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Should I Use My Cell Phone?


We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
Northeast Corridor
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agentleman27 said:
Any chances the number called was an 800 number?
FYI, agentleman27's point is that whenever you call an 800 number, they get your phone number, regardless of ID block. (I know, I have several 800 numbers. :))

You could also try using a calling card from your cell phone. That usually returns the calling card company number as the ID rather than your phone.

(Hell, for lots of international calls, I have my cell programmed to use a calling card to avoid the high direct-dial rates. In some cases, my cell won't even make the international call.)


Selective hobbyist
Apr 10, 2004
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breadman said:
Not an 800 number...a regular number that any escort agency might list.

Very strange,

Can you PM me the phone number, please? I'd like to investigate. I suspect something but I need to prove it. There was at least one small provider who bragged, a while ago, to display CallerID even if the number was private. You have to know that when your number is private, or when you dial *67, that your CallerID is still received by the called number phone switch. The private number attribute, or when you dial *67, simply sets a bit in the calling info asking the phone switch not to display it. The calledID is always there but not displayed. Don't want to bother you with links to network standards.



We Want Information
Aug 1, 2003
Northeast Corridor
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agentleman27 said:
The private number attribute, or when you dial *67, simply sets a bit in the calling info asking the phone switch not to display it.
Hence the difference between when it says "Private" and "Unknown."

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Mr_Ballz said:
that why prepaid phone are now the best for privacy the registration can be fill by internet or by phone (public one) and be full of crap the only thing you need is to remember to refill your minute.

I also heard that there is software that exists enabling agencies, SPs or anyone else to view real info even if you have it blocked. Maybe we should all use prepaid phones to guard our private info.

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Interesting thread...

Being single and not having to answer to anyone about my calls, expenses, etc. I used to call directly from my mobile but recently Rogers and Fido have decided to display the names of their callers to anyone that subscribes to full caller ID. I don't have a problem with my phone number being displayed but I didn't want my name to be displayed. I asked them to have my name removed and only to display my number and they told me that it was an all or nothing deal. I would have to block both or block none.

I noticed that some SPs will not acknowledge or pick up blocked or private numbers.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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looking for info on pay as you go plans

Couple questions that i need answered...

If i buy a pay as you go plan, can i get just the sim card since i have a phone that's already unlocked?

If i let the phone's credit go down to zero, can i still activate the phone by putting on more credit?

What's the smallest credits available for a pay as you go phone? And can these be purchased over the internet?
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