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Shots on Goal - Men's Health Question


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Fish oil pills? Don't you Canadians just go down to the river or stream and pull out a salmon? Seriously though, this is a very helpful discussion.

Thanks detour098, but for me I find that my gun is firing better if I avoid watching porn and refrain from masturbation. Not that I don't do both. You make an interesting point though. Does masturbation help or hurt performance? I can only tell you my personal experience. I believe for me masturbation hurts sensitivity.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fish oil capsules are highly concentrated with omega fatty acids and it is a supplement that will help reduce blood pressure that needs to be reduced. Probably one capsule equals fish oil of 50 salmon fresh. Also I am not Canadian but not adverse to eating Canadian salmon. You eat salmon to enjoy it, you take fish oil caps to keep the blood pressure and bad cholesterol down.

One other thing I forgot to mention is after my failed stress test I was ordered to immediately undergo the Echo Cardiogram. This test is an ultrasound that looks for any abnormality in your heart tissues and functions and your arteries. It’s about a 30-45 minutes test in which they rub a goo on your chest and then rub a monitor over your chest. You can see your heart beating on a TV screen like a big silhouetted Monster.

My echo ultrasound was normal - no abnormalities were visualized. My blood pressure spike 100% came from being a couch potato and not getting enough exercise and a small weight increase. Genetics as well - my Dad who is 80 years old takes Meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol. He started age 59 and I am determined to be med free at least until I hit 59 and hopefully not til I am a real old fart.


New Member
Mar 12, 2017
So here is my story. When I started hobbying a year and a half ago, I used to come in 5 minutes. It was almost like a girl would put me in her mouth and I would come. As I started having more and more sex, i was able to keep delaying the SOG. My first year, I use to come twice in an hour. Last six months, I sometimes come twice and sometimes I come only once depending on the girl and the mood I believe. Now, I am the opposite. Last Friday I met a girl from SA and I had her orgasm 5 times in 2 and a half hours while I only came once. She was so impressed and I had fun too. I don’t know how it changed but with more and more sex i have been able to delay my sog to 1 or 2 times. I am happy with either as long as we are having fun. I am 41 years old. Slightly off topic but the last 6 girls I met in the last 1 month are all from SA and are not escorts. SA has been a big success for me.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I hope people don't associate ejaculating twice in an hour with "being healthy". You can be really healthy and still not be able to do MSOG. You have to be deep in the escort game to think that MSOG is the norm and 1sog is unhealthy lol. Most people "in real life" dont cum twice in an hour when making love or having sex... :)

EDIT : I mean most guys lol.. and by cum I mean ejaculating


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I don't understand why MSOG is an issue with some guys. Personally I like the time spent with the girl and would rather connect and see her multiple times. MSOG, who cares, I have been with women who I can get to cum 5-6 times in a one hour session and others who cum once, I don't see it as defeat, thats the physiology of the person. It's the time spent and leaving with a smile and if I have to cum twice or more to have that smile, I should be taking up chess instead


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't understand why MSOG is an issue with some guys. Personally I like the time spent with the girl and would rather connect and see her multiple times. MSOG, who cares, I have been with women who I can get to cum 5-6 times in a one hour session and others who cum once, I don't see it as defeat, thats the physiology of the person. It's the time spent and leaving with a smile and if I have to cum twice or more to have that smile, I should be taking up chess instead

I totally agree with this, I am a one and done kind of guy and it's all fun, including the connection part. Guys who treat their escorts/SA girls as MSOG receptacles probably spend less time improving the connection needed to better enjoy the mental part of sex. One sided sex isn't fun in my opinion and guys who are too obsessed with MSOG are likely to not be well liked as clients. Every time you intercourse a lady you are wearing her down for her shift and it's kind of selfish as not all escorts are built to take repeated poundings. The repeated poundings from repeated MSOG clients may actually cost a girl bookings at the tail end of the shift due to overworking her and repetitive trauma weardown. They maximize their pleasure but wear her down and possibly cost her money. Do any of these guys even give two shits to think about this? Probably not. Kind of like the Major League managers who abuse their bullpen pitchers with overuse and cause them to go on DL with wear and tear injuries. Not really any different at all except the bullpen pitcher has guaranteed salary for the year and collects while on the DL, while the escort works by the client booked so she loses money.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Now I know how my future may look like I am going to shoot myself before I hit 50.

Thanks for the heads up.

So.... I know GG used to do this many times, how many of you here just pay the girl two hours and just talk while everyone still keep their clothes on?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Now I know how my future may look like I am going to shoot myself before I hit 50.

Load the gun at 70 and you may want to shoot yourself when you can`t hold a full erection anymore.
You may have the best sex of your life in your 50`s no matter the number of SOG`s you get in an hour.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
When I started hobbying a year and a half ago, I used to come in 5 minutes. It was almost like a girl would put me in her mouth and I would come.

