

Well given the choice, I think most Americans would rather have had every single bridge in the country brought up to code, instead of a war nobody wanted, and that seemingly has no purpose...


John Legend

Aug 16, 2004
Albany, NY
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Ben Dover:

It's agreed Bush did a poor job, but you should thank the US constitution forbidding a President to be elected three times. Bush still has a strong popularity in the Southern and Mid Western United States and if he was allowed to run again would have a very good shot winning in a National election against a woman or a man of color. Most of the Southern United States is still fighting the Civil war and still very prejudice towards both women and miniorites. Trust me, if Bush was allowed to run he would have a very good chance to win again!!!

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
John -- the sad part is you're probably right.

Eventually, however, even the most borderline retarded, chauvanistic, redneck, racist bigots are slowly starting to come around.

I think it speaks to just how bad of a job Bush has done... He did SO poorly that the country might actually allow a black man or a woman to replace him.

I believe some of these morons would vote for him again, but hey they chew tobacco and have sex with family members, so what else about their behavior should come as a surprise... On the other hand some of them may use Bush's own words when considering whether to vote for his party again... "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and umm. you know. you can't fool me again"

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