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Should I tip an SP?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
This thread offers an interesting read but there is 1 thing I don't understand. Why are a lot of you trying to convince one another to tip or not to tip? If you want to tip, go ahead. If you don't, then don't. Who cares whether or not the SP pays taxes or not? If you think she deserves a tip, then by all means go ahead and leave a tip. If you feel she gets paid enough, then don't tip.

Personally, I still think Arianaxxx hurt her business with her comments and I don't care how hot she might be. Attitude goes a lot further in this business. If some don't buy it, go do some reading on this board. All successful SPs have good attitudes. Arianna's attitude is far from attractive.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Hi max I agree about who cares. I just phrased it a bit differently: you feel good about yourself when tipping, go ahead. That'a a good reason. If you do so because you feel pressured (like we feel for good reasons at a restaurant), that's a bad reason.

However, I disagree about Arianaxxx. She certainly talks in the name of a substantial number of sex workers. At least she was honest and transparent. I also like the way she said, if I can use that wording: "tasse-toi mononc". Younger generation (I am an old fart) girls are very confident, a quite remarkable success of the feminist movement. The problem is not there, quite the contrary. I praise her for being that way. The problem is in the essence of sex work. Her own words are quite eloquent: hard job but easy money, the two not contradictory. Easy money means losing the sense of money. And losing the sense of money makes you waiting for some more. Not to get more necessarily. No. It has a resemblance of a fix. I am not talking about buying drugs here. The money IS the drug.


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Jun 21, 2003
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Is tipping more of a type of thing an out of towner might do or are locals more inclined to tip an SP too.

I have never tipped an SP or felt inclined to tip her and I am a local.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
TheDon. Well of course we expect out of towners to tip while we don't have to. What a question! We neeeeeeeeeeeed your money, it's good for our economy. Every tip dollar you leave is good not only for the girl, but also for the whole economy. Think about it for a second. When you give a tip we are 2 million here saying "thank yo, you are TheKing". If that is not a good enough reason...


Nov 29, 2009
Question(s) about proper SP tipping

Hello all, happy boxing day =)

I am a casual/infrequent hobbyist, so apologies in advance if my question on how and how much to tip SPs is somewhat stupid. I know that tipping for any service in general (at restaurants, your doorman, parking attendant, etc) is discretionary and depends entirely on the person and the level of service actually provided. I am generally the kind of person who likes to tip the market going rate (i.e. 15% on my restaurant bill, excluding wine) so as to not offend anybody, at the same time not give away money carelessly to try to look like a baller. I've browsed around the site for threads on this topic but came up empty handed.

So my questions are:
1) Is tipping for SPs expected (i.e. if u dont tip, you are a cheap a-hole and the girl would never want to see you again)?
2) What is the market going tip for an AVERAGE encounter? (i.e. decent effort on the SP's part, friendly service, but nothing over the top?) Generally for a $180/$190 booking rate I just give $200 but have seen members here tipping much more.
3) I generally give the donation at the beginning of the encounter. Should I leave the tip at the beginning with the donation, or wait til the end as reward for good service?
4) If the SP provided satisfactory service, but i was dissatisfied with other parts of the encounter (i.e. booker was a jerk, SP delivered egregiously late), should I still leave a tip?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For good service I usually give an extra $20. Another good tip is a review.


New Member
Dec 1, 2012
I think 20$ is fair enough, but if the service is better than expecting, i give more .... Its personal to everyone I guess

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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1) Is tipping for SPs expected (i.e. if u dont tip, you are a cheap a-hole and the girl would never want to see you again)?

No, definitely not. I hardly ever tip, but I've had lots of girls who wanted to see me again. The secrets are cleanliness and good manners. I bet you do just fine in those areas, given that your post here shows a very un-Merb-like degree of thought and consideration for others.:thumb:

2) What is the market going tip for an AVERAGE encounter? (i.e. decent effort on the SP's part, friendly service, but nothing over the top?) Generally for a $180/$190 booking rate I just give $200 but have seen members here tipping much more.

I would say the usual tip for an average encounter is $0. Base pay for SP work is so high that a tip ought to be for something special.

3) I generally give the donation at the beginning of the encounter. Should I leave the tip at the beginning with the donation, or wait til the end as reward for good service?

Definitely wait until the end unless you know the girl and are confident that you are about to click once more.

4) If the SP provided satisfactory service, but i was dissatisfied with other parts of the encounter (i.e. booker was a jerk, SP delivered egregiously late), should I still leave a tip?

Sure, if you think the girl's service deserves it. No reason she should suffer just because the other people can't do their jobs.

Some more about my philosophy of tipping. We tip waiters, car attendants, hair cutters and bell boys. We don't tip chiropractors, physical trainers, accountants, lawyers or doctors. Why? Because people in the second group make a nice hourly pay rate, whereas people in the first group don't.

SPs fall into the high-pay group. Therefore we don't normally tip them. But sometimes we make an exception. Why? Two reasons. 1) The work does take a lot out of a person. 2) If an SP does her job very well, odds are that you're going to like her and want to make her especially happy.

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Jul 28, 2009

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