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Shots on Goal - Men's Health Question


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
First, how apropos to discuss Shots on Goal (SOG) here on the Montreal board. It's an honor. Some of you guys are Rocket Richard in the bedroom.

I cannot even come close to a second SOG in 60-90 minutes. If I'm with a new woman, the excitement might get me back into action in two hours if I'm lucky. Otherwise, it could be several hours and that's if there's no alcohol involved. When I was young, I could go five times in five hours. When I hit my mid-thirties, the refractory period started to widen.

I'm wondering if some of you have advice on how to shorten the refractory period. I'm slightly overweight, probably should exercise more, don't smoke and testosterone levels are normal. Does anyone recommend supplements or anything nutritional? Some friends believe weightlifting helps their sexual stamina, but not sure if that translates to more SOG.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2013
How old are you? I have the same issue.. but I'm following a diet and working out now... however my main issue is my mind.
I take longer than 1 h for 1 sog unless the girl does an extremely amazing BJ. I only had 2 sog in 90 minutes with Megan @godiva. She is the only one that made me do that. The other one is ashley frlm xxxtase but i needed 15 more minutes


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have same issue as Sambuca. One and done. Been that way for a while. I should note my weight fluctuates between 165 and 200 pounds in the last 10-15 years and towards the lower end of that spectrum sexual performance is better. Lose weight, exercise regularly, eat well, and take fish oil capsules which will keep your blood pressure down. As you guys get older the blood pressure is going to creep up and you have to fight it or they will put you on Meds. It’s all downhill after 45, you have to work hard to stay in shape and keep BP where it should be. To enjoy your self means better lifestyle habits. Do it now or you will pay for it later.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Fish oil helps with lowering triglycerides, but I've never heard of it having blood pressure benefits until now.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
At the tender age of 70 I had 3 SOGS in 1.5 hours with the amazing Mykaella. Since then it `s been downhill especially since I`ve increased my diabetes meds.
The silver lining is that my decrease in the number of SOGS to one an hour, has led to an increase in the number of orgasms my lady friends have.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fish oil helps with lowering triglycerides, but I've never heard of it having blood pressure benefits until now.

It does both:

I would suggest that all you guys go for a stress test if you are over 40. I had my first stress test 5 years ago and passed easily with very good numbers. Around 3 weeks ago, I failed my second stress test. I was on the treadmill for 4 minutes and 30 seconds and my blood pressure spiked to 220/120. The tech told me she had to stop the test. At that moment I felt great, was not winded and had not broken a sweat. I pleaded with her for another 30 seconds so I could at least work up to my target heart rate. Although she probably should not have, ole EB reassured her that he felt good and that I could reach the target heart rate. With the target heart rate achieved at 5 minutes, and still feeling good, I asked that I be allowed to continue. The response: "Mr. EagerBeaver, your blood pressure is 220/120, and I cannot have you stroke out on my watch. I am stopping the test. That's it."

I then saw the cardiologist for over an hour. He questioned me about my diet, exercise, etc. He noted my very high triglycerides and the incredible spike in my blood pressure after only 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Although he did not come out and say it, the tone of his voice was essentially that 447 on tryglycerides and a 220/120 after 4:30 on the treadmill was pathetic and unacceptable. I agreed that it was pathetic and unacceptable even though he did not say it. I then explained that the night before the blood tests I had eaten two pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and that probably spiked the triglycerides. The cardiologist said maybe. However we then discussed the spiked BP and he wanted me to dial back my salt intake, exercise regularly, take fish oil capsules and get a BP machine and measure it daily, and if resting BP was not under 135/85 he wanted me back in his office.

The blood pressure now seems okay and staying under target numbers. Tonight I went to the gym, went 35 minutes on the treadmill in a workout that was 10x what I did in the failed stress test, and I did not stroke out. I did feel a tad light headed when I got off the treadmill but quickly stabilized and felt good ever since.

In my opinion the issues that led to this situation are the following in no particular order:

1. Getting older
2. Way too sedentary lifestyle the last couple months, gym not being visited enough
3. Weight has crept up since the summer
4. Although diet generally good, too many cheat days that get out of control with eating binges on pizza and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
5 No fish oil caps being taken

I am very confident I will fix this issue and am determined to do so. I ain't gonna stroke out! Not for 25 years anyway.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
With my previous girlfriends in the past I never had an issue with SOG. Not even close. I would usually shoot a quick one and then played on for 45 min an hour for second one. More were not uncommon.

But now mid-forties and big big difference is that now I am having sex, I am not making love. Impossible to explain but for me it was so easy when the focus was just making love to a girlfriend. The biggest being you could fuck pretty much when you wanted (well I mean the first few years, after that well you are here on Merb or you live a life with no sex as so many do...). Not having to wait for a text to come in, shower, fuck fuck by the clock and leave is a huge difference.

Now that I am in this pure sex by the clock mode I do have the same problem as you. Having 2 sog in an hour is impossible. Having one in an hour is sometime a challenge. I know for myself I am in ok shape, never drink before sex, no drugs (except an indy I saw once, men the vape of pot coming out of her were so strong I swear to god I got high! haha) so it's not a physical issue. What is left is the brain.