Your story is close to mine. I remember that at first I couldn't cum into a condom because I was so nervous with a girl I didn't know or maybe it was because I wasn't used to using them. I soon got over this and I remember calling a girl in a newspaper add. She was so attractive I came in 5 minutes and she was gone. This happened a few times and I felt like what a waste of money. As I aged a bit it took a little longer to cum and I relished this. Some was brought on by age but I also incorporated bottles of wine and foreplay into the equation. Also, I discovered Viagra. The little blue pill would cause erections so strong that I did not have enough loose skin to allow myself to blink! It also prolonged orgasm. I can fuck and play then entire time and orgasm once at the end and I feel very fulfilled.

I sometimes have two SOG. Some of it is due to the girl and other times it is due to me. Am I rested? Fit? In the correct frame of mind? I do better on an empty stomach and only a drink or two to brake the ice. I only feel the real need to do two SOGs if I have a 3sum but other then that I don't push it. I remember meeting this shark in Oase in March. I wish I would of met her first off. She was a shark and a half but she got me off 3 times that evening after I had already got off twice that day. As soon as I said enough she was gone. A true shark but she had skills so I let her do her thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Load the gun at 70 and you may want to shoot yourself when you can`t hold a full erection anymore.
You may have the best sex of your life in your 50`s no matter the number of SOG`s you get in an hour.

I used to shoot a repeater. Smei-Auto. Then I put a silencer on the end and it took some getting used to. It was more like a flintlock. Now a days, I shoot a percussion fired single and sometimes double shot...And then every once in awhile I meet a girl like Hanna or the girl at Oase and it is like someone hit the selector switch to full auto and I am firing 3 shot bursts.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
i am in my mid 60s and havent even considered two sog for about 10 years. dont see it as a major problem, since i am happy to spend more time on the foreplay and have one good one. i had some recent experience with high blood pressure meds leading to erection problems. i am in pretty good shape since i cycle about 2000 miles a year but about a year ago my blood pressure jumped up. dont know why but i think it was because of stress, felt like i was on an adrenaline rush all the time. so i started out taking a diuretic- total disaster, almost impossible to get and maintain an erection. switched to an ace inhibitor, much better but over time i noticed a decided decrease in my libido. so i started reducing my doseage by halves while monitoring my blood pressure. just recently i was able to get off it completely and my blood pressure is good. reduced my coffee intake and worked on relaxing more and i think this helped keep my blood pressure down. thank god my libido and strong erections are now back.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
so i started reducing my dosage by halves while monitoring my blood pressure. just recently i was able to get off it completely and my blood pressure is good.reduced my coffee intake and worked on relaxing more and i think this helped keep my blood pressure down

Did you tell your doctor that you did this ?

Best Regards


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
no i didnt tell my doctor but i was constantly monitoring my blood pressure and if it didnt go up much then i assumed that i was ok. started with 10mg lisinopril (ace inhibitor) and reduced by half until i got down to 1.25 mg. stayed on that for a while and then eventually went off totally. the literature says that only 1% of men experience reduced libido with lisinopril, so either i was one of the unlucky ones or their estimates are off. i had a checkup about a month ago and my blood pressure was fine so my doctor did not have any concerns. i see they have now lowered the high blood pressure cutoff to 130/80 so a lot more people are going to be on the high blood pressure meds. if you are prescribed a diuretic dont be surprised if you have erection problems. the one i took made it impossible to get an erection. very depressing and i no longer take my erections for granted.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
no i didnt tell my doctor but i was constantly monitoring my blood pressure and if it didnt go up much then i assumed that i was ok

Good luck with that

Best Regards


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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My Doc gave me a cut off of 135/85 on the BP and so far I have managed to stay under it. If you drop a few pounds and increase exercise level it makes a big difference.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Update: the results of my blood test yesterday are back and my tryglycerides dropped from 444 to 177. The cardiologist called me and asked me what I had done. I told him it probably is mostly what I had not done, which was I didn’t eat two pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream the night before the test which is what I had done when it was 444. However I told him I also had started taking fish oil capsules 1000 mg per day. I also told him BP is under 135/85, actually 130/82 when last checked. He told me the triglycerides were acceptable and keep doing what I am doing. I am going back in February for another stress test.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Load the gun at 70 and you may want to shoot yourself when you can`t hold a full erection anymore.
You may have the best sex of your life in your 50`s no matter the number of SOG`s you get in an hour.

Best sex of my life was my sixtieth birthday :clap2:

No rush to shoot myself just yet.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I also had started taking fish oil capsules 1000 mg per day. I also told him BP is under 135/85, actually 130/82 when last checked.

Krill oil is supposedly even better than fish oil, more bioavailability. I get it at Costco. My BP is 118/70.
I want to lose about fifteen to twenty pounds over the winter.
Ben and Jerry' weakness is binging...I am super careful but twice a week I do something stupid.

Walking a few flights of stairs every day is a good measure for most guys. If you are huffing and puffing you know what to do.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A good thing about reaching 60 is life insurance sales people leave you alone.
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