And what help for your brain is many things. Go kinky with Unicorn Sonia and you unload in 12 minutes ;) Going kinky can help. I recently took a favorite of mine for a car ride, found a nice isolated spot and bingo fuck in the car like 20 year old kid. She got me in 8 minutes ;) I once had one who fucking screamed at me to fuck her fucking ****! What do you think happened? (well other that I did fucked her ****..) I came in under 10 minute. No matter what the girl makes a huge difference. I was with some hot star here and had difficulty (hey dont get me wrong, I had fun as hell, but still difficulty for sog..). So down the road there is no magic here... Some girl will succeed some wont. It's simply not just you.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
She called you Mr. EagerBeaver ? Really? How well does she know
OK Mr. Beaver if instead of a stress test, I have sex for an hour and half with an elite marathon runner, without passing out or getting chest I qualify to have passed?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I did 2 sog a few times in my early years, but usually it would mean not much talk at the beginning and a fast pop from a BJ (under 10m)

My problem is not really the popshot, its if i cum once midway in the hour i won't ne able to "fuck" again. I can get semi hard and get blow, i can even cum in that state, but i won't be hard enough to fuck.

So i don't bother, i just keep the pop for the end of the hour. In a 2H it would be different...


New Member
Nov 20, 2005
Southern, VT
Unfortunately we all succumb to age, and genetics. Aging we can fight to some degree, as outlined by previous posts. Genetics onthe other hand is a hand that we have to figure out how to play when we are dealt it.

Sambuca, there is a chance tou could be stuck at 1 SOG, but with healthy eating, and good exercise you should be able to get yourself back in the game quicker, though you may not take another shot, thats for your genetics to decide.

I have done plenty of Google searches to help myself perform better. I can attest to what others have said that being lighter, and lifting weights, has helped me quite a bit as age has crept up on me, I will be 50 next year. On top of a multi vitamin, and a fish oil, I have added a natural supplement to help boost my testosterone. I started taking it for help with gaining muscle, and losing weight. The other unexpected benefits were better sleep, slept longer before the bladder wakes me up, and the other was in my sex drive, wasn't looking for it, nor did I need it, but an improvement was had.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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She called you Mr. EagerBeaver ? Really? How well does she know
OK Mr. Beaver if instead of a stress test, I have sex for an hour and half with an elite marathon runner, without passing out or getting chest I qualify to have passed?

As to your first question I substituted “EagerBeaver” for my real surname, quote was what she said otherwise.

As to second question, NO, unless you are hooked up to a machine monitoring your heart rate and BP and your other numbers. Your numbers have to be measured, doesn’t matter how long you can go or what you can do.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Ok thanks.
So next time I see one of the Unicorn girls , I`m going to ask her to dress as a nurse and just to make it more realistic to bring a machine to measure my heart rate and BP as she 'heals" me.

BTW I was just pulling your leg Beav.


New Member
Sep 10, 2016
I am 68 years old and in good health for my age. I get regular medical exams, regular exercise and don`t need to take pills of any kind except Viagra.

I have never had any health issues and yet I have been a " one and done " kind of guy most of my adult life.

I also have been married to the same woman for most of my adult life, and have been participating in this hobby for more than one year, so I`m not sure if a conclusion can be made.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Don't know how old are you so what I am going to say may or may not suit you. I do four HIIT classes a week and two to three yoga classes. So physically I am in tip top cardio shape. Funny that I am stronger and more flexible now than in my twenties. I just became middle age btw. I don't eat processed foods and mostly cook my own meals. My meals are mostly chicken, fish, veggies and fruit. Plus no alcohol and I only drink water and tea. With that said I can still knock out three SOGs in a two hour session. Four if it is the right girl.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Numerati if that is fine for you perfect!

Me I would rather trade a few sog if that is the only consequence to my enjoying life with fine wines, beer and other liquid vices... All that with my once in a while fat steak cooked my own style (best alberta beef when it can be found!) ;)

May 23, 2016
Multiple sogs a interesting subject.Until I was 40 I could achieve 5 or 6 in one night .Since then it's going down mid 50.I know its age and I have slight high blood pressure.Not to long ago I achieved 3 in one hour with Heaven.The reason why is because what I was doing to her and what she was doing to me.For me it's between the ears.Two in one hour is usual attainable.I thinks it's genetic and arousal.One thing you guys have not mentioned is masturbating.I'm not embarrassed about it.I test the plumbing at least twice a day it keeps the systems all oiled up for my next encounter.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Keeping and maintaining high testosterone levels and eliminating estrogen in your system is a major factor in helping you with SOGs. Also for me there are no feelings and emotions involved in the hobby because for me that will get in the way. So it is all about ravage and controlled aggression which help with the multiple SOGs. Yet nowadays though after a three day hobby excursion I will need to rest up and I don't think about sex for a few weeks.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Feeling great means nothing!

Many of the symptoms of cardiac disease are not noticable. Your blood pressure can be terrible and you will not know it. You can have serious heart problems and not know it. A stress test can find a lot of things that do not show up if you are not moving. A mechanic will not analyse a car without turning on the engine, likewise you need to be working for problems to show up.

If you are 40 or older get a stress test right away.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree- during my failed stress test I felt great the entire time, wasn’t winded and wasn’t sweated, and my BP was 220/120. If you are over 40 get tested, if you want to continue living a healthy life!

One of my coworker’s fiancée just dropped dead of massive heart attack at age 51. He was an attorney, overweight, didn’t eat well, smoked (until quadruple bypass surgery) and then gained 60 pounds after quadruple bypass surgery. Either you want to take care of yourself or not. He was a good guy but seemed to have the attitude that nothing bad would happen to him. You all should have the attitude that you could be him if you don’t shape up.

Get stress tested fellas! Make adjustments in lifestyle and diet as needed.
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